Acquainted With The Night


Dialectical Hermeticist

Alright @Squall @Mordecai @Tree @Elemental Son @Ayl No posting until I sort out your mechanical sheets and you guys discuss relations to each other. I'll send out some info on that shortly. If you could post <em>as much about your character as you feel they'd share</em> in the signup tab, that'd be great. If you want to limit it to their appearance, go ahead.

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No worries.

@Squall waiting on you.

Derek & Amanda, and Tom can start posting as they like.

Stay inside the diner. Don't take too many liberties. Plot is going to happen fast and maintain a brisk pace once we're all in.
I'll try and get it up in my next class, it's a 30 min class and we don't do work in it, in case your worried I'm blowing class off. =p
Just checking - had this one fizzle twice last time I tried to run it.

Didn't mean to rush you... too much.
Fun fact - the Rainbow Killer was a real murderer who plagued Seattle a few years back.
I can dig it up, but you don't need it - it's just flavour, won't be immediately relevant to the plot.
Seriously though everyone should be in the diner for a reason.

Which is to say the opening scene focuses on the diner for a reason - not that I don't appreciate the prelude, Tree.
Do not anger the mighty Grey.

Few have ever managed, none have survived to tell the tale.

What's it gonna be, Grey? The ol' "lights go out, drunk trucker runs through the wall, kills the bartender who had no goddamn role in this whole thing so he just had to go" trick?
Waiting for @Squall so you can all get into the diner and I can push the plot forward.

If I hear nothing by tomorrow, there will be a replacement.

Derek & Amanda can feel free to talk in the meantime, and if either want to get Tom involved, or if Tom decides to impose, feel free.

Though let me know about that first so I can insert something important between posts.
Heya Grin, I think I'd love for Tom to saunter over to Derek and Amanda. Just wanted to inform you so you can post what you need to post.
Mordecai said:
Heya Grin, I think I'd love for Tom to saunter over to Derek and Amanda. Just wanted to inform you so you can post what you need to post.



*bursts into laughter*
Bringing in a new player for Lucy.

Anyone who looks at Tom, kindly make me a Wits + Composure roll. That is 10-sided dice equal to your Wits + Composure.
I'll also be posting today. Apologies.

Sorry for the wait and sorry if it seemed a lil' lackluster

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