Academy for the Extramundane


The legend of Groose
Hello we are in need of Teachers right now, please keep this in mind. Each teacher requires to teach at least 1 subject, but can teach more if you choose to.


History- AceXCrossix (Luce)

Science-NPC(That means you can be this person) (Scylla)

Math-NPC (Jace)

English- RyanJXavier (Marco)

Magic- NPC (Jace)

fighting- Seraph (Mason)



gardening- Aroura (Marin)

Tech-NPC (Scylla)

band/orchestra- Reference Wolf (Bruits Weylyn)

NPC's: 3 + Band of Douches

Application Skeleton:

"Oh your the new student? Hi I'm Daisy your headmaster, who are you?"


Age:(Birthday as well)

School year:




Student or teacher?:

"Now that I know who you are, tell me more about yourself"




"Now that I know more about you, do you have anything else to say?"



Sexual Orientation:

"Alrighty, you sound like fun, hope to see you around!"

-Headmaster Daisy
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"Oh your the new student? Hi I'm Daisy your headmaster, who are you?"

Name: Headmaster
Daisy Fele

"I'm Daisy Fele, your headmaster

Age:(Birthday as well)
25 (12/25)

I'm 25 in human years, and I was born on Christmas

School year:


"Can't you tell?"



Species: Angel

"Now that I know who you are, tell me more about yourself"

"I'm a angel"

Student or Teacher?: Headmaster.

Bio: Daisy is a angel of time, able to travel through time, she was sent to watch over humanity. One day she fell in love with a mortal, and after much begging and hardship, the man she fell in love with was allowed to come to heaven and be with her. One day her child fell from the heavens after an attack from Satan, and she searched the world for her. When she found her child, she also found the boy who was taking care of her, and adopted him as her own. She was given the opportunity to be the headmaster of the school after the last one retired, she accepted.

"Yep that's my life"

Daisy is loving towards everyone and wants to help everyone out. She is not afraid to open to anyone, and even though she is the headmaster, she tends not to act like that at all.

"That's me"


Power to heal

Portal Summoning

Chronokinetic Constructs (Able to make objects)

Movement of objects

"That's what I can do'

"Now that I know more about you, do you have anything else to say?"

Everyone, helping others, swimming, sunbathing, sunlight

"I know I know, typical Angel stuff"

Dislikes: Darkness, Cold, hatred, backtalking

"Cold is baaad"

Sexual Orientation:

*Wink* "Why you want to know that huh?"

"Alrighty, you sound like fun, hope to see you around!"

-Headmaster Daisy

Name: Melody Fele

"Umm... hi... I'm Melody..."

Age: 16 (12/30)

"I'm 16....

Grade: 10

"I'm in... 10th grade"

Gender: Female

"I'm.... a girl"






Species: Angel/human hybrid

"I've been told I look like an angle.... but I don't know..."

Bio: Her mother was an angel, her father a human, and was born in heaven where her father was allowed to stay and raise her. One day she fell from heaven in a freak accident, and lost most of her sight. While her mother searched for her on earth, she meat Zane, who protected and took care of her. until her mother came. Once her mother found her, Zane was thanked and asked to protect their daughter, and having nothing else to live for he agreed. She still wears the bandages from 13 years ago.

"Please stop staring..."

Personality: Very shy, she prefers to leave the talking to Zane. She wants to make friends but is too shy to, the people who she have made friends with she talks to a little less shyly, though is kind to her friends that she can talk to.

"Yes... That's me"



Time attacks

Movement of objects

Sight of future

Summing of portals

Chronokinetic Constructs (Able to make objects)

Likes: Sunlight, warmth, is ticklish

"I find sunlight and warmth's inviting"

Dislikes: Darkness, cold

"I don't like the cold...."

Sexual Orientation: Bi

"Please... stop staring..."

Name: Zane Fele


17 (1/15)


Grade: 10th


Gender: Male

"I'm a boy, a monster of a boy"



Species: Draconain

"People shunned me for being me"

Student or Teacher?:

Bio: He was abandoned by his parents and left to die in the acidic forest he lived in. One day Melody fell from the sky and he took care of her until her mother came for her. He know serves as Melody's eyes and fateful companion.

"I was shunned from birth and raised in a acidic world"

Has a hard time trusting others, so he is seen as dark and rude. He is loyal to his duty to protect Melody: his one true friend.

"Yeah so what?"


Extreme strength

Fast reaction time





Likes: Black, shade

Dislike: Sunlight, arrogance, breaking promises

"As black as my soul"
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Name: Akira Shu

Age:(Birthday as well) 15 (13/1)

School year: 10th Grade

Gender: Male

Appearance: (see attachment)

Species: Nephilim (Half Human/ Half Angel)

Student or teacher: Student

Bio: Akira was born from a himan mother and an angel father. His family were very wealthy and well respected both in heaven and on earth.. Akiras father, Masaki was a powerful telekinetic who earned his place in heaven as one of the angels most trusted warriors and advisers to God. One day Masaki left heaven and made his home on earth where he net the love of his life, Together they would grow to have a child. That Child was Akira.

When Akira was 7, a satanic cult invaded his home and attacked the family, Masaki tried fighting them but was overpowered by one of the cult members. Who was a powerful Pyrokinetic. He forced Masaki to murder his wife in exchange of his sons life. He did it and as Akiras mother lay bloodied, dead on the floor. He grew into a rage and unlocked his powers, in a fury he brutally attacked his father and from that day still blames him for his mothers death, even though he doesnt know the truth. Over the years he moved on, and became the kind person his mother would have wanted him to be.

Personality: He is very kind and very intellectual, he always places other peoples needs before his and will do anything for his family and friends. He is VERY likeable and generally a nice person overall. Despite this, his temper is terrifying and he is a sight to behold when angered. He has slight anger issues.

Powers/Abilities: Astrakinesis (Manipulation of Cosmic energy. Stars, meteors, solar flames etc)

Likes: Kindness, Spacial stuff (They are pretty!! :P ) training and food

Dislikes: Rudeness, arrogance, fighting without a valid reason and his father ( :( ) and also anything to do with hell.

Sexual Orientation: Straight

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.9bbed4c56a97ead4a3c6be1feb7c0936.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37360" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.9bbed4c56a97ead4a3c6be1feb7c0936.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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LeSoraAmari said:
Name: Akira Shu

Age:(Birthday as well) 15 (13/1)

School year: 10th Grade

Gender: Male

Appearance: (see attachment)

Species: Nephilim (Half Human/ Half Angel)

Student or teacher: Student

Bio: Akira was born from a himan mother and an angel father. His family were very wealthy and well respected both in heaven and on earth.. Akiras father, Masaki was a powerful telekinetic who earned his place in heaven as one of the angels most trusted warriors and advisers to God. One day Masaki left heaven and made his home on earth where he net the love of his life, Together they would grow to have a child. That Child was Akira.

When Akira was 7, a satanic cult invaded his home and attacked the family, Masaki tried fighting them but was overpowered by one of the cult members. Who was a powerful Pyrokinetic. He forced Masaki to murder his wife in exchange of his sons life. He did it and as Akiras mother lay bloodied, dead on the floor. He grew into a rage and unlocked his powers, in a fury he brutally attacked his father and from that day still blames him for his mothers death, even though he doesnt know the truth. Over the years he moved on, and became the kind person his mother would have wanted him to be.

Personality: He is very kind and very intellectual, he always places other peoples needs before his and will do anything for his family and friends. He is VERY likeable and generally a nice person overall. Despite this, his temper is terrifying and he is a sight to behold when angered. He has slight anger issues.

Powers/Abilities: Astrakinesis (Manipulation of Cosmic energy. Stars, meteors, solar flames etc)

Likes: Kindness, Spacial stuff (They are pretty!! :P ) training and food

Dislikes: Rudeness, arrogance, fighting without a valid reason and his father ( :( ) and also anything to do with hell.

Sexual Orientation: Straight
Accepted and welcome ^_^

Also interesting Bio, Love it.
Name: Keani Blackwell

Age: 15 - April 4, 1999

School year: 9

Gender: Female

Appearance: Long white hair with silver highlights, pale skin, shirt, thin with no angles, light blue eyes.

Species: Succubus one her mother's side

Student or teacher: Student

Bio: Keani lived with her grandmother on her dad's side since she was two, when her mother died. Her dad died before childbirth. She's lived in a small town all of her life, but when she hit puberty, she started getting a lot of attention.

Personality: She is very moody and constantly feels hot because she refuses to use her powers - this is typically what makes her moody.

Powers/Abilities: She can attract people of either sex to her, and drain them emotionally to fuel her power.

Likes: She likes reading and hot drinks, and loves attention, even though she tries not to.

Dislikes: Stupid people, loud noises, and animals of any kind as she's allergic to cats and dogs and finds anything else annoying.

Sexual Orientation: Bi
Name: Ashe Rikito

"Like fire that's been forgotten"

Age: 16 { 2/25 }

"I'm 16"

School year: 10th

"Nice meeting you too"

Gender: Female

"Thought I was a guy eh?"



Witch/ Mage/ Sorceress (whatever you prefer)

"You don't like? Well sorry for being so awesome"

Student or teacher?: Student

Bio: She was raised by a wealthy family of mages. She had an elder brother, Lucifer or as he preferred, Luce, and two caring parents. It all went well until one day they were accused of performing witchery on a young boy. Til that day, they were laughed upon. Every living relative of hers were burned. Ashe and Luce somehow managed to survive the fires but were forever separated. They didn't see each other again.

"Thought it'd be more happy since I'm a Mage huh?"

Personality: Mostly a tsundere. She is a person who doesn't like talking about her life but is open about ideas and gives great advice. Beware, Ashe has trust issues and can be very sly and sarcastic when she wants to be. Most of the time, she acts childish and is kinda clumsy. But, that's just how she covers up her true emotions.

"Yup that's me"


Barrier Magic: The ability to create force fields

Cardcapting- Summons spells from cards

Likes: Medieval stuff, weapons, basketball, pranking

"Stop hating I like what I like"

Dislikes: Being alone, heights, people who are full of themselves, being under pressure, choosing, dominant people (she's usually the dominant one)

"Get over it. I don't like you either"

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Name: Lucifer Rikito

"That's my name. Don't wear it out"

Age: 22 { 9/12 }

"Wow I'm old"

School year: Currently teaching history

"I'm forever a teacher.."

Gender: Male

"You wish I was a girl"




"Like everyone else in my family"

Student or teacher?: Teacher

"You can call me Luce"

Bio: Same as Ashe

"Not much you know?"

Personality: He's an outgoing guy whose fun to hang around. People love being around him. Luce isn't like those old, mean, bossy teachers.

"Yep that's me"


Psychometry- Ability to "read" an object by touching it. Like seeing its past.

Spell caster- Summon spells from a book

Likes: Chocolate, people, fun stuff

"I absolutely adore chocolate"

Dislikes: Paperwork

"I know right? School work.."

Sexual Orientation: Straight
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Name: Malanie NightBlood

"Malanie is my name but you may call my your sweetest nightmare cause that is what I am."

Age: 16 , June 20th

"I look 16 but trust me I'm as old as Lucifer himself.."

Species: Arch Demon

"Everyone knows the storys of the Arch Angels but, honey trust me when I say we are nothing like them we are so much better."

School year: Sophomore

"Yes I know why do I even school. Well I knowledge is power."

Powers: Empathy, Telekinesis, Pushing, & Pain Inducement

"Pain Inducemt is my favorite hehe.."

Past: Doesn't really remeber because she locks her memorya away every 100 years to keep herself sane. But knows she has never gaven herself to somebody. She is British

"What? Don't judge me its how I keep myself somewhat sane."

Likes: Reading,Studying magic good and bad, Singing. Learning new things.

"Just because I'm an Arch Demon doesn't mean Im a person. I'm actually a nice person once you get past my anger problems and my evil bitchy persona.."

Dislikes:.Angels,Ignorance, Bubbly people and people who judge her to quickly.

"Yes I hate Angels, they think they are so much better then everyone!"

Sexual Orientation: Straight

"I like guys,

sorry girls. "


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Anime-Beautiful-Girl.jpg.6c4b2b02ee9510ea272df51619a1244d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37383" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Anime-Beautiful-Girl.jpg.6c4b2b02ee9510ea272df51619a1244d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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"Yes I know, Im beautiful thank you. Well thats me."



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Name: Jessica Christine Torres

Age: 17 (7/2)

School year: 11th

Gender: Female




Student or teacher?: Student

Bio: Jessica grew up in a small village filled with witches and wizards. She quickly became bored with her village and began searching for places that she could go outside the boundaries of her village. She heard of this school and jumped on the chance to leave home.

Personality: She is not your typical witch. witches are shy, reserved, and they keep to their own kind. Jessica is the exact opposite. She loves to meet new people and make friends. She fun, bubbly, outgoing, kind, and all around happy go lucky.

Powers/Abilities: She can cast spells with her spell books and can create fire at will.

Likes: Warm things, fire, rain, and animals

Dislikes: Cold, Ignorant people, and People who judge others too quickly

Sexual Orientation: Queer

Genevieve Araceli Dubois

Age: 24 (11/27)

Gender: Female



Dragon Shifter

Student or teacher?: Teacher

Bio: For most of her life, Genevieve thought she was just a normal girl, until puberty hit and she changed into a dragon on the night of her birthday. Apparently her family has a long line of dragon shifters. Genevieve embraced her dragony-ness and she now teaches others like her.

Personality: She's a motherly figure and she loves kids. She's a clam person but stern when need be.

Powers/Abilities: She turns into a dragon and can create fire

Dragon Appearance:


Fire, Hot things, quiet

Dislikes: loud things, cold, rain

Sexual Orientation: Straight
Both of them are Accepted.

Attention everyone applying for a spot at our school, we have too few males, so we are in need of them badly. please keep this in mind as you make your CS. We now have enough people to start our RP :D , the first post will be put in soon

I can make a guy character if you want. I was going to in the first place but i got lazy
If you want to, but you don't have to. Also kewl a teacher, Daisy won't be alone to squabble at the Kidz xD
Name: Kriv Rhogar.

Age: 18 (August 23).

School year: Senior.

Gender: Male.


Species: Dragon Born.

Student or teacher?: Student.

Bio: Kriv's species is half dragon and half human. He lived happily with his father, Bahomet the Fire Dragon, in the wild till the age of 15, when a group of human fanatics, referring to themselves as "Dragoons" tricked and killed his father with a magical blade engraved with the name of their faction. As a result of seeing this, Kriv went into a blind rage and killed the members of the group. When he finally calmed down, the only remaining thing left unscathed by his rage was the sword that killed his father. He proceeded to take the weapon as his own, and began searching for a place where felt he could be safe from humans, and where he could keep humans same from himself.

Personality: Untrusting, angry, but willing to assist people if needed.

Powers/Abilities: Extremely Strong, Defensive Layer of Scales, Fire Breath.

"Now that I know more about you, do you have anything else to say?"

Likes: Sunlight, Heat, Reptiles, Honorable People, and Enjoys Being Outdoors.

Dislikes: Humans and Ice.

Sexual Orientation: Straight.

Sword: Dragoon is engraved on the hilt.

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