Across the States and Back (1 Female spot open!)


da bomb diggity

Read the Rules if you haven't done so. Please


*There will be several roles for the characters. Please choose one(First come first serve).

*Reserves will only be open for 24hrs

*Same goes for corrections. You have 24hrs to correct your CS. If you fail to do so you lose the spot.

* You can add family relationships with others if you want. Just ask them and add it under Extra

*Application will not be completed until you have posted in the OOC. (That way everyone gets notifications on the OOC)

*WARNING: The CS might look scary, but just fill out the CAPS and don't worry about the rest 'kay? I just want it to look pretty. PM me if you need help

  • If there is another role you want to do PM about it.

    1. The Potty Mouth (Says a lot of foul language. Please, Bleep it out. ****)

    2. [Drama Queen/King (Likes to be the center of attention.)

    3. The Optimist (Looks at the bright side of things. Doesn't have to be happy all the time.)

    4. The Pessimist (Looks at the negative side of things. Doesn't have to be depressed all the time.)

    5. The Homosexual (Gay/Lesbian/Tranny)

    6. The Know-it-all (Talks a lot and loves to show their knowledge)

    7. The Jock (Can't go a day without working out or drinking a protein shake)

    8. The Mediator (Usually the one to step in on a fight and bring peace)

  • Code:
    [center][img= NAME HERE&name=english essay.ttf&size=40&style_color=COLOR CODE HERE]
    [img= Basics&name=english essay.ttf&size=25&style_color=COLOR CODE HERE]
    [color=#DARKER COLOR CODE HERE]Full Name:[/color] [color=#COLOR CODE HERE] CHARACTER NAME [/color]
    [color=#DARKER COLOR CODE HERE]Nickname:[/color] [color=#COLOR CODE HERE] CHARACTER NICKNAME [/color]
    [color=#DARKER COLOR CODE HERE]Age:[/color] [color=#COLOR CODE HERE] CHARACTER AGE(21+) [/color]
    [color=#DARKER COLOR CODE HERE]Role:[/color] [color=#COLOR CODE HERE] CHARACTER ROLE [/color]
    [color=#DARKER COLOR CODE HERE]Zodiac Sign:[/color] [color=#COLOR CODE HERE] CHARACTER ZODIAC [/color]
    [img= Impressions&name=english essay.ttf&size=25&style_color=COLOR CODE HERE]
    [color=#DARKER COLOR CODE HERE]Height:[/color] [color=#COLOR CODE HERE] CHARACTER HEIGHT [/color]
    [color=#DARKER COLOR CODE HERE]Hair Color:[/color] [color=#COLOR CODE HERE] CHARACTER HAIR COLOR [/color]
    [color=#DARKER COLOR CODE HERE]Eye Color:[/color] [color=#COLOR CODE HERE] CHARACTER EYE COLOR [/color]
    [img= True Self&name=english essay.ttf&size=25&style_color=COLOR CODE HERE]
    [color=#DARKER COLOR CODE HERE]Job(s):[/color] [color=#COLOR CODE HERE] CHARACTER JOB(S) [/color]
    [color=#DARKER COLOR CODE HERE]Personality:[/color] [color=#COLOR CODE HERE] CHARACTER PERSONALITY (1+ PARAGRAPH) [/color]
    [color=#DARKER COLOR CODE HERE]Bio:[/color] [color=#COLOR CODE HERE] CHARACTER BIO (1+ PARAGRAPH)[/color]
    [color=#DARKER COLOR CODE HERE]Future Goals:[/color] [color=#COLOR CODE HERE] CHARACTER GOALS [/color]
    [img= Case I Forgot&name=english essay.ttf&size=25&style_color=COLOR CODE HERE]
    [color=#DARKER COLOR CODE HERE]Extras:[/color] [color=#COLOR CODE HERE] CHARACTER MISC. INFO[/color]

  • Here are the list of some Color Codes that you may use for the spaces marked COLOR CODE HERE.

    You do not need to type in the pound(#) sign. It's already added where needed.

    ? #f26877

    ? #bb0033

    ? #e00747

    ? #f96b07

    ? #ffbb00

    ? #fcd116

    ? # 88bb44

    ? #3d8e33

    ? #008772

    ? #7fc6b2

    ? #99ddff

    ? #4a9ce8

    ? #00bbbb

    ? #0072c6

    ? #5555ff

    ? #3232cc

    ? #771199

    ? #bb0088

    ? #ee3a8c

    ? #ff0077

    ? #552200

    ? #886633

    ? #a4b294

    ? #eea2ad

    ? #00c5cd

    ? #00c78c

    ? #b4eeb4

    ? #7ccd7c

    ? #bcee68

    ? #cdcd00

    ? #6959cd

    ? #ff7d40

    ? #b0171f

    ? #f13b63

    ? #ee6363

  • If you want more colors check this site out.

    Color Code List
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Full Name: Monday Evangeline Traylor

Nickname: Monday, Day

Age: 22

Role: Pessimist

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius



Height: 5'8

Hair Color: Her flyaway dark locks are known for their softness; the harvest brown ringlets, when left down, fall to her ribcage, usually left into a simple milkmaid braid, twisting atop her head, so as to keep out of her eyes. They stream down in a dark mass, to curl at the tip, allowing for dramatic wind storms, and the need to carry bobby pins everywhere.

Eye Color: A very complicated mix of grays, blues, and lighter shades of both, her orbs are difficult to place, and usually referred to as dark, misty, or just blue or chartreuse. However, her eyes are not unnatural, they are just dark.

Outfits: The dark-haired girl wore a simple, light cream-colored sweetheart dress, reaching just above her knees. Tied around the waist, it accentuated her curved waist in comparison to her legs and chest area. A light grey knitted camisole lay atop the casual dress, covering her arms, just below the elbow before folding back again. Monday wore dark tights and flats, her pale legs partly covered in her modest and casual outfit.

Outfit 1

Bringing: Packed lightly inside one small suitcase, is one pair of jeans, three pairs of demin dark shorts, half a dozen tops, and a sweater for clothing. Monday also included a phone charger, her Nikon D3200, her two-piece swimsuit, and a pair of sunglasses. In her handy backpack, is her phone itself, her tablet (Samsung) a sketchbook and some pencils, her wallet with 1100$ in a debit card, 150$ cash, one tube of mascara, her toothbrush and toothpaste.



Job(s): Law Firm Intern


Her psychology, while strategic and objective, lacks confidence in her intuition. She may not always trust her gut, and is very self-critical. The girl may, perhaps, feel a sense of relief when left alone, which is where her best ideas come from. Monday hates silence, and loves the majesty of words. She can often find herself drawing letters in the sand subconsciously, or tracing a patterned shape over and over.

She is quick thinking and observant, and rather quick to judge, based on first impressions. Trust is easy to find, but not to earn in her. She is not trusting of people until she gets to know them.

Monday, when introduced, may come off as rude, and cold, and she is the latter. She is cold, in the horribly polite kind of way. She will always point out mistakes, but help you correct them without friendliness. However, once you have earned her trust, she will gradually warm up to you. If she is unhappy, it's rather possible that no one would know.

She is more calm towards people who are likewise. Loud, obnoxious people would easily piss her off, but she would never advance to them, rather just, somewhat ignore them to an extent.


Monday has traits to which she is not particularly proud of, like her discreetness. Often, the girl would let a problem boil over a couple of days before allowing anyone to come to her aid. Whether or not the reason was because she wanted to do it herself or that she was too proud to is irrelevant. She is also frugal, having been saving up for a bigger apartment, extra money saved up allowed her to go on this trip. She manages her time and cash wisely, perhaps it could be part of her problem.

She always had a bit of trouble making friends, growing up. Being the cold, lonesome girl had its benefits, of course, but it didn’t always boil down to being peachy. The other kids disliked her for her somewhat selfish nature.

As Monday aged, however, her modesty and pride grew to become a painfully polite individual.

Future Goals:
To be truthful, Monday does not like working in the law department, even as an intern. She would like to pursue an English major, and therefore follow along to get her teaching degree.



Extras: None.

Sleeping: In the passenger seat, as Monday will get claustrophobic rather easily.


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Full Name: Kierra Jane Ackerman

Nickname: Kierra

Age: 23

Role: The Optimist

Zodiac Sign: Leo



Height: 5'8" (178 cm)

Hair Color: Chocolate Brown

Eye Color: Spring Green

Outfits: Casual [1] [2]

Smart Casual




Bringing: Kierra brought...

A Camera





Job(s): Newspaper Columnist (The Weekly Times)


Kierra has a fun-loving, wild spirit and likes to test the boundaries on everything, especially things that have been marked forbidden, restricted or fragile. Her view on the world is that it has to be lived young and free. Growing up and getting old is something that strikes a bit of fear into her heart. She doesn't want to just settle down and resign to the fate of life, she wants to party and be reckless for as long as she's able to. Living the stereotypical life of a youngster is her moral code. Party hard, dare to dream, break the rules, and love like its the last day on earth. Her flings are short and hot, but sometimes, she wishes she could find that one person with whom she would be willing to settle down for. That person for whom, when the wrinkles finally set in, she would be prepared to set it all free for. It's a bit conflicting with what she wants and what her heart needs, and if she were to be honest, her deepest fear is to live and die alone.

She's not afraid to eat or drink anything. Present a plate of chips in front of her, mixed with cold gravy and red slushie and she'll try a bit of it. Not because she would actually like it, because most of the time those things are disgusting, but it's for the excitement. A challenge is laid before her and she'll take it. Beat the hell out of that thing too, if she can manage. It's for the fun. Kierra will take any opportunity sent her way, even if it's presented to her at the drop of a hat. Life is too short to worry about decision making. For her, it's about doing all she can in what little time she's got. Including that she's a flirt. If she's sees someone who's attractive, she'll flaunt every angle that she's got until they notice her. Jealousy on her behalf, only makes her try that much harder.


Kierra Jane Ackerman was born on August 15th, 1991 to David and Hazel Ackerman, two of the richest people in LA. She has no current siblings but her parents have always talked about adopting a baby boy from Africa, and are planning a trip there next year. Whether they'll bring home a younger, adopted brother for Kierra or not, is still to be decided. Growing up, she was presented with everything she could ever want. A beautiful mansion to call home, the latest phone, very generous pocket money, and a popular social reputation. Her parents weren't around a lot, she didn't have a close relationship with them, but didn't exactly feel like she was left out. It didn't matter to her that she was always alone in the house, or that she only ever saw her incredibly busy parents every holiday and a rare occasion. She had her fair share of friends, and the type of personality that never restricted her from staying bored.

School was a recurrence of straight C's for Kierra and she viewed that as something of which she could not possibly have any control over, despite her affinity for partying and staying out late as exam dates neared. It wasn't much of a worry for her, as both of her working parents had enough money to support her through life. Not only did they promise to completely pay for any college fees, but she also had a guaranteed job in her father's workforce if she so wished it. The only reason she really went there was because she was able to meet new people but also for the experience. The only subject she ever enjoyed or did well in, was English. For that reason, when she finally graduated from high school, that she would actually go to college and study Journalism. The course would take four years, with a short gap year in the meantime so she could garner some experience.

After several years of work and experience, Kierra graduated from college with a pending job offer at a well-known newspaper that paid nicely. She moved out from the mansion she once called home, and now has an expensive apartment dressed in a high luxury industrial style and a car worth more than her newspaper job would provide in more than a year. With the chance to travel around the US with her best friends in an RV, Kierra has never jumped at an opportunity faster.

Future Goals: Kierra's current goals of living life to the fullest, is her main goal. She doesn't want the seconds to tick by in which she's wasted something. She wants everything to count for as long as possible. After that, she wants someone to live with and love, and to hold a permanent position at The Weekly Times.



Extras: N/A

Sleeping: Queen Bed


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May I reserve a male spot? His bio will be up tonight or tomorrow, is that alright?





Full Name: Joseph Radke

Nickname: Radke

Age: 22

Role: Know it all but still a little quiet.

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio



Height: 5'9

Hair Color: Darker than black

Eye Color: Dark Blue

Outfits: Usually wears dark clothes for the aesthetics. Always wearing a zip up sweater, switching between grey and black along with grey jeans that he sometimes switches out with shorts.

Bringing: He brought a laptop for whenever he got alone time, also a bucket of movies for everyone, as well as luggage and detergent in case they came across a laundromat.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/asus-m70-notebook.jpg.40ad375657cec51d1968262c0e092b29.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22073" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/asus-m70-notebook.jpg.40ad375657cec51d1968262c0e092b29.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/tide.jpg.0d692a0d43aa51990e7ad8bcce2ac75a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22074" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/tide.jpg.0d692a0d43aa51990e7ad8bcce2ac75a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Job(s): Studying at the University of Denver in Forensic Psychology.

Personality: Joseph can be known for his dark sense of humor and very gruesome sayings. He loves to act like a know it all, and a lot of the times he is right. If you can get Joe on the right topic he could be a non-stop talker, but if the subject is nothing of his interests, or he is feeling nervous he will not talk nearly as much. Joe loves watching movies, mainly crime movies which is why he has chosen to invest his time in Forensic Psychology so he can obtain a job with the FBI. It seems Joseph is able to give you any information on any movie just like that. Joe can seem like quite the introvert at times, and at other times he could seem like the most energetic person in the room with the most to say, not minding that all eyes are on him.

Bio: When Joseph was growing up he had a lack of parent presence, though this was because they were constantly working. Joe's Dad was a police detective who enjoyed taking double shifts if he was working a crime, and his mother jumped jobs but only ever worked at grocery stores which she constantly spent her time in as their family needed the money. Joe wasn't like most kids, because his parents weren't home he decided it was best to sit inside and watch movies or play video games, this led him to his vast knowledge of movies, and he can be quite the gamer. As eh watched more and more movies, Joe slowly began deciding that he wanted to work in the field of the FBI, and he could achieve that straight through Forensic Psychology which intrigued him greatly.

Future Goals: To become one of the best criminal profilers.



Extras: He enjoys hard rock, and sleeps with headphones in.

Sleeping: Sleeping on the top bunk!


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/tumblr_inline_n2xq9jk5m11scq10p.jpg.e55db5fdbf242ff649dcbc1bd42dd1f2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22070" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/tumblr_inline_n2xq9jk5m11scq10p.jpg.e55db5fdbf242ff649dcbc1bd42dd1f2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/img_6426.jpg.88733aab066ea6955997e3e4b5ca9123.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22075" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/img_6426.jpg.88733aab066ea6955997e3e4b5ca9123.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/luggage_coffin.jpg.07d135567ea38e55f267fe10975e4c47.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22076" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/luggage_coffin.jpg.07d135567ea38e55f267fe10975e4c47.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/thumb.gif.8faad1a6661b098b366a96043540aad2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22077" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/thumb.gif.8faad1a6661b098b366a96043540aad2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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*Clears throat* I love you're rule tab, the pictures fit so perfectly it should be a sin!

Anyways, if you have an open spot I'll jump in. ^.^




Full Name: Ophelia Adeline Ishmet

Nickname: Opal, Izzy ,or Adel

Age: 23

Role: Drama Queen

Zodiac Sign: Cancer




Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Hazel



Casual two

Casual three

Casual four


Dressy two

Dressy three

Dressy four







Toiletries two






Job(s): She claims she has two jobs, one as a Choreographer/Backup dancer and the other as a Athletic trainer intern.

Personality: Ophelia is a genuine British / Brazilian native performer. Always eager to please the crowd Carnival participants, by dancing or by singing, either way it's a joyous occasion. She's quite optimistic, and just full of life. She does like a good old party! Who wouldn't? Ophelia is also very friendly towards others, along with a set determination to befriend most people. The girl thrives to live on the edge, with her quick wits she knows a thing or two about last minute assignments. However, I have to admit the girl is selfish, and stubborn like mule. She can't stand when someone else steals her spotlight. Envy and pride is what Ophelia strides.

Bio: Ophelia was born on July 5, 1991 unexpectedly in a taxi cab on the way to a hospital around London Square. However, there weren't too many complications in the birth, and Ophelia ended up being a healthy baby girl. Ever since she was a young girl Ophelia always loved to perform, no matter the gig, she'll be more than happy to do it. Just the thrill of having to be on stage is more than enough for her. In school, she was decent A/ B student, yet she always seem to get in a fight with someone, due to her easily sparked attitude. After grade school, Ophelia joins Julliard in New York to purse her dreams of one day of owning her stage.

Future Goals: To be the next Beyoncé, of course, or just being able to perform makes her happy.



She enjoys to surf and play a little ukulele. She dances to dubstep, hiphop, or pop preferably.

Sleeping: The queen bed. She likes to comfortable like a queen.


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Full Name:

Esben James Floor


Esben or Ben




Potty Mouth

Zodiac Sign:






Hair Color:

Dark Brown, almost black

Eye Color:



Quick and comfortable, casual and yet fashionable.

He knows he looks good so he isn't afraid to show off.




Cellphone & Charger,

Ipod & Charger,

Chords to hook Ipod up to car speakers,

Portable speakers,



sleeping bag,







Surprising enough, Esben is a history major who is debating going back to school for a law degree. For now he works as an archeologist. (He leaves for a dig in Africa once they get back, which is why he wants to go on the trip)


Oh Esben, how can I possibly describe him correctly? Esben is a bit tough to be around but at the same time, he's probably one of the easiest people to get along with. Things like social standing and appearance don't matter to him. If you're a little B*tch, then you're a little B*tch. You can have the richest daddy in the world, that only makes you a rich little B*tch in his eyes. He's completely unbiased about everything. If he likes you, then you've made yourself a charming friend. If he doesn't, well he sure as h*ll won't hide it.


Esben was born into a low class family and because of that had it rough since the beginning. Due to the fact that his dad walked out on them when Esben was six, he has pretty big daddy issues. He was forced to watch him mom work hard at three jobs to get him and his siblings get through school until he was old enough to work. He got his first job the day he turned sixteen and worked since then, bouncing from job to job because of his 'arrogant and out-of-control' behavior. At eighteen he graduated from high school and was accepted into San Diego University with a scholarship. He continued to work hard, getting a History degree, a short-term archeologist internship, and advice from his favorite teacher ("If digging up dead things doesn't go well for you... Go into Law, kid." He said, "I've never seen someone put up a better fight then you.")

Future Goals:

Other than getting him mother a good - worry free - home? He's always wanted to travel, seeing that as the ultimate goal. He has always been a free spirit, not caring about anything, so it's only natural for him to want to see the world. Right?






Well, truth be told... Esben basically sleeps where he passes out. Whether that be on the floor or on a bed is unknown.


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@Kinxus Koi

You need to do one more thing before I can accept you(Hint: look at the bullets in the first page).


Don't forget to turn in your CS
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Fixed it!





Full Name: Vince Junior

Nickname: Vin, Vince

Age: 23

Role: The Jock

Zodiac Sign: Taurus



Height: 6'2

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Hazel

Outfits: Most of the time just the first shirt or whatever he finds. Quick but still a bit fashionable (not too much).




Iphone & Charger


Surfboard (if that's alright)

The basic stuff (clothes, toothbrush etc)


Sleeping Bag




Job(s): Surf teacher

Personality: You can say that Vince is definitely a person who likes having fun. He doesn't want to die as a person who spent his whole life on the cough wathcing tv and doing nothing. He wants to get remembered as the person who always came up with fun ideas, was always laughing and wasn't boring at all. Sure, not everyone can be happy his whole life but you can try it. There will be always ups and downs but that doesn't mean that if one bad thing happens, everything will get bad. That's exactly how he thinks about life. But he's not a person who will talk about his feelings, even though you're one of his best friends. He just don't knows how to explain them so he doesn't want to talk about it either. Besides that he likes to work out a lot. No not to look good for the ladies only, of course he wants to look a bit good but that's not the only reason he likes working out. He likes most of the sports, but the most he likes surfing. But he's not a typical jock like others, he's a caring person who wants to help others as much as he can. And not an asshole at all (what most of the people think about jocks). He says almost everything what comes up in his mind so he will easily get a bit shy if it comes to girls and he just says right away what he thinks.

Bio: Vince lived at his grandma's house since he could remember, the story behind that is that his parents dropped him there right before their death. How and why they died? That's still a question they're trying to figure out together. Nobody found their body or other clues yet. A dad person is something he's still missing in his life even though he had to deal with the fact he won't ever get one. Anyway, why does he still live with his grandma? A question people ask him often too. That's because he doesn't want to leave her there behind alone while she's still getting older everyday. It won't take that long anymore before the time has come for her too, he just can't leave her right now. Well that's something he thinks.

In his school years he wasn't the person who was at parties like everyday, skipped classes and didn't study at all. He was more the person who went to parties, not too often, and still followed the classes he had to follow. He enjoyed learning new things if he was interested in it. Also he even liked school, it was always better than just doing nothing without people around you. And a lot of people was exactly the reason why he liked it there, being alone wasn't something he liked. Sometimes was it alright to just relax on his own but not for a long time. One day was the limit for being alone because otherwise he wouldn't know what to do anymore.

Future Goals: Making the best out of his life. Surfing in huge competitions all over the world to earn his money in that way. And finding out how and why his parents died.



Extras: Irish Accent

Sleeping: Pull out Sofa


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Full Name: Oliver Daines

Nickname: Oliver

Age: 23

Role: The Homosexual

Zodiac Sign: Taurus



Height: 5'11", it was his childhood goal to reach 6' but he never quite got there

Hair Color: Oliver has curly, shiny hair that is often described as the color of raven feathers

Eye Color: He has bright, green, expressive eyes. The exact color of them often determines his mood.

Outfits: Oliver's Outfits:

1) Comfortable/Everyday Wear Option 1: This often consists of a T-Shirt (Something witty, plain, or even a band shirt) and loose-fitting jeans. The jeans are often found in darker colors- jet black to slate gray and anywhere in-between, but can also be red, sage green, mustard yellow, or khaki. This outfit is nearly always accompanied by his favorite Osiris shoes and a beanie. He wears some variation of this outfit nearly every day.

2) Comfortable/Everyday Wear Option 2: This outfit often consists of a plain T-Shirt with a plaid jacket and the same loose fitting jeans as described above. This outfit is accompanied by Osiris shoes and sometimes a beanie.

3) I-don't-really-care Outfit: This outfit is a staple of Oliver's wardrobe and is worn once every week without fail. It consists of one of Oliver's famous hoodies and pants- either his khaki's, his jeans, or sweatpants. Usually is accompanied by a beanie, but either Osiris shoes or Vans can be worn.

4) Dressy Outfit: This outfit varies depending on how dressy Oliver needs to be. The low-key version features a button-up shirt, maybe a beanie, maybe a unzipped hoodie or jean jacket, jeans in black or khaki color, Converse or Vans, and a hat of some sort. The dressy version consists of either a button up shirt or a sweater with black or khaki pants/jeans and Vans.

Bringing: Oliver packed 4 pairs of jeans (red, black, gray, and khaki), 3 T-shirts (one funny, one plain white, and one burlap brown), one button-down shirt, 3 beanies, 2 hoodies (one zip down and his favorite college pull-over), one sweater, Osiris shoes, Vans, and his favorite black Converse. He folded all of this neatly into one small suitcase. In his backpack he has his phone, headphones, laptop, cords, leather bound journal that he guards with his life, and his lucky necklace given to him by his father. It is a twine necklace with an old looking key attached to it.



Job(s): Oliver is pursuing an internship at Google as well as a career in writing

Personality: Everyone either likes or hates Oliver- it's just how he is. He is loud, proud, and will never cease to speak his mind. He tries not to hurt anybody but ends up hurting people anyway, one just has to know that he means well. He's funny, and is always cracking jokes about everything- which can often be insufferable. Oliver has no fear or shame, or at least, that's what everyone thinks, and will often do bold things. However, it took him ages to come to terms with his homosexuality because of his deep insecurities. His family life, although normal, made him insecure, which he covers up with a bold, funny facade. He enjoys having close friends and will try to make a friend out of everyone.

Bio: Oliver grew up in a family with strong views on every opinion. His parents are homophobic because they don't understand, and ever since Oliver realized his sexuality he has lived in fear of his family. Other than this, he had a splendid, normal childhood with his older sister- who has since gone on to do great things and even marry. He would love to follow in her footsteps. However, his parents have been nudging him to marry a woman, which puts a lot of stress and fear in him. Before he graduated college, his father was diagnosed with brain cancer. Oliver is still coming to terms with the fact that his father will not live much longer- and he wants to come out to him before he passes but is not sure how. To help him cope, his father gave him a lucky necklace with a key that has been passed down through generations. It symbolizes him as the man of the family now.

Future Goals: Oliver wants to be the best of the best and will settle for nothing less.



Extras: He has a few hidden tattoos.

Sleeping: Pull-out Sofa

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Awesome-quotes-random-32603776-267-400.jpg.ab64b5d9501842d3b7d0da4cf128db1c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22192" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Awesome-quotes-random-32603776-267-400.jpg.ab64b5d9501842d3b7d0da4cf128db1c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I guess I'll do the honors since no one else has stepped up.


Find you're character's name and it'll list all known relationships underneath!

If I have anything wrong, just let me know.

  • d0470aa5-8cb8-4e1c-9b06-323686f1269d_zpsbe06a111.jpg

    @Kinxus Koi

    Ophelia&Jerylin- Ophelia met Jerylin through her old job at a local coffee shop. She showed Ophelia the ropes around her new home. Through her, Ophelia manage to meet the other road trip mates.

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May I take the final female role? I can whip up a character real quick :)  
Charlotte Kingston


Nickname: Charlie

Age: 22

Role: Drama Queen

Zodiac Sign:Virgo


Height: 5'61/2'

Hair Color: Red, with blonde tips

Eye Color:Green

Outfits: Outfit #1 Outfit #2 Outfit #3

What Charlie brought:

iPad (to find all the hot-spots and for GPS purposes)

Clothes of course

Feminine Hygiene products-extras in case the other girls ran out


All the essentials


Personality: She has been a total drama queen all throughout high school, but under all that attention seeking cliche mask she wears, she has an absolute heart of gold. She has so many hopes and dreams with her life and she knows in order to achieve she has to change her attitude. But she doesn't. Charlotte enjoys being over-dramatic and making snide comments when possible, she's very sensitive as well (fit's in quite well with the whole "drama queen" act.

Bio: When Charlie was only four, her home had burned down, she was the only one left alive after the burn, forced to live in foster care. And so she has, for a very long time, currently she still is. It isn't something she's proud of, and no one knows where she lives or that her parents had passed. She has lied about it for 18 years of her life, thinking that if she told them the truth they wouldn't like her. Who would want to live with the girl that had three younger brothers, two older brothers and four younger sisters whilst living in the ghetto of the city? Why would they accept her then?

Future Goals: She has a huge passion for the film industry, and is currently hoping to be accepted into NYU Film academy.

Extras: Afraid to tell the truth

Sleeping: She sleeps on one of the top bunks in the RV.

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