[Act 6] - Imminent Action [The Resurgent]


At this point its a question of if you want any more information out of the NPCs or not. If not, we can skip to scene 7.

- Tick 0 -- Thanatos

- Tick 1 --

- Tick 2 --

- Tick 3 -- Rillard, Noisy Cricket

- Tick 4 -- Waterblade

- Tick 5 -- Balthazar, Petrin

- Tick 6 --

- Tick 7 --

- Tick 8 -- Rillard

[Now] - Tick 9 -- Noisy Cricket

- Tick 10 -- Balthazar's coordinated attack action with Thanatos, Petrin

Noisy Cricket, Astonished

"So...that's the plan then?"

Noisy Cricket says, a bit shocked that everyone seems okay with his plan.


Informal presence attack against Petrin I guess, or a Performance attack against the room.

If you want, I can roll it, but mostly it's pretty much a 'wow, that was the plan huh?'...he was expecting someone to come up with something brilliant.
Petrin, teaching

Petrin "Sun-Child, I have consulted every astrologer I can trust and prayed fervently to every god still peacefully in the local Terrestrial Bureaucracy and all I get is inspecific messages of destruction. The best I can do is lead my people to safety and ask the true weavers of Fate" Petrin eyes all the Solars arranged in the room "what lies ahead."

Petrin continues, "I have never in my 50 years heard astrologers so speechless. Jolu-lu tells me stories of a time when as few as 100 beings held all the true power of Creation, though 300 shared power in name. For most of my life I've rejected that as the hyperbole of an oligarchy long since passed - ten thousand Dragons can barely control more than the Blessed Isle and Gytherial has always been more interested in enforcing the law than making it. Today, as you warp the future like a hurricane unmakes a child's sandcastle, I'm prone to believing the old Monkey's tales."


I choose to interperet that as a Presence attack vs. Petrin, to which he declares no defense. Step 10 above.

- Tick 0 -- Thanatos

- Tick 1 --

- Tick 2 --

- Tick 3 -- Rillard, Noisy Cricket

- Tick 4 -- Waterblade

- Tick 5 -- Balthazar, Petrin

- Tick 6 --

- Tick 7 --

- Tick 8 -- Rillard

[Now] - Tick 9 -- Noisy Cricket

- Tick 10 -- Balthazar's coordinated attack action with Thanatos, Petrin
Thanatos, Double Dragon with nunchuks style

Thanatos leans forward, re-entering the conversation with a nod towards Balthazar. "My brethren is correct, sometimes you find yourself between a wave and a rock, where the only choice is to take action." As he speaks his hand comes to rest against the hilt of his sword, "Let us show these dragon blooded that we can protect this city and teach them the cost of their mistaken belief that they are the ones hunting us."


No clue what I'm rolling, but probably using a willpower for one success.

Petrin refuses Thanatos' suggestion "I'll happily keep myself and my forces out of this conflict."

Waterblade's reaction is veiled.


Petrin declares no defense to the order "Stand back and watch how much ass real solar's kick".

- Tick 0 -- Thanatos

- Tick 1 --

- Tick 2 --

- Tick 3 -- Rillard, Noisy Cricket

- Tick 4 -- Waterblade

- Tick 5 -- Balthazar, Petrin

- Tick 6 --

- Tick 7 --

- Tick 8 -- Rillard

- Tick 9 -- Noisy Cricket

[Now] - Tick 10 -- Balthazar's coordinated attack action with Thanatos, Petrin

"If that is all I'll get to speaking with the spirits, then." Petrin looks at the captain of his guard and asks "Waterblade?" in a polite order to follow him.


Balthazar says 'guard' over in OOC, and skips his own coordinated attack.

Petrin and Waterblade are attempting a move action out of the room. Kalarix or Balthazar can jump in here, before I iterate the tick and they're gone. Anyone can attempt to move with them.

- Tick 6 --

- Tick 7 --

- Tick 8 -- Rillard

- Tick 9 -- Noisy Cricket

[Now] - Tick 10 -- Balthazar's coordinated attack action with Thanatos, Petrin

- Tick 11

- Tick 12

- Tick 13 Noisy Cricket

- Tick 14 Thanatos
Noisy Cricket, kinda bored

He wanders over to where Waterblade and Petrin are going, seeing if they mind a tagalong.


Nothing really here.

Stopping his exit and looking at Noisy Cricket Petrin calmly asks "Excuse me?"


NPC wasn't expecting that.
Noisy Cricket

"Ah, I was just going to see about the talks, if it's a problem, I can just wait here." Noisy Cricket smiles lightly.

He pauses for a moment, thinking "Do we need to be doing anything in particular? If not, I might go see if I can find someone. Any restrictions on where we can go in the city?"


Hopefully dropping out of social combat at this point, just quick questions.

"Yes, your presence may complicate things. I'd prefer if you stay."

"The guards will know not to try to evacuate you."


Yeah, anywhere's fine.
Noisy Cricket, going to find someone

He turns to the rest of the room. "Well, if there's nothing else, I think I'm going to go find a friend."


Seeing if anyone still wants to talk, otherwise, going to wander around to find Izza and the guy from earlier who wanted me to beat on some Lintha.

I declare scene 6 done. NC, post any wandering in your solo thread. This scene counts as adding Izza to your intimacies.
Balthazar, Readying for Anything

The Mayor's sudden decision and even quicker departure takes Balthazar by surprise. He turns to those left at the table. Before he speaks, Noisy Cricket disappears out the door.

"Before anyone else leaves, I suggest we try to stay together. Were I the Realm, I would isolate us."

Balthazar stands up.

"I must inform my crew of the coming storm and order preparations be made. If this evening goes poorly, The Lady in Green will be our chance at escape. All of you are welcome to join me."

Balthazar looks around the room for agreement.


No action. Just roleplaying a relocaiton.

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