Addiction [Inactive]


Three Thousand Club
Sock submitted a new role play:

Addiction - One out of six kids self-harm. This, well, this is their safe haven.

One out of six kids self harm. Almost all of them keep it to themselves.
To most self harm is like an addiction before it starts. The simple urge to hurt yourself. Whether its because you claim yourself as 'stupid', think you're 'ugly' or 'annoying'. Whether its an escape from family matters or because of PTSD. Just like any addiction, being alcoholic, being on drugs, anything, its hard to break out of. That's what The Red Room is for.

The Red Room was started by 2 siblings. Daniel and...
Read more about this role play...
Skyler sat with his head in his hands. His long fingers repeatedly digging into his scalp and dragging down slowly. A month. A single month had passed since his brothers death. A month since he had his relapse, a month since he turned to alcohol and a month since he started The Red Room. A low sigh released from his lips and he silently lifted his head to gaze around the vacant room. The Red Room was more like a hotel of sorts. It had its bedrooms its lobby, a cafe' and a few other rooms, one of which Skyler was in. He rose his honey brown eyes to cast blankly at the black and white movie playing in front of him. He was in his favorite room. The movie theater. It was a room that was always quiet besides the dull echo of the movie, the chairs were worn and Skyler could sink into them and disappear from the world. He didn't know why he saved them. He didn't know why he was watching them. All Stiles could think of was of the projection of himself, and his brother giggling at each other at the young age of three. His mother held the camera and her joyful laughter could be heard faintly in the background.

Stiles blinked and rose his hand to rub at his eyes. He jerked his hand away when it came in contact with liquid. When had he start crying? A frown melted over his features and he scrubbed his hand through his hair, leaning back with a sigh. His arms came to cross over his chest, the baggy sweatshirt he was wearing covering his scarred arms. A few drops of blood could be found if you looked hard at the grey fabric, but no one said much about it. They all knew what it was from anyway. Stiles shifted his sock-covered feet, his watery gaze slowly lifting to gaze up at the screen. His hand rose to his lips in a silent scream when he saw his elder sister flash on screen and a wet sob echoed through the dark room, interrupting the joyful giggles from the video. 
(You can already be at the Red Room or you can arrive. Whatever you guys want.)
In another room the Collen brothers had been sitting on a couch taking up the whole thing,each with their backs against the arm rests and their feet against each other's pressing back and forth to see who could pin the other's down against their chest first.Cole held a note pad in his lap with a pencil,he doodled away as he listened to Seth talk."So I assume that's the end of the parent issue?..."He asked knowing the answer but did anyway,Cole nodded and for a moment wrote quickly on the pad,showing it to Seth when he was done.**Well seeing as to how mad you got and how far they fell down the stairs I'm sure they won't be doing anything for a while...** Seth sighed."Oh come on...better then that...I'm sure they won't be doing much ever again..."Cole pouted as he glared to Seth writing once more.** I have a feeling it was a bit much.** Seth stuck his tongue out at him."I didn't like them anyway,too annoying and wanting to spend to much time together as a 'family'...How dumb..."

"Anyway..."Seth began getting Cole's feet against him and locked his knees to where Cole couldn't push them back."I thought you were suppose to have gotten all the fun stuff,now we got nothing to do...."Cole wrote and once again showed Seth as he huffed** No,your the one who said you should get it or we'll forget,since I tend to forget them all the time.** Thinking a moment Seth unlocked his knees and kept their balance again."Oh right....What a stupid idea...Next time we should both be told to get it and then at least one of us should remember or remind the other..."He said nodding at the idea.
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Scottie squealed as he was being thrown out of the house along with his clothes and suitcases.Scottie,with a thump,hit the solid ground hard.He stand there for awhile before getting himself together and getting up.His leg was scratched and his head was screaming in pain but,he managed to get up.He wiped away some tears and stuffed his clothes into the suitcases that they threw outside and locked them down so the clothes wouldn't fall out or anything.Scottie sat the two bags up and started to carry them towards the bus stop.From there he said down on the bench and waited patiently for the bus to come a get him even though he got up and moved around a few times to keep himself entertained and what not.Finally the bus had arrived and Scottie hurried onto it with all of his belongings.He took a breath of relief because he was finally getting away from that horrid house.

~When the bus had stop where Scottie needed to get off,the male grabbed all of his things and hopped off of the bus then stood in front of the doors of the building.Small fingers trailed through Scottie's hair and dropped back down to pick up his bag then he proceeded to enter the place.Inside wasn't that bad at all and was certainly better than where he lived at.Scottie set his bags down by a couch far off in the distance then sat down.He heard faint crying from in the back room but,decided not to go check it out because he whoever it may be probably doesn't want to be messed with right now.The blonde haired boy fiddled with his fingers and criss crossed his legs while siting on the couch and rested his elbow on the couch's arm.


Great way to start off the morning

Antonio was in his room trying to control himself and take the pills that were in his hand.He didn't take them yesterday night and now,he's paying for it.He had already
cut himself deeply,which he only did deeply when he didn't consume any pills,and the blood was draining out quickly but,he didn't care about that right now.He gripped the pills into his hand,popped them into his mouth,grabbed the cup of water,which he was shaking and basically spilling everywhere,and swallowed the pill the fell to the floor with a thumb and look motionlessly at the picture of his ex that he had laying beside him.He closed his eyes and tried to block out the thoughts that were racing through his mind and actually get some form of sleep since he literally stayed up all day yesterday.
Piper was so nervous. It was such a stupid idea. Why did she think she'd belong here? She was currently outside the Red Room building, still finding the courage to go inside. She already knew that nothing would come of this beside her feeling shitty. But she had to try something. She needed help. She knew that what she does is nothing compared to the other depressed teenagers in the world; she doesn't even break skin that's how minimal her problems are. But it didn't feel like that. She was just getting worse and worse and she knew it. At first it was just scratching her thighs with her nails occasionally when she got upset. Nothing major, it went away in a few hours. Then, one time after cutting out pictures for her school work she had picked up the scissors while having particularly shitty thoughts and she had lightly criss-crossed her legs with the blade, leaving small red marks. That went away after a day. Then she heard about people self-harming through tumblr, she had seen pictures and started to feel stupid because she didn't do it 'properly' like they did. That was when she started scratching her thighs with the scissors, deeper than before but still only bad enough to last a few days. Then deeper again, a week. Deeper once more, two weeks. Deeper again and now her marks would last a month. But even then before the month was up she would self-harm again in the fear that it would all fade away. And recently, very recently, she had scratched her arm as well and left red marks there too.

She didn't know why she did it. She didn't know why she wanted these scars, she needed them. Maybe as proof that something was wrong with her. A physical pain to reflect the mental pain. But she needed this. Needed someone to talk to. Someone who understands. And hey, if this Red Room thing doesn't work out then she could always just go back to her room and keep hiding forever. It was worth a shot. Even if she was most likely ridiculed for not being a 'real self-harmer'. She took a deep breath and entered the building, looking around curiously. It was nice in here, even if it wasn't the fanciest of places, it had that feel about it. A sort of acceptance. She stopped herself from sighing for what would be the fifth time today and looked around to see if she had to talk to anyone about being here. She noticed a blonde boy sitting on one of the couches and after a moment of hesitation decided to head over to him, maybe he'd know if she had to let anyone know she wanted to join, well, whatever this place could be called. She had to force herself to sit down next to the boy and turn to look at him.

"Um hi, I'm Piper, I'm sorta new here, do you know if I have to go meet the owner or whatever?"


Fabian sighed as he took a toke of his joint, he was outside this 'Red Room' place, leant up against one of the walls that made up the building, and he was still completating whether to actually go in or not. It was his Dad's idea to go here, he was the one who found out about it - god knows how he did that - and he was the one who actually drove Fabian here, kicked him out and said he'd come pick him up later to see how he got on. Apparently after finding Fabian's razor blades in his room his Dad had got worried about him and in the process thrown away the blades. It was fine, Fabian could get more. He supposed it was sweet how his Dad cared enough to find him 'help', but he didn't care, he didn't need help. This was his way of surviving and he would be stupid to think life could get better.

Still though, as he glanced at the entrance to the Red Room and took his last toke he let out another lightly irritated sigh, he thought maybe he could at least check it out. If anything, it could just be another place to hide from idiots and his Dad. At least if he chilled out here then his Dad would think he was 'getting help' and leave him to it. He finished his joint and shoved his hands in his pockets before entering the building. He glanced around casually as he entered, the first thing he spotted was a guy sitting back on one of the couches and a girl sitting beside him. Fabian titled his head as he looked at the blonde boy; he was cute. The guy was obviously taller than him, even when sitting down, and Fabian reckoned he was either his age or a bit older. The girl was also quite pretty he supposed with her chocolate brown hair and deep brown eyes; but he knew even though he was bisexual he tended to lean more towards guys. Since the two seemed to be semi-chatting Fabian decided to leave them to it and headed straight past them. Without really thinking about what could be behind it Fabian decided to enter the first door he found and walked in to discover it was some sort of movie theatre. He paused where he was and rather than taking a seat he lent back against the wall near the door and watched what was on the screen. It seemed to be some sort of home video with some kids in it. He frowned lightly as he watched and glanced down to the floor for a second as Oakley's smiling face flashed across his mind. No. She was gone now. It was just him. He noticed a guy sitting in the seats, and he couldn't see his expression for his back was to Fabian, but he could guess pretty quickly that this video meant something to him.

"They have a movie theatre in here as well? I thought this place was just for troubled kids to sit in a circle and hold hands like all the other crappy 'therapy' session places." Fabian let his voice ring out freely across the room. He knew that pointing out the other guy's upset and trying to comfort him would just be awkward for the both of them.
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Ryla sat on the bed of the room she uses whenever she's in the Red Room, she had her earphones with 'Misery Business' by Paramore blasting in her ears yet she wasn't really listening as she watched her albino Ball Python slither across the floor. She was thinking about what she was going to do in order to get more money, even though she had enough money to pay for her bills for at least 3 months she still needed money for necessities... man she hated reality and how hard it was to earn enough money to make someone happy... yet Ryla wouldn't really want to be rich, she would grow bored of not having to work for anything.

Her eyes looked over at sandwich that on the plate that lay on her bed, she had made it a few minutes ago but now that she was thinking about her financial issues she wasn't so hungry.

"If only you were a dog..." Ryla muttered as she turned back to her snake that was slithering up the couch Ryla had in her room, even though Ryla didn't mind having a dog or a cat... somehow she always loved snakes so she had this one named Bibi, she had adopted her when she was much smaller from her friend who was going to sell her at a black market so she ran for the opportunity to have a snake and it was a good thing that Ryla got along with Bibi.

Standing up Ryla unplugged the earphones from her phone and let it play out loud, she moved toward Bibi; easily picking her up Bibi wrapped around her arm with the rest of her body laying over Ryla's shoulders. Ryla felt like she was a bit thirsty so she left her room and walked down the hall, man she felt so stressed right now that she wanted to smoke but she decided against it for now and would go to the yard for that. Entering the kitchen Ryla grabbed a glass and poured herself a cup of water, leaning against the counter she let a sigh out as she ignored Bibi when she lifted her snake like head and pressed it against Ryla's cheek.

"If only you were human, I'd make you get a job," Ryla grumbled to her snake before taking a sip of her water and thinking about all the amazing things she wanted to do... definitely skydiving and deep sea diving, she seen it on TV before and knew that those were two experiences that she wanted, man she loved the feeling of adrenaline in her system since it made her feel high even if she wasn't.
Skyler visibly tensed and sobered at the voice. He rose his hands to scrub at his eyes and he reached down to push on the remote, successfully turning off the video. He cleared his throat and stood, turning quietly on his heel to quirk a brow at the figure standing against the wall. "I tried to make it the furthest thing from a therapy session. I like to think of it as a get away." His normally soft gaze was now hardened. He didn't let many people in and this.. Guy caught him off guard. "I've been to many therapy sessions, they don't do shit." He began to silently walk to the back of the theater, leaning against the wall next to said boy. He, too preferred boys. Girls just.. They were too sensitive for him. Too much like his insecure self. "Skyler." He muttered in a stand-offish introduction.
Oscar was in one of the many rooms in the supposedly great 'Red Room' or at least that's what his Ex called it. His Ex got fed up with the burn marks so he dumped Oscar but as if it made anything better told him about a place to get better. A**hole. Oscar thought as he sat on the edge of a Queen-sized bed in the room his Ex had dumped his luggage in before leaving him here in a crappy therapy place.

Oscar stood up and walked over to the door. He opened up the door and stepped out of the room into the long never-ending hallway. He looked up and down the hallway before turning right as if he knew where to go and what he was supposed to do. Oscar found this place gigantic and the place looked really cool though he was more worried about the future therapy treatment they planned for everyone that stayed here. He knew it wouldn't be as bad as what his families church tried to do when he was young because apparently they thought being gay was a choice. Yeah right, only if it were would I not be in this hellhole. Oscar rolled his eyes as this thought passed through his mind. Where was everyone? He had barley seen a face since he got here which was hours seven hours ago.

Oscar ran a hand through his hair as he turned a corner of the hallway and saw more never-ending hallways. He cursed as he leaned up against the wall and let his body slide down so he could be sitting on the floor with his back pressed against the wall. He wrapped his arms around his legs and buried his face into his knees. He wasn't liking this place so much.

(( Sorry for delay~ Anyone wanna meet Oscar? Oscar the grouch x3 just noticed that as I watched Sesame street ))

Scottie got up from his spot and began to walk around with his stuff still in hand.He really didn't know where he was going,just wondering he guessed.He made it away from the group of people who were in the front and wondered way in the back somewhere
Great..i'm lost he said as he tried to look for a way back.Scottie took a few more steps before tripping over someone's foot and falling over."Oh my.I'm sorry.."he said and scooted away then got up and brushed the dirt off of him.He grabbed some clothes that had falling out when he tripped and stuffed them back in then slammed the suitcase shut"I didn't see you there..."he added as he tugged the suitcases up against the wall"Uhm-I'm Scottie by the way."he said and pushed a blonde lock behind his ear.
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Oscar lifted his head up when he felt something hit his foot and found himself looking at a blonde boy who had tripped over his foot. Oscar didn't look really happy to see the blonde though that was Oscar's plain expression face that he wore almost all the time. He watched the blonde pick up the things that were once in the suitcase and now on the ground. Oscar didn't bother to help or attempt to help since it wasn't really a big problem even though his foot kinda caused it to happen.

"Why are you saying sorry? I'm the one who tripped you wasn't I?" Oscar shook his head and dropped the topic. He shouldn't be mean to everyone and he tended to do that but the guy in front of him didn't even look like he belonged in a place like this.

The blonde was handsome, looked clean, and didn't act like rude a**. "Nice to meet you Scottie..My names Oscar."

Scottie's frowned a little"Um yeah-I mean I would still say it..."he said."Nice to meet you as well Oscar."he responded."I've seem to have gotten lost.Guess that's what I get for trying to wonder around this huge place.The sad part about it is I haven't even found my room yet."he said with a light frown and plopped himself down on his suitcase.He looked over at Oscar who looked pretty cool and was cute as well but,he didn't even know him so,nothing to serious would happen for right now,maybe later.Scottie fiddled with his fingers as he looked around the place trying to find out where he should go next"It would be awesome if they had a map of the place..."he said out of randomness to break the silence that had fell.
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Alex bit her bottom lip as she entered the Red Room, pulling the long sleeves of her shirt further down her arms. She had only been to the Red Room a few times before and had only seen an occasional person pass by, neither speaking to one another. The main reason she had come to this place today was because of the escalating fight between her parents which had woken her up and she couldn't bare to hear or see it any longer than necessary so she got dressed and came over here as quickly as she could.

She to a brief glance at her surroundings, noting where things were placed or what was where, before she walked over to a nearby couch that was displayed. She plopped down onto the couch but wince as she landed, forgetting the injuries among her body from the students at school, leaned back into the plush cushion, her eyes fluttering close.

(I would've made it longer but I'm a bit busy today.)
Oscar was still wondering why the boy next to him hadn't left yet. The guy was nice but the problem was he was to casual and nice, Oscar would of loved to hang out with more people like Scottie as he grew up but sadly he chose a different crowd. "Yeah the place is huge...I got tired of turning around a corner and finding another long hallway so that's why I'm just sitting here." Oscar turned his head to looked over at the blonde boy. "I didn't really find my room either...I kinda just picked a room that seemed to be vacant." Oscar shrugged his shoulders lightly. "Though the rooms really. make you feel gloomy. After staring at the walls for awhile bored out of your mind the rooms remind you that your weird and kinda a loner." Oscar rubbed the back of his neck as he looked down the hall again. The room he had been in really did make him feel that way which was his main reason for getting out of there in the first place.
After another one sided argument with her mother about how she couldn't do anything right, she calmly walked to her bathroom and stared at her reflection in the mirror. The dark silver in her eyes that showed her emotional state was more gray than silver. Her expression staring back at her was one of boredom and indifference. The only thing noticeable was a slight tremor going through her body and a small trail of blood coming from her mouth. She hastily wiped it away with her thumb before launching her fist into the mirror. It was kind of beautiful in a way. The shards sparkled as they embedded themselves into her arm and the sight was only intensified by the blood that gave them a crimson luster. She walked back to her room and whistled lowly. A furry bundle launched itself at her and quickly wrapped around her neck. Kai nuzzled into her neck and mewed softly causing Riley to smile. She left with Kai and climbed onto the back of her black Ducati. Before taking off, Kai climbed into her shirt to escape the wind but kept his head out. They came to a stop in front of the Red Room and both of them entered. Riley could have gone to her room that contained a few of her clothes but her new injuries were getting worse. The wind only pushed the shards further into her arm with a vengeance and the feeling of her nerves being scratched was intense. She plopped down on a couch across from another girl and began to pick them out while Kai licked the wounds.
(Changing Fabian's text speech colour to black, just a heads up ^^)

Fabian noticed the guy tense slightly as he spoke but said nothing about it or the guy's slightly red eyes as an eyebrow was quirked in his direction. He noted that the video had been turnt off - obviously something personal then, especially if the guy was crying over it - and he looked the guy straight back in the eyes as he was given a hard stare. A get away? Well, that could work then. If this place wasn't some sort of shitty therapy session then maybe it would be alright to hang out here for now. For a while at least. He chuckled bitterly as the guy said therapy doesn't do shit and watched as he walked over to lean against the wall next to him.

"Damn right they don't. The first and last therapy session I went to, they tried to tell me to 'expand my social circle', which is just a polite way of them saying you need more friends, and then I'll somehow be magically cured." He looked to the guy silently then as a name was offered before nodding in acknowledgment. He offered his own name in much more relaxed tone than Skyler had.

"Fabian" He glanced around the quiet room once more before frowning slightly as he remembered something Skyler had said, "Wait, you mean this place is yours?" He looked back at Skyler, "'Cause if it is, that's pretty cool. I'd love to have my own place to chill out at. Give me somewhere to hide from my Dad at least." He said the last part with a small grin, his eyes roaming the room once more. Yeah, it was pretty nice here. Maybe he could chill out here, at least until he got bored of it.
Alex opened her eyes when she heard someone nearby. She scanned the area before seeing a girl on a couch in front of her, the person's hand bleeding from what she thought were shards of glass, the light from randomly placed lamps glistening off of the small reflective pieces. She resisted the urge to go over and help tend to the wound and stayed in her spot, her eyes reflecting curiosity and a bit of worry. She debated on whether or not she should speak, deciding after a few moments that it wouldn't hurt to do so.

"Need any help?" Alex wanted to do a well placed facepalm right there for asking such a stupid question. Did it look like the girl needed any help?
Skyler simply shrugged. He didn't have anyone to hide from. Only his conscience really. He rubbed at his head and shifted his feet. "Well, we got dorms upstairs if you ever need to get away for a while." He let out a soft sigh. Stiles was usually a lot more energetic. Well, he was almost always energetic. "Sorry, I'm usually so ADHD I'm annoying. You just caught me at a bad time." He made a half-hearted grin before tilting his head back with a sigh.

"So, why'd you decide to come here?" He stole a glance over at Fabian, briefly noting their similarities in height before turning his gaze back to the black screen looming back at them. He carefully tugged off his sweatshirt, underneath he was wearing a navy blue t-shirt. His right, scarred arm tucked back against his side and his clear one tucked itself into the front pocket of his black well-fitted jeans. They hung low on his waist and his blue shirt fell from his pecks and hung down loosely over his abdominal area, stopping just past his waist line.
Riley studied the girl for a moment before sending her warm smile and a shake of her head. "No thanks, I'm use to doing this on my own." Even though the task was tedious and was made more painful by the rough way she yanked them out without thinking of the consequences. Kai was still trying to help the wounds and she was worried about him licking a shard. An idea hit her and she looked over at the girl that looked worried. 'Wait, worried?' The girl did look concerned. She used her other arm to cradle Kai, "Actually, would you mind holding him for me while I finish? I don't want him to get hurt."
Alex was surprised when the girl actually answered her. She was so used to being ignored it caught her off guard. Alex looked at her, taking in the way she simply yanked out the glass, before studying the animal. Only a few seconds had passes before she nodded her head on confirmation. "I wouldn't mind at all." She slowly gets up, being sure to be more careful with how she moved her body, and walked over to the girl. Once there she gently picks up the ferret, smiling as she places it in her arms. Once that is done Alex moves her grey eyes over to look at the girl, biting her lip. Since Alex wasn't good at starting conversations she asked something relatively simple. "So... What's your name?"
Fabian glanced to Skyler as he actually offered a place for him to stay. He had to hold back a sarcastic grin at that. If only he'd gone to this place back when he was still living with his Mum and her a-hole of a boyfriend; things could have been much simpler. Then again, he knew his Dad didn't really give two shits about him anyway. Could he just stay here for a while and let his Dad think it was some sort of therapy jazz that he was going to? Probably. It was a good idea, he'd think on it.

When Skyler sighed and then told Fabian he was ADHD to the point of being annoying it was Fabian's turn to shrug, "Don't worry about it, we all get our bad times. Besides, some of the funniest people I've met have been annoying little shits, I find people like that hilarious. Sometimes it's nice to chill out with people who don't give a damn about being 'normal'."

There was a moment of blissful silence - yes Fabian was one of those people who enjoyed the quiet when it wasn't an awkward one, which this one wasn't - before Skyler asked him a question. One that made him pause to think. There was a moment of quiet as Fabian thought on his answer and noticed Skyler pull his sweatshirt off. He took in the other guy's outfit before glancing down to look at his own black worn jeans and his dark green sweatshirt. He shrugged before answering, "It was actually my Dad that heard about this place, apparently after finding my blades last week he decided this wasn't 'just a phase' I was going through and so he sent to me some crappy therapy place before hearing about here." He looked to Skyler, "He kicked me out and said he'd come get me in a few hours or something, wasn't too sure if I was gonna come in here but I thought it was worth a shot." Fabian reached up to brush a bit of his wild black hair away from his light blue eyes before finishing, "Since this place isn't another old lady telling me to get some friends I think I might stick around for a bit."

There was a pause before Fabian glanced at Skyler curiously, "What about you? What made you start this place?"
She smiled after the girl had picked up Kai and was surprised to see how calm he was with her. The last time someone tried to touch Kai he latched onto their arm like bear trap. Riley found the sight funny because she warned them before they tried. She was so focused on the past that she didn't realize that she dragged one shard across her arm instead of pulling up. She just watched a new line formed before turning her attention back on the girl, "I'm Riley, what's your name? Oh thanks for holding Kai for me."
Alex watches as the blood flows down the girl's arm, her fingers twitching. She scolds herself in her head for her body reacting that way, wanting another mark to be engraved into her skin, and turns back up to the girl when she starts talking. "Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Alex." By now she would of stuck out her hand but considering that both teens were busy she just nodded her head. Her eyes turn back down to the ferret, Kai, and she smiles once again.
Ryla left the kitchen she knew that she needed to get a good smoke now... maybe she should go out to the yard and do it... the yard is always nice to hang out. Ryla pushed herself off the counter of the kitchen and walked outside with Bibi still wrapped around her arm. Digging in her pocket Ryla took out a joint as well as her lighter and put it to her mouth, using the lighter she lit the bottom end and sucked a bit to help it light.

Once lit she put the lighter away and took a seat on the floor, Bibi slowly made her way off of Ryla's arm and slithered down her leg and toward her foot.

Taking another hit Ryla laid her back onto the grass as her eyes looked up at the sky, if she had a nice big bottle of tequila then she'd probably be acting a fool right now. Holding the smoke in her throat Ryla couldn't help but cough at how strong it was and decided that she didn't need to be to high seeing as how she's been trying to stop smoking... less.

Sitting up again Ryla put the joint out with the bottom of her shoe and then placed it back in her mouth as she continued to gaze at the sky; with a sigh she picked Bibi up and lifted her up. Bibi slowly began to raise her body upwards until she had her tail wrapped around Ryla's hand and the rest of her snake body lifted in the air.

"How pretty," Ryla grinned as she carefully used her other hand to grab her phone and began to take pictures of her snake who continued to flicker its tongue to check out its surroundings.
Skyler kicked off the wall and shrugged. "I''ll tell you if you want to hear. May take awhile." He turned on his heel to face Fabian, giving him a wary smile. He quietly approached Fabian, his arms crossing over his chest. His scars were visible, some faded, some dark, some still fresh wounds. "What exactly is your story? Typical Bad Boy with a sensitive interior?" His eyebrow was quirked and his defense was up.

The muscles in his jaw tightened and relaxed as he repeatedly clenched and relaxed his jaw. His eyes weren't unkind but they had returned to their hardened state. He realized how ridiculous he was being quickly and laughed shortly before rubbing his head. "I'm going to get some food. Feel free to join me." He walked quietly towards the exit and hesitated once he had the door open. "Dad left, Mom left last month and my brother committed suicide." He closed the door shortly after, walking towards the cafe.
"So it was about-.."Seth had been explaining what he saw when they took their walk yesterday but Cole had covered his mouth and put a finger over his own mouth,then motioned to listen.Staying quiet Seth did what Cole told him to do and could hear multiple voices and foot steps all around."...Sounds like quite a few people are on the move...."Cole nodded,looking to each other Seth simply crossed his fingers on both hands holding them up for Cole to see. Cole smiled as if he was laughing but nothing came out,holding up his note pad it read** Hoping none come here** Seth nodded." Well don't you know me well."Even he smiled for a moment till they heard a growl,looking confused Cole stared at Seth with a glare as his brother's stomach growled again.Seth just pouted as he crossed his arms,"No...."he said looking away with a huff. But Cole got up anyway and grabbing Seth's arm he started dragging him out holding up his pad again.**Idiot,starving isn't fun just annoying...**Thinking about it Seth sighed."Fine....Be that way..."Slipping his arm out of Cole's grip he slipped his hand in instead."Lets go..."

Leaving the room they both looked down the hall a different way and seeing no one there they went out and headed to the kitchen. they swung their arms together in between them as they went knowing exactly were they were going,getting there with no trouble they really seemed to be alert for anything.Looking around Seth had went to a cabinet and opened to find something,seeing peanut butter on the top shelf he tried to reach but couldn't get up their."Cole come here."He said quietly pointing to the jar,Cole nodded and Seth got on his hands and knees as Cole used him as a stool to get the jar. Hopping off Seth got up and was handed the peanut butter,Cole had found some bread as Seth looked around some more for anything else.Setting four pieces out Cole waited for Seth who was still searching.Finding nothing else he shrugged his shoulders and went over to Cole opening the jar and set it on the counter,he opened a drawer to find a knife but to their luck there were only spoons left. Seth growled,"Gees these people....."grabbing 2 spoons he handed one to Cole as he got a scoop of peanut butter and then past it to Cole as he spread it on his bread,Cole had done the same. Then putting his sandwich in his mouth Seth grabbed the lid,putting it back on the jar he put it back in the cabinet in a lower spot so they could get it easier next time and tossed his spoon in the sink as Cole finished making him.

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