Academy For The Supernatural

I would assume when all of the dorms are filled or mostly filled, but hopefully Hunter can offer an answer :)
Sinopa said:
Just out of curiosity, when is this role play going to start?
Hi everyone! So this rp is going to start tonight. I will start with the leading post some time tonight then everyone will follow. Alrightyyy? Alright. So dorms:


Blue: Heidi, Aurora,

Red: Hunter, Jake, Sinon


Purple: Mona

And to clarify classes,

In super natural classes and battle classes there is 7 of them, you only need 5. So when you get your class schedule you will have 5 classes then 2 free spaces to: Get food, study, go to your dorm or what ever.

In Normal classes, there is 8 of them, and you only need 5 so you will have 3 free spaces.

In sports there is 10 classes and you only need 5 so you will have 5 free spaces to do what ever

I will comment under your character your class schedule, the free spaces will be marked on it.
Okay! I can role play some of the teachers too, if you want. Perhaps there could be a CS for teachers with the name, class, gender, and appearance? :) Just a thought 
So basically:

Supernatural Classes

Power control:
Hunter, Heidi, Aurora, Sinon, Mona, Eloarch, Alex, and Anastasia

Study: Heidi, Mona, Eloarch, Crow, Alex, and Anastasia

Practice: Hunter, Heidi, Aurora, Jake, Sinon, Mona, Eloarch, Crow, Alex, and Anastasia

Presentation: Heidi, Aurora, Jake, and Sinon

Skit: Hunter and Jake

Free time: Hunter, Aurora, Jake, Sinon, Mona, Eloarch, Crow, Alex, and Anastasia

Advancing: Hunter, Heidi, Aurora, Jake, Sinon, Mona, Eloarch, Crow, Alex, and Anastasia

Normal Classes

Hunter, Aurora, Jake, Eloarch, Alex, and Anastasia

Math: Aurora, Jake, Sinon, Mona, Eloarch, Crow, and Alex

P.E.: Hunter, Jake, Sinon, and Crow

History: Heidi, Jake, Sinon, Mona, Crow, Alex, and Anastasia

English: Hunter, Heidi, Aurora, Mona, Eloarch, Crow, and Anastasia

Art: Hunter, Heidi, Aurora, Jake, Mona, Eloarch, Alex, and Anastasia

Music: Hunter, Heidi, Aurora, Sinon, Eloarch, Alex, and Anastasia

Geography: Heidi, Sinon, Mona, and Crow


Horseback riding:
Hunter, Heidi, Aurora, Sinon, and Anastasia

Soccer: Aurora, Jake, Mona, Eloarch, and Alex

Swimming: Hunter, Heidi, Aurora, Jake, Sinon, Mona, Eloarch, Crow, Alex, and Anastasia

Baseball: Sinon and Alex

Football: Jake, Eloarch, and Crow

Hockey: Heidi, Jake, Crow, and Alex

Figure skating: Hunter, Heidi, Aurora, Mona, and Anastasia

Surfing: Hunter, Aurora, Jake, Eloarch, Crow, and Alex

Hiking: Heidi, Sinon, Mona, Crow, and Anastasia

Track: Hunter, Sinon, Mona, Eloarch, and Anastasia

Battle Classes

Power battle:
Hunter, Heidi, Aurora, Jake, Mona, Eloarch, Alex, and Anastasia

Weapons: Hunter, Aurora, Jake, Sinon, Crow, Alex, and Anastasia

Combat: Hunter, Aurora, Jake, Sinon, Mona, Eloarch, Crow, Alex, and Anastasia

Agility: Hunter, Heidi, Jake, Mona, Eloarch, and Crow

Strategy: Heidi, Aurora, Sinon, Mona, Eloarch, Crow, Alex, and Anastasia

Environment: Hunter, Heidi, Aurora, Jake, Sinon, Eloarch, and Crow

Camouflage: Heidi, Sinon, Mona, Alex, and Anastasia 
Okay! And I could role play some of the teachers - maybe there could be a CS for teachers with just the name, gender, class, and appearance?
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Velcian said:
Can I differentiate psychokinesis from telekinesis?
Psychokinesis is not an available power, unless Hunter decides to change the list of available powers.
Anway, I'll take immortality and teleportation for my other 2 powers. CS coming shortly. 
@HunterJumper Did you see my post about my powers? 
Also, just to clarify for myself and the other immortal, does the immortality manifest as invulnerability or regenerative capabilities?
Wow, this sounds like an amazing idea! I would love to be a teacher! However, I second XxJuliaxX's question. For everything except the sports, it makes sense to have teachers teach an entire category, but it would be incredibly hard to find someone that in excels in all of the sports! Yikes!
Thank you Hunter, but please answer my question. It does make sense to have only two teachers in the other categories, but it would be very difficult to find someone that excels in all the sports so well that they would be able to teach it. Do two teachers apply for sports as well? 
Okay, but maybe the teacher position could always be open, and the teacher can choose which subject in the category they teach that they excel in? :)  
And also, I really don't mean to be a pain, but I don't know, I just find it sort of unfair for someone to have two characters that have the same powers, so no one else is able to have the power :P
So perhaps there could be a rule about no hogging powers? xD I'm pretty sure no one did that yet though ;) Good idea about the teacher thing!
Aw, only 18 characters? I only wish there could be 3 of each power so that we could have 27. *sigh* xDD 
Pretty pleeease can we accept more characters even while we're role playing :D *puppy dog face* and maaybe just maaaybe extend it to 3 people per power c':! Idk I just like it when there's a lot of people. xD after all, each dorm fits 6 people ;) But of course it's your call! I will definitely go with whatever you say.
I like the only 18 characters, its less confusing and more likely for all the characters to get to know each other.
I agree, 18 is definitely a good number for students - I don't believe 8 is quite an adequate amount quite yet, there being room for 6 people in each dorm. My personal thought is to continue to accept until there seriously are too many characters to handle.

And I am assuming that our characters are the only people in the school.
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There could be npc students I guess (Please excuse my gamer term lol) maybe theres an exception with the powers for the teachers like they can have 3 powers from that list but dont count it on the list, like there are 2 chameleon slots say both are taken by students, and then a teacher also has it even though its not on the list, I'm not sure if this makes sense lol I explain things like Excalibur (Soul eater reference) lol
That's a good idea! Except it said that there are only two people in the world with the same power, that would have to be changed if we did that :P

And Hunter, are we allowed to add things as we progress, or must we go off of only what you said there is so far?

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