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New Member
When you're describing the actions does everyone talk in third person??? Is it okay to talk in first person???

E.g. - *i looked up at the sky and wanted to make a wish* "star light, star bright..."
Hello Judy,

This is a question that is best answered on a case-by-case basis. Different games/rp's will have different requirements, as determined by their creator or storyteller. One game might allow you to use first and third person, while another might restrict you to first person. You should ask whoever is in charge of your rp, or your partner if you are doing a 1x1 game, which they would be prefer, or if they would accept both.

Hope this helps!
[QUOTE="Nurse Calgori]Hello Judy,
This is a question that is best answered on a case-by-case basis. Different games/rp's will have different requirements, as determined by their creator or storyteller. One game might allow you to use first and third person, while another might restrict you to first person. You should ask whoever is in charge of your rp, or your partner if you are doing a 1x1 game, which they would be prefer, or if they would accept both.

Hope this helps!

Thanks that helped a lot!!! ^.^

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