Academy for the Gifted


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Vivid Memories:


Just to give an example, I'm re-posting my character's lay-out here too.

Name: Lorelei Ito


Age: 20

Sex: Female

Gender Identity: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual

Race: European Asian(Japanese heritage)

Nationality: British

Hair: Short pixie style, dark.

Eyes: Silver, serious and determined.

Height: 5' 3"

Size/ Body type: Elegant, slightly curvy

Assets: Very loyal, trustworthy, independent, usually patient.

Flaws: Manipulative and deceitful if she has to be.

Gait: Confident stride.

Voice: British accent, soothing voice. So she could say the meanest, sassiest things but it would still sound calming.


Intelligence: Highly intelligent.

Temperament: She wouldn't actually have a very short temper, but she acts like it. She's very tolerant. But when when she is pissed, she makes it known.

Happiness: Usually comes off as happy and content but has a history of depression and anxiety and sometimes spirals back into it.

Attitudes: Determined and hardworking. Rarely gives up. Patient.

Self Knowledge: Very self aware of emotions, but not of physically state. Has a hard toime remembering to take care of herself. Often has to be reminded by loved ones.

Subconscious: Taps foot. Subconsciously speaks her mind without realizes it, which often makes her extremely anxious, though she tries not to show it.

Habits: Chews gum almost constantly and when she doesn't have gum, she's chewing her nails.


Birthplace: London

Childhood: Four siblings in a upper class environment. Was middle child, so she didn't get much attention.

Education: Public school, private magic tutor/mentor.

Hobbies: Loves video games, and painting.

Beliefs: Believes in karma.

Values: Values trustworthiness and despite her deceitful nature, she values honesty.

Lifestyle: Adventurous.

Religion: Agnostic

Possessions: Her favorite possession is a charm bracelet that was given to her by a childhood friend who committed suicide when they were 17.


Wants: To be noticed, to leave a mark on the world.

Hopes: to accomplish something great and go down in history.

Fears: People hating her, not being good enough, being a failure.

Thoughts: Constantly thinks she isn't good enough and undeserving.

Vivid Memories: Her childhood friend who committed suicide, getting her first tattoo.

Resentment: She resents not being able to help her friend or be there when he committed suicide, which is why she's so loyal and caring.

Denial: Her friend's death wasn't her fault. She thinks that she could have prevented it.
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Name: Felix Aliex Obérée


Age: 19

Sex: Male

Gender Identity: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Race: Caucasian

Nationality: 75% French, and 25% Swiss

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Hazel

Height: 5'6

Size/Body type: Skinny/ Ectomorph

Assets: Generous, giving, polite, cordial, and can take a joke

Flaws: Up-tight, and proud

Gait: Posh, and regal-esque

Voice: Slightly higher pitched than most guys


Intelligence: Above average

Temperament: Mostly keeps calm, and collective, but that's only because he thinks the negative opinions to himself mostly.

Happiness: Soothed, and relaxed, but depending on the situation he can be determined, or excited. He rarely slips into a depressive state.

Attitudes: Stuck-up, prideful, hardly patient, but generous, and content,

Self Knowledge: extremely obsessed with how he looks, and dresses in public, but will wear less extravagant clothing around trusted friends.

Subconscious: makes personality notes of individual people, and is naturally curious.

Habits: mumbles when thinking complex problems, and tends to lean to the side when conversing.


Birthplace: Versailles, France

Childhood: The youngest of three, his parents owned a hospital, and were quite wealthy, he was treated as a child most of his life.

Education: private school through grades 7-12th, currently studying to become a Nurse.

Hobbies: Reading, painting, planting flowers, and secretly cross-dresses

Beliefs: Believes that everyone has a chance for redemption, and reconciliation.

Values: Family, friends, and nature

Lifestyle: curious

Religion: Atheist

Possessions: A blue cat statue resting on his night stand, it was naught by his family before he left.


Wants: To help others, and to change his personality, but wants to make someone remember him.

Hopes: To extend his hand to others to help

Fears: To be shunned, or being pushed away

Thoughts: thinks others might hate him, and are just using him

Vivid Memories: Vividly remembers a sun set over the ocean, but doesn't know where the memory came from

Resentment: He resents not making peace with his father after leaving his home.

Denial: Doesn't accept the fact that he is confused about his gender identity.
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Also, I saw they were 19. Did they discover that he had the gift later in life and got it passed down from a grandparent or something? And he's now going to the Academy as well as college to be a nurse? Or were you thinking something else? :3
Ah, well did you read the overview? Hehee. "^w^ 
Well tbh I probably should have named it something else. Like a private tutoring type thing. ;n; I'm sorry if I made it confusing.
Name: Axel Vongola


Age: 16

Sex: Male

Gender Identity: Male

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual (Only because idk any others besides Homosexual v.v)

Race: Caucasian

Nationality: British

Hair: Black hair, Has an organized messy look to it. Naturally goes to the right.

Eyes: Silver (Probably Axel's most noticeable feature.)

Height: 5'8

Size/Body type: Lean

Assets: Quiet, Kind, Isn't easily offended.

Flaws: Shy, Not very social.

Gait: Hands in his pockets with his thumbs sticking out.

Voice: Deep, soothing yet commanding, even.


Intelligence: Highly Intelligent

Temperament: Very level headed, doesn't get mad unless someone hurts someone he cares for.

Happiness: Relaxed, quiet, and chill.

Attitudes: Chill, happy, concerned.

Self Knowledge: EXTREMELY self conscious about his eyes.

Subconscious: Always looking for something to defend himself if need be. Often he looks for an escape route when around new things(Including people.).

Habits: Puts his hands in his pockets, Pulls up his hood in attempt to cover his eyes.


Birthplace: London, Britain.

Childhood: Only child, His father is the leader of a powerful mafia gang called the Vongola.

Education: Has been home schooled forever, has been taught many forms of martial arts and knows how to use pretty much anything as a weapon.

Hobbies: Loves to read, Train(Martial Arts), Spar, and listen to music.

Beliefs: Hasn't really had time to consider what he believes.

Values: Self-Defense, Family, Friends, and Reading.

Lifestyle: Care-free other than his training.

Religion: Hasn't had time to consider his beliefs much less a religion.

Possessions: Boxing-Gloves, A Japanese Katana, collection of throwing knives, Dozens and dozens of books, punching bag, a Vongola family ring.


Wants: To protect whats dear to him.

Hopes: To find someone to share his life with, to be "good enough" for his father, to be more confident.

Fears: Persecution, the pain of his loved ones, failing, going to sleep (Has had nightmares every night of his life.).

Thoughts: Wonders what others are thinking of him, likes to judge whether he could beat someone in a fight, and the future.

Vivid Memories: His nightmares, The day his father shut himself in his room and ran the family behind the scenes, the day his best friend was killed in a car accident.

Resentment: Drunk driving, Persecution, bullying, failing, his father never being there for him.

Denial: Doesn't accept failing the people he cares for.
I love your character! Heehee. :3 You can reply to the roleplay now if you want! Maybe with your character knocking on the front door or something. >w<

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