Abyssals [New Dawn in the North]


Double Luck
I'll try to keep info about my game in this thread.

First of all, it's Thursday and I've only received info from Hanat.  We cannot start on Sunday unless I've gotten info and returned to you with your Letter.  

Secondly, I'm stoked.

That is all for now.
For not having my story ready, i do appologize. So if eveyone doesn't have their character ready and whatnot, what is the plan?
The plan is: you guys all play heroic mortals.  And my Abyssal hunts you down and kills you.  One... by one... by one.

I think Gustavus would approve...
Sho' 'nuff.  If you want Lee Chow to DIE.

Seriously, though: if, for some strange reason, we are not ready to play Abyssals by Sunday, my vote goes for Drew running that Lunar story again.
Gustav said:
First of all, it's Thursday and I've only received info from Hanat.  We cannot start on Sunday unless I've gotten info and returned to you with your Letter.  
I emailed you my story last night home slice.
Yeah, Jubal, what's the deal, playa?  We playing this weekend? If not, when? And when do I get Part 2 of my letter?
The Abyssals game is on moratorium until the semester ends.  I'll do Letters until that time.  Which means I'll expect all of them from y'all...  


Classes end April 28th.  Depending on how the week ends, I may or may not run it that coming Sunday, but after that... it's on...  /cracks knuckles

So, keep your Evil Pants on for two more weeks.  Let's hang out on Sundays anyway, but the game shan't go Forth and Yon until preforementioned prerequisites are satisfied.
What, I have to wait to get my evil on 'cause you're in SCHOOL?  Shit, piss, and corruption, that's the most REASONABLE excuse I've ever heard.


You guys should come hang out in A'ville some time.
Kabuki said:
But if i keep my evil pants on how will my evil wang run free to torment the populace of exalted?
I laughed. SO HARD.

I was going to make a comment here about evil pants too, but i just can't beat that. Kabuki wins. :)
So are we playing this weekend if everything is sent in? Just curious cause i may be going to Greenville for a event on Saturday and needed to know if I should ask off for Sunday as well for the game.
I believe Gustav won't be ready yet.  So if you want to run Lunars, feel free... but don't feel obligated.

You should probably call him, dude.  I think if he doesn't see the Abyssal book soon, he's going to do himself harm.  TO HIS PENIS.

I mean, maybe not, but it's possible.
Thanks to everyone for a great session last night!

We'll start the main plotline as soon as I get everyone's Letter written.

And, since last night went so well, and I have a HUGE evil-on, those'll hopefully be done this week so we'll be ready 2 rokk on Sunday.  (Yes, that was an unncessary Guitar Hero reference.)
I'm sorry for being so spacey with this game, my fellows.  I've been battling off personal conflicts and struggles.  

Your patience will be the key for this game's reality.

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