

Three Thousand Club
Character Sheet:







Personality(I'd like a good paragraph):

Biography(1+ paragraphs please):

Basic Reason for Self Harm:

Type of self harm(optional):

can i reserve a girl. i wanna make this the most personaly rp ive ever done. because this. this actually happens to me 
this acually made me cry a little bit.
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  • Name: Skyler(Sky, Stiles) Johnson
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 18
  • Height: 5'10
  • S/O: Bisexual
  • Appearance:
(His hair is long, like the last picture.)
Personality(I'd like a good paragraph):
Stiles is loud. He talks, he moves, he does his best to fill a room to the brim, and he doesn't seem to be able to stop or even pause. He has a rather extreme case of ADHD, for which he takes medication -- not always appropriately, as he tends to abuse his drugs when he needs to avoid sleep, but it does also seem to do the job of keeping him settled. He has trouble keeping his thoughts or attention on a single path, jumping from point to point in a way that makes sense to no one but Stiles. The general assumption most people have of Stiles is that he's a socially awkward motormouth, and his tendency to not make a whole lot of sense when explaining his leaps in logic (or just conversation) doesn't do much to counter that.
With the constant motion comes personal habits some people find unattractive. Stiles doesn't always respect personal boundaries, such as backing off when a peer doesn't wish to answer some personal questions or maintaining appropriate distance when his crush is drunk on Vicodin while recovering from a traumatic event. He doesn't mean harm by this behavior, and mostly does it because he doesn't seem to think there's anything wrong with being curious or (overly) attentive. This is Stiles' main problem: he doesn't think his decisions through or consider the effects they may have on other people. A lot of the trouble Stiles gets into would be easily avoidable if he a) stopped hanging out with people who pushed him into trouble(which is not going to happen) or b) spent a little more time considering just what might happen before putting himself in bad situations
While he might not seem it at first glance, Stiles is fairly good with memory retention; that doesn't necessarily makes him smart, but it can occasionally fool people into thinking he is. He has a tendency to become enamored with a specific subject and let it take over, meaning he can spend hour after hour reading for information on a deep sea pollution, but when forced to work on something he dislikes or finds boring he distracts himself and then is under-prepared when the information is necessary. Stiles has an incredible memory for things he thinks are interesting, and can recall them in amazing detail. This means his work has an inconsistency to it, ranging from A days, to F days, depending on whatever mood he happens to be in the night before something he needs to do.
People can be even more difficult for him than work. Stiles has a deep drive to be liked. As a teenager, he's still trying to find his feet in the real world and wants to make as many friends and experience as much as possible. Like certain subjects, Stiles can obsess over a single person to the point of embarrassing himself. He claims to have been in love with a girl since elementary school despite her not really acknowledging his existence and at one point he is struck down by the thought one of his gay friends not liking him or finding him attractive. Stiles has a loyal streak that goes deep and far. Neither law nor personal safety are considered when someone close to him needs him.
And most people do need Stiles. Stiles isn't particularly wise or well prepared for the situations he finds himself in, but fairly consistently it's Stiles that ends up coming to the rescue, pulling some miracle out of no where or simply running and ducking until luck runs out for their opponent. Stiles is not the bravest, meaning he's significantly quicker to back down, though it does depend on just how seriously he takes the threat to his person and whether or not a friend will be in danger. He can be rather narrow sighted, focused on one goal or person to the point of detriment to himself or others. This is part of Stiles' obsessiveness; one path, one goal, one person, because he simply doesn't have the attention span to work beyond the immediate.
Stiles doesn't have amazing strength, or attention span. He doesn't have great planning skills, social skills or even the simple skill to focus on something he needs to study or look at. What Stiles has is a big mouth and a habit of bloodymindedness that seem to get him through most situations, usually with most of his faculties intact. Behind the mask of his ADHD and big mouth Skyler is insecure and abnormally small. He's in constant struggle with himself, struggle to keep his mind set. When he lets it wander it always leads to "I don't want to be here anymore. I can't be here anymore." And then he gives in. He can snap by a single touch, and often doesn't let people close because of it.
Biography(1+ paragraphs please):
It’s stressful. It’s emotionally draining and there’s always a constant nagging of “Will she be okay?” “Is she dying?” “Will the tumor finally have its way?” So you call her, you press the contact that reads “Mom” with trembling fingers. It rings, and rings and rings. And then the dial tone sounds, the stupid mechanical voice echoing in your ear instead of the comforting, familiar tone of your mother. It causes your heart to sink, a nauseous feeling wash over you and then your texting, and calling and hoping for a response, only to be greeted by the stupid little mechanical voice. You hope for a text of “I’ll be home soon.” But then you remember, it’s just a shopping trip right? And then you think “But what if she fell?” “What if she got hurt?” And then you’re calling. Calling and hoping. Calling and wondering. Calling and questioning.
The questions circulate constantly, so constantly it’s hard to let anything else in. Friends, School or god forbid relationships. It’s hard to force back the worry, force it way back into the depths of your brain. But somehow you know you have to. It’s a tugging in your gut, a pounding in your head, just a feeling you have. A uncomfortable, manipulative feeling. So, overtime you create a mental cage. A sad, lonely cage. Rusting over time and allowing dust to build over bland bars. In that sad lonely place that holds that sad lonely cage light struggles to seep through. Light struggles to go and cast a glimmer of hope, on those rusty old grey bars, a dull old lock holding them in place. Holding the guilt, information and sorrow in those rusty old bars. Sometimes the lock struggles to contain the feelings as more are added. Sometimes the lock gives way. Allowing the pain and tears to rise to the surface. It causes those salty drips of fluid to drip down your reddened face, for people to stare at your red rimmed, puffy eyes and divert their attention. These occurrences of weakness often add to the information bottled up in that small, lonely cage. But with each occurrence your cage is stronger, more locks are added to those rusty old bars. More ways, reasons to keep the guilt in. Where the guilt comes from you may ask? Well the guilt comes from not wanting to let it show. Helping yourself slowly fade of emotions to the point where you don’t even try to keep that false smile up. Helping yourself become a waste of space, a body containing no soul, no motivation to try. Become a waste of atoms and molecules. Letting yourself refuse the pity. Refuse the support.
My sister, she sees me as a time bomb. Not a waste of space, but a deadly weapon. With my scratched edges and dulled rectangular screen, showing the numbers, the last moments of peace until my next explosion. To her I am unpredictable, as if that little rectangular screen has cracked, and my next explosion is unknown. To her I am the monster that hides under her bed, or the strange shadows that cast over her room, waiting to swallow her up. I am the one that haunts the dreams of a girl who has autism. I’m just ticking away, Tik Tock. Tik Tock.
She can’t even retreat to her father, with his alcohol hazed mind. His glassy brown eyes gazing off into nowhere. His eyes that were once so lively, now weighed down by ugly circles. Circles that have darkened to the point where they look like ugly bruises.
This, sad, empty thing is what I’m becoming. Soon my rusty old cage wont open anymore. Soon it will finally seal itself forever. The thousands of locks creating a unbreakable barrier. Soon I will be the one with glassy eyes and a beer bottle crushed in my hand, constantly disappearing only to reappear smelling of smoke. Soon I will be the one who does not feel. Soon I will be the one that doesn’t let the weak emotions break free. Soon I wont be the one with tears streaming down my face. Soon I wont be the ugly monster hiding under my sisters bed, with my barred fangs, flaming eyes, and low snarls. Soon the simple things wont make me explode. Soon I will no longer be a ticking time bomb. Waiting for my time to run out, for those numbers to lower to zero. Soon I will no longer explode. Soon that cage containing all my feelings will disappear and find another scarred mind. Then I’ll just be those glassy eyes. No longer unpredictable. Skyler, his twin brother and his sister lived with his father. His mother and his father got divorced when he was only a baby, and have fought ever since. His mother was diagnosed with cancer when he was five. Skyler's father began to drink, he drank and drank and secretly smoke weed. When Skyler was seven him, his brother and his older mentally challenged sister were dumped off at his sick mothers. Him and his brother had to raise his sister until Skyler was 10. Skyler was verbally, physically and emotionally abused by his father and had to keep his emotions, his fathers and his sisters balanced on his shoulders. He started cutting when he was eleven. Small, little scratches that he could have easily blame on their evil cat, Chester. Over time he noticed that his twin brother, Daniel too had those small, jagged marks lining his wrists and the two grew closer then they ever had, sharing suicidal thoughts with each other and keeping each other up when they fell down. His sister was terrified of him. He could only sob pathetically as she distanced herself. Distanced herself to the point where Skyler could count the number of times she said 'I love you' to him on a hand. 2. Two times. He found his fathers weed when he was twelve after 5 years of his father lying to him about smoking. That's when, at twelve Skyler attempted suicide. He woke up in the hospital. He moved in with his mother and she began to hate him. She hated him because her jerk of a husband(his stepfather) hated him. So, the verbal and emotional abuse continued. He was, and still is convinced that he is disgusting. He tried to overdose on his ADHD medication. Daniel found him crying on the floor of their bathroom. On their eighteenth birthday the twins came home to white walls. His mother had left him, leaving with his sister and his stepfather. All the two could do was hug each other and silently gather their things. Daniel committed suicide a week later. Skyler, having been clean for 2 months started again. The day he started again was the day he started The Red Room.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: Abuse
Type of self harm(optional): Drug use, Cutting and the occasional alcohol abuse.
Other: N/A
Go ahead and sign up, you don't need to reserve spots. I'm opening this to anyone who wants to join.
So far no one has posted anything. Ha, you don't have to ask. Just post your character.

Name: Kurt Hanson

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Height: 5”10

S/O: Homosexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Kurt.jpg.d9543bcc6918e63096cdb17df0c8db76.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9500" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Kurt.jpg.d9543bcc6918e63096cdb17df0c8db76.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Kurt can seem a bit cold when you first meet him, he likes to keep to himself and never lets others get to close to him. He’d rather waste his time lost in thought and once the thought of Alex crosses his mind, he picks up some alcohol to get the thought out. He blames himself dearly for what happened to his friend, so he never speaks highly of himself and doesn’t possess an arrogant side to him. He secretly wants someone to help him with his addiction but never gets the courage to ask for help, he thinks it would be weak to ask so he keeps to himself quite often. If Kurt dislikes someone he will let them know by shooting glares or ignoring the person completely.


Kurt was raised in a family with three older brother, he being the youngest in the family made it a bit difficult to get any attention from his parents. His brothers were successful in school, behavior, and respecting others but Kurt wasn’t so well with these qualities. Kurt was always in the shadows of his brother’s success and he soon became invisible. After one of his brothers moved out, he took it upon himself to try and become noticed, so Kurt tired to empress his parents by painting. But he tired and still there came no attention to him. Then he made the mistake of deciding to paint on the walls, his parents reacted of course in anger and punished him. That seemed to be the only way he ever got attention was when he became a hassle and ruined things, so that became the only way he did things. In his teen years he got piercings, tattoos, hung around the wrong people, and let his grades flunk.

Kurt was best friends with a guy named Alex, they met when they both were just teens and liked to live free with no consequences. They both were mirror images of themselves mentally, for they both acted without thinking and they both acted on their own will, never did they let anyone tell them what to do. Kurt and Alex were like brothers to each other, they always looked out for each other unlike Kurt’s older brothers did. But they had their share fair of arguments and one night they had an argument that even to this day Kurt doesn’t remember what they fought about in the first place. Whatever it was it had to be stupid, Kurt left Alex to walk home by himself while he took a taxi but Alex never made it home that night. Alex was reported dead, he was stabbed multiple times in the stomach in an ally and the killer then relocated the body to a garbage dumb. Kurt blames himself for the death of his best friend, he soon got into drinking at the age of 17 when Alex was proclaimed dead.

Basic Reason for Self Harm:

Death of his best friend, Alex

Type of self harm:


Other: N/A

(If it doesn't meet the requirements then i can change anything that is a problem ^.^)



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I love it! I hate when people just classify self harm as cutting. 100% Accepted.
Name: Ryla Mongomery

Gender: Female

Age: 17 years old

Height: 5''7

S/O: Heterosexual


Personality(I'd like a good paragraph): Ryla can be a funny and a joker around those she's comfortable around but when she's around those she isn't completely comfortable with, she'll start to daze out in thought and ignore whoever is around her if she isn't in a conversation that interests her. She has a bit of a temper though since there are quite a few things that anger her even the slightest, when she was younger it was worst though. Ryla continues to question what type of person she is as she wonders if she would ever be able to care for someone that she didn't grow up with. If there's one thing Ryla is, its independent and hardworking, she currently has 2 jobs (1. as a waitress 2. in an office) and usually always refuses for help from others.

Biography(1+ paragraphs please):

Even though her mom is cool, Ryla never really cried for attention when she was a child so her mother even admitted that she had no idea how to love her. A clear thing to say is that Ryla was a complete Daddy's girl and would do small things just to see if he approved but that never got his attention but Ryla never realized how he was never there and when he would come home extremely late she would always stay up just to see him.

At the age of 11 Ryla's mom got fed up with Ryla's father after she found out that he had been cheating on her, Ryla had to move out of the house she grew up in with her 12 year old sister and 6 year old brother and mother but the move made Ryla and her mom's relationship worse because of their different point of views; since their move Ryla hadn't contacted her father at all but then they moved once again, this time closer to where her father was. At the age of 14 years old was when Ryla began to smoke weed & cigarettes, drink alcohol and stay out all night with her sister, cousin and guy friends (she is still a virgin, don't get any thoughts). Even though she had an unbreakable bond with her sister (Deliyla) she felt as if her sister wasn't on her side when drama set in between Ryla and her guy friends because Ryla wasn't seeking out attention from anyone and they didn't like her independent attitude so for a while Ryla kept herself away from everyone and got into so many arguments with her mother that she lost count. Because they lived closer to her father he began to act as if he still had control over her and this angered Ryla deeply, so Ryla's ''war'' was between just her and both parents.

After her father pretty much ignoring her for 1-3 years Ryla tends to be mean to guys and secretly gets nervous around them, if she has a choice she'll try to stay away from them but if she's confronted... they might have a bit of a bruised ego.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: Father's abandonment, being alone, being judged

Type of self harm(optional): Alcohol, weed, cigarettes

Other: She doesn't like lemons, limes, garlic, onions, bell peppers or bees; she has a pet snake named 'Bibi'

Any changes needed then I can do it today:)

Name: Oscar Blake

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Height: 5”8

S/O: Homosexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/57a8be68ca975_Smexyx3.jpg.4f946b028ed8a8da61513738f6bf0719.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9504" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/57a8be68ca975_Smexyx3.jpg.4f946b028ed8a8da61513738f6bf0719.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Oscar has a rather cold attitude towards people and hates to be told what to do. He loves to make conflict and doesn’t watch his mouth when speaking to people and he will gladly yell at someone but only for a good reason. But this is only how he acts when he is angry or frustrated. He developed this temper from the years of bottled up emotion and pretending to be someone he’s not. Oscar if not angry is a very laid-back person and doesn’t mind much though there is always a line you should not cross with him. Oscar is all talk and no bite basically, he knows that but once you get him started he can’t stop shooting his mouth off.


Oscar was raised in a nice home with a nice Christian family. He had an older brother, a younger sister, and a loving mother and father.Oscar wasn’t all that different from other kids his age and he was in fact a normal happy child with a normal happy family. His parents had always told him they would love him no matter what and Oscar believed them but things suddenly changed.

At the age of thirteen Oscar told his mother that he thought he might be homosexual. His mother just told him he wasn’t. Oscar was really confused on his mothers answer and would always ask her how she knew. She would say ‘I just know honey’. Oscar was just really confused on his mother’s responses so he asked one of his teachers ‘How do you know if you’re homosexual?’ The teacher being a nice woman told him that he would just know if he was or not and no one else could decide for him. Oscar came home and told his family at dinner what he had learned and announced that he was definitely sure he was homosexual. His parents weren’t happy. Once his other siblings left the dining room his mother slapped him and his father yelled at him talking about devils and sinners that went to hell. Oscar was shocked and confused.

Oscar knew his parents were wrong but whenever he spoke of him being homosexual it would result in yelling or hitting. What was he to do? Well what he did was behave and act normal. After the constant harassment from his own parents he just broke into a lifeless teenager and began to Brand a few inches of line on his body, he tried to cleanse himself.

At the age of fifteen Oscar had began to date like his father always wanted him to but Oscar would date men. Around this time the branding wasn’t as often either. His father didn’t catch on at first but once he found out about the dates he had Oscar jumped by a few guys. He would have died in an alley if not for a woman passing through that had found him.

For most of his life, Oscar was told he was straight, that he liked girls and was forced to date them. He was told that he hated homosexuals and that god didn’t allow them in the gates of heaven. Oscar already felt like he was in hell. Living a lie. Pretending to be someone else. Being neglected by your family. The branding and burning started up again real quick.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: Family issues/Cleansing oneself

Type of self harm: Burning/Branding himself

Other: N/A



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Scottie J.












Scottie is on the border line of a talkative person and a quite person.You wouldn't think

there was ever something going on in his life and you would never see a scar on him because he

will always keep them covered up.He wears a smile everyday and talks as if he is the most

happiest person in the world.He sometimes get a little antsy when being patient and

can't tend to stay in one place most of the time.Scottie isn't a person who will bully someone

even if they bully others.You might call him dependent but,standing up for yourself doesn't always

mean go and talk about the person who talked about you or end up fighting them for some reason.

He simply stands up for himself by not caring what they say and ignoring them.


Deep blue eyes aren't a sight for sore eyes.Especially if your cute.alone,and in the dark.


Scottie was born in Britain with a mother and a father;he was the only child.Growing up

his mother would always tell him "Be a good little boy Scott." before he went to school.Scottie didn't

really pay attention.He was a straight A student and didn't have to worry about acting up or anything like that.

One thing about Scottie is that he can't find a way to say "no" to someone.So yeah he did what any typical

person would do if they couldn't say no.If he had snacks and someone asked him to give them some,he would.If a

student in his class didn't finish their homework he would pass over his own homework and let them copy it and sometimes

they would take it and write their name on the top then give Scottie their unfinished work but,he seemed to finish it all up in time.

This went on for many years until Scottie went to high school where he actually started to get bullied.It didn't really phase him

at all because he didn't care about what other people said about him.He went home everyday to a loving mother and a caring father

who always loved to see him happy.When he spilled the news about his sexuality,they didn't look at him differently at all,they

gave him more love,care,and support.But something strange in Scottie's life happened..

It was a normal day at school as always.It wasn't really rowdy as it was when it was a Friday so,that's why Scottie likes

Monday's a lot.In Scottie's 7th period there was always this guy who would ask him if he did his homework so he could

copy it.He went by the name of Derek Sharps and he was a popular guy in his school,a jock if you will.Scottie got

wise this time when he asked to see him homework"I'll write it for you."he responded to the guy.The guy saw no reason not

to give it to him so,he did.Scottie finished the guys homework,returned it back to it's owner,and all of them turned it in.They got

their papers back in the middle of class and he didn't see how it was possible for Scottie to get an A and for him to get an F.

Sooner or later the guy caught on to what Scottie had did"Smart thinking."Scottie said to him well,more like motioned to him.

Let's get to the good part shall we?

The whole school was invited to a party that was going to held on Saturday at one of the

big mansions one of the cool kids had.Even Scottie was invited,which was seriously a surprise because he had never

been invited to a High School party yet.After begging and pleading to his mother and father to go,they finally

let him so,Scottie went.He hung out with the little group of friends he did have until he broke off to go to the rest room.When he came out

of the restroom there stood the same dude who he gave all the wrong answers to.Scottie tried to get past but,he was pulled back

"Where you going cutie?Let's teach you a lesson about giving me what i want and not playing me like you did today."

was what he heard before a few more big guys came in,locked the door,turned the lights out,and held down Scottie

then raped him;gang style.Scottie hadn't screamed so much in his life before but,of course no one could have heard it over

the loud music.When Scottie woke up he still heard the music blasting from the speakers and saw that he was only out an hour.

He quickly got up and turned the light on;he was completely naked.He hurried over and put his clothes on then grabbed his phone and dialed

911 quickly and told them that he was raped at a party.Only a couple of minutes later the cops had arrived and shut down the party.Some

people were arrested because of separate things and the people that raped him were arrested as well.News quickly spread around the

school about how Scottie shut down the party and now the whole school is hating him for it.He didn't tell his mom or dad about it or

anyone else about it so,the school just thought Scottie called the cops because he didn't feel like the party was "legal" or something along the

lines of that.Scottie is the only one in the school that knows the truth about why he did but,he wouldn't dare tell anyone about what happened.


Life only got worst from there.Yeah everyone still was mad at him because of the party and they where still bulling him but Scottie didn't really

care until he came home with bruises because they pushed him against the lockers hard or they beat him up somewhere.Life at home was falling

apart.Scottie's mother was becoming very ill and was dying slowly.Because of this his father was becoming depressed and started to bring

in strange woman and stay out late which only made mother feel worst about herself.Scottie had to take care of his mother and make

sure she didn't try to kill herself or anything like that.One day he left his mom alone so he could bring home some groceries dad forgot to

bring and when he came back he saw his mother hanging from the ceiling fan.He stared at it for awhile and watched the blood drip down from

her trying to stuff a knife down her throat while choking herself.He didn't know what to do but just cry and call the cops so they could take

her away.From there he moved to a different home,a foster care,and was treated much like he was treated when he went to school.

On his sixteenth birthday,Scottie was adopted to a different home,one he didn't really want.Everything was fine the first month

Scottie was there but,then they started to abuse him and physically and emotionally harm the guy.If he had told the cops on them,his

step father said that he will regret it,which was enough to send a message to Scottie's brain not to do it.Scottie cooks,cleans,and

basically does everything for them and if done wrong or not at all,he would be raped and abuse.


Today Scottie stands before you as a soldier.No he hasn't been in the military before or even wear the uniform but,

he has been through so many ups and downs that a person shouldn't have gone through and still is fighting it every

single day.Some people have a million sad stories they can tell but,Scottie won't tell you.Even if you beg and plead

he still won't tell you.All he will say is "Be a good little boy/girl and try not to try so hard."and move on.

Basic Reasons for Self Harm:

~Seeing his mother isn't here

~Family harm.

Type of self harm:

Scratching himself to the point where in digs deep into his flesh

(May use weapons to do that like nails...--^)

Hitting himself with harmful objects (Hammer,etc.)

Hair pulling.


?The heart that Scottie is holding in his picture is what is mother gave

him when he was little.He keeps it closer to him than ever now?



Antonio Davis












Personality(I'd like a good paragraph):

Antonio isn't a bad guy.


Antonio was never a bad guy,always nice and not what you would think

a "Jock" would act like.He wasn't the person that would pick on someone,and

instead he would stand up for the people who were getting bullied.He

never used drugs and doesn't drink to the point where it causes physical

abuse to others and mental abuse to himself.His disorders is the reason

why you don't see much of his pass personality.He seems gloomy basically

half the time and he won't go near anything that reminds him of his ex.

He can't talk to anyone who has the same name as her or even say her name

out loud.Lashing out on someone is something he has also gained from his

disorders which he can't control if his pills aren't consumed by him.You might

say that he is psycho,and sometimes he might act that way,but,he tries to

over come it the best way he can.

Biography(1+ paragraphs please):

So here's the story about Antonio Davis.

Antonio was born in America but,is actually a mixture of Mexican and Italian.

He grew up without a mother and father and lived with his grandparents basically his whole life.

At school Antonio wasn't bullied or anything and actually he was considered a popular guy.He played

football,basketball,baseball you name it and was the one putting trophies in the cases at school.He had girls

falling for him left and right,boys as well,and having other males wanting to be like him.Anything a guy

could ever want in Middle School and High school.When Antonio went into the eighth grade,he had a girlfriend.He felt

that the two of them were perfect together,not anything could tear them apart,it was just them two against the world

and he felt it in his heart that she felt the same way.The years pasted by and they still stuck together.One day they decided

to go to a house together for a weekend.Everything was planned and they had high hopes for having the best time of their lives.

So they went,everything was smooth and easy going the whole way there and nothing seemed like it was going to ruin anything for them.

That same night the two of them got into a fight,over something someone said,and had his girlfriend storming out of the door.It was

dark and raining when she did storm out and no one knew that there was a car coming down the road from where they were.They argued

and argued and argued until his girlfriend just said "I give up...I believe you.."she said and was about to walk onto the grass and out of the street

until a car hit her.Antonio was speechless when his girlfriend laid there bleeding to death and him,holding her in his arms and rocking her back and

forth trying to talk to her and keep her alive until the ambulance came,it didn't work.She died in his arms on October 25th.


The funeral was long and emotional throughout the whole thing.Antonio and her parents were the ones the most emotional but,it seems like

Antonio was the one most devastated.He blamed his self for her death and didn't care whether he saw what actually happened or not.

The last words she says still echo throughout Antonio's mind "I believe you.."was what it was.Since then the male hasn't been the same.He wasn't

the same happy and cheerful guy after they won games,he wasn't motivated to give the sports he played his all and every time he would look out

into the crowd where his girlfriend use to always sit he would have a breakdown and would have to be removed from that game.Antonio takes pills

now so he won't be a wreck when at school and lash out on someone or have nervous breakdowns whenever he thinks of his ex or think of her

dead,lifeless body in his hands.

Basic Reason for Self Harm:

The death of his girlfriend.

Type of self harm:

Cutting himself with knives.

Burning himself.

Suicidal attempt daily if pills aren't taken.


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Name: Alex Wilston

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 5' 6

S/O: Bisexual



Personality: Alex used to be a bubbly and perky girl who would do anything to make anyone smile, wanting everyone to have some happiness showing, but that attitude didn't last nearly long enough. Now she is always hidden in the shadows and is the kind of girl that people bump into without really noticing. She is insecure about herself and most often than not puts up a facade for others that make her seem like everything is alright. She can hide her emotions pretty well and tends to like solitude more than interacting with others. She bottles everything up inside until it gets too full to handle. Alex may seem cold or heartless at a first glance but if you somehow get to know her and become close to her heart she is actually a very sweet and loyal girl. She also has a slight weak spot for things in ranging from a stray animal to an injured human and all in between.

Bio: When Alex was growing up everything was as it should be. She had loving parents, good friends, a roof over her head and food on the table. She never complained about anything not being enough and always looked towards the positives. At the age of 14, her mother lost her job and her father's job was relocating which meant that they had to follow, leaving behind everything she had come to know and love. She left her hometown with a heavy heart and once she was on the road, didn't look back.

At this new town things weren't at their best. Money was on the low side and her mother couldn't get employed anywhere no matter how hard she tried and searched. The new school was a dramatic change since Alex didn't know anyone and it seemed like no one was too interested in starting a conversation with the 'new girl'. Life went on at an agonizingly slow pace and nothing seemed to change. When almost 2 years had passed, Alex had only made a few friends that she tried to hang out with has much as she could, whenever she could but soon another drastic change happened in her life.

Alex was walking through the hallways one school day in early November and everyone she passed by started whispering urgently to their peers. She was greatly confused at the students antics, questions swirling around her mind, so she trudged over to where her friends were. Once they caught sight of her they started snickering to one another, pointing at Alex as smirks lined their faces. She asked them why everyone was staring at her and they just lost it, the snickers turning into full out laughs. She became even more confused at this so she walked over to someone nearby and lightly yanked on their arm demanding answers. This young boy told Alex that apparently her 'friends' had been going around to everyone, telling rumors that Alex was sleeping with every guy on the football team, that she had cuts littering her wrists because she was desperate for attention, that she was a s!ut, a wh0re... The list kept going and going. Alex couldn't handle the lies that were being told about her and fled school that day. The next day she came back was complete hell for her.

Alex slowly sunk into herself and stayed away from everyone, each hurtful word like a slap to the face or a stab to the heart. Her parents hardly even noticed the way she changed because of the constant fights going on between them day in and day out. The fights between the two were usually about how low the money was getting and the fact that soon it might not be enough but sometimes it was just about how nothing is working and how the family is crumbling down. She was almost 16 when all of this started.

After a few months of blending into the shadows people started to take more notice of Alex, and not the kind she wanted. Apparently the verbal abuse and endless teasing on her wasn't enough for the popular people or jocks so they started to physically bully her. At first it was only the occasional shove against the lockers or maybe even a hand slapping away her supplies but it soon turned into full out punching and kicking, they even started stealing her items once she was too weak to do anything about it. This is when the self harm started showing up. The bullying and her own insecure thoughts, coupled with the problems starting back at home, were becoming too much for the troubled teen. Right before she turned 17 the first little incision of many more to come was made on her skin and the only thought going through Alex's head when she did this was 'why not make some of the rumors true?'.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: Bullying, insecurities, and family problems

Type of self harm(optional): Cutting

Other: Her hair's going to be a little lower than her shoulders instead of the length in the picture. (But the bangs and such will still be there)
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Name:Seth Collen






Personality(I'd like a good paragraph):Very gloomy,doesn't hide anything and will say the truth to your face whether it's nice or not. He's always seen with a straight face and it's hard to know what he's thinking,course all you gotta do is ask and he'll tell you exactly what he's thinking. It takes a lot to make him show emotion especially happiness,but when it comes to anger he can blow up with one wrong word. And seeing he doesn't care what so ever for himself, he cares less for others and will not think twice before aiming for a death bow which he'd know all about.

Biography(1+ paragraphs please):Alone with only each other most of the time,the Collen twins spent most of the time wandering around their dump of a neighborhood or hiding in their room doing who knows what. Their mother died giving birth to them and their dad completely blamed them,showing nothing but hate towards them and regret. You could say those feelings rubbed off on them since they too started blaming themselves for her death,till they were 10 they just kept out of their fathers way but one day he had left and just never came back. They had gotten word he was in a car accident on his way to work and and suffered major head injuries,he was put in a coma and even now he hasn't woken up.

The twins were put in great care but with one death and now possible another that they blamed themselves for,both of them weren't in the best mood. And as they years went on the mood didn't get any better,no matter where they were or what was going on around them they never interacted with others. They just tossed them off and shooed them away,sure the others at school would make fun of them and of course some were dumb enough to get Seth angry. But the two stayed side by side,alone,and had always planned on keeping it that way.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: He really hates himself

Type of self harm(optional):Anything possible that he thinks will cause harm

Other:He is blink in his right eye after stabbing it with scissors,deaf in his left ear after shoving a q tip too far,and multiple scars over his body from who know what. And is twins with Cole.

Name:Cole Collen






Personality(I'd like a good paragraph): Unlike his brother Cole isn't open with anything and keeps everything locked up,he rarely warms up to anyone and is never seen without Seth or he starts freaking out. But he is much calmer and relaxed which usually rubs off on his brother every now and then when they're alone,he will occasionally smile and show his emotions since he can't speak them.

Biography(1+ paragraphs please):(Look at Seth's)

Basic Reason for Self Harm:He blames himself for his brothers pain

Type of self harm(optional):Same as his brother and he tends to copy what Seth does

Other:Same as Seth,but he is blind in his left eye and deaf in his right ear.And unlike his brother Cole is mute from a surgery gone wrong.

(Hope this is all good :/ not good with Bios....)
(Bio is real, sorry if it isn't worded right.)

Name: Riley Knight

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: '5"9

S/O: Homosexual

Appearance: Light gray/silver eyes.


Personality(I'd like a good paragraph):

Riley is an interesting person that is known to have a short temper. Around her friends she is usually spotted smiling and laughing with them as if nothing was wrong. She isn't one to back down from a challenge and will show aggression when angered. When this happens she honestly feels like she loses control of herself. Another side to her is her flirty side that takes pleasure in making others blush or embarrassed. Riley would rather spend her time alone or with animals because it's soothing to her.

Biography(1+ paragraphs please):

Riley's life was relatively normal and happy even though her parents divorced when she was younger and she was raised by her mom. This bothered her greatly when she was around the age of 5 but she quickly moved on and got over it. Everything for the next year was fine while she grew up alongside her best friend that she had known since she was 3. He was like a brother to her and she met his aunt and uncle when she was 7. They called her 'wormy' because she was skinny and told her that she was like that because the worms inside her were eating her food. It wasn't her fault that she had a fast metabolism even though she ate a lot. They have no idea how much this could fuck up a 7 year old. They still continue it to this day but not as much.

Her life continued at a nice pace until her mother began to cuss her out on a daily basis. She never showed how much it angered her while she just stood there as her mother called her a lot of 'stupid b******.' While Riley listened she would begin to shake and her eyes would water from the intense anger she felt for her mother. The sharpest teeth she had would bite painfully into her tongue while she failed to calm herself down. She was constantly being compared to the same friend that she viewed as a brother regardless of him being gay. One day her mother got upset because she asked why she always compared them and she said, "I'd rather have a gay son as a child than you!" Any self confidence she had was ruined that day and the same could be said about her skin.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: Anger at herself and her mother

Type of self harm(optional): Biting, hitting hard objects, cutting(a little)

Other: Loves animals, sleeping, and has a ferret named Kai
Name: Piper Breccan

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 5'5

S/O: Heterosexual



Personality: Piper is that girl in the class who everyone finds either adorable or sweet. She's the girl who is always smiling, always laughing, and is the first one to jump in and ask if someone is alright if she notices they're upset or if they get hurt. If you asked the entire year group to write down the people most likely to be depressed, self-harmers or suicidal Piper would be the last name on everyone's list. She acts innocently naive and sometimes can be. She has little habits caused by her upbringing and her time at school, such as she has to always check what she is doing is right and is very careful with what she says and who she voices her opinions to. Piper is very much used to being ignored or left behind and it is a constant fear of hers to be forgotten. Which has already happened a few times.

Biography: Piper at first glance seems to have had a completely normal upbringing with no problems. It wasn't actually until recently that she took a closer look at her life and realised exactly what was wrong. As the second middle child of four siblings, Piper was always left alone to her own devices. She has two older sisters who during her childhood were always out getting drunk, doing drugs and getting into trouble with the police, not to mention she had a younger sister who was still a baby and therefore constantly needed her parent's attention. It made sense that, since Piper was a rather independent child who would prefer to go play by herself outside than sit inside with her parents demanding their attention, she was the one who her parents ignored. She couldn't blame them really, they had to deal with two rambunctious teenagers and a screaming baby, they didn't have time for the odd lonely child.

As she grew older, this feeling of being the 'unloved' child only developed, at primary school Piper was bullied simply because she was 'different' to the other kids with her weird ways and behaviours, and when she told her parents about it she was once again ignored. When Piper reached high school she had quickly learnt that if she had any problems or worries she had to keep them to herself. Telling her parents or sisters either got her ignored or made fun of to the point where she would be physically scared to tell them about anything bad in her life because it hurt when they turned it around to be her fault. Her Mum and Dad broke up constantly throughout her childhood until they finally permanently called it off when she was 15 because her Father's alcoholism was just worsening her Mum's depression. After being mentally abused by a group of her 'friends' at high school Piper was convinced she had depression. She tried to tell her Mum about it - who she knew was already diagnosed with the mental illness - but she was quickly shot down and her Mum told her it was 'nothing' and she was just having a bad day. Months later and Piper now self-harms regularly because of her anger at her family's disregard for her well-being and her own angry thoughts at herself.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: Emotional abuse, bullying.

Type of self harm(optional): Uses scissors to scratch her upper right thigh until red marks are left for a few weeks, does it again when she notices them fading. Self-neglect.

Other: Piper believes that since she doesn't cut herself deeply enough to break the skin and draw blood that what she does technically 'doesn't count' as self-harm. She feels that she and her problems are insignificant compared to those who 'self-harm properly' and have suicidal thoughts. In her mind, her problems are not important - probably as that is what she was told when growing up.


Fabian Ludovic

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 5'10

S/O: Bisexual

Appearance: Black hair, light blue eyes, wears wristbands and bracelets around his left wrist.




Personality: Fabian is your typical bad boy, at least at first glance anyway. A lot of the time he won't show up to his lessons and when he does he is unfocused and often gets kicked out for being rude to the teacher. He has a 'I-dont-give-a-shit-about-anything' attitude and enjoys being mischievous and can be a cocky asshole at the best of times. He finds it hard to trust others. It's pretty hard to anger Fabian as most of the time he'll just blow smoke in your face and laugh at your attempts to get him worked up. He's pretty chill most of the time but it often depends on what mood you catch him in. He tends to isolate himself from everyone around him and no-one knows much about him.

Biography: Fabian had a pretty typical upbringing, he was equally loved by both his Mum and Dad and did okay in school. But it was when he was eight years old that his life changed for the better. His younger sister Oakley was born. He was absolutely thrilled to be a big brother and cherished every moment he got to spend with his baby sister. A year went by quickly but during his time with his little sister he noticed his parents acting oddly and watching Oakley more closely than they ever did before. He came back from school one day after being picked up by his Dad and as usual the first thing he did was rush to find Oakley. But she wasn't home. When he asked his Dad where she had gone his Dad had to tell him that Oakley was at the hospital. It turned out that Oakley had cancer.

Skip a few more years and Oakley was now four years old, Fabian was twelve. Oakley's blond hair was almost all gone but Fabian still loved his sister more than anything. She was his whole world and he spent almost every second with her that he could. He knew Oakley's illness was causing his parents to stress and argue all the time, so it was his job to keep Oakley happy to distract her from their parent's arguing and make sure she was always having fun. It was around this time when the doctors told his family the news that Oakley's cancer was terminal and she only had a few years left to live. Fabian spent the next two years constantly with his little sister, fearing that her last day could come at any time. Towards Oakley's sixth birthday her condition worsened and she had to stay in the hospital. They spent her sixth birthday in the hospital and Fabian stayed up late that night with his little sister. She told him how much she loved him and they talked about what happens to people after they die. Oakley passed away in the early hours of the morning after her sixth birthday.

After Oakley's death Fabian became closed off to everyone and his parents' split up shortly after. He started doing smoking and doing drugs just before turning fifteen. Not long after, his Mum got a new boyfriend and after a few months he moved in with Fabian and his Mum and began abusing Fabian. Fabian then starting self-harming as a means of escape from the real world and to give himself some control in his life. He also occasionally would burn himself with his cigarettes purposely. Fabian has recently moved into his Dad's house and left his Mum's house as a result of his Mum's abusive boyfriend beating Fabian to the point where he had to be taken to the hospital for his injuries.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: PTSD from younger sister's death, abuse.

Type of self harm(optional): Smoking, drugs, burning self and cutting wrists.

Other: Has insomnia
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Name: Andrew Blaine

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Height: 5'5"

S/O: Bisexual


Andrew is quiet and tends to keep to himself. He hides behind a smile and tries to act happy most of the times. He is very skittish and gets jumpy at the slightest movement. If someone was to raise their hand near him he would flinch away. Andrew isn't use to close contact and he has to trust you to let you into his personal space. He might come off cold but inside he is just scared. He fears reliving his childhood and has frequent nightmares about them. Andrew normally is found drawing pictures in his notepad or listening to music.

Biography(1+ paragraphs please):

Andrew grew up in a low class and shitty neighborhood. His parents never wanted a child, he was just the result of unprotected intercourse. His parents were druggies after all. He was pretty much neglected as a child he slept in a drawer lined with clothes instead of an actual crib. He watched his parents abuse drugs and drink, and ever since he was old enough to walk they would start to hit him.

It started off with slight bruises that he could pass up as falling down. Soon they were full out beatings. They would add mental abuse to his physical abuse as well. Degrading him in so many different ways. Andrew thought he lived in hell and he probably did.

When Andrew was thirteen his sister was born. He from there found it his job to protect her from his parents. He didn't want them hurting her like that hurt him. It was harder then he thought. He remembered her coming to him and telling him that their father had touched her while she was asleep. This made Andrew angry and he filed enough courage to stand up to his father, which only resulted in a black eye.

The day that his sister was killed was the day that Andrew snapped. He was sixteen and his parents were, as always, drunk. They came home from the bar and instead of going to Andrew they went to Sarah. He still remembers her screams as they violated and murdered her.

To him that was the last straw, the went to the police and told them everything. His parents were taken into custody and charged for child abuse and murder. He was sent to a foster home with promises of a better life. That was when started to develop mental problems. Depression and anxiety and he was given pills to help remedy it.

Andrew started to cut after the nightmares and stress became overwhelming. He started to abuse some pain pills he found in his foster parent's bathroom. But, it wasn't enough to numb it all. He started to sneak in bottles of liquor and drink it. He was becoming like his parents, that was when he found the Red Room.

Basic Reason for Self Harm: Abuse (Sexual, Physical, Mental)/Death of his Sister

Type of self harm(optional): Cutting, Alcoholism, Drug Abuse

Other: Is Hydrophobic

Everyone is accepted. I'll type up a starter once I get home 
The starter has been posted. Knock yourselves out.

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