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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted

Ashlynita said:

Name ;;

Aurea Driiquar { Golden Airdance }

Age ;;

Twenty-One years old. { Avariel do not reach adulthood until age 50 and don't typically live past 300. }

Gender ;;


Species ;;

Traditionally Avariel, a winged elf race, though she is half Sun Elf.

Powers ;;

- Flight: Avariel can fly at a speed of 45 feet average per minute, which is faster than most species. Avariel cannot fly when wearing Medium or Heavy armor.

- Low-light Vision: Avariel can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

- Arcane Magic: Aurea can use basic spells but only in dire situations for self-defense. Other than that, her knowledge of Arcane Magic is minimal.

Weapons ;;

When Aurea was younger, her mother taught her the spell to create glassteel, an Avariel weapon making art. This spell can make glass, crystal, and obsidian just as unbreakable as steel and as effective. Over the years, she has honed this art and forged herself a longsword out of crystal and prefers this to most other weapons, however, she keeps a small silver dagger with a gold plated handle with her as it was her fathers.

Appearance ;;

Like most Avariel, Aurea is graceful and striking, standing at 4 feet 5 inches tall, though she appears even more fine-boned than her land-born elven kin. Her features are more chiseled, more angular, her eyes larger and deep emerald. Aurea's hair is a soft golden color like her father's and her skin is porcelain white, very much like her mothers and other Avariel. Being that of Avariel lineage, Aurea has large, eagle-like wings speckled a brilliant gold on her pure white plumage, however, she practices the art of dying her wing tips, though she prefers silver, gold, or green.

Personality ;;

Aurea is serious-minded, however, she is appreciative of beauty, creativity, and the natural world. She is patient and deliberate in most of what she does and demonstrates an orderly nature uncommon of most elves. Much like her father, Aurea prefers to master a skill before applying it but knows that it takes trial and error to perfect techniques. She is a very fast learner and has a mastery of whatever she applies herself to. Even when she's not soaring through the heavens, Aurea has a far away look in her eyes as she daydreams about the wind through her hair and the feel of the sun on her back. She is quite creative and enjoys storytelling. Even though she is peaceful and calm at heart, Aurea can become rather ruthless when necessity dictates.

Bio ;;

Aurea was born to an Avarielian mother, who was an outcast due to her rare wing deformity that rendered her flightless, and a father with Sun Elf lineage, who broke his word and family ties to be with her. Born and raised on the road, Aurea was exposed to many cultures and ways of life but her mother made sure she was well educated on her Avarielian history and culture. Together, her elvish parents taught her many languages and useful techniques such as how to forge weapons from glass and how to call upon the elements for help. Her father protected Aurea and her mother by himself for more than a decade of her life until they crossed paths with an angered dragon. In the end, her father lost his life defending the two and it was up to Aurea to get away safely. Looking back on her days training in the sky and the fighting lessons her father put her through, Aurea grabbed his dagger and flew upward, calling upon fire to blind the dragon before she sliced through its eyes. As it screamed in agony, Aurea went back toward the ground, searching for her mother. However, her limp corpse answered her and she retreated before the dragon could recover. Full of grief, Aurea recalled all the stories her mother and father would tell her of the lands they grew up in and searched for many months until she arrived at a Sun Elf settlement. To her disbelief, the Sun Elves wanted nothing to do with their traitorous son's daughter and cast her away without second thought. With little hope, she searched deep within the mountain range for the village her mother had described. Though the wondrous place was lovely, the family refused their half-breed grandchild and sent her away to fend for herself. After being denied by both families, she began wandering and in her travels, she caught word of a school for mystical creatures. Hope filled her and she began searching once more, the school being all she could think about. This was her chance to prove everyone wrong, the chance she needed to better herself and finally have a home.

Strengths ;;

- High stamina.

- Proficient in glassteel weapon making.

- Considerably fast so she is good at evasion.

- A good ground fighter as both parents lacked the ability to fly.

- Chest and shoulder muscles are strong, powering her magnificent eagles' wings.

- Aurea knows many languages from both her mother and her father. Some automatic languages are English, common elven languages, Auran (avian language), Avariel Sign (Avariel sign language). She was also taught languages her enemies or allies might speak such as Draconic (the language commonly found in ancient tomes of secret knowledge), Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, and Orc.

Weaknesses ;;

- Because she is so frail, a single hit could be lethal.

- Aerial combat as both parents lacked the ability to fly.

- The hollow bones that enable her to fly make her quite frail.

- Dragons are overall lethal to Avariels as they are incredibly hard to outfly and they also drove the Avariel species close to extinction at one point in time.

- She suffers from claustrophobia whenever she finds herself enclosed in a small area for any significant length of time, and can become aggressive. The panic subsides when she is out in the open air.

Extra ;;

Incredibly good at singing, a trait she inherited from her mother and the Avariel.

Though flying is her calling, Aurea has a deep love for music and enjoys both singing and playing instruments to soothe herself and others.

At a young age, Aurea's father taught her how to read music and created her a small harp and flute out of a white oak. She carries both instruments with her as a memento.

Name: Kori Maion

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Seraph (plural- seraphim)


~Flight- A very fast and versatile flyer, something she is very proud of, the air is her playground

~Basic Fire and Light Spells- Her magic is more flashy than powerful. She knows more powerful spells, but they tend to either backfire or completely drain her to the point of collapse so she rarely uses them.

~Enochian- She is fluent in the Enochian angel language and is capable of providing small and temporary enchantments and blessings.


~A platinum saber carved with Enochian sigils for speed and accuracy.


~A long slender figure with long black hair. Very graceful and striking yet considered average for a seraph. She has 6 white wings, the common number for seraphim but hides at least 4 of them at a time with enchantments to avoid mobility issues. She reveals them when flying.


~Headstrong, admirable, and hardworking, but is quickly held back by her low self-esteem as soon as things take a turn for the worst. Despite being hard on herself, she is very protective and supportive of others and their pursuits. She is proud of her species' high status and is adamant in preserving her appearance as a seraph.


~Seraphim are extremely proud creatures and are the highest order of angel which creates an enormous burden on Kori. She grew up in a strict setting where satisfaction is limited and perfection is the only option. She rarely met the expectation of her peers and was constantly being corrected and scolded for her ineptitude to the point of being threatened with banishment. Her only chance at redemption is a year-long pilgrimage outside of her village where, at year's end, she will either be stripped of her wings and title or prove she is worthy of her status. She has come to the school in order to do just that.


~Appearance, emotional support, aerial combat, aerial maneuvering


~Low self-esteem, fear of failure, low magic ability, perfectionist to an annoying degree


~Her favorite past time is any kind of quiet isolated relaxation. Anytime where she no longer has an appearance to uphold or a task to complete to perfection.
[QUOTE="The Angelic Kori]

Name: Kori Maion

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Seraph (plural- seraphim)


~Flight- A very fast and versatile flyer, something she is very proud of, the air is her playground

~Basic Fire and Light Spells- Her magic is more flashy than powerful. She knows more powerful spells, but they tend to either backfire or completely drain her to the point of collapse so she rarely uses them.

~Enochian- She is fluent in the Enochian angel language and is capable of providing small and temporary enchantments and blessings.


~A platinum saber carved with Enochian sigils for speed and accuracy.


~A long slender figure with long black hair. Very graceful and striking yet considered average for a seraph. She has 6 white wings, the common number for seraphim but hides at least 4 of them at a time with enchantments to avoid mobility issues. She reveals them when flying.


~Headstrong, admirable, and hardworking, but is quickly held back by her low self-esteem as soon as things take a turn for the worst. Despite being hard on herself, she is very protective and supportive of others and their pursuits. She is proud of her species' high status and is adamant in preserving her appearance as a seraph.


~Seraphim are extremely proud creatures and are the highest order of angel which creates an enormous burden on Kori. She grew up in a strict setting where satisfaction is limited and perfection is the only option. She rarely met the expectation of her peers and was constantly being corrected and scolded for her ineptitude to the point of being threatened with banishment. Her only chance at redemption is a year-long pilgrimage outside of her village where, at year's end, she will either be stripped of her wings and title or prove she is worthy of her status. She has come to the school in order to do just that.


~Appearance, emotional support, aerial combat, aerial maneuvering


~Low self-esteem, fear of failure, low magic ability, perfectionist to an annoying degree


~Her favorite past time is any kind of quiet isolated relaxation. Anytime where she no longer has an appearance to uphold or a task to complete to perfection.

Name: Lance Corriander

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Powers: Construct create: Able to Create items out of thin air. The items can be wielded telepathically or in hand. Items appear as if made from blue smoke, but are solid to the touch.

Weapons: Proficent, with Dueling sabers(Rapier, cutlass, Claymore, and Falchion) Spears, and Maces. He prefers to arm himself with his constructs.


Personality: Generally calm and cool headed. Lance can become excited durring bouts, and over topics that he enjoys, swordplay being one of the foremost.

Bio: Lance was born to average people. His father was a historian who loved Arthurian tales. His mother was a Fencing instructor who taught at a private school for boys. Lance grew up hearing stories about knights slaying dragons and rescuing princesses, before bed. Once he was old enough his mother began to train him with swords, hoping that he would follow in her foot steps. When he was thirteen, he got terribly sick, and went into a coma for three months. When he woke up he seemed normal except that he now demonstrated the ability to create objects from nothing. Curious Doctors came from far and wide to study him, but his parents always turned them away. As a result of his life he is skilled with swords, and has a love for the ideals of chivalry and valor. He dose his best to live to the code set by the knights of the round table in the Arthurian tales, of his child hood.

Strengths: Sense of justice, willing to help any who need it. Lance is polite and calm, but becomes confrontational when his personal sense of justice is offended

Weaknesses: Lance can let his sense of justice over power his sense of mercy at times. He is also slightly naive and often will trust and help others without a second thought. this makes him easy to device.

Extra: His ideas of knighthood are overly optimistic and he refuses to face any souses of history that portray knights as they truly were.
[QUOTE="Four Eyes]Name: Lance Corriander
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Powers: Construct create: Able to Create items out of thin air. The items can be wielded telepathically or in hand. Items appear as if made from blue smoke, but are solid to the touch.

Weapons: Proficent, with Dueling sabers(Rapier, cutlass, Claymore, and Falchion) Spears, and Maces. He prefers to arm himself with his constructs.


Personality: Generally calm and cool headed. Lance can become excited durring bouts, and over topics that he enjoys, swordplay being one of the foremost.

Bio: Lance was born to average people. His father was a historian who loved Arthurian tales. His mother was a Fencing instructor who taught at a private school for boys. Lance grew up hearing stories about knights slaying dragons and rescuing princesses, before bed. Once he was old enough his mother began to train him with swords, hoping that he would follow in her foot steps. When he was thirteen, he got terribly sick, and went into a coma for three months. When he woke up he seemed normal except that he now demonstrated the ability to create objects from nothing. Curious Doctors came from far and wide to study him, but his parents always turned them away. As a result of his life he is skilled with swords, and has a love for the ideals of chivalry and valor. He dose his best to live to the code set by the knights of the round table in the Arthurian tales, of his child hood.

Strengths: Sense of justice, willing to help any who need it. Lance is polite and calm, but becomes confrontational when his personal sense of justice is offended

Weaknesses: Lance can let his sense of justice over power his sense of mercy at times. He is also slightly naive and often will trust and help others without a second thought. this makes him easy to device.

Extra: His ideas of knighthood are overly optimistic and he refuses to face any souses of history that portray knights as they truly were.


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