Act 01.03: Cat and Mouse [The Land that Time Forgot]

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club
The Council has briefed you all on the animas that were seen. One was to the north a Lunar, and the other to the east, a Solar. The one of the north was seen a couple weeks ago, while the one of the east was seen just a couple of days ago. It was left to you to decide which one you wish to pursue first.

They have no idea what caste either is, but they are confident that between the three Exalts there must be one that can learn how to operate and maintain the ancient Artifacts, or at least carve a path back to Creation.
Yakuri approaches the Eastern gate of the city of Merkal. His eyes are a little red rimmed from a late night deliberating on the mission. He had decided that to head east was thier best option, for the solar anima, for it had only been a few days ago. The trail would be less cold. He hoped his late night messengers to O-shi Go and the rest of the Terrestrials had been received. As for Kami, he had a street urchin deliver a message to a Kami Telamons house. Whether she received it is another matter entirely. He hoped thier first search would not have to be in the city.

Yakuri was kitted out in his Uniform. He wore his white jade breastplate, adorned proudly with an image of the imperial mountain itself, copied from a first age painting. Over the top he wore a Pale blue travelling cloak, emlazoned with the symbol of the swords, Three different blades over the Old realm symbol for inner power. He also had his soldiers boots on, ready for the long haul outside the city, along with his soldiers rucksack, packed full for a couple weeks journey.
Approaching the gate at a light jog, O-Shi greets Yakuri, "Good morning my friend. You certainly look...official."

O-Shi was in a notably brighter mood than usual, especially considering how riled he became at the initial briefing yesterday. "I'm hopeful this Solar is actually worth his salt. So, how about we set off before we attract any vermin?", he says with an eager grin.

Being unaccustomed to such travel, O-Shi is somewhat underequiped. With nothing but the bare essentials on him, perhaps he thought this would be only a simple day trip.
Landing on post of the gate with a caw, a black raven cocks its' head and regards the two Terrestrials before speaking again though blessedly no longer with a rats' squeak. "Lovely day for adventure, is it not? Shall we be off then?"

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