Academia Manatia - A Myrian Life



D: D2 - Alexander Hérr

D1 - Alexandria Faye

D1 - Raven Evermore


WI: WI3 - Windsoul

WI2 - Xobic Dex





WA: Alvern Frow


We are sorry to say that there has been another Student List Error again and two students have been misplaced! Please see the letter at the gate to see who has been misplaced and where they have been misplaced. Thank you for your cooperation! We hope you understand.

-Girl Assistant

Each Section has its own schedule of classes. Subjects will be

Weapon Mastery - Train how to use weapons such as a sword, axe, bows and etc. The equipment used is wooden to avoid death and injuries.

Regional Info - Study info about the regions of Myria, its landscapes, nature, capitals, and more.

History - Study the history of Myria.

Magic Research - Study the nature of mana cores, mana and its magic.

Magical Training (Multi-Cores will have multiple classes on their Corresponding elements) - This involves magical training in your own element and study of it.

Section numbers will be posted Later on


Boys (West Dorm):

Alexander Hérr and Xobic Dex - Room 1

Alvern Frow - Room 2

Girls (East Dorm):

Alexandria Faye and Raven Evermore - Room 1

(Dorm partners are possible, up to 2)


Full Name:


Birthplace: (Information in

Race: (Information in

Enrolling for: (Year level 1-4)

Appearance (If possible):

Mana Core Type: (Information in

Mana Core Element: (Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning, Dark, Holy, Pure Mana (Arcane), Nature)

Technique Specialization: (Supportive, Offensive, Defensive)


Rod/Staff Equipment Rank:

A Background on your Character:

Additional Personalities:

Lastly, Password here. ^_^ .
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Full Name: Alexander Hérr

Age: 17

Birthplace: Lands Of Chaos

Race: Human, Magi

Enrolling for: Year 2



Mana Core Type: Multi-Core

Mana Core Element: Dark, Lightning

Technique Specialization: Offensive


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1407953270.552928.jpg.ec2a71bf150b7bf32e5b8c3170ef2665.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27248" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1407953270.552928.jpg.ec2a71bf150b7bf32e5b8c3170ef2665.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A large, metallic ornate staff with a leather grip and a bladed tip, similar to a Glaive. The staff itself is unnaturally heavy and only a little shorter than Alexander

Rod/Staff Equipment Rank: D

A Background on your Character: Alex was born into a family that were part of an expedition team, after years of growing up in that dangerous as hell environment he's decided to go to the school, looking for his own path in life. away from his old and generally frightening past that had endangered him a fair few times.

Learning and harnessing his abilities and combat skills though real combat against things spawned of the corruption. He himself is average when it comes to intelligence however, never being able to perform many of the tasks that he was asked to do by his pain in the ass geniuses for parents.

Additional Personalities: Alexander is very twitchy, violent and secluded when it comes to others, due to his experiences with the corruption he is always on edge and will attack you if you sneak up on him. Though he hides it away by well... hiding it away from others, he is a generally kind person though he prefers to stay away from others, with a remarkably messed up opinion on high school social life and culture, staying regretfully as a loner if need be.

'A Myrian Academy Life'



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Full Name |

"Hello there."

Alexandria Faye, or Alex/ Ria for short

Age |

"They say I look younger than I seem."

16 years old

Birthplace |

"Where my ancestors are from."

Manatus Region

Race |

"It's... not so confusing, is it?"

Dark elf-human magi hybrid

Enrolling for |

"Yes, I'm a 'freshman'."

Year 1

Appearance |

"W-What are you looking at?"



- 5'3",


- 100 lbs.,


- Slender,

Voice type

- calm yet a little high-toned

Mana Core Type |


Mana Core Element |

Dark (her main focus), Arcane, and ironically, Holy

Technique Specialization |

"Now you see me~"


Rod/Staff |

"It's sharper than you think." *grunts* "And heavier, too."


The Staff of Sun and Moon was a gift to her by her older sister, right before she died.

Rod/Staff Equipment Rank |

"I expect no less from my sister. She carried the best kinds of weapons."

Rank C

A Background on your Character |

"The clan of Faye had lived ever since the decades and centuries ago. Or so I heard. They were hardcore practitioners of magic, especially with the goal of possessing the highest of magics and protecting the world from the threats of the feared Void, so I guess I know how I got here. I, myself, including my family--my older sister, my mother, and my father--were part of that clan. Until now, I am part of it. So is my mother. But my father died a few years after my birth, and my sister got murdered a day after my most recent birthday.

It's not just a coincidence. There were families and people who were after our family's treasures, and riches, and knowledge. My mother and I managed to stay alive. She was one of the most powerful among us, and I could only look up to her and admire her courage and strength. There was no space for fear, or negativity (except for the dark magic, I guess). I planned on staying close with her until she told me that I should enroll in a school she know would surely help me and my abilities.

I always thought her personal training for me was enough, but I agreed soon enough. There was nothing to lose in being able to grasp the opportunity and honor of forming the powers I possess and protecting the ones I love."

Additional Personalities |

"You want to know more about me?"

Alexandria is basically a well-bred member of the Faye, so as she is expected to, she harbors honorable virtues like honesty, patience, or all the others. But she's not exactly a goody-two-shoes. Even though she has and knows of those good things, the way she moves may suggest the truth that she can actually be able to surprise everyone else with her adaptability in most situations and people.

She is quite curious, though knows when to stop going too deep into questions and details. She respects anyone, no matter what they have done. But when in some way, they have changed her point of view for bad (which barely happens), they should brace themselves. Alexandria would unfailingly fight for what's right, and though she may be very logical, believe it or not, her heart and instinct is always first.

? |


A Myrian Academy Life~

(What do you think? c:)
"Well, I got news for you. You need me, but I don't need you. I can take care of myself."

Full Name: Raven Evermore

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/32981.jpg.e4ab0a28b0d106e21ff1f52a4c9e72e9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27240" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/32981.jpg.e4ab0a28b0d106e21ff1f52a4c9e72e9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 14

Birthplace: Stargazer Arc

Race: Human

Enrolling for: Year 1


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/4758-1490368640.png.f89288284d636b168dfd4e402ba808ea.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27239" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/4758-1490368640.png.f89288284d636b168dfd4e402ba808ea.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mana Core Type: Multi Core

Mana Core Element: Dark, Holy

Technique Specialization: Offensive


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Cardcaptor_Sakura_Magic_Staff_Magic_Wand.jpg.ed754123e6b5052145d83e885ec81d3f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27243" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Cardcaptor_Sakura_Magic_Staff_Magic_Wand.jpg.ed754123e6b5052145d83e885ec81d3f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rod/Staff Equipment Rank: C

A Background on your Character: She was born into a middle class family. She lived with her dad, mom, older brother, younger sister, and also the grand parents. She wanted to school so she could learn and see new things.

Additional Personalities: On the surface Raven is fierce, independent, tomboyish, and pugnacious. However, beneath her tough exterior, she possesses a strong loyalty toward her friends.

A Myrian Academy Life



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Besides, it isn't in essence the singular core, people can have an ultima core, but they would still have there primary core: single, Multi or Yellow. They can even have locked primary cores I think. Ultima cores also don't have elements, so your core would probably be under the 'Multi' classification and not the 'Ultima'
Oh, yep, Ultima Cores are not allowed, sorry I forgot to mention.
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Full Name:Xobic Dex


Birthplace: Naturos Region

Race: HUMAN, magi

Enrolling for: 4

Appearance (If possible):

Mana Core Type: Multi-Core

Mana Core Element: Fire, Holy

Technique Specialization: Defensive


Rod/Staff Equipment Rank:C

A Background on your Character:you probably have to ask him

Additional Personalities:Xobic displays a calm, relaxed attitude, hardly ever showing any signs of emotion. His only accentuated facial expressions are present when he is either very happy, usually during an exciting fight, or very angry, against posers and dishonorable people. He mostly speaks plainly and firmly to others, but is never afraid to speak his mind out loud. However, underneath this composed exterior, lies a man with a powerful, self-applying moral code, as well as a personal, and dependable code of honor. Xobic prefers not to take the lives of anyone, unless the job demands it, and usually ends up apologizing for his actions afterwards. He is also very loyal to his employer, as long as he is under contract. But while in the presence of individuals who behave dishonorably, cheat, mock, or otherwise do not follow the rules, he displays a ruthless and highly brutal BEHAVIORAL pattern.

'A Myrian Academy Life'
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Thanks. And please for the other guys, talk on the OOC not here. BTW, what do you mean by ??? Birthplace?
I was trying pic a mountain region but you didn't have one so I think this one Naturos Region 
is my character good and can you give me a short summary what happened

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