Act 2 - The Journey to Bells of Soft Sorrow [The End of the River]


One Thousand Club
Patternspider #978, Sunday of the Last Quarter Moon of Descending Earth, RY 678

Patternspider #978 stares intently at the threads of three Lunars, heavily interwoven.

Patternspider #512 questions Patternspider #978 "Are you still stalking that Lunar?"

#978: "Yes, but now there are others."

#512: "Are they still gathering berries?" 512 seems disinterested

#978: "No, they are leaving my sight."

#512: "May Luna be with them, then. Make sure to report if they come back with their tails between their legs with something snarling the Loom behind them."

#978: "Of course, brother."


The trio depart to the east, stocked with food and water for a day in crude travelling packs. Douser's also includes a few medical supplies. Armor on and weapons fastened, they make for the Wyld.

About an hour of walking the forest floor later they start to notice a change in the pines that make up the forest. The roots become more likely to be aboveground and crisscross the path threatening to trip any passerby. After another hour the roots have supplanted the soil, you can only see patches of soil here and there. Finally, on the third hour the roots start to come out of the massive trees where branches might sit on lesser trees, making the pines seem to have many twisted legs. While not impassable, the roots sprawling off trees and into other roots make for a much more difficult path than soil. But with no alternative paths the Lunars have only the choice of leaving the soil behind. How far is up to them.


Have some food and crude travel packs >.>

Please stunt how you travel through this. Make any actions you like (including using any Charms you think are appropriate).
Miep, flitting through the branches

Miep's nose wrinkled in displeasure. Or what would have been her nose, had she not presently been flying overhead, keeping an eye open for anything that might be ahead of them. The increasing number of branches were making seeing anything in front, behind, or even below more troublesome then she liked. Having left the care of her armor and pack in the hands of her comrades, she circled around the area they were at a second time, this time trying to concentrate on the details of the Wyld that she knew were around them already.


Whee for free food stuffs. 3 motes and 1 wp to activate Wyld-Sensing Instincts. Because I just don't trust this shit. :) Rolling to see what I notice about the Wyld - Wits(3) + Awareness(4). Also, have I managed to get back my motes from way back when I was at the party?

If so: Personal 7/15 --- Peripheral 32/36

If not: Personal 4/15 --- Peripheral 32/36


The branches start about 3/4 of a mile up. What are near the ground are clearly roots, but clearly not regular roots.

Miep, your Charm calls for a Perception+Awareness roll to find where the Wyld is nearest, strongest and most dangerous, not Wits. Also since you're trying to find Wyld influence in the surrounding forest roll Perception+Survival (+Essence successes).

Are you keeping your motes committed? (i.e. keeping the ongoing protective effect up?)

Yes, everyone's at full motes. It's the next day. You gain motes quite easily while sleeping.

Oops. This is why I shouldn't update right before I go to sleep. I forget what I just read.

Perception(5)+Awareness(4) = 4 successes

Perception(5)+Survival(2) (+Essence(3) successes) = 2 (+3) = 5 successes

Talk about fail rolling. Yay for lots of 1's ><

Yes, I'm planning on keeping the motes committed, for the moment at least.

Personal 7/15 --- Peripheral 32/36


You Charm tells you the Wyld is nearest due East, strongest to the Southeast and most dangerous due East and slightly downward.

Your roll tells you that the roots are the result of Wyld influence.
Miep, still flying along

Miep straightened out her path, gliding once again in a straight line. Her feathers bristled as she began moving due East.


Yea... once I have something worth reporting I'll actually bother shifting back. Anyone else feel like getting their feet wet? Oh, and committing 5 motes to get Resisting the Lure of Madness, mostly because I'm worried about Douser's pup ending up being all weird and mutated.

Personal 2/15 --- Peripheral 32/36
Arnuk, bears do not belong in trees

A root-like branch or a branch-like root breaks under Arnuk's foot and he staggers. One hand grasps the nearest tree trunk, his claws shred the bark as he arrests his fall. Arnuk huffs angrily. Wolf erupts out of a gap in the roots and bounds ahead unaware of Arnuk's frustration.

Taking a moment, he looks up in search of Miep. The winged shape of his friend and packmate circles a tree three times and then heads off to the left. It was a signal that had evolved right away. Miep insists that it was a means to simply to mark a new heading, but Arnuk got an more insistent feel. "I'm going this way, and you better follow." Arnuk knows better than to disagree. The last time he disregarded Meip's signals he found himself in the middle of a thicket of thistle-berries. While tasty, the burrs had stuck in his fur for weeks. The teasing was relentless.

Douser had also seen the signal and had adjusted her path through the trees. Arnuk grunts and steps on the next root-branch that looks sturdy.


We're traveling into the Wyld. I'm in Warform.

Everyone give me Perception+Awareness at a -1 internal penalty.

To Arnuk: Why change back? ^^
Miep, Resting on a root... err... branch... ummm... maybe?

Having flown slightly ahead of the pack, save for wolf, Miep coasts down towards one of the up stretching roots. She again checks her distance from the pack, noting the positions of each of her pack mates. His large frame make the traveling the most difficult on him and Miep muffles a small hoot in amusement as he nearly destroys another of the tentacle-like roots. Douser is slightly behind him, trying to keep her footing over the increasingly unsteady ground. Her stumbles however, are far less noticeable and fewer trees have been destroyed in her path.

Subconsciously, Miep quickly preens a few feathers from her wings, before returning her sights to the land in front of her, keeping her mind open for any disturbances around them. The thought of the dangerous wyld so close to their destination worries her, and keeps her on high alert.


Combined rolls for Miep and Douser. Here come the rolls:

Miep: Perception(5)+Awareness(4)-Penalty(1) = 4 successes

Douser: Perception(5)+Awareness(2)-Penalty(1) = 4 successes

Wolf: Perception(3)+Awareness(3)-Penalty(1) = 4 successes

... Aren't we an awesome little group of fail.
The Loom

The landbound party hears scales scrape on wood directly below their feet, but also around them for 5 yards in each direction. Not a single warning hiss is heard, however.


You guys hear the snakes coming, so they don't get to sneak-attack you.

Everyone roll Join Battle.

Dammit. Knew I should have shifted and grabbed my gear before. And here I thought about it too. Bah.

Miep: Wits(3) + Awareness(4) = 5 successes

Douser: Wits(4) + Awareness(2) = 1 successes

Wolf: Wits(3) + Awareness(3) = 1 successes

I get the feeling that I'm never going to be allowed to roll for Douser again ><
The Loom

The snakes continue to rumble beneath the wood, some becoming quite entangled from the sounds of it.


I'll roll Join Battle for Arnuk, I'm sure he won't mind. 4 successes.

[Now] - Tick 0 -- Meip

- Tick 1 -- Arnuk

- Tick 2 --

- Tick 3 --

- Tick 4 -- Douser, Wolf

- Tick 5 --

- Tick 6 -- Snakes

- Tick 7 --

- Tick 8 --

- Tick 9 --

- Tick 10 --

What do you do, Meip?
Miep, back in the air

Hearing the noises around them, Miep quickly takes to the air, sure that on the ground she'll be nothing more then an easy target.


Taking a guard action.

X - Tick 0 -- Meip

[Now] - Tick 1 -- Arnuk

- Tick 2 --

- Tick 3 --

- Tick 4 -- Douser, Wolf

- Tick 5 --

- Tick 6 -- Snakes

- Tick 7 --

- Tick 8 --

- Tick 9 --

- Tick 10 --
Arnuk, Looking for threats

With noise coming from all around him, Arnuk spins in a small circle fangs bared. With a roar of challenge, he rips away one root-branch and throws it off the to side. He repeats this process several more times searching for the source of the slithering sounds.


Battle is joined, but I have no opponent =/
The Loom

Arnuk manages to expose two of the writing snakes who are suprised by the sudden loss of cover. They are long and black with red spots. You can see their heads but not their tails.


Which makes it a good time to activate Lunar Fury. But I'll take the root ripping as a misc action that exposes 2 snakes for attack.

X - Tick 0 -- Meip

X - Tick 1 -- Arnuk

X - Tick 2 --

X - Tick 3 --

[Now] - Tick 4 -- Douser, Wolf

- Tick 5 --

- Tick 6 -- Snakes, Arnuk

- Tick 7 --

- Tick 8 --

- Tick 9 --

- Tick 10 --
Douser, acutely aware of her own battle skills

"Wolf, get them to come up here!" Douser points at the revealed creatures, and wolf becomes a grey-black blur of teeth, diving at the nearest exposed snake. His teeth close around the creature's neck as he tries to wrench it to the surface of the root structure.

Douser steps behind him, shivering off her true form and allowing the Mospid scales and feathers to cover her own. The air seems a much safer place to be right now.


Wolf is going for a clinch(?) attack on Snake[0]. :D

Douser figures that changing into a forest-hunter-bird-snake is probably safer than being a slightly skwishy magely type on the ground.

Clinch = (Str OR Dex) + (Brawl OR Martial Arts)

Wolf Clinch = 4 + 5 (following command) = 9

Wolf rolled the following in his 9 dice:

10, 3, 6, 10, 1, 9, 8, 9, 6

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 7 successes.
The Loom

Wolf tries to bring the snake back to his master, but in the process tears the hissing beast in two. The head and body of the snake come up, but the tail stays behind. Wolf is bathed in a liberal amount of the snake's cold blood.

The snake's brothers then make their way to the 'surface' above the root floor to surround Arnuk and Wolf where Arnuk put a hole in the root floor. 10 beyond the 2 already revealed appear. They are all black with red spots. They hiss and snap at the heels of the party that's on the ground. Their tails remain hidden below the roots. Their strikes are eerily coordinated, but no means of communication are readily apparent.


Wolf does 5L to the snake. He's still in a clinch with that half of the snake.

X - Tick 0 -- Meip

X - Tick 1 -- Arnuk

X - Tick 2 --

X - Tick 3 --

X - Tick 4 -- Douser, Wolf

X - Tick 5 --

[Now] - Tick 6 -- Snakes, Arnuk

- Tick 7 --

- Tick 8 --

- Tick 9 -- Douser

- Tick 10 -- Wolf

Meip you can break guard at any time. Douser, I assume you're airborne since in your flight form move is 3-d capable.

Snakes 1-3

Step 1 vs Arnuk: Dexterity+Martial Arts coordinated attack (this will give you DV penalties).

Snakes 4-6

Step 1 vs. Wolf: Dexterity+Martial Arts coordinated attack (this will give you DV penalties).

Snakes 7-10

Out of range, are staying stationary making a rough outer circle around Arnuk and Wolf.

Please declare step 2.
Miep, flying in a circle

Damnable snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes? Miep thinks loudly to herself before focusing on the writhing mass of snakes. Picking out one of the snakes on the outside edge, she dives towards it, her sharp beak tensed to snap.


Breaking guard for a beak attack on one of the snakes in pack 7-10.


Step 2: Snake 7's DDV 2

Proceed to Step 3.

Snake 7: Dex+Martial Arts attack, uncoordinated, targetting Meip

X - Tick 4 -- Douser, Wolf

X - Tick 5 --

[Now] - Tick 6 -- Snakes, Arnuk, Meip

- Tick 7 --

- Tick 8 --

- Tick 9 -- Douser

- Tick 10 -- Wolf

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