[Ad Astra Per Aspera] Dr. Leonard 'Harrier' Beckett, MD, PhD.


Superluminal Rodent
AGE: 36

WEIGHT: 173 lbs.

HEIGHT: 5' 10"


"I could make something for that..."

"Suggest you not irritate me. In dire need of new test subjects."

"There is always a solution."

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: The picture of a classic mad scientist, Dr. Beckett is wiry and slim, all arms and legs and barely contained energy. His hair is a dark blonde going prematurely grey/white, long enough to brush his chin, framing a face dominated by sharp features. His raptor namesake is fairly accurate; high, defined cheekbones, piercing dark blue eyes, a sharply pointed chin, everything about him hints at his boundless energy and relentless curiosity. His almost never seen without his off-white longcoat and interface glasses, usually wearing a shirt, tie, and waistcoat...along with hard-wear dark pants and combat boots. His most distinct physical feature is the elaborate tattoo starting at his fingertips and climbing all the way up to his neck, shoulder-blade, and collarbone on his right side, a relic of his wilder days in his youth.

RECORDED HISTORY: Born to a lower middle class family on Mars, Leonard was never an ordinary child. Displaying his brilliance early, he clashed with both his teachers and peers, flaunting his superior intellect; the basic education system posed no challenge for his brilliant mind. Scouted early as a child prodigy, he devoured knowledge at a prodigious rate, learning everything from advanced math, chemistry, biology, engineering, and computer science. As time went on, his genius was noticed by the UEC, and he was recruited to be a part of a government think-tank.

From age eighteen to twenty-six, Dr. Beckett was the wunderkind of this little black box group, devising everything from next-generation Bio-Augmentation to semi-intelligent security programs for secure servers. Then, one fateful day, the group was given it's greatest task yet.

Devise a biochemical weapon. The perfect biochemical weapon.

Dr. Beckett did.

Shortly afterward, he cut ties with the UEC, and focused his energies on electronic warfare and computer sciences, selling his services as a freelance consultant and engineer. Hired on as the chief designer for a one-of-a-kind starship, the good Doctor plans on liberating his labors for himself, rather than letting his erstwhile employers take his Magnum Opus for their own gain.




SIZE: Human








XEWP-01 "SKELETON Key Interface System"

Dr. Beckett's crowning achievement in the field of electronic warfare. Combining recent advances in wireless interface technology and miniframe computing, this handheld device allows the good doctor to detect, interface with, and control anything with a microchip and wireless transmitter within 100 meters. Even systems with only hardline access aren't immune; the SKELETON can interface with its intended targets via manipulation of electromagnetic energy in wires and power lines. Also functions as a portable database and scanning system.


Mind Control Lv. 3 (All Silicon-age tech, nothing analog)

Computer scanning Lv.4, 100m range.

Duration (Mind Control): Permanent

Combat Tech: Tourney Encyclopedia (Publicly known military forces)

Combat Tech: Weapons Encyclopedia

Combat Tech: Portable Armory

DISADVANTAGE: Unpredictable; -2 vs. 'Smart' computing systems (Adaptive 'dumb' programming, learning software, faux-AIs), -4 vs. true AI systems. Despite the massive technological miracle Dr. Beckett has created, the Key still has problems when used on anything besides standard 'dumb' software. Still, with a little effort, he can attempt to try and subvert these systems, though the outcome is not guaranteed.

Mossberg Model 1050 Assault Shotgun

A favorite of military shock troopers and others needing massive firepower, the Mossberg M1050 is a lightweight, semi-automatic shotgun. Dr. Beckett's version has been heavily modified, swapping various parts for lighter and stronger replacements, shortening the profile, and modifying it to accept custom made slugs. The slugs have a downside, however, as the massive recoil of these manstoppers requires that their magazine size be reduced to allow for compensating weights. However, despite this, it is still an assault shotgun that the doctor can carry underneath a coat with relative ease.


Street Sweeper (Comparable to Heavy Double-Barreled Shotgun)

Level 8

Varibles: Range 2, Spreading

Restrictions: Ammo -1 (5 shots per mag), Hands, Non-Penetrating

Alt. Fire (Solid Slugs)

Varibles: Range 2

Restrictions: Ammo -2 (4 per mag), Hands

Aegis Industries LAS-150 "Plainclothes" Vest

A vest capable of being worn under most clothing without being completely apparent. Made of high-strength polymers and synthetic fabrics. Won't stop heavier ordanance, but better than street clothes in a firefight.


Armor Lv. 5 (10 pts. DR)

Mk.3 KDS

A early generation forcefield, modified to fit along a spinal mounting bracket on a LAS-150 vest, with a control interface linked to Dr. Beckett's interface glasses.


Force Field Lv.2



Combat Regeneration Serum ( a.k.a. CRS or "The Stimpack")

A pet project of Dr. Beckett's since his days with the UEC. A unique blend of steroids, synthetic hormones, designer drugs, and one-shot nanites, designed to heal just about any kind of trauma within minutes. Originally intended as a military project, low funding and general lack of interest from High Command doomed it to the shelf...until Dr. Beckett copied the existing research and began to expand on the concept. His latest and greatest version of this is the Mark 8, a device about the size and dimensions of a large ballpoint; one end has a large red button, the other a sealed and sterile injector. To use, the 'pen' is placed in/near the affected area and the button pushed. For internal trauma or general injury, any major artery or vein will do. Within thirty (30) seconds, the potent cocktail will begin to knit flesh and bone, replenish blood, and provide a temporary jolt of stimulants and combat drugs to bring the patient back to consciousness. Success with this formula has been seen in even near-death injuries, although limb and organ regeneration are still elusive. Dr. Beckett continues to refine the recipe.


Healing Lv.4 (+40 HP)

Can be used on same target FOUR (4) times per 24 hours. Additional doses beyond four will have no effect.


-Eidetic Memory

-Lightning Calculator


Biological Sciences: 3 (Bacteria/Viruses, Genetics, Physiology)

Computers: 4 (Electronic Warfare, Intrusion/Security, Programming)

Electronics: 2 (Communications, Computers, Security)

Mechanics: 2 (Gunsmith, Armorer, Micro)

Medicine: 3 (Diagnosis, Pathology, Surgery)

Physical Sciences: 3 (Biochemistry, Chemistry, Engineering)

Languages 1: Japanese


Skeleton In The Closet: -6

Wanted: -4

Marked: -2

Recurring Nightmares: -2

Skeleton In The Closet:

Dr. Leonard Beckett's greatest shame is one that cost him dearly. During his time with the UEC, his think-tank was charged with, and developed, a biochemical weapon called HX-62417, deployment name "Nocturne-7".

From Dr. Leonard Beckett's Audio Logs:

Dr. L.B. "Day 417 of development. Alpha build of Nocturne ready for human testing. Subject is an Asian male, age 20 years, average height and weight for level of development. No serious illness in medical history, subject is in excellent health. Now introducing Nocturne into testing area."

(Muted coughing can be heard)

L.B. "Subject is experiencing immediate respiratory distress. Elevated pulse and blood pressure noted."

(Coughing becomes louder. Muffled shouting can be heard.)

L.B. "Subject appears agitated. Exhibiting violent behavior in attempt to escape test area."

(Coughing, followed by retching.)

L.B. "Subject has vomited, large quantities of blood can be easily seen in discharge. Internal hemorrhaging suspected, will confirm at autopsy. Hemorrhaging from eyes and nose also noted."

(More retching heard, followed by dull thump.)

L.B. "Subject has vomited again, followed by loss of muscular control. Subject appears to have fallen unconscious."

(Long low tone can be heard.)

L.B. "Subject has expired. Total time from exposure to death: 73.2 seconds. Target time of 60 seconds or less still illusive, but latest iteration should more than satisfy military review panel.



Wanted :

Directly related to Dr. Beckett's work on Nocturne-7 was it's use on the rebel base on Mercury. Despite the knowledge of its efficacy, Leonard was horrified at just how potent it truly was. twenty ten pound canisters were released inside the sealed environment. Within one hour, the entire population was dead. 100,000 people, and Dr. Leonard Beckett was directly responsible. The rebels have had a standing bounty on the architect of the Mercury attack; a rather large one.


Recurring Nightmares:

The horror of the Mercury attack weighed heavily, and still does, on Leonard. The pictures and video recovered from the site, coupled with Beckett's intimate knowledge of how Nocturne-7 functions has left him with vivid nightmares of his handiwork. Melting flesh and fountains of blood, along with the sightless gaze of thousands of victims still plague him. Sleep is something of luxury for him.



A souvenir from his wilder university days, Dr. Beckett has a full sleeve tattoo spanning from the fingertips on his right hand, all the way to his neck, collarbone, and shoulder blade on his right side. A series of interlocking abstract patterns, the tattoo is quite distinctive, and impossible to hide unless he wears long sleeves, gloves, and high collars. Still, most days, that isn't necessary, and he wears his ink proudly.

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