Act 7 - yet to be named [The Resurgent]


One Thousand Club
The Loom, Fishmarket square, Sunset of the Fourth Day of Calibration, between RY 767 and RY 768

Gateway is deserted save for a distant, last minute patrol of guardsmen, more worried about not getting wet than guarding the possesions of the gatewayers. You're standing in a stall, hidden from view, looking out on the agreed upon meeting place. The first winds of a fierce storm play with the street trash, teasing of much harsher winds to come. The thunderhead is visible in the north-east.

Out of a side-street steps a man into the red rays of sunset. The light agrees with him. Stading in the red rays with his red Jade reinforced breastplate and minor trickles of fire whisping out of his hair he is umistakably Dragon-Blooded, confident in his unchallenged dominance of the world. His looks tell of a long ancestral line in the Blessed Isle; he is of average height. He states to the empty square, loud enough to be heard but no louder:

"I demand that Gateway end their unlawful and heretical harboring of Anathema. Three Anathema, in chains, are due! Bring them forth!"


Scene 7 begins! Please state your current equipment, Essence, WP, health and position (if other than the default mentioned above), stealth status and Anima status.

We are in roleplay time (i.e. no ticks) however, your actions could change that at any time to one tick system or the other.

For the purposes of Anima banner two scenes have passed, for the purpose of Essence, health 4 hours 'at ease' (4m/hour) have passed. For the purpose of WP no nights of rest have passed.
Noisy Cricket, always willing to have tea.

Noisy Cricket sits at a small outdoor tea house across from where the other Solars are, sipping some slowly cooling tea as he looks up at the man, recognizing him from earlier and tipping his hat at the man.

"Greetings. Would you care for some tea. I assure you it tastes delicious, I brewed it myself earlier, green, with a hint of mint." He pours himself another cup and takes a sip, to show it is not poisoned.

He sighs and relaxes as the tea drifts his mind away momentarily, a mental kata to remind himself to take nothing too seriously as to not enjoy the moment.

While I will fight for Gateway, I am hoping that it does not come to that...

Taking a deep breath, he smiles at the man again. "So, tea?" He gestures to the seat across from him.


Activating Celestial Monkey Form the only way I know how...


traveling/sparing clothes

any token I got from Iza in my scene (if any)

Straw Hat

Tea cups (2)

Green tea (with mint), fresh

tea kettle

Hearthstone Bracers

By the way, willing to retcon this if anyone goes crazy over it, presumably, we've discussed things beforehand. It's just not in his nature to hide his never works out well.

Essence/Willpower (assuming my personal thread's scene doesn't interfere with my resting regain):

Personal: 10/15

Peripheral: 32/36

Willpower: 6/6
Thanatos,+2 to diplomacy until the end of the scene

Thanatos stands idly a small distance from the busy tea-maker. As the meeting ended he'd decided that perhaps a less confrontational presentation might help these other Solars with whatever dancing they felt they must accomplish before the inevitable action, there could be only one result in today's meeting. Aligning itself with his will, Death's Mask had left Thanatos wearing a well fitted suit of leather armor with a pair of small matched dueling daggers at his hips. The hood on Shadow's Embrace was pulled back, exposing is shoulder length grey hair, while flapping gently in the pre-storm breeze behind him.


Observing, not stealthed.


2x reaper Daiklaves (disguised)

Bracers (disguised)

Hearthstone of mobility (disguised)

Everyman Armor (disguised)

Cloak of Vanishing escape

Brass balls


pers 16/16

pere 12/37

wp 7/7

I'm down one conviction channel.

Balthazar, Figure of Command

Balthazar adjusts in his new armor and steps from the protection of the alcove. His are the measured strides of command and authority. Although less color-coordinated, he makes a striking symbol of practical independence defiant in the face of oppulent oppression. It is very much a symbol of the West.

"Honored Terrestrial, you make irrational demands. The people of Gateway can no more dictate the actions of Celestial Exalted than they can turn back the oncoming storm." The arm not holding a weathered self-bow sweeps out to the darkening cloudbank. "No amount of surly entitlement will motivate the people of Gateway. You might as well scold the sand for yielding to the surf."

Balthazar turns in a pose of respectful enticement and gestures to teahouse of Noisy Cricket.

"I entreat to join us for tea. Violence between us would only harm the people of Gateway and likely lead to your death and the deaths of your companions. I want none of those things, so please take our offer."


For clarity, I'm trying to be matter-of-fact about killing them with clear overtones that its also undesirable. My goal it not to provoke them but to express our power. (4 DB < 4 Solars)

This is a presence action, and I'd like to use Irresistable Salesman Spirit. Appearance 3.


Self-bow and two quivers of 15 arrows.

New mundane armor to be determined after finding the book

Orichalcum Collar of Dawn's Cleansing
The Loom

The Fire Aspect looks from the sitting Monkey stylist to the shadowed (unbeknowst to him) Night Caste to the captain whose face is miraculously not a crisp and only his iron-clad will gained by years of reciting the teachings of Hesiesh keeps his Anima from exploding. Instead he shouts "They wear no chains!" and the building nearest Noisy Cricket collapses.

At this command sevearal additional forces step onto the streets or fly into the air, now enjoying a clear view of Fishmarket square.


Noisy Cricket, please give me a Dex+Athletics roll. Everyone whose interested in seeing the chakram-thrower, give me a Perception+Awareness.

Hanging out out of line of sight and easily scoutable, these forces make their presense known through the magic of Join Battle. You are now aware of the Earth Aspect (20 yards, on the other side of the rubble that was a building), the Water Aspect (15 yards), the second Fire Aspect, riding a pheonix (who just took off 200 yards away), his 24 men (100 yards) and 5 additional immaculate monks with no clear aspect markings (30 yards). The First Fire Aspect (the one talking) is 5 yards from everyone. For simplicity space is limited to 1d, so I'll put everyone's position on it. All distances in yards.

-20 Earth ... 0 Noisy Cricket ... 5 1st Fire ... 10 Thanatos, Rillard ... 25 Water ... 30, 5 monks ... 45 Balthazar ... 100, 24 men ... 200, 2nd Fire

For free you know:

The Earth Aspect's skin looks like stone, and is armed with a Grand Goremaul

The first Fire Aspect wears a red Jade reinforced breastplate and is unarmed

The second Fire Aspect and his pheonix are encased in flame

The Water Aspect is armed with black Jade Tiger Claws, but unarmored

12 of the men have bows

12 of the men have swords

The 5 immaculate monks have mundane spears and breastplates on

Any additional information will take a Wits+Awareness roll (-2 external penalty for reflexive, no penalty for misc action, only available once each).

For the purposes of Joining Battle anyone can flurry one action with it (that action first) if they choose to take the multiple action penalty and minimum tick value, such as Noisy Cricket's Form Charm, should they choose to do so, since that action initiated the Join Battle roll.

Balthazar, in roleplay time there aren't Presense attacks, there are just non-attack actions and actions that spark Join Battle, Join Debate (tickless or ticked), and Join War.

Noisy Cricket, your post counts as a 2 die stunt for your Join Battle flurry.

Thanatos, your post counts as a 2 die stunt for your Join Battle action or flurry.

Balthazar, your post counts as a 3 die stunt for your Join Battle action or flurry. (Character resonance, it was win). The Fire Aspect would declare MDDV if this were an appropriate social combat venue.
Rillard, Fishmarket Square

Rillard lounges comfortably against the railing of the tea house, which has been rubbed smooth both from the frequency of patrons and passers by and the dedicated attention to detail of the owner. It is one of Gateway's oldest and most successful establishments, situated in Fishmarket square where the road from the beach joins the intersection. Seeing it abandoned at this time of day gives the scene and eerie discord, more so than the abandoned streets and quiet square. Rillard drifts off in thought, tired from a mostly sleepless night.

A guy's not supposta have to put up with this nonsense. Wasn't enough I was running my tail off just to compete with realm merchants who wouldn't hesitate to whisper a wrong word in the right ear and cause me trouble, now I've gotta stick my prick right in the middle of it. Give me a fair wind, fair woman, and fair odds at the table, s'all I need.

He shakes his head, the light brown color of the railing reminds him of Waves skin..

..damn but you don't find one that pretty but once in a long while, and just when you do, here comes another wave to crash over your head...

Rillard sighs...


Rillards teeth clack together, jarred out of his reverie as the ground vibrates and rubble settles....


Screen fades out of focus and back in a la FF pixellated


[Perfect Jitte] - +2 Acc, +1B, +1 Def

Speed - 5, Acc + 3, Dam - 7B, Def +1, Rate - 2, Min - STR 1, Cost - 3, Tags - D

Leather plate armor

+5L/8B, Mob-0, Fatigue 0

charming good looks


Chakram throw

Perc(3) + Aware(3) = 6 : 4 successes + 1 stunt = 5 successes

Join Battle

Wits(3) + Aware(3) = 6 : 6 successes + 1 stunt = 7 successes

Essence (free/total)




Conviction, Compassion 1/9 used

WP 5/6

Thanatos, now with judo chop action

With the sound of the crumbling building still echoing Thanatos' hands dart to draw the daggers at his hips. The billowing cloak behind him distracts the eye as he is now holding two Daiklaves instead of daggers. One of the drawn blades is leveled at the Fire aspect who was acting as leader.

"His tea may be bad, but it wasn't worth dying for."


Perception + awareness = 3 + 5 = 8

thanatos rolled the following in his 8 dice:

8, 3, 8, 4, 2, 4, 8, 7

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 4 successes.

Drawing my weapons, so assuming -2 on my join battle for flurry.

Wits + awareness = 5 + 5 + 2 -2 = 10

thanatos rolled the following in his 10 dice:

5, 6, 3, 9, 9, 7, 8, 6, 9, 6

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.


This is unfortunate...


Per (3) + Aware (1) - Injury (1) = 1 success

Join Battle: Wits (4) + Aware (1) + Stunt (3) - Injury (1) = 3 successes



~0 [X]

~1 [X] [X]

~2 [ ] [ ]

~4 [ ]

Incapacitated [ ]

Dying [ ] [ ]




[X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ]

Personal _15_|_15_

Peripheral _40_|_42_

Committed __1_____

*Self Bow

Speed 6, Accuracy +0, Damage 2L, 2B, 4L armor soak X2, 0L Piercing, Rate 2, Range 150, Keys: 2

*Chain shirt

+3L/+1B. Mob -0, Fatigue 1

You guys crack me up =D

Rillard, take 2 stunt dice and mad props for the FF6 reference and your charming good looks.

Just need a Join Battle roll from NC and Rillard and we'll get a tick order going on! Any questions or something needs more clarity?
Noisy Cricket, never leaving a teacup behind

Noisy Cricket pushes away from the table, instinctively grabbing the teacup and the teapot from it. He sips from the cup and turns as a piece of wood goes spinning inches from his head, eyes darting to see who caused the explosion, then turning to face the Immaculates.

Well, I tried to talk to to try to minimize the casualties...

Noisy Cricket adopts a relaxed pose, teacup in one hand, kettle in the other. "I really do wish you had tried the tea."


Holding on other rolls for stunts.


Dexterity 5 + Athletics 4 + Stunt 2 = 8 successes

(For Chakram)

Perception 3 + Awareness 2 + Stunt 2 = 5 successes

Join Battle

Wits 3 + Awareness 2 + Stunt 2 - Flurry 3 = 4 dice gets 2 successes (assuming I am rerolling due to the last post being eaten, otherwise, I got one success on the last one).


Personal: 10/15

Peripheral: 32/36

Willpower: 6/6

The Loom

Noisy Cricket avoids every speck of the rubble, and makes it look effortless. He's still well-dressed enough for a tea party.

Through the rubble of the building, Rillard, Thanatos and Noisy Cricket see a woman holding a blue Jade Chakram looking at the three of them. She looks very surprised to be within your line of sight. Balthazar does not make her out, perhaps wondering just how hot that Pheonix rider has to be.

The closer, armored Fire Aspect adopts a passive, rolling Martial Arts stance.


Its wonderful how dice can work with the scene, yay on Balthazar missing the looksee roll.

[Now] - Tick 0 -- Rillard

- Tick 1 --

- Tick 2 -- Water Aspect

- Tick 3 -- Chakram girl

- Tick 4 -- Balthazar, Swordsman and Archers, Monks

- Tick 5 -- Thanatos, Fire 1, Fire 2, Noisy Cricket

- Tick 6 -- Earth Aspect

- Tick 7 --

- Tick 8 --

- Tick 9 --

- Tick 10 --

Rillard set the Join battle roll with a 7, landing on Tick 0. You don't have your Jitte out, however.

The Water Aspect didn't flurry anything, landing on Tick 2 via his roll.

Chakram girl was pre-stealthed and thus it didn't affect her Join Battle, but that's not very important now...

The mortals scored pretty well for their dicepools landing them at Tick 4, same as Balthazar.

Thanatos had a minimum speed of 5, as did Fire 1 and 2. NC's minimum speed was 3, he just rolled a 2.

Earth's minimum speed for knocking over the building was 6.

I hope you accept my humble apologies for my tardiness. I've been filling up the free time with LoL, which is highly entertaining and addicting.

Please note that you don't have your weapons drawn if you didn't declare that yet. Anyone can take move actions starting on Tick 0.
Rillard, the not so valorous

Seeing conflict is imminent, Rillard plants a hand on the railing he was inspecting earlier and jumps it to land behind a water barrel on the side of the tea house.

With his back to the barrel peering back over the side he un-sheaths his jitte.

Looking down at the small wooden instrument he feel wholly inadequate to the situation.


Misc. and guard.
The Loom

The Water Aspect performs a seemingly impossible contortionist kata as he approaches Rillard, and draws his weapons - jet black tiger claws - during it.

The swordsman and archers ready their bows and weapons, save for two of the archers, who seem to be giving orders.

The Monks guard as they run towards Thanatos, and likely ruin.

Chakram girl dashes behind a building, not wanting to be seen.


- Tick 0 -- Rillard

- Tick 1 --

- Tick 2 --

- Tick 3 --

[Now] - Tick 4 -- Balthazar, Monks

- Tick 5 -- Thanatos, Fire 1, Fire 2, Noisy Cricket

- Tick 6 -- Earth Aspect

- Tick 7 -- Water Aspect

- Tick 8 -- Chakram girl

- Tick 9 -- Swordsman and Archers

- Tick 10 --

In the intervening 4 ticks the Earth Aspect goes towards Noisy Cricket, Fire 1 towards Thanatos, Fire 2 flies closer, Water goes after Rillard, the 5 monks go after Thanatos, 24 men stay put.

You may retroactively decalre Tick 0-4 movement.

-20 Chakram ... -4 Earth ... 0 Noisy Cricket ... 10 Thanatos, Rillard, 1st Fire, Water ... ... 18, 5 monks ... 40, 2nd Fire ... 45 Balthazar ... 100, 24 men

Gonna need Wits+Awareness+2 rolls from everyone.
Noisy Cricket, possibly doing something stupid.

Noisy Cricket catches the sight of the Water Aspect's kata, taking a moment to glance at where the girl with the chakrams is going, he takes off toward the Chosen of Water, standing between him and Rillard, defiant, with tea. "I am your opponent."

That form looks familiar...Sifu Saru described it once...what was it?


Stunting to move up to engage the Water Aspect, follow the bouncing chakram, and to know what that form charm is, assuming it is one. I realize I can't defend Rillard at the moment. I'm hoping I can determine if the Water Aspect will fight me or him.

Also, part of this might count for my motivation...not sure.

Wits 3 + Awareness 2 + 2 + Stunt ? =

Wits 3 + Martial Arts 5 + Stunt ? -2 (for using Wits?) =

Thanatos, intrigued

Surprise briefly registers on Thanatos' face as he watches the chakram owner dart towards cover, seeking the safety of the shadows before invariably striking again.

So one of them thinks to bend the shadows to their aid? Amateurs truly... perhaps a lesson needs to be taught...

As soon as the thought occurs to him he feels the rush of memories overtaking him.

Thanatos' muscles ached as he hung suspended between the two poles holding the awning that provided the only shade on the dusty street. The draped awning hid him from sight unless anyone should walk under it and look directly up. Thankfully the few people out this morning seemed busy concentrating on other tasks. Hopefully Eldareth would not once again be able to embarrass him; this was truly a superb hiding spot. He'd come to train with the man months ago, unsure what the man could offer that he did not already know. Self assurance was quickly disabused as the old man was an exacting task master who insisted on pitting his skills against the young exalt's. Defeat was allowed to teach Thanatos many of his lessons.

Pushing the infuriating man out of his mind Thanatos rolled his head slowly around stretching his neck and trying to prevent the muscles from cramping. As his head tilted upwards he was greeted by the sight of Eldareth; hanging upside down from the pole his hands clung to. Somehow he was managing to sip from a cup while upside down. "Jamba juice? it's fresh!" the old man inquires in cheery tone.

Shock loosened Thanatos' grip and he tumbled the handful of paces to the packed dirt road with a loud thump. Quickly picking himself up with a soft mutter he turned to the old man. Thanatos was sure he saw a smirk disappear behind the edge of the cup. "How did you find me already? you started the hunt two streets down, you'd have had to walk almost straight here?"

The spry man straightened his legs and dropped head first towards the ground, but he ended up standing in a relaxed pose. He looked up at the young man, "Simple, I know where to hide thus I know where to hunt, I saved time by ignoring the good spots I knew you couldn't find yet."
With a rush Thanatos feels himself reenter the current moment, in time to watch the chakram weilder's last few steps around the edge of the building. Surety of purpose surges through him and he barely restrains a grin. Quick mental calculations begin locating hiding spots and in the span of a breath he's confident of what he will find as he pursues the erstwhile ninja.


Be very very quiet, we're hunting rabbits. I'm gonna go find myself a student who needs a lesson.

wits + awareness + conviction channel + stunt + auto

5 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2

Thanatos rolled the following in his 19 dice:

2, 9, 7, 10, 9, 3, 3, 9, 7, 8, 2, 5, 1, 9, 10, 8, 10, 8, 10

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 17 successes.

one willpower down. using stunt to get back willpower.

Balthazar, Not staying for the thrashing

"And that's enough posturing." Balthazar mutters as moves in a quick crouch through a nearby empty doorway. Looking around briefly, he takes the stairs to the upper floor and positions himself at a window.

"Its not the mainmast of the Lady, but at least I'll have some command of the courtyard." He continues muttering to no one in particular as he leans slightly out the window. Seeing Rillard huddled behind a barrel he yells, "Get moving, boy. This isn't the first time you've used that little stick of yours!"

The motions of the martial artist in red jade attract his eye. Braced against the window sill he nocks an arrow and draws. Sighting down the arrow he tracks his target's movements. He begins a series of controlled breaths, waiting for a clear shot.


Retroactive and current misc. actions to get to an elevated position with a little cover. All for an AIM action on the Fire Aspect.

Wits (4) + Aware (1) + Stunt (2) - Injury (1) = 3 successes

Also, I too enjoy a good penis joke.

Noisy Cricket

Wits 3 + Awareness 2 + 2 + Stunt 1 =

Wits 3 + Martial Arts 5 + Stunt 2 -2 (for using Wits? Yes) =

Updated your movement to make it to the Water Aspect.

What motivation mechanic are you referring to?


3 dot stunt, very win. Are you moving towards the Chakram thrower?


Since you're not on a roof, but looking out a window, I'll allow reflexive movement. You can see and be seen one way (the 'negative' direction). You can flurry attack and draw weapon but Aim cannot be part of a flurry (p.142 Core). I've put your action as (Relexive) move up to second story window (Misc) draw bow. I have not adjusted your placement in the distance line.

I have iterated everyone who has declared movement another tick in movement.

-20 Chakram ... 0 Earth ... 10 Thanatos, Rillard, 1st Fire, Water, Noisy Cricket, 2nd Fire (in the air) ... 15, 5 monks ... 45 Balthazar ... 100, 24 men

[Now] - Tick 5 -- Thanatos, Fire 1, Fire 2, Noisy Cricket, Monks, Rillard

- Tick 6 -- Earth Aspect

- Tick 7 -- Water Aspect

- Tick 8 -- Chakram girl

- Tick 9 -- Swordsman and Archers, Balthzar

- Tick 10 --

First one to post gets to go first =D. Tick 5 is kinda busy.
Thanatos, observant

Confidence to the point of lunacy flowing through his veins, Thanatos moves after the Chakram wielder.


I'm assuming I saw her hide, let me know when I get in melee range. Also I'm moving inhumanly fast from hearthstone.

Wits 3 + Awareness 2 + 2 + Stunt 1 = 7 successes, win

Wits 3 + Martial Arts 5 + Stunt 2 -2 (for using Wits?) = 3 successes, not as win

I wanted to throw these out and find out what I know before I post my action.
V'neef Alucard (2nd fire), diving out of the sky

Gazing down on the cityscape battlefield, Alucard only sees footwork and katas with few blows being exchanged.

If these fancy monks think they can dance the Anathema to Oblivion my men and I have our work cut out for us.

Alucard shifts his knees into his pheonix's side, signaling a dive at Noisy Cricket.

Below, the first Fire Aspect launches a sweep kick - two-handed palm thrust flurry at Thanatos.


Silly martial artists.

Noisy Cricket, Balthazar do not see the Chakram thrower's new position. Thanatos does.

Noisy Cricket, the Water Aspect is using Water Dragon Form. (That's the question your MA roll was asking, correct?)

Noisy Cricket, V'neef Alucard is targting you with a Melee attack reinforced with the 1st Melee Excellency. Doing so makes him vulnerable to melee attacks, at no penalty to you and at -2 external penalty to any other melee'ers in range. I am only giving him the flight bonus and lance charge bonus, not the mounted bonus. Ranged attacks are unaffected, as normal. Declare your step 2.

Thanatos, you're being targetted by a Martial Arts Flurry from the First Fire Aspect. It is unenhanced by Charms, but keep in mind he has his form Charm up. Declare your step 2.

-20 Chakram, Thanatos, 1st Fire ... 0 Earth ... 10 Rillard, Water, Noisy Cricket, 2nd Fire (in the air) ... 15, 5 monks ... 45 Balthazar ... 100, 24 men

[Now] - Tick 5 -- Thanatos, Fire 1 (resolving), Fire 2 (resolving), Noisy Cricket, Monks (guarding), Rillard

- Tick 6 -- Earth Aspect

- Tick 7 -- Water Aspect

- Tick 8 -- Chakram girl

- Tick 9 -- Swordsman and Archers, Balthzar

- Tick 10 -- Fire 1, Fire 2
Noisy Cricket, embracing conflict

I did hope to meet this man under better circumstances...but now is not the time

The spear screams toward Cricket, who breathes and...flows, his essence guiding his body along and beside the path of the spear as his caste mark glows on his forehead.

Taking the energy from the movement, his foot touches down briefly before he spins, teapot and cup in hand, lashing out hard with his left foot, his body flaring with a corona of golden light. The right foot joins it in a brilliant sideways kata, his body seeming to balance sideways on an essence monkey tail from his anima as he completes the flip, standing calm.


Edit: Adding two more dice to each attack, and confirming to Tikor that I meant if he had Water Dragon form up (or any form/style really)

Activating The Monkey Dances and Plays, with Seven Shadow Evasion to start with to stop that attack. (3 motes)

Secondly, declaring my flurry of two kicks against Alucard, with two charms, Flowing Mirror of Opposition Technique (for the speed reduction to speed 4, 1 mote) and 1st MA Excellency.

Both attacks enhanced with the 1st MA excellency, both with 8 extra dice. (14 motes total)

Kick 1: Dex 5+ MA 5+ Stunt ?+ 1st Ex 8 - penalty 2 + accuracy 0=

Kick 2: Dex 5+ MA 5+ Stunt ?+ 1st Ex 8 - penalty 3 + accuracy 0=

This, by the way, flares my anima to iconic...time to rout check
:) , and I get my extra 2 DVs >.>


Personal: 10/15

Peripheral: 12/36

Willpower: 5/6

Thanatos, above the buzzing of flies

Sighing at the distraction, Thanatos drops into a lower stance and turns to face the Fire aspect. The golden sword in his right hand begins to spin rhythmically but all of his attention is on his left hand, the blade bobs gently like a viper waiting to strike. Let us see if he can get a blow past my guard.


Spending one mote on first melee excellency for the bump to parry DV. Attempting to parry his attacks but not using a perfect defense.

Parry DV = 6 + 1 + ? = ?


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