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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural And Gifted Humans ~*Reboot*~

Full Name: Kitahachi Tatsuya

Nickname: K

Age: 15

Race: mutant


Personality: psychotic, emotionless, fearless

Backstory: From a young age he was tortured by his father, which slowly drove him insane. His mother mysteriously died when he was just 7. When he found out it was his father who killed his mother he stabbed his dad to death with a pencil. Has been hiding ever since.

Skill: A great listener and fairly fast

Power: ability to turn body part into blades
Full Name: Nick William

Nickname: "oh god not this guy"

Age:(14-20): 18

Race: Human

Appearance: (TBA)

Personality: "Oh god fucking... why" words that frequently come out of the mouths of people that meet Nick. He can be best summed up as everything you imagine madness to be with brief moments of clarity

Backstory:Nick is an enigma. No one knows where he came from, know one knows why his body always regenerates. No one even knows why the hell he is in this school. Likely this is due to no one able to stand him for more than 10 seconds. Still, regardless of reasons he has proven time and again to somehow be an unstoppable force.

Skill: "Lol what?" No real skills.

Power: Regeneration: Nick instantaneously heals any abnormality or stress at the cellular level. His body never deviating from true perfection and neutral state.

Pet: (optional)
Full Name: Animus Yltrys

Nickname: Shadow

Age: 15

Race: Shadow-Maker

Appearance:Dark brown eyes (black in the right light) coal-black hair that goes down to his shoulders, dark gray undershirt with a black skeleton-dragon with ink-like trails, black zip-up leather hooded jacket, black jeans, black shoes with gray accents

Personality: cold and distant, but for the few people he trusts and considers his friends, if someone messes with them... RUN. Animus spent most of his time talking to the demons or just testing his powers in the cave, so he wasn't very social with people. He tries to win, but wants to entertain himself with fights rather than just win for the sake of it. He likes to mess with his enemies in any way possible, be it tripping them with their own shadow or flicking them across their face in plain sight.

Backstory: Animus was an artificial Shadow-Maker, having more control over darkness than the elders in his tribe being born from the shadows alone. He was quickly sent away from all people and society to protect himself and others, from his power. He was chased by demons hiding in his shadow all his life, and one day in his cave, gave in to them, he fell into his shadow giving him the ability to speak with the demons of the underworld, and the dead. He discovers the limits of his powers, such as he can create darkness, but has to contain some light, which he can compress into a small orb, smaller than a marble, and then release it for a small, but strong, explosion. Animus was sent a mysterious letter with a wax seal promising riches and strong opponents in a tournament among the fighters in the world, he went for once excited about something that was happening, along the way, he was attacked by some thugs ho shot a sedative at him, it pruck his neck, and he pulled it out, thinking, "Well, this does nothing for them but tell me they aren't worth my time." They crumpled into the fetal position and were crushed from the inside by the darkness within them all. He traveled to the tourney only to be dissappointed by the contestants, who he quickly defeated. He left without the prie money, after all, he was only therefor the opponents, who turned out to be mere humans.

Skill: Human-like appearance, agility, sings surprisingly well, always has headphones in his pocket and something to listen to

Power: Manipulation of shadows, solidifying shadows, shadow travel, shadow merging, plays his shadows as an instrument

Pet: A Shadow-Wolf (Wolf made of Darkness, can appear from any shadow, travel through shadows)
Full Name:

felix star voidwalker/ felicity shadow voidwalker

Nickname: feelz

Age: 18

Race: entity of universe

Appearance: - will post when get laptop back from shop -

Personality: shy at first, but loves attention. ( notice me senpai.... )

Backstory: - unknown to them even -

Skill: language learning. two leg walking

Power: voidmancy ( can create and manipulate void openings.

Pet: cat...
Delacare said:
Full Name: Angel Amadeus Ashmodai
Nickname: None yet

Age: 18

Race: Celestial Scion

Appearance: If you know who this is, feel free to fangirl/boy with me.
Personality and Backstory
Generally pleasant and friendly, he is assumed to be stuck-up and standoffish because of the way he looks and his nonchalance in showcasing his powers. He does tend to have bitchy, vindictive, and downright dark moments.

Several hundred years ago, a lonely farmer who had lost his family to illness wished upon a star for someone to share his life with. The star he wished on fell from the sky and landed in his hands, becoming a baby boy. As the boy grew, his father loved him more and more, but the boy grew beautiful at a young age and people believed he was a ploy by evil creatures to corrupt the village. To protect his son, the farmer wished for him to be taken away. A passing comet obliged his wish and took the child with it. This put the boy into a stasis until the comet passed by our world again 8 years ago.
Skills and Powers
Violinist, polyglot, dancer

Flight, metamancy, star song, star and stardust conjuration/manipulation (think Dissidia)
A mana wyrm from the astral plane that was attracted to Angel’s unique aura. His name is Solshana.
ermg, world of rawrcraft
Full Name: Fiona Snowe

Nickname: (optional)

Age:(14-20) 17

Race: Azamel- A human like being with enhanced strength, speed, and intellect.


Personality: Very quiet and analytical. Loves to overthink everything. Very smart but doesn't tend to show it out loud.

Backstory: She was born under one of the rare, pure-blooded Azamel families, the Kyrinians. Because of this, she was given all the traits of a normal Azamel with none of the tainted human blood. Because of her very high IQ (286), she was able to breeze through school. Her teachers thought she was way ahead of her peers, so they sent her to a private institute, where even there she didn't belong. After running away, she wandered the streets.

Skill: Acrobatics

Power: Crystallokinesis


(I couldn't find the right pictures so I just want with anime...So yeah)

((I changed my character (Nightmare) from the old Rp in alot of areas...Sorry Sis but it had to be done... DON'T KILL ME!! @AkwardWriter ))

Full Name:

Natsumi Sora









(She's one of the five reapers that work for/under death, A.K.A The Grim Reaper)



-Natsumi has two large scars on her body, one on her back while one is on her torso.

-Natsumi lost her sight in her left eye but her left eye is a bright blood red (she wears a eye patch to cover it up)


Natsumi is....let's say kind of like a lifeless doll. She doesn't really show emotions toward others, she mostly pushes them away and keeps a distance from others. Natsumi is usually the type of girl who stays in the lonely or quieter side of the room, she likes quiet and calm places.

If you ever earn Natsumi's trust and become good friends with her you'll see her true colors. Under that emotionless mask, Natsumi is a very kind girl, she's calm collected and well-mannered. She can be protective of her friends and has a habit of putting others before her own problems. Natsumi can be very sarcastic and weird, she's a really nice person once you get to know her.

But unfortunately Natsumi wears a mask to keep herself hidden from others


Natsumi grew up with her parents, her mother Yuki and her father Nokai. Both of her parents were reapers the worked especially for death or the grim reaper. As a young girl Natsumi had to stay home with her pet and never go outside, sometimes reapers that worked of death were targeted and Natsumi's parents feared hat she would be killed because their being targeted.

One day Natsumi was sitting in her room with her mother while her father was in the kitchen. The young girl and her mother were reading a book together when they heard a loud crash from the kitchen. Yuki, Natsumi's mother, told Natsumi to stay put while she went to check what that sound was. Being the good child Natsumi was, she listened and waited for her mother to come back. She waited and waited until she heard a blood curdling scream come from the kitchen.....That was her mother! Natsumi immediately jumped up and ran to the kitchen for her mother. When she got there she was greeted with the sight of her dead mother, her father was standing above her corpse with a wicked grin. He smiled at her and raised his scythe, he attacked Natsumi but she managed the get away in time with only injuries.

The world where Reapers is filled with many things, some deadly and some not. A sickness as been going around there and has been causing some reapers to go insane and try to kill everyone. Her father was infected with that sickness.


-Natsumi is a very skilled painter.

-She's great at playing the Cello

-She's very stealthy



-She's able to touch, speak and see spirits or souls the dead

-She can summon her scythe and little soul helpers

-She can move between the living world, world of the dead or the reaper world


Midnight The Cat

(She talks and takes a human form but rarely does that)


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Full Name: Nodakai Inugami

Nickname: Noda

Age: 18

Race: unknown

He also sports a pair of furry wolf ears and tail.

Personality: Quiet, usually only speaking in short sentences. He hates loud noises and crowds, but will stomach them if necessary or if his friends are having fun. Its hard for him to make friends, considering his lack of verbal participation, but when he has one he is as loyal as they come. He despises cruelty, liars, and traitors and will not hesitate to eliminate a threat to himself or those he holds dear.

Backstory: He awoke in a hospital as a blank slate. The nurses there told him that he had been found by a mysterious man in a black trench coat that deposited him there and left without a word. The only things he owned were the clothes on his back, a katana, enough money to live on for quite a while, and a note that said, "I will come for you, one day." The man in the coat eventually came back, but when asked, he denied any connection to the note or the boys personal belongings. The man did frown at the note, but never said anything more about it. After taking the boy in, the man began to train him in the art of magic and swordplay. In his words, "You have a weapon, so learn to use it." The boy was exceptionally skilled in magic, specializing in magic seals and fire based spells. After a while the man, whom he'd come to see as his adoptive father, told the boy that he would be attending a school soon as he, 'Can't always be looking after you.' The boy went without much fuss, though outside of his father figure, he'd never had much interaction with anyone. He hoped that he wouldn't be bothered too much.

Skill: Can sing, but rarely does so and never in front of anyone. He can also cook.

Power: Magic: can also use his affinity with seals to temporarily block his bodies limiters to increase his strength, speed, and stamina far beyond what the normal human (or most beings) can but with a great risk to his health.

Space Rend: After sealing his limiters, he can force himself to move so fast that he bends space itself. However, he has only used it once and the effort of attempting it almost killed him. It is only a final resort.

Pet: None
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Full Name

Melisara Bellatrix




Mutant (Yes like the X-Men)



Instead of the eyes shown here, her eyes are a pale blue.


Soft-spoken and often shy, but caring and loving, she often finds herself blanking out at the worst of times.


She was born in a bustling city and from the moment she entered this world something about her seemed different, off. Her parents couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was, however this never cause any tragedy or strife in her life. Infact, she grew up normally.... for the most part. At the age of 5, she discovered her power, Auramancy, the act of changing ones own aura to one of the six main elements. Being human, this was not normal and she dubbed a "mutant" by society. In response to this, her parents sent her away, not to harm but to help her. The local Aurors helped her hone her powers, for 12 years she practiced and practiced until she could no longer learn what they could teach. So she wandered.... and wandered... and she happened along this academy, she registered and now goes here.


Aside from her main ability, she has the ability to read the auras of others depending on the color to detect hostility or any other emotion. But this can sometimes fail her.


Auramancer - The act of changing ones own aura to one of the six main elements; Fire, Ice, Water, lightning, wind or earth to create amazing spectacles and great combos. Healing wounds, mending broken bones are also in the arsenal of an Aurore.
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