[Act 3] The mayor's [The Resurgent]

Gytherial, Knee-deep in Morbid Humor

As Isomaru turned to take hold of the object, Gytherial lets it go freely. "Here is your flute, good sir. I have a request: The Dragon's Ire. Surely you've herd it?"

Such a lovely tune.


Your 4 successes tell you that the cold metal object is clearly a flute.

The Dragon's Ire is a piece at once frantic and loud and quietly contemplative. It is well known in the West, and you've most likely heard it even with your short time here. It will definately draw attention. The Dragon's Ire tells the story of a man who goes on a quest to kill a dragon only to weep at the beast's corpse at it's beauty, regretting his actions. The Immaculates are ambivalent about it: on the one hand it extolls the beauty of the Dragons and how regrettable it is to kill one, on the other hand it tells the story of a man killing a dragon. The Westerners love it for the drama. There are words but naturally you won't be expected to sing them.

Should you choose to perform it will be an Intelligence+Performance roll to fully remember the piece, difficutly 1. To play the piece is a Dexterity+Performance roll, difficulty 2 with an automatic success added for passing the first roll.
Isomaru the kek, Mayor's House

Eying the flute, Isomaru's eyes gleamed and his lips pressed tightly into an unreadable expression.

"I believe you mistook me. I am not much with a flute, though with one such as this I am sure I could become acquainted with it in short order. My experience is mostly with the hand-drums," Isomaru noted, his eyes glancing to the pair of two foot high drums next to the musicians, lips curling into a cruel smile.


Women are silly.
Gytherial, Not happy

Gytherial drops her chin, and looks up at you into Isomaru's eyes with a serious expression. She's trying to gauge if he's serious.

Why didn't he speak up when I walked off, then? Wasn't it obvious?

Concluding he is, she says "Then by all means "become acquainted". I'm not here to fetch things for you."


Mechanically unless you have a specialty you're at the same ability to play flute as drums. Gytherial could probably go steal you some drums, but you've taken the fun out of it for her.

Gytherial isn't the most empathetic of creatures, nor socially apt. You know those people who don't really understand you don't know what they know? Gytherial's one of them.
Balthazar, Mayor's Party, Mingling

Balthazar circles the room making small talk and disbursing compliments. He snags a pitcher of sweet apple beer and a glass for himself near the end of his circuit.

Thankfully, the women are still unaccompanied when he approaches.

"During Calibration is it a travesty for beautiful women to suffer a dry glass."

Balthazar pours for each woman and himself. Sitting down he offers each his most winning smile.

These two certainly have sex on their mind. They should fit my purposes nicely.


Perc (3) + Soc (4) = 4 Successes
Rillard, the Mayor's

"Something, you ah..., do you know Jubie?" Rillard asks, turning his focus back to Waves after looking around the room.

A dragon-blooded, no wonder they're copying her style.

Looking around and picking up a small pillow to toss at Waves "Why I'm sure if you were to wear that on your head, no sooner than tomorrow would these women be walking around wearing pillows for hats as if it was the most high fashion."

No wonder her father wouldn't approve, she's likely lined up to be married off to some dynast's 3rd cousin.


Few more thoughts on how to play this out, but letting that run for now.
The Loom, Mayor's Party

The women readily allow Balthazar to pour them more apple beer and devour his complement. Their tongues need no further encouragement, and Balthazar is included in their conversation, catching an earful:

Woman 1: "Oh why, thank you, good sir."

Woman 2: "Yes, my glass was tragically empty."

Woman 1: "Are you one of the guests who came in with that odd cook, captain and thaumaturge?"

Woman 2: Without letting you answer "Yes, dear, I beleive he was." She then thinks for a bit, while her partner takes a drink. It seems an epically difficult task. "Can you confirm what a little bird told me?"

Woman 1: Is now all ears, she can smell the gossip.

Woman 2: Again without waiting for permission she continues "I heard she's the daughter of a priestess"

Woman 1: "Daughter of a priestess? Laughing Waves! *titter* Are you serious?"

Woman 2: "Yes, solemnly! She's the daughter of that fussy old man, the salt merchant? And her 'mother' has never slept with the same man twice." She drops to a conspiratorial whisper that her inebriation makes just as loud as her talking voice "I heard she overdosed on Maiden's tea when she was young to abort a child."

Woman 1: "Oh dear." She takes a second to think, which seems a less monumental task for her than her partner. "I don't seem to ever recall her being pregnant."

Woman 2: "Ha! That proves it. They adopted a priestesses daughter, and doesn't that just fit her?"

Woman 1: "Oh, gawd, yes. I hear she's got the libido that comes along with it."

Woman 2: "Well, consider who her mother was! Passes in the blood you know."


Priestesses in Wavecrest society can sleep with any man they like, but cannot raise their own children. They must be adopted, and many vie for them.

Your Socialize roll picks up the rumor that Laughing Waves is the daughter of a priestess instead of her commonly accepted mother, the wife of an established salt merchant.
Laughing Waves, the Mayor's

"Rillard, you flatter me." Waves smiles, then leans in a quickly kisses Rillard.

"Of course I know Jubie. We go way back. Jubilant Waters? Do you know her too?" She looks hopeful.


Jubilant Waters is the receptionist you spoke with, though I don't think you got her name.

Pacing-Wise I'm hoping I can get Gytherial to lead the 3 of you back to the room Noisy Cricket and Winter Breeze are in by the end of the week in real time. Please finish any other buisness you have with the rest of the party before then.
Balthazar, Mayor's Party, assumes "dirty old man form"

"A priestess, huh? Now that is a tantalizing bit of information. Can you two imagine what its like to lay with anyone you choose? I hope I'd remember that night for the rest of my life."

A devilish smile spreads across Balthazar's face.

"From the people at this party, who would you bed once and never again?"


I want them open to suggestions for the next part.
Breathless Dancer and New Moon, reliving their 'youth'

Breathless Dancer responds to Balthazar's question with a blush and a coy hand to the mouth "Now, I do believe our rudeness has led you to a mistake. Introductions are in order. I'm Breathless Dancer, wife of Salty Sunrise who owns many of the fishing vessels that hail from Gateway. This is New Moon, wife of Calm Voyage who is heavily invested in the Wyld Comers." She pauses and gives a wistful sigh "We're not at liberty to temp any man we please anymore, especially not at this party since everyone knows our husbands."

New Moon buts in with her 'whisper' voice "Though daydreaming about it is no end of fun."

Breathless Dancer then asks out of politeness "And you are, sir?"


Previously Woman 1 and Woman 2. I chose some noblewomen so that you could actually get rumors out of them. They'll still do the job of providing stunt dice for further, more specific rumor catching attempts.

Breathless Dancer looks to be about 30 and New Moon looks to be about 20 years old. They are recalling their glorious troublemaking promiscuous youth years of about 15-17, before they were hastily wed to powerful men. They are very pretty (Appearance 4) but are married to much older men (all of 35 and 30, respectively) that are more than minorly job-obsessed. Trophy wives would be an apt description.

This is a party for the upper crust of Wavecrest. Very much a look but don't touch affair. The window dressing lower class in attendance know their place, and keep their trysts with each other and the upper class out of sight and after the party.

Balthazar has never met Breathless Dancer or New Moon before, but he knows their husbands by reputation.
Balthazar, Mayor's Party, out of his element?

"Well met New Moon and Breathless Dancer. I am now fully intimidated by the reputation of your collective husbands. I am Keiga, captian of The Lady In Green and a member of the Western Trade Alliance."

Balthazar sits back in his chair, sipping his sweet apple beer. All hint of lewdness leaves his demeanor.

"I have trouble believing that Laughing Waves is the daughter of a priestess. I...ah, knew her mother in my youth. The family resemblence is too close...even down to the siren song she uses to tempt the men around her."

Balthazar's eyes stray to Rillard and Laughing Waves as they draw closer on the dance floor.

Ah, The Lonely Captain and The Beautiful Girl. Its a story told a hundred times if told once.

He shakes his head to clear it.

Damn liquor always makes me wistful.


So where do these two fall in my scanning with Mastery of Small Manners? I was trying to find "sex" motivation, but these two clearly are clearly "money" or "power."

Sidenote: Wavecrest women tend to marry younger men. The men sail the seas, the women run businesses back hom. Although polygamy is common, so these two could be trophies.
The Loom, Mayor's party

Ah, The Lonely Captain and The Beautiful Girl. Its a story told a hundred times if told once.

Balthazar is struck by an image of the West, but not the West he knows. He is in a flying machine looking out on an island as bigger than all of Abalone and every islet it claims together. Balthazar gets the feeling he is in charge, not just of this airship but of this whole vast expanse of land. The responsibility rests easily on his shoulders and he is full of optimism. Looking back on the deck he sees a woman worth trading it all for. She is short but athletic, and the light coat of fur that covers her only adds to her exotic allure. The rest of the crew doesn't seem to notice her, which you find impossible. Then she turns to you and lightly skips your way with a smile on her face, unaffected by the swaying of the airship...

Balthazar shakes his head to clear it.

Damn liquor always makes me wistful.

Both the women titter at your intimidation comment, taking it as a complement.

Breathless Dancer "Good to meet you, Captain Keiga." She speaks for the both of them as they curtsie, New Moon considerably more wobbly. "And you are certainly entitled to your own opinion."


You don't need to roll for lying, because you were born Keiga and can easily assume that identity even though you are now more.

The Lunar in your flashback is totally Appearance 6.

Re: sex motivation. Just because they can't have it doesn't mean they don't want it. That said, New Moon's motivation for the scene is indeed sex. Breathless Dancer's is power. It's likely their previous Motivation had something to do with money since they married wealthy men.

These are likely second wives taken for pleasure, pampered for a few years then left idle in favor of their husband's buisness interests while they're left to raise his children and fight for their spot in the household with the primary wife who is much comlier and of better breeding (and probably no small measure of vindictive and jealous). You have no way of knowing how they rank maritally without further information and asking directly would be rude.
Balthazar, Mayor's Party, probing

"I see you're not convinced. Where did you hear such delicious rumors?"

Balthazar gives a wide smile.

"And next I'm sure you'll tell me that the Pearl Diver over there is a Realm spy."


I want more info on who/what Laughing Waves could be.

I'm making a joke about the pearl diver. Partly I want to guage the reaction of the women to something similarly outlandish, partly I want to challenge them to back up what they're saying.

On that note: what do I know about Rey-rey from his reputation?
Breathless Dancer, parrying

Breathless Dancer "A little bird told me..."

New Moon "Rey-rey, a spy? Only if the common women know anything, see how he courts none of the nobles?" She looks as if she wouldn't mind Rey-Rey courting her.


Kaliket said:
I want more info on who/what Laughing Waves could be.

Both the girls truly think Laughing Waves is the daughter of a priestess. Other people may know more. Breathless Dancer is wise enough not to reveal her sources, but with some (rude) Social Combat, you could probably find out.

Kaliket said:
partly I want to challenge them to back up what they're saying.

I don't understand this bit.

Kaliket said:
On that note: what do I know about Rey-rey from his reputation?

You know he's handsome, single and very good at a job that has very manly connotations.

New Moon seems to be telling you she's interested in him while simultaneously informing you Rey-rey knows enough to take what he can have and leave what he can't have.
Balthazar, Mayor's Party

"Hmm... sometimes there are so many birds on an island that one hears nothing but noise."

Fine, let her keep her secrets. And I perhaps I should begin arranging a tryst for Ms. Moon.

As New Moon and Breathless Dancer twitter behind their hands, Balthazar takes the opportunity to scan the other party-goers. He makes a point of picking out the other solars and notable guests.


Establishing a timeline and re-checking the positioning and activity of the party. Specifically, I'm looking for updates on the people I noted at the beginning of this thread (Admiral Tuk and his daughter, Master Ciore, Rey-Rey, the "pious party-goer") and the other solars.

By telling Moon/Dancer that I don't believe them and offering a rediculous follow-up, I'm expressing that their idea that Laughing Waves is the daughter of a priestess is also absurd. That's where I challenge their viewpoint in hopes that they elaborate.
The Loom

Admiral Tuk appears to still be speaking with Master Ciore. The Admiral's daughter, Iza, does not seem present any longer. Rey-Rey is surrounded by no less than six pretty lower-class admirers. The "pious party-goer" is talking up Calm Voyage.

Isomaru is looking at Gytherial with a flute in his hand. Rillard is sitting on some floor cushions with Laughing Waves, they seem to be having a good time. Balthazar doesn't see Noisy Cricket. Balthazar hasn't met Winter Breeze yet, or been in range of the supernatural tug that would mark her as someone he should meet.

Neither Brethless Dancer or New Moon rise to Balthazar's bait.

Gytherial, Bored waiting

Gytherial taps her foot, looking at Isomaru and his flute.

"If you're just going to stand there mute then we'll have to end this foolishness and get to buisness." She looks around the party checking to see if anyone's eavesdropping on them. "The mayor wishes to speak with you and I am tasked with bringing you to him. Will you follow me?"


Scene shift time.
Gytherial, Meddling and giving a fine view

Gytherial approaches Laughing Waves and Rillard from their blind side. Laughing Waves is in the middle of a story.

Laughing Waves: "And then she told him she was a virgin!"

Before Rillard can react to the punchline, Gytherial bends at the waist to stick her head right between the two of them. Onlookers would have thought the act impossible due to the proximity of the two until disproved by Gytherial's action. Gytherial, looking at Rillard, then says matter of factly "The mayor wishes to speak with you."


Scene shift time.
Gytherial, Wrangling

Gytherial nonchalantly steps in Balthazar's path as he's walking around the room taking stock of the cast. When Balthazar attempts to step around her she steps in his way again, and holds up a hand.

"So sorry to interrupt, captain. Negotiation is about to begin. The mayor wishes to speak with you. Would you follow me?"


Scene shift time.

Of course, no one has to accept Gytherial's offer. But then you'll have to find your own way to the next scene.
Rillard, suspicious

So, the reason for the invitation finally comes around. The mayor inviting me to the party of the season.

"Thank you..."

Hmm, the mayor is no where to be seen. I've had a dragon blood who practically dropped in my lap, the mansion is swarming with guards and now I'm to be escorted away.

turning back to Waves "...please excuse me, it seems I've suddenly become an important person."

Standing up, Rillard allows the woman to guide him away with a last look back to Laughing Waves, who shrugs.
Balthazar, The Mayor's Party, Probing

Balthazar stares at Gytherial with the same look he gives to a merchant who's wasting his time with absurd offers. The woman has interupted his process of meeting Rey-rey, the Pearl Diver. For someone who can be totally inobstrusive, she does not know her way around a crowd. It appears he will not get that chance tonight.

"I am at you master's command." Balthazar smooths his expression. "But before we go, tell me, why are you here in Gateway? You have limitless capability. Why serve when you could rule?"


Getting to know Gytherial. Social combat? =P I'll teach you for badgering Isomaru!

Cha (5) + Inv (1) + Stunt (2) = 1 success

"I'm in Gateway for the fine weather" Gytherial off-handedly says. She then asks conversationally "Why would you temp me with ruling? Do you plan to overthrow the mayor?"


We'll do this Social Combat exchange tickless (i.e by turns). Go ahead and roll Charisma+Investigation with 2 stunt die because those are excellently pointed questions. You can of course activate any charms you like (Investigation Excellency and Mastery of Small manners are both appropriate). I chose Charisma here because you are solidly on the realm of truth and mean her no ill intent. I chose Investigation here because you're not providing a compulsion for her to answer that would make Presence more appropriate.

Your 1 success does not beat Gytherial's modified MDDV of 5.

Gytherial is declaring an Investigation attack on you "Are you attempting a coup". Declare your defense.

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