[Act 3] The mayor's [The Resurgent]

The Loom, back room of the mayor's manor

Petrin replies: "I doubt Jolu-lu will be materializeing, though it is Calibration so anything could happen. He will be here, if he isn't already here. My contact with Jolu-lu is one of the many things the Realm and I don't see eye to eye on. Much like the destruction of my city being a minor sacrifice to kill you."

"We need to wait until everyone has arrived. I'm expecting several others, but not enough to fill this room. Jolu-lu will start the meeting, he has a flair for the dramatic."


Roll Perception+Awareness

You need to wait until I get Balthazar, Rillard and Isomaru here or they decide not to come. I prearranged Winter Breeze to be here due to her inactivity.

I'm going to give everyone a chance to enjoy the party before I try to shuffle them back here.

The table has 12 chairs around it, 5 on each long side and 1 at each end.
Balthazar, Mayor's Party, social-fu

Balthazar lets Tuk's question hang in the air as the small group watches the Mayor intercept "Irritating Pepper" and escort him out of the room.

"I wouldn't begin to question the Mayor's choice of guests. Perhaps he was feeling magnanimoius. Perhaps he wanted some pretty and dispoasble objects for his guests to consume. Perhaps he just wanted someone around to ruffle the aristocracy."


Mostly a mental dodge. Half truth, I suppose. I'll make the rolls if you call for them
Isomaru, now with internet after a four day dry-spell!

Isomaru, not being a big fan of debauchery, is noticeably uncomfortable amidst the well-to-do partygoers. Better to stand out while trying to fit in than to stand out by not joining the festivities, I suppose. Surely there must be something I can do to pass the time until Jolu-lu arrives?

Grinning at Keiga, Isomaru spoke, "Do any of these people have anything interesting to say? I feel like I have stumbled into a room of 60 preening peacocks. And that man," Isomaru nodded at the short, clubfooted man that appeared to be the center of attention, "must be the biggest peacock of the bunch." Breathing a sigh of relief he added, "At least they are peacocks that don't appear to be in the mood to scuffle for affection. Have you no storytellers or music makers at your gatherings for entertainment?"

Even as he spoke, Isomaru began focusing his senses into the room and what lay beyond. Awakening oneself to the spirit world was the first ritual a Windspeaker learned, but his control of essence trivialized the task and, more importantly, made it completely discrete. As his vision blurred, the animated conversations of the patrons around him became muted and everything appeared covered in a gray film as all manners of spirits flitted across his vision. Being attuned to the spirit world was always a bit unnerving, but it filled him with a slim degree of satisfaction that he was witness to a scene others were not; like he was partaking in an inside joke that these dull patricians could never understand. Perhaps he could find amusement in this crowd, after all.

That is, if Jolo-lu didn't make himself known first


Yay for having internets again! This is an excellent scene so far.

2 successes each on the Perception + Awareness & Perception + Investigation rolls. Nothing spectacular.

Mechanically, I am activating Spirit-Detecting Glance for the remainder of the scene to get an inside look at what's going on here (spending personal motes).

Socially, a lot of what I do will depend on whether or not there's entertainment of some sort. If there's, say, some talented musicians that happen to have some drums nearby, I would love to make a pact with the god of the performance stage to cause the drummer to have an "accident," in exchange for me making a performance for and chanting an ambiguous song/prayer to him (in forest tongue, and with musical backup, for added lulz). At the very least, maybe that will give folks something to talk about that I'm interested in, as power/sex/money don't do a lot for me. <3


Personal: 12 | 15

Peripheral: 36 | 36


[X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

{ } { } { } { } { } { }

Perc+Awarness on entering...

Rillard rolled the following in his 6 dice:

5, 10, 10, 8, 3, 8

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 6 successes.

Perc+Investigation on entering...

Rillard rolled the following in his 6 dice:

3, 10, 6, 8, 5, 10

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.

Oh...*now* they work.
Master Ciore, Directing traffic

Master Ciore interjects affirmatively "Yes, out of magnanimity, that sounds like our mayor." Then continues "Admiral Tuk, I believe we were discussing your daughter? I totally disagree that the young captain you've chosen will be any good for her. He can barely control his unruly sailors, he'll have no luck with Iza."

This seems to appease and re-infuriate Admiral Tuk, respectively. His anger seems to be in equal parts distributed to Master Ciore and the absent young captain when he replies "Well the choices are short! Any man worth his salt has the bad habit of being sunk by the Lintha. Everyone else sails off with their tail between their legs and lets the damned lampreys feed uninhibited."

Master Ciore seems perfectly accustomed and unphased by Ipswan Tuk's temper, and just nods his head.


Master Ciore is willing to support you, Keiga (Backing: WTA).
The Loom

Most of the gods you see here are least gods. They could still be coaxed into doing a thing or two for you that benefits their charge (i.e. making the musicians play a slight bit better). The exceptions are the absent Jolu-lu, a very intoxicated seeming and very human-looking spirit paying lots of attention to the apple beer, and a disturbingly slender humanoid with long claws that appear to have blood on them. The latter looks at the Solars you know are in the room much more often than the rest of the guests.

While Isomaru was watching the various spirits attend to their duties, Gytherial approaches him from behind and mirthfully scares the poor thaumaturge by tapping him on the shoulder. She's wearing a concealing red dress and a smirk. "Glad you could make it. I'd hoped you'd come."


Yes there are musicians, though they aren't the main attraction as far as the other guests are concerned. You're open to change that.

Roll Intelligence+Occult. 1 success
These two sprits don't seem overly powerful 2 successes The disturbing one is a bloody hand [p.29 RoGD I] 3 successes The intoxicated spirit is a servant of Burnign Feather, Lady of Intoxicants [p.49 RoGD I] other I'll make something up ^^

Balthazar, you may want to answer Isomaru.

Rillard, nothing in particular jumps out at you, though you may want to respond to Balthazar and/or react to what information your rolls reveal.
Balthazar, Mayor' party

"Quite right, Shipmaster. Most likely the boy amuses or otherwise intrigues our host. I had the brief opportunity to meet him at The Four Winds Tavern last night, and I can honestly say that I'm eagerly awaiting his antics tonight. He put on quite a show at The Four Winds."

Balthazar glances in the direction of iza's departure and then back to Admiral Tuk.

"I would not presume to advise you on your daughter. But I will say that she could meet worse that "Irritating Pepper" at this very party. I had some fun at his expense and that boy rose meet to the challenges I placed before him. Even wildly surpassed my expectations. I highly doubt he'd run from Coral pirates, Lintha raiders, or the massed forces of House Peleps. I have half a mind to recruit him to serve aboard The Lady In Green. He looks like one who'd take to swinging from the rigging."


I'm working to ingratiate NC with the Admiral. To have a fellow Solar in bed (/wink) with the Wavecrest military would be advantageous. Seed planting is all right now.

I have a bit more to say about the merits of running from Lintha, but I can stow that for now.
Rillard, the invisible, The Mayor's

Trying to act appropriately as this is the most formal party he has ever been to, Rillard walks into the room with Laughing Waves on his arm. He's wearing his formal black leathers with coral inlay, but as they walk through the party, eyes slide right past Rillard to Laughing Waves who is dressed in a deep green open backed dress, brilliantly complementing her complexion amongst other assets.

Scanning the room, Rillard notices the Mayor at a small maelstrom of attention, where people are pretending to simply be engaging in conversation, but are clearly pandering to him. Rillard is reminded why he prefers a party in the dock district over one in the nobles district any day. The only other people recognize in the room, where there are more familiar faces of his class than he expected, are a heavily pierced Tya captain of some small renown named Calm Shores, and some of the independent merchants from the area.

It seems my invite was not the only odd one in the bunch...I must ask around. Between the odd invitation list and the guards packed into walls like fish in barrels, something is going on here...

Keiga makes it known that he intends to introduce Rillard to a few of the important personages in the room. Not wanting to seem the fool here, Rillard whispers conspirationally with Waves who informs him that Keiga has just signaled a group of people who include Master Ciore and Admiral Tuk. Excellent people to rub elbows with if Rillard plans on setting up more permanent operations in the area.

Rillard begins to thank Keiga for the opportunity, but the man interrupts his thoughts.

"Before you say anything, I must apologize for my odd behavior last night. I incorrectly concluded that you, "Irritating Pepper," and I were given a love potion in an attempt to discredit me." Keiga says, turning to Rillard.

Three men from all over creation given love potions on the same day? Unlikely at best. He thinks right well of himself if he thought there was such a concocted conspiracy to cast doubts on who he beds. More than a few sailors have crossed that current anyway.

Rillard starts to tell Keiga he's crazy, but the other captain holds up a hand.

"We have much to discus, you and I, but here is not the place and now is not the time. The offer to serve aboard my ship still stands. I will let Mr. Stubbs know to expect you. We will...."

Quite presumptuous of him, we haven't even negotiated yet, never mind accepting the offer. No matter, I'll fleece him for pay later. thinking back on Keiga's overly nervous behaviour at The Four Winds ...well, as long as he's not hitting on me anymore, not that he doesn't have a certain charm, Rillard holds Laughing Waves closer, who responds with a questioning look, but he's not my type at all.

Just then, the party scene is interrupted slightly by the actions of the cook, who Rillard now knows as Pepper, and a young woman being pulled on to the dance floor, Keiga has used this opportunity to wriggle his way up to the Admiral and Shipmaster.

Waves holds Rillard back for a moment to whisper urgently to him. "That's the admiral's daughter being thrown around the floor by our good cook."

"Well he seems to dance as well as he cooks," and having noticed the moping girl earlier he adds, "she looks like she could use the good time."

Rillard and Waves then follow in Keiga's wake and arrive at the group as the Captain is introducing.

"My apologies for intruding. I am Keiga, Captain of The Lady In Green, and this is Rillard, formerly captain of the Goat's Horn and my new second mate."

Rillard bows politely to the two gentlemen, who roundly turn on Keiga as he covers for Pepper. Seeing the admiral's focus (and anger) is now squarely on the other Captain, and not wanting to have any of aforementioned anger focused on himself. Rillard makes another bow and uses the lapse in attention to slip away to the dance floor. In part he'd like to enjoy the dance with Waves, but he'd also like to talk where he won't be overheard.

As they dance, Rillard brings Waves closer to the stage where the musicians are playing. Suitably isolated from the other party goers, Rillard brings Waves closer to speak into her ear. "Something is not right here, the are as many guards in the walls as rats in a warehouse." Spinning her away and bringing her close again, he continues "and this many people hardly even fill the room here."

The music ends abruptly, and Rillard and Waves make their way to the buffet where there is a rich selection of shellfish and a fine stir-fried vegetable dish that Rillard takes onto a plate for the two to share as they make their way to some of the cushioned floor seating.

Keiga said the Mayor will be interested in me, he must be right, or why else the personal invitation...


Had kind of a problem with what to write with the whole past/present/future dealy goin on here.

Hopefully this covers it.

Rillard doesn't know what's going on, but he fears for the safety of Waves.

Rillard and Waves will continue to eat and chat until some other event happens or they finish their meal.

Rillard is also now wondering where the Mayor is.
Admiral Tuk, Out at sea

"You jest if you suggest my daughter would be wed to a cook. She will marry a warrior or I'll eat my hat. Just because a man doesn't have the sense to run from Coral pirates, Lintha raiders, or the massed forces of House Peleps means he's either brave or a lunatic. If he somehow makes it out alive and with no few kills to his name, that makes him a warrior. For instance, the current position of the Peleps ships tell me that they've half a mind to..."

The good admiral goes into an exhaustively presice listing of all known Peleps, Coral and Lintha ships in 'his' waters and their last known locations. You can tell the old man has seen so many toy ships moved about on map-tables in a war room he no longer needs the visual aid and can do it in his head. Master Ciore nods at the appropriate times, but you can tell the information is going over his head and not for the first time.


Roll Wits+lower of (Sail, War) to keep up with the admiral, Balthazar. Of course holding on the roll if you plan to stunt the attempt.

I'm sure NC will appreciate your efforts.
Laughing Waves, party-girl mode on

"Oh Rillard, you're such the mystery man to interject danger to this stuffy gathering. Next you'll tell me the god of the city himself will bless us if we root out your trouble and put it to rest." She makes a few playful air-fencing moves from her seated position on the floor-cushions then turns to smile at you. Then her eyes suddenly seem to be torn from you against her will at another woman's outfit "Oh, Rillard, will you look at her. I had no idea Jubie's designes had influence this high up. I thought it was just us, *ahem* I mean those women down at the Shore Lady that wore her style." She points at the woman discreetely but gives no further indication of what Rillard should be looking at. You get the impression she thinks it's obvious.


Roll Perception + higher of (Performance, Socialize) to get what Laughing Waves is talking about, Rillard. Of course holding on the roll if you plan to stunt the attempt.

Also roll Perception + Socialize for unrelated purposes. Since you don't know yet what this is for, go ahead and roll it without stunt dice.

You have no idea who 'Jubie' is, but can gather she designs some type of worn item.

Roll Perception + higher of (Performance, Socialize) to get what Laughing Waves is talking about.

Perception + Socialize = 5 dice : 2 successes

Also roll Perception + Socialize for unrelated purposes.

Perception + Socialize = 5 dice : 1 die botch

...this could be fun...
The Loom, High Fashion Central

Jubie's designs, as far as Rillard can tell, are the shoes a particular younger noblewoman is wearing. They are of such a lite cut that barely any of the top of the woman's foot is obscured. The heel is only an inch and a half, and seems well supported. The shoe itself is made of some translucent material that looks like glass, but is flexible and moves with the woman's foot as she walks. What's so different about it is hard to tell, many of the other women have shoes that reaveal as much of the top of the foot, and less, heels of all heights and made of various materials, some opaque and some of which are also clear.

While visually occupied you catch this interrupted bit of conversation from a pair of guests you cannot see:

Voice 1: "...Laughing Waves! *titter* Are you serious?"

Voice 2: "Yes, solemnly! She... .... and doesn't that just fit her?"

Voice 1: "Oh, gawd, yes. I hear she's got the libido that comes along with it."

Voice 2: "Well, consider who her mother was! Passes in the blood you know."

Hearing this Rillard comes to the conclusion that Laughing Waves is a Dragon-Blooded.


You move, cap-ee-tan.
Balthazar, listening intently


Wits (4) + War (0)* = 2 successes

*Why does a career sailor and merchant have to be limited by his understanding of maritime conflict? Doing so makes him an idiot. BCracy could just as well be used to keep track of ship movements. The navy is a key players in establishing trade routes.

I want to start turning this conversation into another dot of Connections: Wavecrest either through the Admiral himself or via Socialize action or both as time permits.
Isomaru fails pretty hard at recognizing spirits, Mayor's House

Glancing at the newly visualized guests that were hovering around the room, Isomaru was shocked by the two unknown spirits standing just in front of him. I have heard descriptions of these before, but...

"Glad you could make it. I'd hoped you'd come."

Isomaru wondered if Gytherial was capable of starting a conversation without first sending her partner's heart into his throat first. Isomaru let his heart tick a few beats to calm down before turning and addressing her.

"I feel that I should not be surprised. I suppose I should be glad you are here as well, being that you are one of the few people between me and these bores. I believe you may be a bit overdressed for the occasion, however," Isomaru noted, taking in her comparatively modest kimono. He allowed himself a brief moment of disappointment to wish that Lyla were here. Theoretically, she could be any one of the guests here, but he doubted she would mingle among such people unless she absolutely had to. Besides, knowing her, she would spend the entire evening teasing him for the sheer amusement of watching his cheeks burn.

"I see that your lord has yet to make his presence here," Isomaru declared in a hushed whisper. "Have you learned anything useful skulking about? Or perhaps..." Isomaru glanced around the room "Perhaps you'd care to join me in livening up the music a bit? Do you play pan flute at all? I would dearly prefer some music with a rhythm or a storyteller to pretentious flattery and wanton inebriation."


Int + Occult roll garnered 0 successes. WUT IZ SPIRITZ? IS DEM SUM CANDY?!? Mind if I make that roll again in a few minutes at some penalty? I know what kind of spirits these are, I just can't put my finger on it at the moment......

Also, I had a post entered here a few days back and Firefox ate it. I weep for what could have been!

kaliket said:
I want to start turning this conversation into another dot of Connections: Wavecrest either through the Admiral himself or via Socialize action or both as time permits.[/i]
A path exists for you to get Connections: Wavecrest up, but it is not this conversation

You can tell from listening to the Admiral that nothing out of the ordinary is happening with the ship movements in the waters near Abalone.
Gytherial, feeling impish, Mayor's House

Gytherial puts a finger to her mouth in mock concentration, then responds "I cannot play a flute, good thaumaturge, but I could procure you one."

She strides off in the direction of the musicians.


You have no information on the spirits you see.

Roll Perception+Awareness.

Wyuli said:
Also, I had a post entered here a few days back and Firefox ate it. I weep for what could have been!

Balthazar, Mayor's Party

"Admiral, I thank you for the information. It is certainly handy to know where my enemies lurk. And I'm positive that boy is more than a cook. Lots of commoners have not been invited to this party. Time will tell, I'm certain."


I'm confused. Do I need to make a roll to start increasing Connections: Wavecrest or do I just need to talk to the right person at the party? Either way, I'm locked into talking to the Admiral and Shipmaster. Being lowman, I can't just walk away from them without being rude. If I'm wasting my time here, please give me an out.
The Loom, Mayor's Party

Admiral Tuk and Master Ciore seem content to talk about other matters to each other, paying Balthazar less attention at the moment. They speak about a broken dock the Mayor's men have not fixed in disapproving tones.


Gaining backgrounds is something usually done at the culmination of a story much like artifacts would be gained at the end of a dungeon crawl. Connections specifically are gained after some great deed or collection of small deeds that puts you in the societies' good graces. Connections is both Contacts and Influence. You know people who know you and are able to find them in lots of places and they respect you and you have pull in their society. While earning the trust of an Admiral may be a step to gaining that, it is not the only step.

Pacing-wise I'm letting the circle enjoy the party at the moment (except for Noisy Cricket and Winter Breeze who have each other to talk to and Petrin Clubfoot). Isomaru will likely cause some trouble, then the next segment will commence.
Balthazar, Mingling

The Admiral and Shipmaster turn back to more mundane topics, and Balthazar sees his chance to make a polite exit. Making a small bow, he backs away from the leaders. If this is a cross-section of the mayor's friends and allies, there are several more people that he'd like to meet.

He looks around for one or two attractive women. Its always easier to mingle with someone beautiful hanging off his arm.


I want to use my Socialize ability to incorporate myself into this gathering. My goals are to 1) Convince the influential party-goers that I belong here, 2) Make acquaintances and business contacts, 3) Gather rumors and other information. I'll do this by first meeting a woman or two then proceed to start telling stories of the places I've been and some of my adventures.
The Loom

Balthazar spots two attractive women over by Rillard and Laughing Waves tittering with empty glasses.


kaliket said:
1) Convince the influential party-goers that I belong here
This must be roleplayed. The mayor being the most influential, of course.

kaliket said:
2) Make acquaintances and business contacts
This is one part GM-fu and one part background. You have spoken with Admiral Tuk and Master Ciore so it's likely they'll appear in any further business you have with the Wavecrest Navy and the Western Trade Alliance respectively. You can roll your Connections at any time your in a populated area at difficulty 1 (subject to modifiers I impose. For, say, Connections: Gateway being in the East would likely have a penalty, being at the party here likely gets you a bonus ). Success indicates that you've found someone affiliated with that organization who will talk with you, deliver messages, find other members for you ect. This is from memory, go read Contacts in Core, it might be more info.

kaliket said:
3) Gather rumors and other information.
This is a Perception+Socialize roll. The one that Rillard botched.

kaliket said:
I'll do this by first meeting a woman or two then proceed to start telling stories of the places I've been and some of my adventures.
This is a stunt to the above roll in 3). Do it in character, I'll post how many stunt die you get, then roll it up, then I tell you the rumor you hear. I make no promises that it will be true, even if you succeed. Meta-gaming, you know people are actually saying it if you don't botch.
Isomaru (Gytherial's going to do something stupid isn't she?), Mayor's House


Perc + Awareness = 3 successes
The Loom, Center Stage

Isomaru loses sight of Gytherial as she vanishes into the crowd. Still looking at the musicians that she was headed toward before he lost her he notices a hand come out and snatch a flute that's not in use, right next to the musicians who are intent on playing with other instruments. No one else seems to notice the missing instrument.

Isomaru, still searching for Gytherial, notices a cold piece of steel against his back. He then hears a laugh and a "Guess who?" from behind him.


Roll Perception+Awareness, Isomaru.
Isomaru the not quite talented at flute, Mayor's House

Feeling the cold metal pressed against his back, Isomaru instinctively whirled around to take hold of the object. I just hope she did not choose this time to use a dagger at my back, he thought.


Perc + Awareness = 4 successes

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