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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • B

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  • C

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  • D

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The legend of Groose
Hi and welcome to the Academy for the Extramundane, a special place made for people like us, with special powers or heritage; a place that allows you to understand human life and control your powers. This place will help you fit into your new life, so lets go!

-Headmaster Daisy
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Time stamp: Noon

In the courtyard everyone had gathered to start the new school year, desks were placed in multiple places where students could pick up their packets; which contained a detailed map of the school and their schedule. A woman walked up onto the stage in the middle of the courtyard and tapped the mic. *TAP TAP* "Testing one two" went the woman, the courtyard started to quite down. "Hello everyone and welcome to the Academy for the Extramundane, I am Daisy Fele, your Headmaster and I am glad to see so many new faces this year." she said with a smile. "Now if you have not gotten your packets yet please do so, and please do not lose it, it will help you throughout the next few days. The rest of the day is yours to wonder campus and settle in. Once you find a person you wanna room with for the year, please go to desk on the end to get registered and get your keys, Thank you." The woman walked off the stage and everyone started to talk again.

In line for their packets and keys was a tall boy who was scanning his surroundings, seeing what the year offered them people wise. Man a lot of these people look like chumps he thought as they continued to wait. Beside the tall boy (6'4) stood a smaller girl (5'8) with bandages covering her eyes. She held the boys hand tightly, clearly scared of the people around her. The boy reassured the girl by patting her on the head while whispering "Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing happens."

I slowly looked around. We had to find someone to room with before getting our rooms? I sighed and started looking around, people already seemed to be separated inot cliques.
Jessica scanned the area up on her broom. She smiled happily. "Thank god i'm out of that boring hell hole village. I cant wait to meet new people!" She thought to herself before zooming down to grab her packet. She landed loudly behind a very tall boy and girl. Well technically everyone was taller than her considering she's only four foot ten inches tall but details, details. She stepped off her broom and put it in a sling on her back.

Genevieve smiled as she walked up to Headmaster Daisy.

"Good Morning Headmaster. How was your summer break?" She asked politely.
( @HonestlySurviving Remember Rps are in 3rd person )

As the girl landed behind the girl and the boy, the girl quickly hid in front of the tall boy, clearly very spooked at what just happened. The boy turned to her and whispered "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Daisy smiled at the girl who had just landed near her. "Why hello there, my break was just swell thanks for asking" said Daisy, and after pausing for a few moments continued with "How about yours... Jessica right?"
Jessica covered her mouth with a wince.

"Oh goodness did i scare you? I'm so sorry!" She said.

Genevieve rubbed the back of her head awkwardly.

"Uh no, my name is Genevieve, Headmaster." She said
(Sorry, it's a habit for me to do first person.)

Keani looked around, biting her lip. She started braiding her long hair for something to do with her hands, watching everyone curiously, finding that she felt nervous for one of the first times in her life. Normally, she fit in places very easily, but she was focusing so much on not using her power, and that's what normally drew people in.
( @HonestlySurviving : Np @Jess Buck Lol i wished you said woman instead of girl xD )

The girl slowly poked her head from her hiding place, trying to locate the source of the voice.

"Oh I'm sorry, wrong person" chucked Daisy as she blushed. "Glad to see you" said Daisy as she put her hand to the back of her head and smiled.
Luce was outside managing students as they got together to find whatever they were looking for. He managed to finish his teaching degree to get a job at this specific school in hopes of finding his sister.

Ashe stood to the side peering at the old and new faces. She sighed knowing it was going to be another long year. Well time to make some friends. She walks over to a nervous girl with white hair. "Yo. I'm Ashe," she stuck her hand out to shake. (@HonestlySurviving )
Keani stared at her hand for a second, knowing that if she touched the girl's hand, her power would flare. "Uhm, Keani..." She said after realizing that she'd been staring at Ashe's hand for about thirty seconds. "Are you knew here too?"
Melody's face suddenly turned over in the direction of Daisy and ran preceded to run over and give her a hug. "Mommy" she said while she ran.

Daisy opened her arms up and embraced Daisy "There's my sweety, how have you been?" she asked as she kissed her on the forehead. "I couldn't even recognize you Zane, you way to tall for your own good" said Daisy as she chuckled.

Zane looked at Daisy and chuckled. "You only say that because I'm taller than you Mom." This caused both of the girls to let out some laughter.
Malaine stood at one of the desk waiting in line to get her packet, as she waited she let her soft golden eyes that seemed to have different colored speaks in them. Pushing her hair long honey brown hair back the lose curls that cascased down her small 5'5 frame almost touch the ground.

She let her eyes land on a two people who where with the headmistress who seemed to be a couple by the way the short girl embraced the tall boys presence looking for comfort. She quickly looked away once she caught the girl's sent. "Damn angels."

Malaine looked back to see the girl had bandeges over her eyes and let out a small gulity sigh removing her gaze once again.

She smoothed down her leather skater skirt and fixed her leather jacket and waited in line quietly for her turn.
(( @Federoff i roleplay two characters. The one with the purple text is Jessica and the one with the pink is Genevieve. ))

Genevieve smiled and shrugged

"Its fine. I'm glad you had a good break."

Jessica waved and stood on her tiptoes. Most of the time people tended to not see her considering how short she was.

"Right here. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out. I'm Jessica, but you can call me Jess." She said, holding out her hand.
Ashe let her hands down noticing that the girl wouldn't shake it. "Mm yea I guess so," she tells her. She was happy to find a new friend to talk to. Everyone ditched her back then because of her powers, but here, she can be whatever. "Hey let's get our stuff and explore the campus," she exclaims, her adventurous side escaping.
Keani glanced her her hands. "Uh...okay, yeah..." She bit her lip and glanced at the line of people, then at Ashe. "If I may...what are you...?"
Melody released her grip off of Daisy and preceded to go back into line. Zane held out his hand and guided melody back to his side. The line started to move forward as Zane and melody both said "Goodbye" to their mother. Daisy waved goodbye to her daughter and son. "Zane is such a good friend to Melody, he's been her eyes for 11 almost 12 years now" explained Daisy as she turned her head back to Genevieve.
"If I tell, you're going to have to tell me what you are too," Ashe was also curious about what this girl was. Leaning in, she whispered in Keani's ear, "I'm a Mage." Then she fell back in place waiting for her reaction. Hopefully it wasn't a rude one.

Luce was still trying to get a look at everyone's faces but couldn't because if the crowding kids. Sighing, he sagged back towards the Headmaster and Genevieve. "I'll never be able to seek her out in this state," he muttered.
Genevieve smiled

"They seem like lovely children. I'm excited to get to know them this year." She said.

Jessica sighed and bounced on her toes while waiting in lines. There's another thing she doesn't like. Lines. God she hated lines.
She got her packet and slowly made her way to Headmistress Dasiy not wanting to go because of her dislike of for Angels but, she needed to dicuss the roommate since she didnt know who to choose.

"Excuse me Headmistress, but it seems I do not have a roommate.Therefore you must give me on of your choice."

She said in with a recpectable tone not wanting to let her bitchyness show to her.
Keani nodded slowly. "I'm half succubus..." She said softly, biting her lip as she looked down. She started nervously braiding her hair agaim, seeming to shrink a bit into herself.
Daisy looked at the girl and smiled. "Ah hello, you must be Malanie" said the Headmaster as she extended her arm in a greeting. Daisy began to think "Hmm well since Melody is taken, how about Isabella or Keani?" said Daisy in an unsure tone as she looked around for them. "I can't find any of them sadly" she said.
"A.. Succubus.. " Ashe's eyes shone. "That is.. FREAKING AWESOME!" She cried out loud into the crowd of people and a thought came on. "If you're ever out if energy, do know you can always come to me." Her statement was meant as a joke but in her eyes, she was serious. Ashe smiles lightly at Keanie. It was a real one, not those fake plaster ups she uses for annoying people. "So can we be roommates?"

Luce hears a girl scream out what seemed like a cry of joy? He decided to ignore it. Women these days...
"It doesn't matter to me." She said quietly running her fingers though her hair again not knowing how she would find them and what if they where taken already.

"What if they are taken? " she asked as she looked around taking in everyone's faces.

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