Academy of Supernatural Creatures


"You are a Ocean of Gray Waves..."
Use this character Sheet to sign up. Be creative :3


Age:(Everyone should be between 15-19)

Grade: (9,10,11 or 12th)





Relationship: (Single, etc)

Here will be my character.

Name: Neil Veer

Age: 15

Grade: 9th

Species: Hellhound


Personality: Quirky, Hyper, Loud and obnoxious.

Bio:(Will be revealed in the Rp)

Relationship: Single (But willing to mingle)
Name: Chanter, just Chanter

Age: 18

Grade: 12

Species: Gorgon


Personality: Very sour and it seems like she is perpetually in a bad mood. She is a true friend, though, if you can get close enough to get to know her. Very self sufficient.

Bio: lives in a single parent home, daughter of Medusa. Doesn't talk about her father much. She tends to fend for herself most of the time.

Relationship: Single, she has no time for such trivial pursuits.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Gorgon.jpg.c7e566d89cf9330cf3d0fe2322a7b9b8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Gorgon.jpg.c7e566d89cf9330cf3d0fe2322a7b9b8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Scarlet Edwards

Age: 17

Grade: 12th

Species: Half-Angel, Half-Human

(White wings when desired. She can control them.)

Personality: She is quiet, which might come off as cold. However, she is sweet once you break through that shell of hers. She is a bit of a flirt when she trusts you. (Might change throughout the roleplay as it is not concrete.)

Bio: Her angelic mother and moral father sent her to the Academy of Supernatural Creatures to avoid the troubles of regular high school on Earth and in Heaven. She has attended high school on Earth and in Heaven, transferring into this Academy for her senior year. (More revealed as roleplay continues.)

Relationship: Flirty single.

Edit: Photo link fixed.
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((Oh I'll make the first post just give me some time. I just took back control of my Account since my brother had it. Lol but yeah give mr a little time))
Name: Sergeant Gantana.

Age: Eighteen.

Grade: 12th.

Species: Gerena.




Personality: Had to work his way into gaining respect physically. The guy got into tons of fights, and also tons of relationships that left deep scars. He's very angsty, very rude, often extremely grumpy and hardworking. He's not someone you'd call pleasant, and despises bubbly others because he secretly envies to be like them. He likes being around calm and collected ones, people who don't put even more burdens on his shoulders or cause him trouble. He likes others to be independent and himself mostly to be independent. Serg had gone through a lot of stuff, so his anger is really ferocious and literally fiery. He has virtually no patience for people who will try him, and is often hardheaded and rash.

Bio: Will be revealed.
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Name: Alexis Matsuki

Age: 18

Grade: 12th, Senior.

Species: Shapeshifter

Appearance: Long black hair that falls to her waist, deep violet eyes and at average height.

Personality: ....She can be...edgy. ~ You'll see in the rp c:


Alexis was always close to her brother, Ian. He was only a couple years older than she was, but was always that protective brother that every girl wishes for. She loved him with all her might, as well as her parents who always offered their love and tender care. She used to smile, she used to love. Though one day, after taking a long walk in the winter snow out in the forest, she came back to her home only to see the blood stains, and remains of her family that were brutally murdered by trolls. For what reason they had, she didn't know. She only found herself crumpling to her knees, wheezing and crying over it. She was eleven. And now the last of the shape-shifter kind.

Since then, she's found no reason to smile at all. No reason to laugh, or befriend anyone. Why should she? The only things that were important to her were taken away, gone forever. She figured if she ever got close to anyone like that ever again, something will happen.

So she figures it's just best that she stay distant.

Its worked so far.

Relationship: Single<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/6582255094481747.jpeg.7ce356d2f51698f833ee9f2bbe245818.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16071" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/6582255094481747.jpeg.7ce356d2f51698f833ee9f2bbe245818.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Evelyn/ Eve

Age: 16

Gender: F

Species: Crocotta- can mimic any person's voice to lure their victims out so they can feed. They feed on human souls. Usually they hide in forests for days on end attempting to lure people in. But as technology came to be, they felt no need to hide.


Personality: When she isn't feeding she can be sweet, loyal but timid and shy. When she is feeding, she is very sly and wary, and when she is hungry she can be moody and slightly evil, quite spiteful too. She is a tomboy.

Biography: When she was younger, she was always abused by her mother. Evelyn didn't have anywhere to hide in her house, so ran away from home. She slept in the forest until one day she woke up and felt very strange and dark. Eve tried not to let it overcome her, but soon her Crocotta instincts took control.

After a few years she learned to minimise her feeding but she is never sure when the evil will show again. ((owns a pug and a fox))

Relationship: Single [bF slot open if any1 wants to take it! :) ]
Name:Annalise Riley

Age:(Everyone should be between 15-19)15

Grade: (9,10,11 or 12th)9th

Species:half Angel half shapeshifter

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.872c01e5b8cf9cf26a2b05afe223009d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16388" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.872c01e5b8cf9cf26a2b05afe223009d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Half Angel her natural form)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.77b79738ef6c04464cdb7e217827359f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16389" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.77b79738ef6c04464cdb7e217827359f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Her wolf when she shapeshifts into her wolf)

Personality: Half Angel Natural self as Half Angel I am kind peaceful smart some what sneaky. I am a friend to anyone I believe isn't bad as my natural form and my wolf both forms I tend to guess who is bad and who is good it's a gift I've always had. I am very smart in this form so smart that my gift of knowing who I need to Protect and Help then who I need to fight kicks in automatically when I shift or am fighting in this Natural from

Half Wolf when I have shape shifted. I am very friendly and protective of my friends in my wolf I am very careful not to hurt anyone who I know isn't guilty. I am very smart in my wolf but not as smart as I am in my natural from. I tend to know exactly who to fight and who to protect or help if they are injured. My smartness tends to help me in both this form and my natural form it helps me fight in both forms.

Bio:My bio is short as I am only 15. When I was born my mom was half Angel and my dad was half shape shifter causing me to be a hybrid Half Angel half shape shifter. As a child my dad died one night while patrolling to protect my mom and I. When I heard his howl I screamed scared cause I knew he was dead not to long after he died and I was able to tell who I needed to fight and who besides my mom I needed to keep safe my mom when I told knew it was a gift cause my mom can do the same thing cause her dad died trying to protect her mom and her. When I turned 9 my wings started to show up and I started getting smarter then all of my friends and classmates they had to put me in 5th grade. When I turned 13 I was pulled out of 6th grade and put in 7th cause my shape shifting wolf form came and I grew even smarter at age 14 my 8th grade year I met a friend that I swore my life to protect this friend knew what I was cause his sister was the same thing his sister died a year after I met Daniel I grieved with him cause Anna his sister was in my pack and she was my best girl friend I ever had. Daniel and I started falling in love in 8th grade and we are still in love now we are both 15 and are both in 9th grade now.

Relationship: (Single, etc)Daniel is my mate.

(Can I get anyone to play Daniel he is a shape shifter he shifts into a wolf he is in Annalise's pack 15 years old and in 9th grade in love with Annalise actually mated to her right now)



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Name: alexander creed

Age:(Everyone should be between 15-19) 17

Grade: (9,10,11 or 12th) 11th

Species: frankenstein

Appearance: with armour


Without armour


Personality: he believes in justice and then punishes those that lie about god (e.g. you say you dont drink, swearing by god he holds you to that)

Bio: being a frankenstein hes not stupid, however when he removes his armour he regresses to a chibi state this is cause the armour holds his power.

Relationship single (unless u have glasses and aint a sinner you are gunna get him)
Name: Daniel Evergreen


Grade: 9th

Species: Wolf shapeshifter

(His human, natural form)

(when he shapeshifts into wolf)

Personality: Protective, loyal and kind. He sticks up for his pack, mainly Annalise. In his wolf form, he is cunning, strong and confident. He likes to think he will be a leader one day. In his human form, he can be shy but loving and thoughtful. He can be sensitive at times, especially when talking about his sister, but is generally quite outgoing and flexible.

Bio: As a kid, Daniel lived quite a satisfactory life. His dad was a Wolf shifter and his mum a human. When he was about 12, after the birth of his sister Esme (who was also a shifter), he realised his mother had a slight dislike toward him and the other shifters, because she thought they were abominations. One night, he and Esme woke up in the woods. They didn't know how they got there, but found another pack who nurtured them. Daniel met Annalise and fell a bit in love. However, his love for her grew when his sister died. Dan had always stuck with his sister and never really talked to the others. But, because Anna and Esme were close, she grieved with him and gave him comfort. He got to know Anna and fell in love completely. Now they are mating.

Relationship: Mating Annalise.
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Name-Rrkah Maykes



Species-(Yet another) wolf shapeshifter

Appearance-Slightly taller than the average hight for his age, with broad shoulders and limbs proportional to the rest of his body. His eyes are an amber colour, reflecting the wolf within him. His hair is a dirty blond colour, which seems to be stuck in a perpetual bed-head (the fact that his hair is fairly long doesn't help either). His nose is sharp, and points up ever-so-slightly. A small smattering of freckles runs across the bridge of nose, of which the sharp appearance is also borrowed by his canine teeth, which are slightly sharper than a normal human being's.

His clothes normally consist of a plain, white,cotton shirt, complete with buttons and long sleeves, (which are normally rolled up). Around his neck is (on occasion) is a tie of some description, never fully done up, which adds to the effect of "I tried to look neat and tidy but I gave up". Around his right arm is a length of lime-green fabric, which is used to tell him apart from other dogs when he is in his wolf form. He normally wears plain black "dress jeans", along with formal black dress shoes. When he goes out (or is at the school), he uses a messenger bag for carrying things around in. For one reason or another, his eyesight is...not the best (though he thinks it may be to do with his wolf half), and he carried around a pair of glasses hanging around his neck on a length of fabric. This sight impairment, however, is lightened by the fact that his hearing and sense of smell is heightened considerably.

His wolf form is quite large, with it's fur a dirty blond, much like his human hair. Around his neck is a series of silver and black guard hairs, which can be observed in his human form too, found in his hair if looked at close enough. Much like his human form, he is rather lean in this form, despite being told he needs to eat more. He tried, and it did nothing. The fabric can be seen on his wolf form.

Personality-Rrkah is rather antisocial and awkward around other people, lacking the knowledge of how to keep on the good side of people and how to socialize in general. He tends to flick between being a wolf and a human frequently, and as a result can sometimes forget what form he is in, expressing such behavior as trying to laugh as a wolf, or bark as a human. While antisocial, he does have what is described as a "genius sense of humor", full of wit. Despite this, Rrkah tends to slip things like this into normal conversations, making light of the situation in a subtle manner. He is quiet and bookish, favoring art, reading or something quiet over a sporting activity, unless it happens to be running, which is a pretty quiet recreation anyway. It may seem odd then that he can be uncharacteristically cruel at times, or just a downright horrible person/wolf.

Bio-Growing up as an only child and lacking a father had a distinct impact on Rrkah's life. The fact he is a shapeshifter didn't help either. He lived alone with his mother in a small English town, where he didn't attend school. This was a hard decision made by his mother, as she feared that he may shift and attack someone. They were low on money, and they only just scraped by on very little, with money mostly being spent on food, taxes and paying Rrkah's private tutor. He rarely received special treats, Christmas or birthday presents, due to the lack of spare money. His mother, a wolf shifter also, would teach him how to shift quickly and painlessly in her free time, which was rare. The painlessly part refering to the fact that Rrkah could only shift when in pain. For a long time his mother feared he wasn't a shifter, until he was hit by a car when he was four. The impact, while not the strongest, sent him flying, where he landed on the ground and shifted. His mother had to teach him how to do it painlessly. She had no qualms with him shifting, and he did it quite a bit once he learnt how to.

When he was thirteen, Rrkah lost his only friend, a human girl named Maria. She was killed in a car accident. They had been friends for eight years. The thing was, Maria was the daughter of Rrkah's private tutor, who took this loss hard. Her and Rrkah grieved together. This, and the event when he was four has led to Rrkah having a major fear of crossing semi-busy roads.

On a side note, Rrkah also smells strongly of citrus, and he has no idea why.

Relationships-Nope. Though he would be willing to try...
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Theaphonora Mako (Thea)







Aexon Mech



Thea is extremely chill and laid back. She loves to listen to dubstep on her spare time and focus on keeping the mind relaxed. She hates keeping Cerragaita in his cage, but she gets to go wild and crazy when he isn't looking or paying any attention whatsoever. She is extremely nice, confident and loves a good laugh. She's a fast runner, a smart thinker, and a strong fighter.


Never really spent time on master Cerragaita, in which he is just an alien mech seeking vengence for the loss of his soul. She's had to deal with him her whole life, unfortunately. But other than that, she plans to stick to education and a good time. Perhaps to find love?

Relationship Status:

Not taken. Would like some sweet company though...

Name: Colden Rite



Species: Spectral Demon


Demon (evil) form:

Personality: When Colden is in a normal or happy mood (pic 1), he is sweet, loyal and outgoing. He rarely gets shy but isn't the most confident person when public speaking. He is romantic and thoughtful.

In a bad or 'demon' mood (pic 2) he is spiteful and careless. He can be agravated easily, and will take revenge, and cause disruption. Colden is quite embarrassed of his demon form, and tried to keep it away. His demon side can even make him say stuff he doesn't mean and, though he is a bad liar as himself, his demon is convincing.

Powers: He has his normal form and Demon form. In any form, he can walk through solids (spectral meaning ghost-like) and is fast and strong. In his demon form, he can do all f the things normal Colden can do, but he can run faster, is stronger than his normal self and can also alter the heat of something causing it to be burning hot or frozen.

Bio: All he remembers is his Demon side killing his mother. He ran away, fell asleep and woke up in the forest next to the academy, confused.

Relationship Status: He crushes Thea.

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