
Not really, no. Its just a safe haven. Somewhere where you can be yourself and talk to people who will understand. 
I guess that's up to you. In the starting post I mentioned that there were bedrooms or dorms. Your character can either live there or go back and forth. I'm letting you guys pretty much do whatever.

Name: Aero Rossiter

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Height: 157cm (Sorry. I don't know any other measurements.)

S/O: Heterosexual


Personality(I'd like a good paragraph):

Aero is depressive and enclosed. He doesn't like talking to others about anything and makes any attempt to avoid all conversations. Aero also tends to be rather shy and quiet, not really having interacted with others. He is never happy as he believes that everything good will end badly for him.

Biography(1+ paragraphs please):

Aero was born to his mother and father and when he was five, his little sister was born. He was so happy to have a sibling; even if it was a girl and cared for her as much as a five year old could. It was pleasing to have his parents be proud of him and were willing to trust their son with their little daughter while they went out and went shopping for a few hours.

Everything was going well until Aero was ten and his sister, five. That was when his sister was diagnosed with cancer and put into hospital. The family was allowed Aero to leave school to stay by his little sister's side until she showed signs of improving. However, that was not to be the case. After a few months of battling against the disease, Aero's sister passed away, leaving him heartbroken and horribly depressed. It was years before he began to return to normal. During those months, Aero struggled to get through life, refusing to eat. He began to close up to the outside world and became a shell to the cheerful boy he used to be.

It was when he met his first best friend that things began to look up for Aero. His friends name was Kalin who led a life full of abuse from his father and did self harm because of it. The two could not be separated because of their unbreakable friendship. They finished school together and started secondary together.

It was five years before Aero's life went downhill again...

Aero received a call from the police, telling him that Kalin was at the top of a building, getting ready to commit suicide. When he arrived, he tackled Kalin to the ground and the two of them fought for a while, before deciding to throw him away from the edge to stop the fight. However, he didn't hear his friend hit the ground and scrambled to the edge to see his best friend falling to his death...

Basic Reason for Self Harm: Killing his best friend and losing his little sister.

Type of self harm(optional): Cutting

Other: Has a fear of thunder since Kalin died during a thunderstorm.

Name: Roderick Ester

Gender: male

Age: 18

Height: 5' 7"

S/O: bisexual


Personality(I'd like a good paragraph): When you first meet Roderick, he can be cold. He doesn''t want to get close to anyone because he thinks they may trick him. He has been pushed around for years at school which has caused him to stay to himself. He loves art, piano, and music. He is very talented in music and loves any knid of sad song. He is the kind of guy who can make something special from anything. He used to be funny and kind. He still is if you get close to him.

Biography(1+ paragraphs please): When he was younger, everyone seemed to make fun of him except for No One, the voice inside in his head. After a few years, Roderick started to get sick of the teasing. He attempted suicide and everyone found out that he had schizophrenia. He was then tourmented about that. After about 2 weeks, his only friend left him after becoming friends with the person who hated him the most. His friend new that he was cutting but thought he couldn't help him. He started to write stories about himself commiting suicide.

He then came to shool one day and found everyone had read his notebook. They said stuff like 'go kill yourself' 'schizo' ect. He then came to they red room as a place to recooperate.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: schizophrenia and bullying

Type of self harm(optional): cutting burning and suicide attempts

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Name: Ana

Gender: female

Age: 16

Height: 5'3 (weight: 71 lbs)

S/O: heterosexual

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be736458e_ScreenShot2013-12-01at11.25.48PM.png.abd5ff1f27f400f0b812cbae985a446c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10007" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be736458e_ScreenShot2013-12-01at11.25.48PM.png.abd5ff1f27f400f0b812cbae985a446c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She has a very strong drive and determination. Her self-criticism and perfectionist tendencies often get in the way of enjoying her life. She is very shy and introverted, so she doesn't make friends easily. At first, she seems to be very bitter and cold, but it is only because of her unsureness of herself. She is never the one to start and conversation. Once comfortable, she loves the company of others. Huge animal lover and book nerd.

Biography: She is the only child to a lying and abusive father and an overbearing depressed mother. When 8 years old, her father became violent and was sent to jail. He fled the country and then came back to try and build a relationship with her. He has several mental issues and is very hard to deal with. Her mother has depression and is extremely overbearing and cruel to Amy.

Amy is obsessed with being the best. She must have the best grades and is always practices her passion: dance. She spends hours a day dancing ballet en pointe in order to be the best in her class and eventually get accepted into a professional company. The burning of calories is helpful too.

Amy developed anorexia when she was 10. It started with dieting to be able to be lifted in partner classes better, but that quickly spiraled out of control. At 13, she began purging and taking laxatives/diet pills/diuretics, etc. Over exercising by dancing out of classes became a must. Restriction of food was a necessity.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: depression, daddy issues, overbearing mother, perfectionist

Type of self harm: anorexia and bulimia<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be73605b1_ScreenShot2013-12-01at5.05.24PM.png.1a50fbc9e0b0d0eae235e99ff2507cb3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10006" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be73605b1_ScreenShot2013-12-01at5.05.24PM.png.1a50fbc9e0b0d0eae235e99ff2507cb3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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brokenhallelujah said:
Name: Roderick Ester
Gender: male

Age: 18

Height: 5' 7"

S/O: bisexual


Personality(I'd like a good paragraph): When you first meet Roderick, he can be cold. He doesn''t want to get close to anyone because he thinks they may trick him. He has been pushed around for years at school which has caused him to stay to himself. He loves art, piano, and music. He is very talented in music and loves any knid of sad song. He is the kind of guy who can make something special from anything. He used to be funny and kind. He still is if you get close to him.

Biography(1+ paragraphs please): When he was younger, everyone seemed to make fun of him except for No One, the voice inside in his head. After a few years, Roderick started to get sick of the teasing. He attempted suicide and everyone found out that he had schizophrenia. He was then tourmented about that. He then started cutting and burning and attempting suicide.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: schizophrenia and bullying

Type of self harm(optional): cutting burning and suicide attempts

Can you add a bit more to his biography? 

[QUOTE="Annie Neals]
Name: Ana
Gender: female

Age: 16

Height: 5'3 (weight: 71 lbs)

S/O: heterosexual

Appearance:View attachment 31536

Personality: She has a very strong drive and determination. Her self-criticism and perfectionist tendencies often get in the way of enjoying her life. She is very shy and introverted, so she doesn't make friends easily. At first, she seems to be very bitter and cold, but it is only because of her unsureness of herself. She is never the one to start and conversation. Once comfortable, she loves the company of others. Huge animal lover and book nerd.

Biography: She is the only child to a lying and abusive father and an overbearing depressed mother. When 8 years old, her father became violent and was sent to jail. He fled the country and then came back to try and build a relationship with her. He has several mental issues and is very hard to deal with. Her mother has depression and is extremely overbearing and cruel to Amy.

Amy is obsessed with being the best. She must have the best grades and is always practices her passion: dance. She spends hours a day dancing ballet en pointe in order to be the best in her class and eventually get accepted into a professional company. The burning of calories is helpful too.

Amy developed anorexia when she was 10. It started with dieting to be able to be lifted in partner classes better, but that quickly spiraled out of control. At 13, she began purging and taking laxatives/diet pills/diuretics, etc. Over exercising by dancing out of classes became a must. Restriction of food was a necessity.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: depression, daddy issues, overbearing mother, perfectionist

Type of self harm: anorexia and bulimia

Oh and for all the rest of course you guys can join! >_< God you don't have to ask. It still says accepting therefor you can go ahead and make a character. Sorry I haven't been on, family was over and things were busy.
Wow. I haven't posted yet and I apologize deeply. I'll get right to it ASAP!

Is it alright to just suddenly rock up to the room?
Name: Scarlett Parks

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Height: 5'11"

S/O: Pansexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.f6df1b76ad743a28227e6253a3d74a07.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10142" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.f6df1b76ad743a28227e6253a3d74a07.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Scarlett seems like the average girl, but she has bigger problems. She pretends that life is "ok" and that what she does won't affect her. But really, it only hurts her more. She is really gentle and a lovable person, but behind the hidden emotions, she has a terrible past. Scarlett tries to stay out of conflict most of the time. She gets scared when people fight, due to her past, and normally tries to fix the situation, even if it isn't her business. Scarlett feels that life is just a book, but her book is burnt and something that shouldn't be read. In all, she is a quiet yet loving girl. Just don't ask about her past.

Biography: When Scarlett was a young girl she thought abuse was normal. Her dad would kick her and her mother, or even pull out a knife when it came to the really bad times. But talking to people about it scared her. She grew up thinking every family had a father with an anger like her's did. Though she never knew it was anything but. After 10 years of hurtful and abusive behavior, Scarlett finally stood up for herself, but it ended up in a worse situation. She became the "freak" of her school when she cam in with bruises and cuts that everyone seemed to think she did on her own. But what she didn't understand was why they thought it wasn't 'normal'. When Scarlett turned 13 her father left the family with another woman and they left without any good-bye. Although Scarlett didn't mind anymore. She started to feel safer, but nobody could get over trauma like that. She started to think she had voices in her head that told her to do different things that somehow ended up hurting her. She would either break her bones one by one, cut herself until there was a pool of blood, or honestly try to commit suicide. She couldn't understand what happened in her past to make her feel and do these things. But what she'll never know is that it was never 'normal' for her abuse.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: Abuse and violent behavior from her father up until she was 13.

Type of self harm: Suicidal thoughts, cutting, breaking bones, etc.

Other: Scarlett is a girl with mixed emotions, but she takes hurtful things and turns them into "happy thoughts" when really, it means she hurts herself. Basically, she doesn't take things very well. 
@Sock 0.0 was I accepted? :3<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.b5cb62777183ece0d3d52cc669e43bff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10143" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.b5cb62777183ece0d3d52cc669e43bff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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TheLovelyDead said:
Name: Scarlett Parks
Gender: Female

Age: 19

Height: 5'11"

S/O: Pansexual


View attachment 31839 View attachment 31837

Personality: Scarlett seems like the average girl, but she has bigger problems. She pretends that life is "ok" and that what she does won't affect her. But really, it only hurts her more. She is really gentle and a lovable person, but behind the hidden emotions, she has a terrible past.

Biography: When Scarlett was a young girl she thought abuse was normal. Her dad would kick her and her mother, or even pull out a knife when it came to the really bad times. But talking to people about it scared her. She grew up thinking every family had a father with an anger like her's did. Though she never knew it was anything but. After 10 years of hurtful and abusive behavior, Scarlett finally stood up for herself, but it ended up in a worse situation. She became the "freak" of her school when she cam in with bruises and cuts that everyone seemed to think she did on her own. But what she didn't understand was why they thought it wasn't 'normal'. When Scarlett turned 13 her father left the family with another woman and they left without any good-bye. Although Scarlett didn't mind anymore. She started to feel safer, but nobody could get over trauma like that. She started to think she had voices in her head that told her to do different things that somehow ended up hurting her. She would either break her bones one by one, cut herself until there was a pool of blood, or honestly try to commit suicide. She couldn't understand what happened in her past to make her feel and do these things. But what she'll never know is that it was never 'normal' for her abuse.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: Abuse and violent behavior from her father up until she was 13.

Type of self harm: Suicidal thoughts, cutting, breaking bones, etc.

Other: Scarlett is a girl with mixed emotions, but she takes hurtful things and turns them into "happy thoughts" when really, it means she hurts herself. Basically, she doesn't take things very well. 
@Sock 0.0 was I accepted? :3
If you could add a bit to the personality it would be great. 
@TheLovelyDead accepted
Name: Kenna Lee Necchi

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Height: 6"2

S/O: Bisexual

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7e07b2a_download(1).jpg.088fd14ad5589751c1d5ff561da9c1ac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10457" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7e07b2a_download(1).jpg.088fd14ad5589751c1d5ff561da9c1ac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kenna has long brown hair with beautiful streaks in it. Her eyes are an amazing blue. She has a slender body. But, she doesn't think that. She tries to be different so much. Kenna will not wear her hair into a pony tail, because she thinks its to original. Although, she does sometimes let it flow down. She wears tight dresses half of the time. She think shes too fat. Her smile is absolutely perfect. She is anorexic and starves herself each day. She has scars on her wrists from cutting.

Personality: Kenna is insecure and doesn't like herself. She is very affectionate, but rarely shows it. She tries to act tough and hide her feelings, but she doesn't do it very well. She gets mad easily but can control it through cutting. She is very brave although she does not act it. She is very shy and doesn't like talking in front of huge crowds. She is a 'cry' baby because she cares a lot about other people. She doesn't like bullies. She has been bullied several times, but tries to be brave for her friends. She can be very creative and bright-minded if you can get on her good side.

Biography: Kenna grew up in South Carolina. She was a very happy child with her mother and father. Each day she would go to school with her friends laughing. She spent the night on weekends and hardly was ever at home. She though it would last forever. One day she came home from school, her mother was on the couch smiling. "Were going to Disney Land!" She happen to cry. But everything turned the wrong way. Everything.

On their way to Disney Land, they hit a car. Kenna was flung forward and almost out the window. Her mother, without a seatbelt, was ripped from her seat and straight through the wind shield. Her father was hit directly. It was two hours before the police came and took her away. All she remembered was the horrible pain that she felt near her heart.

Kenna was sent to the hospital with her mother and father. Both didn't make it. Kenna made it but by very little. She was sent to her grandmother's house, to live there for the of her days till she was 18. Her grandmother was a very serious woman, very important too. She made Kenna do all the hard work for her.

Kenna finally made it to the Red Room. She found out about through a friend at school and decided to run away. She packed one bag of clothes, some food, and her mothers necklace.

Basic Reason for self harm: Bullying

Type of self harm: Cutting, anorexic, and suicidal.





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Name: Ariel Lockheart

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 4'11"

S/O: Straight.

Appearance: Ariel has blonde hair and blue eyes. She's very thin and always wears long sleeves and jeans. It's how she covers up her scars.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be88600fd_AGirlWithBlondeHairBlueEyes.jpg.a22c707d19044229f3ee33038c08e902.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10951" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be88600fd_AGirlWithBlondeHairBlueEyes.jpg.a22c707d19044229f3ee33038c08e902.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Ariel hates life, and life seems to hate her right back. On the outside, she seems like your average girl. She has friends and a cool younger brother, but on the inside, she's anything but average. She's depressed. It's as simple as that. Though sometimes she has her okay moments of happiness where she's able to act like her bubbly and sweet side, but it all comes back to cutting.

Biography: Ariel is one of nine children, and her parents never seem to have any time for her. It doesn't bother her though, not really anyway. She finds refuge at parties and when she's alone. At parties, she gets drunk until she can't remember anything, not even who she is. It's then does she let lose. She has drugs and lets people do whatever they want with her body. And she won't remember a thing.

Then, when she's alone, it's completely different. It's then does she cuts. She cuts deep enough that her bathroom floor is now stained pink. The only reason her parents haven't figured out what she does yet is because of her anemic older sister. They all believe it's just blood she might of spilled, not Ariel cutting. To them, she's the perfect daughter that does nothing. Yeah, it's strange to them that she's always wearing long sleeves and jeans even during the summer, but it's not like they pay enough attention to her for them to really ask her about it.

But, then she found out about The Red Room. It's there does she find her refuge, where she's able to let lose without having to get intoxicated. It's there where she might find someone that wants her for her.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: Ariel self harms because she's depressed. The reason she is depressed is because of the death of her oldest brother. It really affected her.

Type of self harm(optional): She cuts, drinks, and does drugs.

Other: None.



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Name: Trenton Lee Luke (also from the " Parents, Siblings, and Friends " rp)

Age: 15 (set before Trent gets help)

Gender: Male

S/O: Straight

Appearance: boy s&qpvt=mixed boy s&FORM=IGRE#view=detail&id=FC0744FD0C03781D8ED68B999F70B9447E8AECE5&selectedIndex=136

Personality: Nice, Quiet, Nerdy, paranoid, bulimic, smart, and loves to sing, dance, act, and rap. He is very shy and hates to sing in public places, where people are looking at him and not saying anything. He has a phobia of being laughed at. His sister can also sing and dance, but he lost her when he ran away from his dysfunctional family and home, where he was beaten and neglected.

Bio: Trenton comes from a very hard background full of drugs and crimes. When his mom was on crack- cocaine ( before she went to rehab), Trents father was shot and killed by a gang drug dealers, who in which ,were owed money by Trent s mom.After his mom's dug dealer moved in and became his stepfather, he was beaten repeatedly by his mom and his stepfather multiple times a day and his stepfather raped his older sister almost every night. But at the age of 10, Trent found refuge in an orphanage, where he hid for 3 years, until he was taken in by his grandparents. Blythe, his older sister had become pregnant by her stepfather and was to the point where she had a miscarriage. She was saved and reunited with Trent a year later, but the two have hated each other for not helping each other.(This part from here and on is the setting for the other rp that this character is from.) They were reunited with their original mother and new stepfather,who had remarried after his mom got out of rehabilitation. That was when Trent was 16. Their had fallen apart, and ever since then, hate and cruel memories have floated around the house. Their beautiful home and family is just another illusion to the public.

Basic reason for self- harm: Fathers' death, physical abuse, reglection, and bulimia.

Types of self- harm: Scalp- scratching, sticking pins in arms, finger- cutting, and wall- punching.

Other: Loves mangoes, Apple juice, and sugar cookies. Hates dogs.
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Chava said:
Name: Ariel Lockheart
Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 4'11"

S/O: Straight.

Appearance: Ariel has blonde hair and blue eyes. She's very thin and always wears long sleeves and jeans. It's how she covers up her scars.View attachment 33785

Personality: Ariel hates life, and life seems to hate her right back. On the outside, she seems like your average girl. She has friends and a cool younger brother, but on the inside, she's anything but average. She's depressed. It's as simple as that. Though sometimes she has her okay moments of happiness where she's able to act like her bubbly and sweet side, but it all comes back to cutting.

Biography: Ariel is one of nine children, and her parents never seem to have any time for her. It doesn't bother her though, not really anyway. She finds refuge at parties and when she's alone. At parties, she gets drunk until she can't remember anything, not even who she is. It's then does she let lose. She has drugs and lets people do whatever they want with her body. And she won't remember a thing.

Then, when she's alone, it's completely different. It's then does she cuts. She cuts deep enough that her bathroom floor is now stained pink. The only reason her parents haven't figured out what she does yet is because of her anemic older sister. They all believe it's just blood she might of spilled, not Ariel cutting. To them, she's the perfect daughter that does nothing. Yeah, it's strange to them that she's always wearing long sleeves and jeans even during the summer, but it's not like they pay enough attention to her for them to really ask her about it.

But, then she found out about The Red Room. It's there does she find her refuge, where she's able to let lose without having to get intoxicated. It's there where she might find someone that wants her for her.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: Ariel self harms because she's depressed. The reason she is depressed is because of the death of her oldest brother. It really affected her.

Type of self harm(optional): She cuts, drinks, and does drugs.

Other: None.

trhymes7900 said:
Name: Trenton Lee Luke (also from the " Parents, Siblings, and Friends " rp)
Age: 15 (set before Trent gets help)

Gender: Male

S/O: Straight

Appearance: boy s&qpvt=mixed boy s&FORM=IGRE#view=detail&id=FC0744FD0C03781D8ED68B999F70B9447E8AECE5&selectedIndex=136

Personality: Nice, Quiet, Nerdy, paranoid, bulimic, smart, and loves to sing, dance, act, and rap. He is very shy and hates to sing in public places, where people are looking at him and not saying anything. He has a phobia of being laughed at. His sister can also sing and dance, but he lost her when he ran away from his dysfunctional family and home, where he was beaten and neglected.

Bio: Trenton comes from a very hard background full of drugs and crimes. When his mom was on crack- cocaine ( before she went to rehab), Trents father was shot and killed by a gang drug dealers, who in which ,were owed money by Trent s mom.After his mom's dug dealer moved in and became his stepfather, he was beaten repeatedly by his mom and his stepfather multiple times a day and his stepfather raped his older sister almost every night. But at the age of 10, Trent found refuge in an orphanage, where he hid for 3 years, until he was taken in by his grandparents. Blythe, his older sister had become pregnant by her stepfather and was to the point where she had a miscarriage. She was saved and reunited with Trent a year later, but the two have hated each other for not helping each other. They were reunited with their original mother and new stepfather,who had remarried after his mom got out of rehabilitation. That was when Trent was 16. Their had fallen apart, and ever since then, hate and cruel memories have floated around the house. Their beautiful home and family is just another illusion to the public.

Basic reason for self- harm: Fathers' death, physical abuse, reglection, and bulimia.

Types of self- harm: Scalp- scratching, sticking pins in arms, finger- cutting, and wall- punchin


Other: Loves mangoes, Apple juice, and sugar cookies. Hates dogs.
Not accepted. The bio talks about when trent is 16, yet you say hes 15. I can't have you make up the future. If you could change those things, and also Bulimia is an eating disorder, not a reason to self harm, it is self harm. Also, do you mean that he scratches his scalp, cuts his fingers and punches walls? I'm just confused with this. If you can also add more to the personality that would be nice.
Sock said:

Not accepted. The bio talks about when trent is 16, yet you say hes 15. I can't have you make up the future. If you could change those things, and also Bulimia is an eating disorder, not a reason to self harm, it is self harm. Also, do you mean that he scratches his scalp, cuts his fingers and punches walls? I'm just confused with this. If you can also add more to the personality that would be nice.
Ok, well first off, (not being mean but) I clearly addressed that my character is from another rp. Secondly, scalp is the skin deep beneath your hair, which means that Trent scratches his head until bloody. This is because of his bulimia. When you are severely hungry and can't eat for whatever reason, you go a bit crazy and start harm yourself. He punches walls out of anger held from his past life and continuously hurts himself. But if that's the way you feel about it, I guess I just shouldn't have even come this rp anyway. :P But I'll change it for your sake..... 

Sock said:

Not accepted. The bio talks about when trent is 16, yet you say hes 15. I can't have you make up the future. If you could change those things, and also Bulimia is an eating disorder, not a reason to self harm, it is self harm. Also, do you mean that he scratches his scalp, cuts his fingers and punches walls? I'm just confused with this. If you can also add more to the personality that would be nice.
And by the way, bulimia itself is not self harm, people who have it can't help it. So get your facts straight first, BEFORE criticism.
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