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Fandom Ace Combat: Rebirth Of Razgriz Characters


That One Fear In My Enemy's Eyes
Hey guys. This is where we'll post the character profiles in accordance with the character sheet I've provided below. Please fill out ALL the required information in full and be sure to count your sentences because I will do so as well. If a single paragraph is missing a single required sentence, the entire profile is incomplete and you won't be allowed to post until it's finished. And yes, there is a deeper reason behind this rule so bear with me and dig in!

Character Sheet

Name: (Be original please)
Image: (Find any image you want, though anime is preferred as they're more varied)

Age: (No younger than 22)
Sex: (Obvious)
Sexual Orientation: (Whatever floats your boat ;P)
Birthplace: (We're all Osean, so put "Osea")

Height: (Pick a height you're comfortable with)
Weight: (If you aren't good with weight, ask me or use a Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator online)
Hair Color: (Realistic colors please. If you can't find an image with a natural hair color, go with it anyway and just be sure to describe below the image whatever differences are there such as "He doesn't really have crimson red hair. Just a natural redhead.")
Eye Color: (Realistic colors. Again if it's a bit questionable in your image just detail the real color here.)
Body Type: Ectomorph (tall and skinny), Endomorph (stocky and muscular), Mesomorph (lean, balanced)
Voice Type: (Women, low to high) Contralto, Alto, Mezzo-Soprano, Soprano (Men, low to high) Bass, Baritone, Tenor
* Voice Example: (This is optional, but if you can find a good voice example then post the link here)

Rank: Be at least semi realistic with your character's rank given their age and bio information as to when they joined the Osean Air Force.

Personal Vehicle: Choose one of the planes listed below the character sheet to use to start the RP

* Super Plane: (This is optional as the use of a "super plane" won't make you immortal in the sky like it can in the games. But if you want a super plane later in the RP anyway when and if we reach the RP's later stages after becoming the new Razgriz Squadron, list your desired plane here. It's first come first served. If someone else has chosen the plane you want then you will have to choose a new one.)

Personality: No fewer than two paragraphs with no fewer than five sentences in each paragraph
Biography: No fewer than three paragraphs with no fewer than five sentences in each paragraph

Available Planes

Note: Nobody is allowed a plane other than one of those listed to begin the RP. As time goes on we will acquire newer and better aircraft to accommodate the changes in the story surrounding our characters, but your first plane must be one of the following. No exceptions.))

Starting Attackers:

* F-4G Phantom II Wild Weasel
* A-6E Intruder
* F-16XL

Starting Multiroles:

* F-4E Phantom II
* F-5E Tiger II
* F-16C

Starting Fighters:

* F-16C
* MiG-33
* F-14A

Description: Kasumi is a beautiful young woman with a tough exterior, but a heart of gold. Her pleasant smile can light up a room while her silky voice is sweet and soothing to listen to. She has bow shaped lips which are not too full and not too thin. She often can be seen wearing a white hair band to keep her long hair out of her face when not in her plane. When she’s in her plane, she ties it up and tucks it all inside her helmet for extra cushioning. She’s almost always wearing a sleeveless collared shirt with military camouflage patterns, as she doesn’t like the feeling of sleeves covering her arms. Her boots are usually black with reinforced toes just in case she goes down and has to engage in hand to hand combat against ground forces.

Kasumi’s frame is slender, but muscular. She has smooth, lightly sun kissed skin to compliment her dark brown hair. Her neck slopes down delicately into her shoulders. She has an hourglass figure with a slender waist and perfectly proportioned hips. She has a taught, round, muscular bottom and shapely legs. Given that she spends a good deal of time jogging and training in martial arts during her down time, this comes as no surprise to her fellow pilots. Her chest is not the biggest, but it’s not exactly small either. With a comfortable 34C bust, she’s satisfied with her chest size. However, she does sometimes wish that she had a D cup, as every other woman in her family has one.

Age: 23
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Birthplace: Osea

Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 130
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Body Type: Mesomorph
Voice Type: Soprano
Voice Example: Example (Begins at 0:27)

Birthplace: Oured, Osea
Current Location/Residence: Areino Base, Osea

Station: Areino Base, Osea
Rank: 2nd Lieutenant

Personal Aircraft: F-16C

Kasumi's F-16C Fighting Falcon is a custom designed F-16C. It has received a few adjustments which set it apart from regular F-16C's, including the following:

* Increased maneuverability
* Decrease to the plane's durability (takes fewer hits and bullets to bring it down)
* Reflective outer coating on the wings makes her plane harder to see


Super Plane: CFA-44 (Modified)

* Increased armor plating adds to durability
* Special alterations greatly increases the plane's stability and mobility at the expense of some of its speed (max speed of Mach 2.5 as opposed to Mach 3 mph)


Strengths: Kasumi is very tough, both mentally and physically. She is emotionally stable and has a strong sense of morals guiding her every word and action. She’s loyal to her country and her people, and is not afraid to go the distance for them. She’s also very brave, though she does know when to back down.

Weaknesses: Kasumi’s primary weakness is something she hides from everyone around her, including her superiors… Acrophobia. That’s right. Despite the fact that she’s a pilot, she is afraid of heights. Kasumi joined the air force to purge herself of this fear, and though she has grown more tolerant of it she usually keeps her plane below 5,000 feet whenever possible. She also keeps her eyes forward to avoid looking at anything below her plane that can give her a sense of distance to the ground.

Kasumi has two other weaknesses as well, both of which are fairly well known to most of her fellow pilots. The first is that she has an inferiority complex towards her older brother Daisuke, who is also a pilot and currently a Captain of his own squadron in the Osean Air Force. The second is that her sense of morals leads her to often disregard orders from above when she believes them to be without logical justification. If she thinks an order is bogus, she’ll ignore it and do what she feels is right for her countrymen and her homeland.

Personality: Kasumi is one of the sweetest women you’ll ever meet. However, if you insult her family or her country you’ll receive one of two gifts. One is a tongue lashing, and the other is a date with the pavement. Kasumi is very protective of her country and her family. Insulting either one to her is a direct assault on her personally, and one she will respond to immediately. She is well balanced, boasting a powerful intellect and a strong body. She’s emotionally stable and has absolutely indomitable willpower.

She’s typically very sweet despite her toughness. She speaks softly and with humility and isn’t afraid to admit her mistakes. She’s very well mannered and polite when you earn it, and if you earn her respect you’ll have it until/unless you abuse it. Kasumi has never been one to forgive and forget, and if you’ve done her wrong you can be sure she’ll refuse to help you regardless of how badly you need it or whatever the circumstances might be. Though a bit spiteful when someone has earned her scorn, if there is any attempt to make amends, she’ll usually accept it straight away. Again, she’s one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet so long as you give her reason to treat you that way.

Biography: Kasumi was born in Oured, capitol city of Osea. She is the third of four children. She has one older brother, an older sister, and a younger sister. Her parents never treated any child with favor, and so the siblings grew up with a sense of equality between them. This aided them in remaining grounded and helped them develop strong bonds which persist to this day. Daisuke, the oldest, formed a bond with Kasumi that remains unmatched. The two of them were inseparable when they were little, and often trained together in martial arts as well. Kasumi’s bond with Daisuke is one of the main reasons why she wanted to become a pilot, because he always dreamed of becoming one himself.

During Kasumi’s sub-adult years, she was exposed to the uglier side of life. She was bullied almost constantly. But thankfully her grandfather was a master of numerous martial arts styles and taught her personally how to defend herself. Her grandfather’s words were much stronger than those of the other children, and as such she learned at an early age not to be bothered by the BS that other kids sent her way. During her early high school years this was very important for her. Her reputation as being stronger than most girls and being able to kick a guy’s ass made it to the ears of the football team captain of the school, and he decided to test the rumor. He ended up leaving the team due to “mysterious injuries” a few days later.

Kasumi began experimenting with her sexuality when she was sixteen. She had gone through two boyfriends and two girlfriends before she finished her junior year of high school and found that she enjoyed both sides equally. Both held their respective qualities, though she enjoyed the brotherhood of the boys side a bit more than the girls side. She graduated high school at age seventeen and enrolled in the Osean Air Force at the age of 18. She passed the Basic Training with flying colors (no pun intended) and enlisted as a Multirole pilot. However her success was short lived as she was medically discharged when she broke her leg during a training accident. Thankfully her father knew a few of the higher ups and managed to get her back in once she had recovered completely which took nearly one full year of physical therapy. Now back in action she has recently completed her training and has acquired an F-16C Fighting Falcon as her personal plane of choice with a few modifications of her own design.

She is now awaiting deployment.
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Name: Ayrl "Church" Mikado

Age: 26
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Birthplace: Osea

Height: 5'11
Weight: 196 lbs
Hair Color: His hair is dark brown that is borderline black
Eye Color: His eyes are heterochromatic, one eye being his normal color, a pale ice blue, and the other, the discolored one, is grey.
Body Type: Mesomorph
Voice Type: Baritone

Rank: Senior Airmen

Personal Vehicle: F5-E Tiger II
Increased Gyro-Maneuverability(Agility in a 3-Dimensional plane) at the cost of durability.
Reflective mettalic coating and tinted cockpit window that allows it to be harder to spot and keep from being blinded.
Increase in control the cost of speed.

Super Plane: X-02 Wyvern
Reflective coating/tinted cockpit.

Strengths: Creative thinker, honest, durable
Weaknesses: Aracnophobia(probably spelled wrong, fear of spiders), overprotective, horrible music(anything other than rock/metal)

Personality: Aryl has almost two different personalities. When you first meet him he comes off as this very serious person, who would beat you down for looking at him the wrong way. He comes off as quiet, speaking with action rather than words, lending too the "beat you to a pulp" idea that comes off him. He does care deeply for his country and disrespecting that leads to a verbal assualt rather than physical one. He personally does not care about himself being insulted but it anyone else he cares about is threatened he gets protective of them.

In reality he isn't a tough guy at all. He is a very nice and friendly guy who cares deeply for family and comrades. He is very supportive of others and always speaks his mind honestly when asked, never saving his friends thoughts at the cost of his honesty. He is a talker rather than a fighter, not wanting to get into a fight unless someone else throws the first punch on him. He usually only talks when he finds it neccessary(which would be fairly often) and likes joking to lighten the mood.

Aryl at first didn't want to be a pilot, hell flying never even crossed his mind. Originally he wanted to be a cybersecurity technician, something he found both enjoyable and something he could make a living out of. Throughout most of his school life he did what he could, get good grades, stay out of trouble, and pursue his carreer. But there was one time he got into a fight. He unknowingly was talking with some tough guy's "girlfriend"(mind you it was 5th grade, the word held next to no meaning) and the guy wanted to sort things out. After about a minute of talking the guy swung at Aryl, missing horribly as Aryl ducked and charged into the guys chest, knocking him into a wall. He quickly took care of the person, and word got around that Aryl "One-Tap" Mikado was not one to be trifled with.

High school is where his carreer path as an airmen began. A couple of his friends and him were joking around, it was a Sunday night, and tomorrow was thier exam for IT. So they all made this bet: If you fail your exam in the first go around, you had to join the Osean Air Force. They all agreed, taking it as a joke. The next day Aryl and two of the 5 guys he made the bet with failed, Aryl by only one question. So once Senior year ended he enlisted with the Osean Air Force at 19 years old. Him and his buddies all went through Basic together, then after that went thier seperate ways for specialized training.

Aryl arrived at Areino Air Base a week after he turned 21, and thier learned how to fly his chosen aircraft, a F5-E Tiger II. His first journey with it he was co-piloting, and something very scary happened. His pilot pretended to pass out, and it scared the daylight of out him, forcing him to take control of the plane and keep it air-borne. All the while he audibly prayed to God he'd pull through, and that's when the pilot started laughing and retook control of the craft to land it. Once the two got out Aryl gave the man a very angry one-ended shouting match, only to get the reply, "Whatever, Church!" After that word once again got around and he had earned his nickname and new callsign of Chruch. He kept training with the Tiger, getting to be a better pilot and eventually modifying the plane to be more stable and maneuverable at the cost of speed and durability of the plane. He also took the inspiration of a pilot he saw, Kasumi Okabe, and put a reflective coating on his plane to reduce it's visibility as well as tinting the cockpit window to avoid being blinded by other reflective aircraft.
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Name: Mikel Federer

(Pronounced Meek-il)

The name Mikel is a fairly common one in Belka. Mikel was the name of a legendary Balkan hero who slew the great Wyrm Waldreich and carved a mountain range from the Creature's spine, creating the Waldreich mountains.

Age: 25
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Birthplace: Sudentor, North Osea

Height: 5'9
Weight: 172 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Body Type: Ectomorph
Voice Type: Baritone

Rank: Airman First Class

Personal Vehicle: F-16

* Super Plane: TBD

Personality: Mikel, often by accident, comes off as cold and apathetic. He does not make much conversation, and certainly cannot initiate it too often. On the ground, he is often in a sort of daze, sleepy and preferring to keep to himself. He doesn't do it out of any sort of dislike for his squadron members, as he finds them quite fine. He simply a bit introverted, preferring to keep his head down and keep quiet, something he learned, growing up in Sudentor.

He is bright, and moderately intelligent despite his sleepy demeanor, and is able to keep a level head even in chaotic situations. However, he certainly opens up quite a lot more while in flight, smiling and even joining in on the squadron banter. He has a strong belief, that it is right to seek to disable instead of to kill. He understands accidentally killing enemy pilots, but he isn't the sort to go and shoot down parachutes. He views such behavior, especially when it is fueled by feelings of revenge, as similar to the behavior of the Belkan Nationalists, furious over being separated front Belka.
Biography: Born in Sudentor on August 8th, 2007, to Hanz and Anna Federer. He was the first child in his family, as Karl was only a year younger. The city of Sudentor was torn, between its old Balkan loyalties and its new place in Osea. This proved to be key, as Sudentor began secretly supporting the Gray Men faction of hardline Balkan nationalists. That fateful day in December 2010, Sudentor was a battleground. Although most of the city, including the Federer family, managed to evacuate, there was nothing to return to after the battle. The apartment where the family had lived had been obliterated. They weren't alone in their fate. Many of the other buildings in the city had been destroyed, and large groups of homeless wandered the streets until reconstruction efforts could begin, two years later. Reconstruction of the city had been held back due to the investigation of Grunder Industries. During this time, the city would again become a battleground. In December 2012, Grunder Industries was shut down by the Osean government, and its factories dismantled, leaving thousands without jobs. Anti-Osean feelings rose, and eventually, remnants of the Gray Men rallied Balkan nationalists in the city against Osean control, and several violent riots and street clashes occurred between January 4th and 21st of 2013. During one such riot, the homeless shelter the Federers were staying in was lit ablaze. A six year old Mikel attempted to pull his brother Karl from under a burning beam, only to have his hands engulfed in flames, forcing him to let go and leave his brother to burn. Volunteer firefighters managed to pull Mikel from the burning building, handing him off to his heartbroken parents, who had not been home as they were busy working part time jobs.

The city began to settle, as martial law quickly put an end to the riots. However, Sudentor had sunk to a low, as one of the poorest cities in all of Osea. Mikel was simply average in school. He preformed moderately well in his classes, despite being rather anti-social, and his odd insistence on wearing gloves at all times, something which eventually made him a sort of outcast. He had a short participation in school sports, but had to quit the soccer team as their coach was arrested due to Belkan nationalist ties, and no one was able to replace him. The schools of Sudentor were not exactly of the highest quality, as the textbooks still referred to Sudentor as part of Southern Belka. Despite the hardships of his childhood, Mikel was able to pass high school and attend Sudentor University. It was there, where he began to research the Razgriz squadron. He had not seen their black planes that night over Sudentor when he was young, but the heroes who had saved the city has certainly made their mark on it. His fascination with the Razgriz led him to an interest in the Air Force.

So, after graduating college, he signed up. He went simply as "Mike", mostly out of a reluctance to openly advertise his Belkan background. As quiet and unsocial as ever, he didn't make many friends, but he displayed enough talent in the cockpit to make his way into the Air Force. Quickly, he displayed a talent for flight, although his flying was odd. Every maneuver of his seemed too smooth, too fluid. He flew almost like a machine, with ruthless efficiency. Despite how he flies, he always insists to those who ask, that he never feels more alive anywhere other than in the cockpit.
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Name: Aaron James Riley

Nickname: A.J



Description: Aaron is a man of rather average stature when it comes to his physical appearance. He stands at only 5'11 which makes him a bit on the short side compared to most recruits, which isn't helped any by his tendency to slouch. Though he does not stand out on the physical side, he walks with an easy, loping grace that makes him look as though he were gliding even when firmly anchored to the ground. He sports a few mild tattoos on his upper arm that he got after joining the service though he ensures that they are well within military regulations so as not to be discharged. This mainly consists of a wildcat scratching its way out from beneath the skin on his shoulder as well as a the numbers '63' with a small tribal band around it on the underside of his wrist. No one other than himself is quite sure what that means.

Perhaps his most striking features are his vivid green eyes which are further highlighted by his short sandy-colored hair. Even when he is nowhere near an aircraft it has the tendency to look windswept as though a permanent breeze were blowing through it to make it stand slightly on end. He has a rather sly, but confident smile designed to show off his brilliant white teeth. When not on duty at the base, he can be seen wearing typically wearing a light grey wifebeater and cargo pants of varying colors. This comes with the knowledge that he might be required to suit up at any second so he rarely takes the time to dress outside of what is necessary for comfort as well as quick change. When on duty, he is usually seen wearing the light blue colors of his button down uniform or the camouflage green of his flight suit emblazoned with his call sign and gear. His helmet is fairly standard for Osean Airman outside of the paint scheme which has a scarlet W on the crest of the black helmet and three bloody scratches running down the side which stands as a tribute to his call sign.

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Birthplace: November City

Current Residence: Heierlark Air Force Base

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Ethnicity: Osean

Height: 5'11

Weight: 185 lbs

Hair Color: Light brown

Eye Color: Green

Body Type: Mesomorph

Voice Type: Baritone

Station: Heierlark Air Force Base

Rank: Airman 1st Class

Personal Aircraft: F-16C "Fighting Falcon" w/ custom paint scheme and enhanced payload. - Starter


Super Plane: XFA-27


Strengths: A.J is known to be decisive and particularly careful about choosing his targets despite his wild style. He's fairly decent with gun skills and unafraid to close in on the target for the dogfight if he has to. He is also tenacious and unrelenting when it comes to his opponents in the air because 'giving up' is not something in his vocabulary. Due to the fact that his training took place at Heierlark, A.J. is fairly good at flying in hazardous or low visibility conditions as the majority of his training outside of simulations were under these conditions.

Weaknesses: A.J can sometimes let his emotions get the better of him in a dogfight. He can be provoked and often yearns to answer the challenge head on which can lead to him getting in way over his head. This is especially concerning his squad mates when they get into trouble. Due to the loss of his father during the last war over a late cover from his wingman, he can be fiercely overprotective and go to the extent of defying orders to ensure all planes make it back. He's also a bit reckless when it comes to his flying as he always wants to toss in a few unnecessary maneuvers like loops just to show off. He's also a bit of a slacker in most everything else except when it comes to his flying. He's consistently late with his paperwork and often in trouble with his superiors over this despite being a decent flyer. This carelessness has also cost him a couple of relationships which he sorely regrets. As listed above, the fact that his training was conducted inland in North Osea, A.J. has never traveled long distances in flights and has never had any carrier-based training outside of simulations.

Personality: A.J has one of those personality types where criticism just bounces right off of him. He can take his licks with the best of them and usually nothing really gets him down except when people bring up his parents. They're the chink in his armor and he tends to clam up and go sour when they're mentioned. Outside of that though, he's a typically fun-loving individual who is an adrenaline junkie by nature and is often trying to drag his friends along for the ride. He especially enjoys skydiving, snowboarding, base jumping, and the occasional drunk game of poker when he's confined to the base; a typical party-loving extrovert. Or at least that is what he seems to be on the outside.

His sarcasm and wit masks an internal fragility that he doesn't often share with those who don't really know him. He yearns to find his place in this world and feels frustrated that it isn't coming fast enough. Though he maintains a positive aspect on criticism and laughs at his own mistakes, he internally beats himself up and tries to make up for his failures in the air (when he makes them). But even with those problems that he hides, he never allows his own thoughts to intentionally spread to his squad mates. In fact, he tries to be the pillar of optimism in an attempt to keep up morale. His squad mates are the only thing he has ever had in regards to family so he tries to maintain good relations all across the board.


"But those whose hearts are in the sky will always return to the sky." ~ Marcela "Macarena" Vasquez, Espada 2

Aaron was born an only child to his florist mother and his fighter pilot father in November City. He never really got to know his father very much as he was always away on the base and it sometimes would take him years to return. In fact, the first time Aaron met him was when he was already 7 years old. His mother did his best to fill in for both parents, but tragedy claimed her when he was 5 years old in which the circumstances were never really explained due to his youth. His elderly grandparents in the rural areas outside Oured gained custody over him in which he lived a fairly idyllic if lonely childhood. He was encouraged by his parents to join the local soccer league and to get out and enjoy life instead of sulking in the house. It took him awhile to open up to the other kids, but he became a well-liked member of the team during his years in the club. He attended the local public school in which he got fairly decent marks, but one question always stumped him for the longest time when growing up: What did he want to do in life? Where was he headed? What was the limit to his capabilities?

When he joined high school, his life took a turn in a new direction. He fell in with a local gang of troublemakers who got him hooked on the adrenaline junkie lifestyle he still maintains to this day. He went joyriding, drag racing, traded a few illegal items, and even assisted in a few petty thefts. He never got caught doing these things, but a very close brush with the local police had him eventually dropping his ties to the thug life ... though other habits proved harder to drop. He eventually brought his suffering grades up at least to average by the time it came to thinking about enrolling into university, but still he had no idea what he wanted to do with himself. The thought of wasting away in some boring office for the rest of his days proved to be a very scary thought. But one day he got himself a temporary job when he was 16 helping to set up an airshow meant to honor the nation's fighter pilots back in November City above the stadium. He went there hoping to make a quick buck or two in order to make repairs to his broken down pick up truck, but found himself mesmerized by the patterns and close formations the pilots made in the sky. He went home that day full of wonder and decided to finally expend the effort of finding out what happened to his father.

One whole year passed from that day with Aaron finding out next to nothing of what he wanted to know. It became almost an obsession he had when not goofing around with his friends or popping wheelies to show off for girls. Finally though, just before graduation, he found out the particulars of his father's death and made arrangements to meet with his former wingman. When they day came, they talked for maybe about an hour or so, but at the end of the conversation, Aaron finally made up his mind to join the Air Force the moment his graduation was over. His grandparents resisted this due to the loss of their original son, but Aaron remained stubborn until they were finally forced to relent. He then broke up with his girlfriend and put all his effort into just finishing out the year and gathering up the information needed to finally work his way in.
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Name: Amelia "Dragonball" Hale

Age: 22
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Birthplace: Kirwin Islands, Osea

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 138lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Body Type: Mesomorph
Voice Type: Mezzo-Soprano
* Voice Example: X

Rank: Airman 1st Class

Personal Vehicle: F-14A

Nose art:
Shenron, the Dragonball Dragon, wrapping around the nose of the aircraft with the head ending on the left side mouth open and the tail ending on the left side just under the canopy. when she gets a kill. Amelia decided that she will use Dragonballs from the Dragonball series to count her kill. starting with the one star ball and adding a star till it reaches the seven star ball. Then she will start a new ball next to the old one.

Personality: First off, lets just get this out of the way: Amelia, like her brother, is an Otaku (or this worlds equivalent). She just loves that kind of stuff and has all her life. She also isn't afraid to show it, going as far as painting anime art on the nose of her craft. Amelia is a highly family orientated person who values loyalty above all else. Among her select group of friends, Amelia grew to become a voice of reason when things got out of hand, Especially when her friends or her brothers friends would drag her out on one of their little Adventures.

Even though she considers herself as the voice of reason among her friends, Amelia is just as insane as her friends and if something sounds stupid or crazy, she wouldn't hesitate for a second on going through with it. But someone has to make sure they don't get themselves killed. Even with her Quirks and tomboyish attitude, Amelia is a nice person who is easily approachable. She has an appreciation for the small things and loves to just joke around and have fun. She will normally be smiling or humming or even singing. Amelia loves the sky and flying, she finds it beautiful and free. She also isn't too keen on fighting but if that's the cost to fly, then so be it.

Born on the islands of Kirwin. Amelia is the youngest Daughter of two Emmerian immigrants. One of which was an Aeronautical Engineer working on commercial engines. Spending most of her life living in a small fishing village, Amelia was always at the sea with her brother. Normally getting into mischief with him and his two closest friends, and always had to bail them out when things got too out of hand. As she got older, Amelia began developing a fascination for the sky and decided she was going to become a pilot. At that time, Amelia was dating one of her brothers friends and when she told him of her dreams. It apparently pushed him to join the air force and inadvertently started a series of events that lead her brother and two friends to join four months before her.

Following close behind her brother, Amelia went to Flight school. There she soon found out that her Instructors were the very same that trained her brother and his friends. Needless to say, they made an impression. Amelia saw this and took it as a challenge. Throughout school, She beat every single one of her brothers records, in flight school and at the bar, just to piss him off. So like the trio that came before her. Amelia gained a reputation for herself and basically doomed anyone who came from the Kirwin Islands.
but still proved she was an exceptional Pilot in dog fighting and combat maneuvers.

During a "random" room inspection. Amelia watched as the instructors tore her room apart. All the while listening to them mumbling something about her extensive anime collection and something about her brother who had graduated just before she arrived to flight school. As time went on, One of the Instructors bumped her cabinet and knocked a large rolled up poster right onto his head. Curious, The instructors unrolled the poster to find that it was a very revealing image of Vegeta from the Dragonball series. After having to explain to them what it was from. Amelia only got a sigh from one of the Instructors and a chuckle from the other.
The next day, Amelia was then on called Dragonball.
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Name: Robert Volk

Age: 27
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: N/A
Birthplace: Osea

Height: Six foot one.
Weight: 180 Pounds
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Body Type: Mesomorph?
Voice Type: Baritone

Rank: 1st Airman

Personal Vehicle: F-16C

Super Plane: FALKEN

Personality: Robert Volk is a quiet man who hates talking to all other people and who is extremely apathetic to the emotional weight of his job. He hates having to think, and his two concerns on the job are money and following orders to the letter. The only things he always likes discussing are the mission, anything related to the mission, and the target in front of him that he needs to turn into confetti. He doesn't talk back, he doesn't linger, and he doesn't lose a wink of sleep when he shoots down another target. All he does, and wants to do, in the military is finish the tour, take his paycheck, and fuck off. The perfect weapon.

Aside from his 'job-persona', Robert Volk is a strange man who can completely divide himself up and project all of his feelings into that other man, which explains his apathy to suffering when he's holding the stick. He isn't himself when he's in the cockpit, and he knows this. Outside of the cockpit, he does loosen up a little bit, but he still loathes small talk and prefers being alone whenever possible. The most people he can reliably stand at once is perhaps one or two, any more and he tends to go more and more ballistic until he snaps and storms off.

He is both the perfect weapon, and the type of guy to lock himself in the bathroom during a party.

Biography: (Will finish later, sorry)
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Name: Justin "Calamity" Thorn

Sex: male
Sexual Orientation: Hetero
Birthplace: Osea

Height: 65"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Sky Blue
Body Type: Ectomorph
Voice Type: Baritone

Rank: Sergeant

Personal Vehicle:F14A

Personality: Due to a long family history with aviation, Justin fell in love with flight at an early age. He spent a large portion of his free time studying and learning the history and science behind flight. If engaged in a conversation about it he can talk for days. Upon reaching the legal age for military service he went straight to the recruiting office to become a flyboy, where he found that he had a gift for flight. After breezing through flight school he enjoyed the proudest day of his life by being promoted to sergeant and given his grandfather's "Wings", which he keeps on his person at all times.

Justin likes to imagine himself as a tactical strategist but when the lead starts to fly, easily gets caught up in the moment and flies by instinct. This is good because his plans historically end in disaster hence the nickname that became his call sign. He is no stranger to pain and overwhelming odds. Because of this he regularly ends up needing medical attention. While slow to make friends, once made they are no different to him than family and a Thorn protects their family come hell or high water. Unfortunately his dark humor and sarcasm tends to drive others away. Those that know him well will tell you he is unpredictable and although he doesn't like to admit it, is an avid adrenaline junkie. Although he loves Fighter planes no matter the role or nationality, he is entranced with WW2 (or this world's equivalent) due to his grandfather.
Biography: Growing up in the suburbs, Justin had a pretty normal childhood with his brother and sister. His mother stayed at home till he was old enough to care for his siblings before returning to work as a secretary. His father works at the National Osean Space Organization as a programmer for the flight simulator. His granddad was a fighter pilot "in the ol days" where he flew a P-47 Thunderbolt, and would tell Justin tale after tale of his war days. Ever since then Justin knew he wanted to be a fighter pilot.

In flight school Justin was paired with Amelia as a wing man and the two quickly developed a friendly rivalry. Both trying to out-do each other with barnstorming aerobatics, much to the flight leaders dismay. Justin spend most of his time with her coming with new and crazy ideas to try in combat. This lead to them quickly being broken up as wing men for the duration of flight school, though they remained close friends and rivals. Continuing to hang out in their free time while reading the daily death threats mailed in by her brother.

Justin earned his callsign during a routine training mission complete with a night time carrier landing. His approach was excellent, his decent was good, and everything looked perfect. He hit the deck, snagging the 1st cable when all hell broke loose. The cable snapped and the resulting whip back completely ripped the number one engine out as well as shearing the left wing completely off the plane, sending Justin's F-14 screaming down the flight deck like a glorified rocket sled from hell before bouncing off the carrier's superstructure and falling overboard. As everyone stood in shocked silence, Justin loudly exclaimed over the radio "NAILED IT!" before quickly ejecting from his fiery coffin. His flight leader described the crash as the worst calamity he had seen in years.
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Name: Johan "Hammer" Krieger


Description: Johan looks fairly similar to his brother Sterling, a distance such as his broad shoulders and will never be seen slouching. What stands out the most between them his Johan has a large deep scare going from the top left side of his eye coming across his eye down to his nose from a fight with his brother. While looking at his face there is a extremely thick and bushy mustache that can be mistaken for a worm if your not looking too closely, he keeps it within strict regulations even though you can see the slight tenting due to how much coffee he drinks. You continue down his body you see a long torso and arms fairly normal for his size but thick long fingers and large palms. Having slightly longer legs than normal made it bit uncomfortable from him to be in jets but made due. If you ever catch Johan with his shirt off you will notice a very vulgar tattoo of a naked woman riding a bomb he got one drunken night on a two day liberty from flight school.

Barely keeping his hair within regulations he never messes with it and always looks like he just woke up. He has a very suave style of smiling even though his teeth are slightly yellowed due to the amount of cigarettes he smokes though it is not as bad as it should be. Oddly enough he has his right ear pierced. When off duty he tends to wear cargo pants, tank tops and lace up boots. In uniform you will never see him with his sleeves not rolled up and his pants tucked into his boots properly. Depending on the day you will either see him with bandages all over his face or oil and grease from working on his aircraft. Often on his person he keeps his grandfathers gold lighter with the emblem of the bomber squadron he was assigned to in Yuktobaina as well as an M1911 45.ACP pistol his father gave to him as a child.

Age: 25

Sex: Male

DOB: 09/17/1991

Birthplace: Kirwin Islands

Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Ethnicity: Yuktobanian

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 162lbs

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Body Type: Endomorph

Voice Type: (bass)

Voice example X

Station: 7th Carrier Fleet

Rank: Airmen 1st Class

Personal Aircraft: F4 Phantom, Wild Weasel


Nose art:


Strengths: Pain Tolerance, Sharp eyesight, Sense of Honor

Weaknesses: Women, Sarcasm, Quick to anger

Personality: Johan is deep voiced, with an even louder sense of humor. He can come off as an "ass hole" to many sometimes because of his quick wit and even faster sarcasm. Usually steadfast and bound by a deep ancestral sense of honor, with an ingrained moral compass. He still has been known to stray from what he considers right under the influence of a pretty woman. Being quick to temper and even faster to fight he has already made a small reputation for himself at local taverns around the Flight Academy.

As an outsider in the small community he was raised, Johan has little tolerance for racism or bigotry. Johan has an almost spiritual fascination with mechanics often leading him to annoying the piss out of the Aviation Machinist Mates. A fact that he almost thoroughly enjoys since it shows how much he loves his craft. He has also recently developed a love of eastern animation due to his association with Adrain Hale. But, unlike his close friend, Doesn't care to show it.

Biography: The oldest son to Yuktobanian immigrants, he spent his childhood growing up in a small fishing community located in on the southern tip of the Kerwin Islands. Originally Johan had no thoughts of flying or even serving in the military until his younger brother informed his family he was enlisting to be a pilot like their grandfather was in Yuktobania. After a long heated argument with the family Johan told his parents that if his little Sterling Krieger wanted to join he would join with him to keep an eye on him. But Johan soon discover that he to was in love with service life and the open skies, though he'll never admit it to his brother hes glad he came along. The two of them remained nearly inseparable during their time in Basic and beyond.

Johan Graduated Flight School in the lower middle of his class. This was not due to his performance, but because his hard headedness and sarcasm found him in more than one altercation with his instructors. Never one to be openly disrespectful he never pushed the envelope to far. That is until the day he earned his moniker "Hammer" during a simulation sortie the instructor programmed an engine fire malfunction 30 sec before mission target. Ignoring protocol and his instructor, he put the SIM plane into WEP (Wartime Emergency Power/After burner) in an attempt to deliver his ordinance on target, but he push it too far and SIM shut down due to his plane becoming inoperable. After exiting the SIM pod Johan went on a tangent in the hangar yelling "THAT BIRD CAN TAKE THE PUNISHMENT! THE SIM IS JUST PLAYING IT SAFE! THIS IS TOTAL BULLSHIT! Then picking up a hammer and threw in bouncing it of a table and striking the windshield of a Humvee.

Though he had no problems qualifying in air to air exercises, Johan thoroughly excelled at ground assault. With a talent for rocket pods and UGB's, his scores soared (no pun intended). However, Johan would not have even made the flight school qualification exam if it were not for the tutelage of Adrain. His friend spent 3 months helping him study for the entrance exam. From his father's fishing troller to flight school, Johan has come a long way and is optimistic about the path that flys before him.
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Name: Leon Daniel

Age: 25
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 192
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Body Type: Mesomorph
Voice Type: Baritone
* Voice Example: best example at 0:34

Ethnicity: Half Osean/Emmerian
Birthplace: Oured, Osea

Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
Station: Areino Base

Personal Vehicle: MiG- 33

* Super Plane: XR-45 Cariburn

Personality: Probably Leon's most notable trait is his calm demeanor. He isn't one to let much get to him and would rather remain calm and levelheaded then let emotions lead to a bad decision. When a problem arises he would prefer to look at the situation as a whole, process the information, and then come up with the possible outcomes, yet this doesn't mean that he isn't able to think on his feet. Leon is thick skinned to most things letting any remarks about him bounce off. However, if you are looking to anger him look no farther then speaking ill of his family and friends. At first a few harsh words would be thrown your way, but if the words fail to have the desired effect a meeting with his fist would be arranged.

Leon is a kind, friendly, and a charismatic guy. Because of his up bring he is polite and respectful to those around him. Though not much of talkative person, Leon can easily keep a conversation. With a strong sense of morals he will stand his ground with what he believes in; even if that involves upsetting those around him or disobeying orders. He has what can only be called a thirst for knowledge always looking to learn knew things. Even more so with things that catch his interest. Because of this, often on his spare time he can be found with a book. This helps strengthen an already strong intellect. Competitive by nature he likes to push himself to improve. He also doesn't mind friendly competition among fellow pilots.

Leon was born in Oured, Osea. His father is a colonel in the Osean Air Defense Force, and his mother is an Emmerian immigrant who works as a doctor in a hospital in Oured. He is the oldest of three with two younger twin sisters. When Leon was only two years old the Circum-Pacific War started in which his father severed as a Captain and squadron leader. During this war, his father made a name for himself as an ace pilot and was even given the nickname 'Reaper' by Osean and Yuktobanian pilots alike. This nickname would eventually become his callsign. After the war had ended Leon’s father continued to serve in the Air Defense Force climbing up in the ranks.

During the time, right before and after the war Leon’s family spent a lot time together. They would often travel to Emmeria to visit his Aunt, Melissa Herman, who married a pilot herself. They had a daughter, Matilda Herman, who was two years older than Leon, but despite this age difference Leon was very close to his cousin treating her more like a sister then a cousin and would keep this bond with her even to this day. Leon often enjoyed listening to his father and Uncle tell their stories of flying. When Anean Continental war broke out Leon’s family wouldn’t learn until the end of the war that his uncle died trying to protect Gracemaria. The death of his uncle was a difficult time for Leon, but with the birth of his sisters around the same time they helped him through it.

Having listened to his father's and uncle's stories of flying growing up, Leon started to share their interest in flying and of the aircraft they pilot. So after graduating from high school with top marks, he enrolled in a college in Oured to study aeronautics. However, after a year he dropped out of school and enlisted in the Osean Air Defense Force. He found himself wanting something more. He wanted to experience the thrill, wonder, and most of all the freedom he heard so much about and realized that the best option was to take the same path that his father did. Leon graduated flight school with top marks. He even impressed the instructor with his dog-fighting skills in which the instructor had to say, "he has the instincts of a dog fighter".
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(Hope its alright to modified the super plane, took one and made it more "Bomber" in function,but i just trying to give more "personal" modifications to fit the role i took, unless not i will gladly leave it vanilla, and im not yet finished, miss the personality seeing its very late! will finish it in the morning!)


"When the steel bird soars over the field's, the screeching halt will make all vanish under it, no man is safe on the ground"

Fernier Javal


{Sexual Orientation}
Osea, Bannion
132 Lbs.
{Hair Color}
light brown
{Eye Color}
Hazel (Not blue as in the pic)
{Body Type}
{Voice Type}

Senior Airman
{Personal Vehicle}

A-6E Intruder


{Super Plane}

-=Y-50 Night Hawk=-
(Basically, i am taking the X-49)

A Modified version of the X-49 Night Raven build by GR Ltd. The Y-50 is built to give admiration in the livability in combat and its pilot, possessing heavier dense alloy plating,armored-fabric engine and shielded fuselage, the Y-50 Is virtually design to survive. Using the same ONSI System as the X-49 it allows the pilot to have full control of the aircraft by all means. But compared to the X-49,the Y-50 has a slower travel time because of the heavier plating installed in its chassis but as well the lack of space for stronger flight engine's and as such it was design with a larger wing span to allow easier lift. Even with such slow speed its weaponry still remains the same in some way, its TLS has been modified to be a ground targets nightmare. Instead of firing a long lasting beam, the TLS from the Y-50 has been redesign to use a charging system for 10 seconds, once charge it would fire a green beam similar to the Nigh raven but with a larger area to cover and only lasting 2 seconds instead of the usual 6. Might be a "Downgrade" but with a wider beam and amp energy, it will obliterate most land targets or air targets if caught by the beams short 2 second fire and not manage to escape as it begins to charge up. Instead of being a "Fighter" as the 49,the Y-50 is classifies as a "Bomber" instead of a "Attacker" because of the fact its slow speed,larger design,Heavier armor and ground concentrated weaponry, the 50 will rain death from above with its black wings. Missiles replaced with mid-yield bombs inside a compartment under the bottom wings and a slow firing machine gun, the Y-50 is not meant for Air-to-air combat. Taking functions of a Bomber but with the versatility and exotic self from the X-49.

Markov is rather of a straight forward person, with a serious face and personality always being what most see. He is not much of a person to be distracted with things or having fun when there is things to do, always placing his goals or mission first to ensure perfection. Fun can wait, no mater how simple it is he rather get things done before anything else, but when there is nothing to do or rather told to take it easy, he enjoys a good relax time, mostly all he dose when there is nothing. When with teammates or allies he always wishes to know what they are good at or what they can preform as seeing such information might help in the future, but overall get to know there expertise.

Beside such its easy to say Mark is a goal concentrated man, serious, patient,calm and preferring perfection over anything else. When in missions he expects smooth execution and teamwork in order to complete it, such having interaction with others is rather important. He might be serious but as such he enjoys having small talks once he is done with such important task and work. But when frustrated he really docent seem to show it, rather respectful wishes them to stop instead of being like others and begin to yell or start a conflict as In time everything will be solved and go well.

"See bro? Fighter planes might be scary and fast...but speed is not all when you are the one who prey on those in the ground...The dark sky, the silent whistle of the wind...and the screeching terror coming from the heavens, you think dogfight is scary...you have seen nothing yet. Take the shoes of one on the ground, hearing them fly over you, all you could do is run and hope to the gods above, you will live one more day. That is true fear, that is the seventh bomber division, "Like a nimbus in the sky, We strike the ground"."

Born in a calm city of Bannion, Fern is the third sibling of a group of four with the two twin eldest of 27 years old introduced in the air force and the youngest of 24 in the NAVY, Fern being the third oldest in the Air force. Fern has always been in a rather susceptible addiction towards air planes since his mother was part of the air force, but with the following of his twin brothers showing interest he grew the same with them and seem the whole family has had "Bird blood" as a rather good amount holding there last name have usually been related to some form towards the Air force. His mother was part of such but Fern got most info from his father, a Army Physician, who told him stories of how his mother was one special bird but as well his personal experiences in many other installations. As Fern grew he aimed his future towards being a fighter pilot, with such influence there was no denying he wished to be one with the rest, but oddly he started rather late compared to his twin siblings. Markiv and Malkiv where both a rather large influence in Fern's choosing in the air force, both where more in a "Heavier" class of pilots and have been through few sorties and such much was told towards Fern.

Beside speaking of his influence and affiliation on how he became the pilot he is now, he has had a normal life beside a few instances, at a young age he was a rather smart fellow, with enthusiasm, getting his plane collection in check and upon other hobbies he has had in his youth. But at a young age he has traveled to different locations around Osea with his family seeing how both his parents are a rather busy couple, both meeting when his father Lanchen Javal attended a woman named Hanafae Rothufor, his mother, and as such they fell for each. Fern has seen many attentions in his travels especially when he has reach 20 of age when it was he began his rather hard course towards being a pilot. With the work to stay with his twin brothers at Heierlark Air force base north of Osea where he and his twin brothers took there time to be pilots. Even such Heierlark was rather know for its fair share of history back in the Belkan war meaning a lot to elder pilots in those days and today. Oddly the youngest of the bunch ,Natasha, there 18 aged sister back at the time when Fern began his training (Who is now 24 at the current time), dint take any air force training but rather proceeded towards the Navy witch was a rather her specialty.

Fern followed his brothers foots steps, after his fair share of experiences and overall completed training, he was rather ready but dint see action like his brothers did. But he wished not to engage in direct air-to-air combat, it was not much of his slice of cake, but of course he had to no mater what but his hopes where to be behind the stick of a Attacker, just like the stories he was told.​
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