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Fantasy Academy of the Supernaturally Gifted (CLOSED)

(w a i t n- Gem didn't say it yet, I was explaining what I was g o i n g to do- which kind of ruined it, but s t i l l.)
what? no, of course not! no, we're uh- we're gonna take a different short cut! all you have to do is one thing, and I'll guide you the rest of the way, got it?
ok. just close your eyes and take my hands. and you can't, absolutely cannot open them until I tell you, got it? *my voice started havin a slight sing-song to it, as if you were a child I was coaxing to do something by presenting it as a game, but quickly dived into a more serious tone.*
(btw I'm going to stab your eyes with a spoon irl for betraying the Squad Gang like this. anyways- oh, also, how good is Holly at like- spacial awareness when his eyes are closed?)
(ah heck-) *I take your hands, and I guide you. it feels like I'm just leading you down the road, but then I turn "are we just going back the same way?" you think. It also- wait- is Gem shapeshifting? it feels like she's getting taller and shorter-w hat is she doing? suddenly,she stops and speaks* Hey, bro, I'm gonna need to shapeshift into like- I dunno a bird or something and carry you for a sec. that cool?
ok cool bruh- *I let go of your hands to shapeshift- you don't know what, but you know it has claws- how? I pick you up by the shoulders- luckily My grip is looser than last time. your in the air and- oh god- is she trying to make you throw up? you feel like your on a rollercoaster- and you're very disoriented. and as soon as it began, I let you back on the ground, lightly as so you don't fall. I shift back into my usual form and agily land on the ground- I quickly grab both your hands again* Now, this is where you absolutely have to not let go, and not open your eyes, got it?

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