[Accepting] Prohibitioned Crime. ~(1920's Organized Crime)~


Level: (Detective, Sergeant (1), deputy, officer, Captain (1))


Level: (Thugs, or right hand man (Only 3 RHM Available)
Gang: (The Shadows, Blazers, or Silverbloods)

Crime Bosses (There are 3, you MUST pm me if you want to be one, so hurry up.)

Gang: (Blazers or Silverbloods)

My Character:

Age: Thought to be mid 20s, although it remains a mystery

Name: Dark

Description: The feared leader of the Shadows and little is known about him, from the few sightings he has been described as tall, brown haired and very neat.

Backstory: His father started the gang and was quickly dismissed as a threat, everyone was sooned proved wrong in a bloody battle taking his life, the leader ship was given to dark, and making few changes they have escalated to the most feared gang in the city.

Gang:The Shadows
Age: 25

Name: William "Saunter" Vani

Level: Thug

Description: Brown hair semi-long, piercing blue-grey eyes, a small scar on his chest chest. Standing 6'3-ish, he has a slanty grin.

Backstory: He grew up in the slums of Bundaberg, Australia. A small town with a reputation. Eventually he moved to get away from it's bad rep... mainly trying to find another one. He did some side jobs, eventually getting hired as thug.

Gang: Blazers.

(Sorry if it's not good, I've never joined something like this before. :P )

Name: Daneil Smith

Level: (Detective, Sergeant (1), deputy, officer, Captain (1)) detective

Description: He picks up almost everything, he is smart and cool but has a fiery temper. He has a soft spot for kids.

Backstory: His father was a police officer and as a young child he idolised him and wanted to follow in his footsteps. Through the teen ages this hanged as as he discovered the where more jobs out there his ambition changed to detective. He took all the courses needed and achieved his goal. He got married a year after getting his job and his wife got pregnant two years later. After nine 'wonderful' months his baby girl was born and she was perfect in his eyes. They raised their daughter until.she was five but she went missing when she was four. His wife was killed by a car searching for the car

(may I please make the daughter grown up in a gang? And make the daughter?)


Name:every body knows him as 'Zach' but its not his name

Level: (Thugs, or right hand man (Only 3 RHM Available) RHM

Description:HE has an incredible temper and loves inducing fear and playing with people (torture)

Backstory: he s abandoned and left to liv on the streets and he did just hat. Until a gang member recruited him in the early days

Gang: the shadows
Yes!! Thank you!! Also if someone else's character wanted to be her kidnapper it would be awesome.

Age 16

Name: Dorabella

Role: kidnaped by ------ from the ______ gang

Description/backstory: fairly kind and nice, has lived in fear for most of her life as she was kidnapped. Her father was her idol and she was a daddy's girl. She lived in a simple room and was hidden, he is really thin from not eating much and probably doesn't know how to walk anymore.
Mind if I throw my hat into the ring?

Age: 42

Name: Peter Dolan

Level: Sergeant

Description: Brown haired (receding) and green eyed, Peter stands about as tall as the average man of his time, if not slightly shorter and wider. What was once muscle is now slowly turning to fat, though he still refers to himself as 'fighting trim'. His left ear is missing, and he occasionally walks with a limp in his left leg, both courtesy of a kraut mortar. Embittered by his life's experiences, Sgt. Dolan can charitably be described as 'surly.'

Backstory: Mama Dolan's bright eyed son entered the police academy in the 90s, full of vigor and spirit. He received middling marks and earned himself little distinction for the majority of the early part of his career as a beat cop. His luck changed, when he proved instrumental in apprehending a serial killer whose murders took the city by storm. Young Dolan soon found himself fast tracked to detective, and almost certainly a shoe in for senior officer if he played his cards right.

Then in 1917 everything changed, Dolan, older but sadly not wiser, answered his country's call to fight against the imperialistic Germans. Reaching the rank of sergeant in the USMC swiftly, and truth be told more through the affects of attrition than his personal merit, Dolan left the fields of France with a bit of metal pinned to his chest, and a bit of metal left in his leg. He returned to his duty in law enforcement a changed man. His promised captaincy faded away to be replaced with desk duty and a promotion to Sergeant that he knew would be his last advancement.

Were it not for the prohibition, Dolan would likely have found solace in the bottle, but alas that route was denied to him. With no other real outlet, Dolan devotes what energy he can muster to his job and coaching under privileged city kids in the art of pugilism.
Age: 27

Name: Danielle (Dani) Cortas

Level: (Detective, Sergeant (1), deputy, officer, Captain (1)) Officer

Description: A very fit woman who is in the prime of her life. She is very well built, and isn't scared by much. She stands at about 5'11 height, she has pure blonde hair with eyes that are almost the same piercing blue as the Caribbean sea. She can handle fights, blood, cuss words, and basically whatever comes her way. Dani can have a short temper at times, and is pretty street wise. She knows her stuff when it comes to the gangs, but not their locations.

Backstory: Dani grew up in San Francisco, California until she was about 15. Her dad's job transferred him the Bronx, New York. Her family lived in a neighborhood that was fairly quiet, but occasionally had a few crime outburst. She grew up fast, soon she had finished her term at the Academy for her licence for being a Police officer at age 20. She has been with the NYPD for seven years, and knows almost every trick the streets of New York could throw out.

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