Act 1b: The warriors [Sands of Glory]

Radiant Lion, Bedwyr and Sandstorm

As the three of you creep along, you easily find the herd of deer. Apparently the small group you found tracks for were part of a larger herd, numbering almost 200 individuals, but as you approach the entire herd bursts into action, and starts bolting towards you, taking no heed of your presence except to avoid hitting you, but the mass of bodies makes it impossible to see beyond.


angling on the herd, you could easily see the greater numbers, and it seemed like this might be your lucky day, bringing lots of food with no real hassle, that is until you notice something. It's a bit hard to comprehend at first, but quickly you realize that what you see is a disturbance in the earth created by the passage of a sandswimmer, and not only it is aimed straight at the herd, but this specimen is much larger than any you've heard about, judging by the size of it's wake. before you have time to even warn your fellow tribesmen, the herd seems to sense this predator, and almost all of them flee towards your tribesmen. all that is left is a small fowl, seemingly not too recently born, that is barely standing on his feet.
Crushing Jackal hastily gets up on the nearest rock, watching the sandswimmer move in for the kill. Pausing once he gets off the ground, he prepares to take a shot at the sandswimmer when it attacks.
Drawing his sword as the herd starts towards him, Bedwyr makes good use of the situation. Darting too and fro as the deer run past him, he hacks and slashes with his blade to bring down as many beasts as possible.

To have the animals simply past him is a unique opportunity and he takes to it eagerly, but with each thrust and swing a small part of his mind is telling him that he should maybe wonder why the deer are acting so peculiarly.

As there's no actual hunting going on, just doing a dex+melee roll to see how well Bedwyr does with stabbing some passing deer to death.
7, 1, 8, 5, 10, 8, 1, 2, 9, 2

6 successes.
Radiant Lion will hold his shot from his flame piece as he sees the herd charging him, Bedwyr and Sandstorm. He wonders why the herd is charging them and not running in the opposite direction. He uses Razor Claw to bring down a couple of the deer all the while looking around.

Something is wrong. There must be a predator or something behind them!

He tries to shout to Bedwyr and Sandstorm, "Prepare yourselves, there must be some predator or something behind them!"
To Jackal

As the main body of the deer is passing through where your tribesmen should be, the sandswimmer rears up from the ground aiming for the kill. The beast is massive, and is clearly much bigger than the normal ones. It seems to be about 20 feet long, and it's hide seems more like one of those full armors the elders tell you that some of the city dwellers like to use.

You can make your attack.
But give me a Valor check first.
To Sandstorm, Bedwyr, and Radiant Lion

You cut down a number of the deer as they pass, and still they keep on coming. And then you see it. A massive head bursts from the ground, followed by a great body. It is a sand swimmer the size of which you've never seen, or heard.

Give me a Valor check
“By the gods... “

Crushing Jackel rolled the following in his 2 dice:
9, 3

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 1 successes.
Breathing deeply to calm himself, he awaits that one perfect moment to unleash his arrow into the beast's heartblood.

"Yeah, I can see the thing, Lion!"

Rolling 3 dice for Valor. Results of 10, 2 and 9, for 3 successes.
Having Valor 3, this means I can't just run away from this one, right?
As it approaches, Sandstorm gets a better idea of just how big it is "Holy Walker! Now that is a prey...unless of course it eats us first!" says sandstorm with inappropriate excitement for such a dangerous situation.

"But I have something for you, beast!" he says as he gets enough space between himself and the sandswimmer's jaws while drawing his flamepiece, already planning a move to take down the monster.

So, If the beast is too close, I'll be flurrying a dash and a ready weapon action. If the distance is not so short, I'll later be using the extra space for some Aim action. Please tell me when / if I can do so.
Also, who has the better War rating? We should probably be coordinating attacks if we are gonna take down this fella.
For now, the only one who can act is Jackal, since he knew of the beast's presence. The rest of you will just have to wait, for now.
Ok, Then. When I can I'll be doing as said above - getting my gun ready and taking distance for an Aim action to come later. Well, at least that's the plan for now. I may change my mind depending on the monster's actions and the results of Jackal's attack
Crushing Jackel awaits the one moment when the beast becomes most vulnerable with patience, locking in his aim with every passing second. Then, suddenly, the arrow is let loose!

Aiming for a full three ticks, then shooting the beast with a Broadhead Arrow
Rolling 3dex+3arch+1specalty+1stunt+3aim=11 dice for the attack

Broadhead Arrow damage is 5L
Crushing Jackel rolled the following in his 11 dice:
10, 9, 10, 2, 1, 4, 8, 5, 2, 10, 10

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 10 successes.
The beast suddenly roars in anger, as an arrow is sticking from the back of it's head. The field is strewn with pieces of some 20 deer. The creature has been chomping on whatever deer it could get close by, with no regard to whether it got them fully, or just parts of them.

But now, in it's wounded state, the creature once again burrows down, and moves away from you, to the south-east. It moves a bit fast, but if you want you can all still follow it, if you dare leave the deer behind.
Blinking in surprise, Crushing Jackal speaks "Huh, it didn't turn around and attack me. Lucky."
Hopping down off his rock, Crushing Jackel trots over to where the other hunters are, smiling in relief over not being killed. “So, are we going to follow the beast like suicidal people, or are we going to kill-steal like smart scavengers? There are enough dead deer here to feed a good chunk of the tribe.†He calls out as he approaches.

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