Act 2 Scene 1a - So about this cheese... [Broken Memories]

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Hm... missed that.

Ok. I still don't like Alan, though, so I don't mind lying to him IC. I have a high enough Manipulation that a prat like him would buy it, too. :P

No offense, but I'm not about to suffer through his mangling of the spoken word (whether he thinks of it as such or not). He comes off as more of a twit than Bertie Wooster, without the same charm.

Plus, y'know, the fact that he tried to steal the Stick.

He is an annoying twit and he makes bernie wooster look like a genius.. ;)

And I was unsure if you were lying IC or no..hence my prompt..

anyway as I posted Alan's just left, Ricky's just returned from downstairs, Kitty's fallen asleep, Fin left trying to follow Brian....

you were told John left the city and Brian or Sinastra knows the way out other people may know... what happens next is totally up to you, you have a city to explore...
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Lying IC is just my cover for OOC forgetting that Dave asked us to find John. :wink:

I'm currently at school, so I'll most likely do a real IC post later tonight or something.
"Which makes it more or less the same as the last day... day and a half we've been around," Simon commented. He sighed, and looked at Ricky.

"So, you're here, I'm here, the young lady..." He gestured in the general direction of the sleeping cat with the handle of the stick. "Where's the other fellow happen to be at the moment?"

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I suppose technically I should have said 'fellows' or something of the like, but... since Dugcoffin/Freddy hasn't even been signed on since last november...

"Well... They were... I mean he... her? I am not sure."

Ricky sits and thinks for a moment.

"Fin ran out the door a little while ago with a rather determined look when the news about Sinastra riled up Brian."
"Um.. yes .. well.." Doc Oak pats the pockets of his white coat nervously.

"I'm sure you have better things to be getting on with, I'm... um.. sure you realise my patients need their rest.. um..."
Simon chuckles and stands up. "You're an okay fellow, Oak. A bit too timid to just say 'leave already', but an okay fellow."

He stretches for a moment, and heads towards the door. "Miss, if you're awake you should probably head out as well, just because," he directs towards the currently-feline Kitty. Turning to Ricky and Oak, he nods. "In any case, I'm off to decide what to do with the rest of the day."

Smiling sheepishly, "Sorry Doc, didn't mean to impose." He looks around for a second, then hefts the feline up on his shoulder, gently, then walks out the door after Simon. "Hey! Wait up!"
Slightly surprised that Ricky was actually following after him, Simon waited outside for the younger man to catch up.

"Well now... it seems we have a couple options, I suppose," he said in a conversational tone. "Try to find where Fin and Close went to, start to work on finding Safe, try to find anything on what happened to ourselves... or get drunk and forget any of this ever happened. The last one being the most enjoyable, but the others being more prudent."

The gruff man with the sleeping cat on his shoulder thinks for a moment.

"All of the above. Let's grab some beer and wander until we find something."

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