Academy For The Supernatural [Inactive]


Junior Member
HunterJumper submitted a new role play:

Academy For The Supernatural - 3 powers, 1 school, multiple classes, and Drama. Welcome to Fellrix Academy for the Supernatural

People from all over the world come to Fellrix Academy. Out of many powers each student is only gifted with 3 or less and Only 2 people in the world have the same power. In Fellrix Academy you have your dorms that hold 6 people 3 males and 3 females. You have the regular classes, your supernatural classes, and your fighting classes. Some students arrive with only 1 power but end up with 3 later on
Monday: Super Natural classes

Tuesday: Fighting classes

Wednesday: Normal classes

Read more about this role play...
I will mostly be playing Hunter Mace my student but if I'm playing Head mistress/teacher Elsa Godwinged or Jennifer Angel( ms. Angel ) I will mark it like this

Elsa: I walk the halls looking for students making trouble

Jennifer: I enter my classroom waiting girl students yo arrive

Hunter: I jump up and down as I Learn how to make a fire tornado


Hunter: the bus stops after 5 minutes of us entering the front gates. It's so beautiful here. People start getting off and I follow, bags are being unloaded and I spot my large bags and wave a man to bring them over, "Hello my name is Roger and I'll be escorting you to your room, name please." The man, Roger spoke." hi, Hunter Sky Mace. " I state. "follow me." Roger says and we walk into the front Lobby.
Heidi had spent the whole trip to the school on her own, with earphones in her ears and a mp3 player in her hand. She had never been one to enjoy traveling, especially not with people. As they all left the buss, she took out the earphones and put them down in the pockets of her too big hoodie, staying behind everyone else. As long as no one talked to her that wouldn't do too much. "Heidi Johanson" She whispered when they had to state their name, and followed after.

Enthusiastically, I gaze out of the window on our expedition to Fellrix Academy. As we move, the scenery becomes progressively less urban and more rural. The trees and forests are gorgeous, and a towering snow-capped mountain range comes into view. I crane my neck to examine it better, finding myself teeming with astonishment. The scenery is truly extraordinary. It is not too long before a beautiful building comes into view. It is colossal, its campus stretching far across the landscape. "Wow," I say breathily as the bus comes to a halt. I feel so excited, so apprehensive. I hope I will make new friends, then for a moment I release a small laugh. I always make friends. I stand, following a kind-looking girl with wavy blonde hair, though darker than mine, out of the vehicle, my smile unwavering.

I freeze in my tracks as soon as I find myself in front of the building. It looms over me, its elegant pillars and glass windows, its glorious archs and pointed towers. The words "FELLRIX ACADEMY" are in an arc above the entrance. I have been gaping at the academy for a while when I feel someone prodding my shoulder. Turning, I see a man with a large Vera Bradley duffel bag atop two Vera Bradley suitcases, all in the pattern of Blue Rhapsody, beside him. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, and he shakes his head, telling me not to worry. I retrieve my luggage from him, making sure the duffel bag doesn't topple off of the larger suitcase. I probably brought too much of my belongings, but at the moment, I don't care. I walk anxiously towards the academy's door, a pretty lady with chocolate brown hair tied up in a bun awaiting me.

"Hello!" she says with a bright smile, her twilight blue eyes twinkling. She takes my larger suitcase with the duffel bag on it. "My name is Vanessa, and I will be escorting you to your room. What is your name?"

"Aurora Grace," I respond with a smile. The staff here is clearly remarkably hospitable.

"You look absolutely lovely today!" Vanessa says, rolling my suitcase and leading me into the lobby, the girl I saw on the bus ahead of me. Nearby, seeming to be engulfed by shadow, is a girl with jet black hair. I want to introduce myself to her, but Vanessa gently takes my hand and pulls me along.

I quickly follow Roger into the gorgeous building. It's more then I could imagine! "so what are the dorms like here?" I ask Roger, " Well, they're mixed gender. " Roger said laughing. My eyes widened, "oh.. Your joking right?" I ask surprised. "Nope, the dorms are mixed gender, cozy, nice and classy. Food is provided each week along with junk food you can buy at the door with students cards, there's Starbucks and stores around campus that you can go to. Your student card gets $300 uploaded to it each week. " Roger said and I almost choked! $1200 a month, for free! "Wow.." I say. "If you don't attend classes without a good reason money will be taken off " he explains.

I was passed out in the the red dorm, last night I drove nonstop to this school. I arrived this morning around 5am and fell to sleep the moment I hit the bed. My bags laying next to me because I was too exhausted to unpack. From what I saw while I was slowly walking to my dorm this morning, this academy was amazing, I definitely won't be bored here. I continued sleeping contently dreaming of nothing.

I nodded amazed. We walked through the lobby and got to a spot where you could go down 7 different halls they were all labeled: Fun Stuff, Campus Stores, Dorms, Super Natural Classes, Normal Classes, Sports, Battle Classes. I looked around and Roger was walking away down the dorm hall I quickly ran after him my phone falling out of my pocket ( the screen saver is a pic of her and has her name written on the case :P ) I chase after Roger, he opens the wide hall door and I gasp looking at my surroundings. A wide stretch of land with a small lake in the Centre with nature flowing everywhere had this amazing vibe as the sun Shawn down onto people swimming, playing sports and so much more, there was two different buildings, " that building to your right holds the student dorms, the dorm to your left holds the Café open 24/7. It's free but if you want to go to a expensive good food place go down to the campus stores and use your student card or real money. " Roger said. I nodded, that's when I saw the headmistress, she was nothing like I thought but by the way she walked and the name tag that I could see from here I realized who it was.


I walked down the pathway of the Dorms community looking around I was wearing a simple purple ruffled shirt and some classy skinny jeans, nothing too nice, though I should of due to opening day. I had my name tag on though, I was this years new Head mistress. Veronica Shimra was the old one. I am the new. I walked past a girl with blonde hair exiting the Dorm community and disappearing into the lobby to talk to parents, but of course I need to change into some business clothes, I went behind the desk, "Good morning Mistress Godwinged!" Voices chirped as I went my own way and I put up a smile and giving back soft 'hello's' and waves. I went through a door on the wall behind the front desk and changed into a black longer skirt with black heels, a white blouse and navy blue jacket. I walked out after putting my hair up in a bun and went up to a lost looking student to direct them to their way. ( If you want the head mistress to come to you, first one to include her in their next post can rp the student she went up too )
A small hand was placed on Heidi's shoulder and she almost jumped out of her own skin. Why did someone touch her? Nervously she looked behind her, someone had just approached her without warning. Or maybe they had given her a sound, but she had just ignored it. Those sorts of things happened too.

A female of somewhat the same size as Heidi stood there, with the almost platinum hair up in a ponytail. "Miss Heidi Johanson, correct?" She spoke with a chippy voice, sounding like a little fairy that had just grown to double her size. "Yes, that's me. Who are you?" She asked, feeling shy and as if talking out of something she knew better than her own name, the woman started to talk, but also walk, making Heidi walk with her, having grabbed the shoulder bag she kept all of her belongings in. "I'm Sophie McConneigh, and I'm supposed to show you the way to your room" the girl who apperantly was called Sophie just continued to walk, and started to talk about where to find everything, and about money they would recieve to buy things.

They walked past the Headmistress as they headed towards the dormatories, and Heidi didn't do anything but nod her head towards her, not wanting to catch her attention. When they reached the dorms, Sophie handed back Heidi her bag and smiled. "You're in the blue dorm, you'll find a name out on the door that belongs to you" She explained and opened the door to the entrance, and in Heidi went. finding her room easily and walking in, throwing the bag on the bed. This would be one long year.
When Crow arrived there he arrived using his power however when he did so he was late, very so he decided to walk towards the main hall where there would likely be an assembly of some sort.


I sighed, me and Roger continued to walk, well I followed. He walked me into a building and inside was gorgeous, I looked around and there was no front desk, " No monitors? " I ask surprised. " Nope, they do a room check every 2 weeks to make sure everyone is safe in there new home. We're very faithful I'm our students that they won't...set the building on fire. " Roger says laughing. I node and we walk to one of the five elevators. On each button there was a colour, ground:black, level 1:green, level 2:blue, level 3:red, level 4:yellow and level5:purple. Roger clicks the red button and we enter the elevator . It dings and he uses a key and unlocks a door now in front of is. It swings open and I see a boy on the couch asleep. "GOD MORNING!" Roger screams out at the boy (Sinon).

I jumped awake at the sound of a female's voice yelling. I sat up a rubbed my eyes, which were heavy. "Hmm?" I opened my eyes to see a blonde at the doorway. "Oh, hello." I sleepily said. "You must be one of my room mates. My name is Sinon." I slowly stood up, held my hand out and gave a smile, or that's what it was supposed to be, I was still tired. I hate mornings...


I giggles pulling my bags in and closing the door after getting my key from Roger. The elevator went down. "I'm Hunter, Hunter Mace." I shaking his hand smiling widely, "When did you get here?" I ask. Walking in farther pulling bags behind me. I look around the room and see the living room and kitchen/dining area. I walk again looking down a hall seeing 3 doors on each side of it but a bathroom at the end of the hall too, awesome! This place is gorgeous! (There will also be a door in your room that leads to a personal bathroom.).

"I got here around 5am this morning. Driving all the way here by myself was a bad idea." I pulled stuffed my hands in my back pockets and walked to the kitchen, shuffling around searching for something good to eat. I decided on cereal. "Would you like some coffee or cereal?" I called to her as I put coffee on.
Eloarch el Morgan was a patient man. Whether it was naturally a part of temperament, or he necessarily developed it over time was something that he'd forgotten. But, as it had many a time before, his patience served him well. If one were to look up at the tallest point of Fellrix Academy, one would be met with a strange sight indeed. A man, not unattractive at all, dressed in a suit and tie would be perched at this apex. Elo had arrived just a moment before and decided to get a sense of direction for the place; what better vantage point than the top of the academy? He regarded the school calmly, taking note of the mass of students flowing in with their assorted baggages. 'A new experience, this is... perhaps an amusing one, eh?' he thought to himself with a small smirk. Then, he vanished as he came; as if a hole had opened in space and swallowed him whole, he vanished, only to reappear in a very posh building. Smiling lightly at the students and their guides, he stopped in the middle of the room, at somewhat of a loss as to what was expected of him now. Just then, he saw a woman walking up to him... @HunterJumper


Vanessa energetically pulls me forward, even though I want to examine everything, absorb everything - the intricate pillars, the stained glass windows that arched toward the center of the dome above me. It's all just so stunning, so gorgeous.

"Okay, Miss Grace," she says as she leads me to a hallway, one out of several, that is marked with a label reading "Dorms" beside it. "This is the hallway to your dorm." She pauses to flip through her clipboard of papers that she had kept under her arm. "Ah, yes! You have been assigned the Blue Dorm. I'll give you a tour of the other hallways later, 'kay? Got to get your luggage upstairs."

I nod, overwhelmed by the size of the academy. I feel like there are
so many hidden places, so many secrets here, just waiting to be discovered. The Blue Dorm - that sounds flawless. I adore the color blue. In fact, I am currently wearing blue - a light blue dress with laced flowers that reaches a third of my thigh ( One of my favorites.

Vanessa drags me along, and I try to scrutinize every detail of the hallway. "Alright, so you'll be given a student card once we get you to your dorm." She twists her head around to wink at me. "Every week, three hundred dollars are transferred onto your card. You can use it at the mall, the boutiques around the campus, maybe at the nail salon . . ." I don't hear the rest. My mouth drops open. This will be a phenomenal experience.

"Are you
serious?" I ask incredulously. She can't be - this is too good to be true.

Vanessa halts as she hears my question, and I collide with her, apologizing. "Of course I'm serious!" She says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world. At the end of the hallway is a large glass doorway, which Vanessa pushes ajar for me. I shake my head and hold it instead.

"You don't need to do me any favors, you've already done enough." Reluctantly, she gives in, guiding me into perhaps the most beautiful area I have ever seen before.
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"You look lost! can I help?" I ask the boy. I give him a dashing smile. At least he dresses appropriately for school attire! ( sorry it's short)


" coffee sounds awesome right a Bout now, I'll have a cup when it's ready. " I say

Sweetly following him in. " is anyone else from our dorm, here?" I ask

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I made my cereal, the coffee maker beeped making me jump a bit. I grabbed 2 coffee cups, poured some half way up in my cup leaving Hunter's cup alone because I didnt know what she liked in hers. I added 7 spoons of sugar, 5 spoons of creamers then grabbed the milk from the fridge and filled the cup with milk the rest of the way. I put the milk back then took everything to the table, sat and started to eat while I stirred my coffee. ((No idea if you were asking me or roger that question so I'm going to answer it, if its for roger I'll edit it out lol)) "Nope not that I know of, unless someone came in while I was sleeping." I answered while yawning, Uhg I need to wake up.
Eloarch was pleasantly surprised by the beautiful lady who greeted him. Seeing her dashing smile, he responded with a winning grin of his own. "I'm assuming you work here, yes?" he asked rhetorically with his trademark smirk. "Thank you for your offer of assistance. I'm not lost, per say. The fact is, I simply have no clue where to go. I'm new here, in case you cant' tell." he said dryly. "I believe I'm supposed to go my accomodations, but I'm afraid that the colors have no meaning to me. Would you mind helping me?" Then, with a slight gasp of polite surprise, Eloarch introduced himself. "Ah, forgive me for my lack of customary social graces. I didn't introduce myself, though I must admit, I was slightly enamored by such a kind, beautiful women being willing to help me. My name is Eloarch el Morgan, and I'm sure the pleasure is all mine. And, may I ask, who might you be?" he asked with a slight bow and inclination of his head.


(Roger has left) I smile as I walk filling the cup up and putting 4 sugars into it and stirrings with a spoon i found in a drawer. I take a sip and nod, "I'm pretty sure it's just us for a while." I say taking another sip of the coffee. "umm.. So what can you do? Supernatural wise?" I ask biting my lip. I sit down at the table with my coffee.


I smile at Eloarch, " thank you For the compliment, and I'd be happy to help you find your dorm. " I said smiling toothily. "I'll be also looking forward to classes and seeing what powers come from such a young handsome man, I'm Head Mistress Godwinged." I say offering my hand.

I took a big gulp of my coffee. "For now I have Super Speed, but I'm getting little hints from Sensory Deprivation, and Weather Control here and there." I answered. I took a bite of my cereal and waited until I was finished chewing before I spoke again. I hated it when people spoke with food in their mouth. "How about you?" I asked.


My legs falter as I look around myself, gasping, overwhelmed by the beauty. I attempt to say something, but I choke on my words, coughing and spluttering. A massive expanse of lush green grass and flawlessness spreads out before me. There's a considerably large pond in the center, its water reflecting the sky and environment gorgeously. A few people are swimming in it, casting ripples through the clear liquid - perhaps some of the professors? There are volleyball courts, soccer and baseball fields . . . two buildings facing the lake behind it at a diagonal angle - the one on the left being short, though it appears cozy, and the one on the right is majestic and towering. I count six stories. Vanessa casually gestures to the building towards the left. "That's the café, open at all hours! You can go there for free, but you have to spend money down at the campus stores, where there are better restaurants. Don't worry, they know about your supernatural abilities, and have already vowed to keep it a secret." I nod, astonished, and she points at the taller building, to the right. "Those are the dorms! In fact, it's where we're headed if you don't want to have to carry the burden of your luggage all day long!" She's obviously tired of dragging around my suitcase and duffel bag. I try not to resist when she yanks my arm to guide me on the sidewalk that borders the lake. The water in the lake is so transparent that it's like a swimming pool, and I feel like I can almost see to the bottom of the deepest parts. We reach the dormitory building, and she pushes the doors open for me. I am too excited to explore to be courteous. The interior of the dorm building is spectacular, with intricately patterned walls extending upward to the ceiling. The floor is formed from glimmering marble, freshly cleaned. The back wall is lined with five elevators, each with six individually colored buttons next to it.



I smile sipping my coffee here and there, "Awesome! I already have my 3 and they are getting hard to handle! I got verbal when I was only up 7. Then Telekinesis and Fire came when I was 12. I thought I was a freak show! " I say giggling. "I can't believe how.. Clean and brand new this place looks." I smile with my words.

Wow she already has all of her powers? I need to hurry and catch up. My eyes scanned the area, I never really got a chance to look at the dorm since I've been here. "I wonder how many people were living in this dorm before us..." I thought out loud then continued eating.

((Sorry it took so long to reply I was babysitting yesterday xD ))


Between Vanessa and me and the elevators is a magnificent, elegant grand piano. It gleams in ebony black. On the flat space on the side is an intricate golden symbol above the words "STEINWAY & SONS." A rush of enthusiasm courses through me and instantaneously my fingers release its grip on my Vera Bradley suitcase, causing it to wobble slightly before regaining total balance, as I bound towards the piano, leaping onto the leather cushioned piano bench. I can see the exasperation on Vanessa's face, that she merely wants to get over with the tour and on with her life. She was very polite and energetic at first, but she obviously lacks patience. Before I can change my mind, I lift the fallboard from the keyboard of the grand piano, my fingers resting on the keys as I inhale. The thought of one piece in particular forms in my mind - one I have memorized two years ago, my favorite piece by Chopin, Scherzo, Opus 31. I haven't practiced the piece for what feels like ages now, but I remember the tune vividly, and as I exhale, I begin. The first few measures are hardly audible as my fingers just barely grasp the keys in the quick triplets, creating a drastic contrast with the booming sound of high-pitched chords in the next measure. The two tones alternate repeatedly, with the chilling voice of the high chords changing in harmony and pattern, until I reach measure 49 - but of course I don't clearly recall the measure numbers. I would have to possess an astonishing memory for me to be capable of that. I stumble on the descending arpeggios from measures 50 to 59 as my fingers quickly maneuver the keys, varying the volume as I use my body weight to emphasize the F at the beginning of the phrases. I'm rusty, but the piano resonates the sounds I create beautifully. My left hand transitions into the next part, which bursts with feeling and passion, the right hand producing thrilling vibrations of beauty while the left hand complements it with a bass note per measure followed by ascending and descending tunes that harmonizes with the right hand and leads to the bass note of the next measure. The music fills the chamber, echoing off of the polished golden walls, as I play with passion and ardency, regardless of the fact that my left hand persistently misses notes due to lack of practice. It is during measure 101 where I hesitate, becoming confused with the next part in the piece that is almost precisely like this one except for just these two measures - and during my hesitation, Vanessa snags my arm, shoving my suitcase towards me. Perhaps she is not simply impatient; perhaps it is my fault. I get distracted so frequently, and feel a pang of guilt. She rolls her eyes irritably and guides me around the piano and towards the series of elevator doors behind it, stopping at the one in the center. I look at the column of six buttons behind it. The top button is purple, followed by purple, red, blue, green, and black at the bottom. Vanessa jabs the blue one, and it takes a few moments for the bell to chime as the elevator door glides open.
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Eloarch smiled despite himself. "As I said, it's my pleasure, Headmistress Godwinged. I look forward to showing you what I can do." Inwardly, Eloarch was smirking. Although he refrained from telling others of his immortality, including the Headmistress, centuries of time had given him ages to explore his powers and hone them. He very much doubted that there was anyone stronger than him, at least in terms of raw power and combat experience, unless there was another immortal amongst the students. Despite his many, many, many years of life, Eloarch had never taken a liking to regular classes, so he most likely wouldn't start now. Still, he'd heard the school also offered various sports, which he was happy about; traveling the world had exposed him to many cultures, and he was going to enjoy interacting with the others at the academy. Back to reality, Eloarch took her hand and gave it a kiss, as was customary of him. Of all the things, he'd maintained his old fashioned manners. "If it's no trouble, I'd love to see my dorm now."

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