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Fantasy Academy of the All Seeing Sign Up


Do I even exist?


-insert image here-

nickname ■ age ■ gender ■ form (16+) 







■write it out





■write it out


Write it out here, please.


post characters here, where they will get accepted.
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Lilac Elmblossom


Nickname: Lily

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Class: Form 2





-Bubbly/Bursting with energy




-Can possibly be annoying to some




-When truly hurt holds a grudge for a long while


Lilac was born in a healthy family, her being the only child. The parents still together, she lived a life of warmth and prosperity. That is, until...
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apologies, what I meant was form, but since those under sixteen are not in forms, I thought it would be better to use class instead. Once you edit that in, you'll be accepted!

Akira Kobayashi



Nickname: Gecko Age: 17 Gender: Male Class: Form Two





  • Clear-Headed
  • Logical
  • Modest
  • Punctual
  • Ambitious


  • Self-Critical
  • Oppressed
  • Insecure
  • Obsessive
  • Discontented




Akira used to live his younger years in a foster home, unknowing of his own potential to access the Aum. It wasn't until one fateful day that Akira was secretly adopted by the Kobayashi, a family well credited by their lineage of great mages, that he started being taught magic. Akira's new parents both treated him differently. While his mother would often care for him as if he was her own, his father on the other hand, cruelly mistreated Akira. He was forced to obey all the rules set upon him by his father, and was put under house arrest almost everyday so that he could invest more time into studying, punishment in breaking these involved brutish punishments such as beatings and imprisonment without food. It was only because of his mother did Akira understood his fathers hatred for him. He discovered that his mom couldn't conceive a child of her own and by not having a child of ones own blood was insulting to the Kobayashi name. When Akira tried to confront his father about this, he was threaten to never tell anyone of his adoption or he would suffer a fate worse than death, that was the last time he brought up the topic.



When Akira had turned 16, he was to be soon sent off too the Academy but his father felt angry that the boy still hadn't made much progress and was in fear of his lineage's pride being at stake that he forced Akira into a ritual involving inscribing a magic mark that slowly makes its host secrete more flow into their spells. But this makes it dangerous since normally you wouldn't want to force your Aum out therefore, this mark would cause the body to strain after being used. The ritual itself took six grueling hours to be created and was lined up along Akira's entire back. Afterwards he was sent immediately off to the academy without getting much of a goodbye.


So far during his time at school, he strives to be the top of his class in hopes of earning his fathers respect. He even met a couple of other students there that he could call friends but made sure to be cautious of not letting them find out his dark secret of being adopted.
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Yep, that's good! You're accepted! I'll put in an intro post when more poeple's joined.

also, if you want to check out the ooc thread and maybe start a conversation, feel free to!

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Reina Cadell


Ena ■ eighteen ■ female ■ form two


■ Polite

■ Studious 

■ Careful

■ Determined

■ Independant

■ Aloof

■ Know-all

■ Selfish

■ Vindictive

■ Suspicious


Reina's family was one that had been practicing magic for generations, if not

longer. Her family did not possess great magical affinity, but worked hard to

gain respect in the magical society. Although like most Mage families, Reina

was not taought anything about practical magic through her parents or her

older siblings, she learnt much about theory when she was younger than most.

Her school life was what most would label as boring. Outside of studies, she

participated in very little social activities, and although wasn't always the best,

neared the best, for what she lacked in skill she made up for in effort and sheer

force of will. 

Her ear school life started when she was sixteen, her family providing her with

the theory part of her studies. Form one was a breeze for her, or as easy as it 

could possibly be. Form two was- more of a struggle. It required more practical

components, and a certain amount of talent. Her will was strong enough, most

of the time, but there were times where her lack of natural aptitude slowed her

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Herbert Von Karma

-insert image here-

Herb ■ 17 ■ Male ■ Form 3

Herb is a caring person who cares about the people who care about him. He's not afraid to defend them if he feels it to be needed. He's also quite a party guy, who loves women, and all of the pleasures of life.






■Sees negatives in people


■Practices many dark spells




The Von Karmas are a group of extremely powerful sorcerers who are Cogentry, ones who are able to preform magic by sheer force of will. Herbert is one of them, a powerful Cogentry taught the basics of magic by his powerful and rich parents. He grew up a lavish kid and grew a taste for women when he reached puberty. However, his family is not without its dark secrets and Herbert was taught some of the darkest forms of magic. Tourbron, a spell where the victim is tortured by both mentally and physically but the user must concentrate on the target. Mindrona spell that can take over a victims mind and body but can be resisted if the person's will is strong enough. And finally, Killdus, the kill spell. This is one, if not the, most dangerous spell to preform. While it doesn't require concentration or can be resisted, it takes multiple people to be preformed and has a very high tendency to kill the caster's if one is not careful. However, if preformed, it can kill people within 3 miles of the area it was preformed. Herbert learned these spells and many more before being shipped off to The Academy of the All Seeing, one of the most prestigious magical academies in the world. Herbert is now in a crossroads, keep down his dark path as his family or be a better and greater man
@Princess Ami

sure, as long as you include the information that's in the default sheet, go ahead!


Before I accept him, there's just a few problems I want you to note.

Sixteen is the usual age for children to enter the academy, and although it is possible and common to proceed to the second form after just a year in form one, there is no chance for someone to pass form one and form two in one year. If you could change his age to nineteen or even eighteen, it'll make more sense.

Also, magic does not have a language. Basic magic is a purely metal process, and the only words needed is the name of the subject of the spell, and even that is not necessary. In form three there is a class for magical linguistics, it uses the language of Old Erak, using only basic direction words like 'up' or 'stop'. A spell for any of those you had mentioned would require several words, enunciated perfectly, and would probably be far out of the reach of some who isn't yet adult.

Another problem is the fact you said he'd learned spells before school. While some magic families do bribe the law to overlook their habits of teaching their children magic before school, it's usually simple spells, and ways to strengthen the mind. Any real, strong spells, and the law would come down hard, no matter how important or rich the family.

If you can correct these things, I'd be happy to look over him again!
Desmond Gray

 (Pronounced "Dez" and "Dezmond")

imageproxy (1).jpg

*Image is from google, not my artwork* 

"Dez" ■ 19 ■ Male ■ Form 4






■Hard working/Studious


■Easily annoyed



■Somewhat arrogant


Desmond was never refused anything in life. His parents were both wealthy, masters of magic, their sons all destined for the same fate at the rate they were heading. Mark, the eldest graduated from the all seeing academy years ago, and was now working to be his father's expectation to take the lead for the Gray family. Desmond, second born, was a prince the moment he arrived. Admittedly spoiled with gifts and love, without pressure, but with the promise for a cushioned life, even if he never pursued magic. Even still he had a certain finesse for learning the trade. Compared to many people- Desmond had it so good. Even still, however, there was certain emptiness that not amount of material thing could fill. Certainly, his family is well off, but not everything about it is good. 

Pressure for his success started young. His parents wanted him to be the best, even if he didn't have to be. And Desmond never questioned that decision. They enrolled him in special studies outside of class, and outside of those studies, he was always practicing something on his own. The only time he had for himself was at school. He does his best to speak to everyone, if possible- as if he fears that he will meet with loneliness if he doesn't. 

In the end, before moving to the academy permanently, he was living at his house in the city- but Desmond does not like it there, and has long since decided not to depend on his parents' money. Now, however, with this perhaps being his last year in the academy before he can claim "master" as his title, he knows that he must decide what he plans to do with the rest of his life- and that in of itself it the most terrifying. 
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