Academy for the Gifted [Inactive]


New Member
JinxedCat submitted a new role play:

Academy for the Gifted - Lorelei was going to be the youngest to open up her own private academy for those with the Gift . 
Lorelei ran a hand through her dark, pixie styled hair. Smiling nervously, she unlocked the door to the large 3 story house. She had worked so hard for this. She was going to be the youngest to open up her own private academy for those with the Gift. Of course it was just going to be a small boarding school where middle school and high school students ages 13 to 18 attended. Probably just around 10-15 students. Just a few to start out with of course. Until she could get more teachers. They would attend a near by public school and then live and learn together in this house until they mastered the Gift of the Elements.

Lore glanced around the spacious living room, closing the door behind her. She had already finished unpacking all of the furniture, but it still seemed somewhat bare. Though she was sure that just had something to do with the size of the house and the fact that she was the only one there at the moment.

She set her keys in the bowl next to the door and plopped down on the leather couch and took a deep breath, nervously fiddling with the lace on her red and black plaid skirt. She was so unbelievably excited. She was starting her own academy! And in the U.S. too! Her first few students would be here any time now. She was just glad she was starting out with only a few. Lore wasn't sure if she'd be able to handle too many at once until she had some practice teaching.
Axel walked up the cobblestone path, Axel pulled a heavy luggage bag in one hand, a book bag was strapped to his back, and he carried another large bag in his left hand. This didn't bother him of course, after long months of training things like that just weren't a problem anymore. Axel hesitated then knocked. I wonder what the other students will be like.. Will any of them have eyes like me? Will they make fun of me for them like at my last school? Who knows.. Probably. Axel thought as he waited for the door to open.
Lore jumped up from the couch in surprise, smiling nervously. She brushed her bangs out of her silver eyes and walked over to the dooor, opening it to see a young man a few inches taller than her. "Hello there, I'm Lorelei Ito." she stepped back, letting him inside. "None of the other students are here yet. So it's just you and me."

OOC: Maybe since she's so young he mistakes her for another student at first? Haha Idk. 
OOC:Hey if you want to roleplay on skype that'd probs be easier cause it alerts me right away when someone messages me. It's what i usually use for roleplaying too. :P If other people sign up we can just add em to a group or something. :33 Or we can just make multiple characters too. Roleplays kinda get confusing with too many people. :P
((Kk xD ))

Axel was stunned when he looked into the eyes of the girl. She looked like another student. So there are others like me.. Axel thought relieved. "Hi, Lorelei I'm Axel Vongola. Are you a student here?" Axel asked as he walked in and set down his luggage.
Lorelei laughed, shaking her head. "No, I'm your teacher. Here, I'll help you take your things to your room. Did you bring your own weapons for physical training?" she asked, picking up one of his bags.
Axel could have handled the luggage, but refrained for the fear of being rude. Axel tried to hide his surprise when he learned that she was a teacher. "Thank you, and yes I train in martial arts on a regular basis. It helps to clear my head after a long day." Axel replied. "How did you know?" Axel asked curiously.

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