[Act 2] Gateway [The Resurgent]

Isomaru, Eastern Miracles

I suspect the fewer who know where I head, the better off I will be, Isomaru contemplated. Best if I could get away without leaving a trail that could lead to me...or to the Lunars. For a brief moment, Isomaru grinned at the prospect of a group of bawdy, scarcely trained Dragon-Blooded running into Lyla's tribe.

Isomaru brought himself back to consciousness. "Yes, I will speak with your crew tomorrow. For now, I am sure a certain client of mine will skin me if I do not finish her commission on time. Tomorrow then?"


Going to do the ritual / stow away aboard The Green Lady more for cinematic/logistical reasons, rather than, "I have no cash."

Things to do in the next day:

Pack up essentials into one bag.

Speak with Mr. Stubbs about the ritual.

Find some new clothes(?)
Balthazar, Eastern Miracles, mission accomplished?

"Excellent. It is agreed then. I should also tell you. There are two young men who share the same sense of brotherhood that we do. One is an erstwhile ship captain named Rillard. I don't know other's name beyond 'Irritating Pepper,' which is an obvious lie. He is a cook of extremes and seems unconcerned with the intrinsic order of society. Should you come across either, persuade them to seek out The Lady in Green."

Balthazar turns toward the door.

"Unless you have more to discuss, I'll take my leave of you."


No mechanics, just transfering information.

If Isomaru has nothing else to discuss, Balthazar leaves Eastern Miracles headed for the WTA office.
Balthazar, Eastern Miracles, leaving

With the silence of Isomaru as an answer, Balthazar steps out into Gateway. He pauses at the threshold to scan the street for gawkers or other people who might have noticed his display before continuing on to the Offices of the WTA and Conclave.


Perception (3) + Awareness (1) = 3 successes

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