Absolute Power


Dialectical Hermeticist

  • The Magocracy - an era of enlightenment and wonder. Mighty Sorceror-kings rule the land, and thei mystical cities rise in crystal spires to the heavens. Vast fortresses drift through the skies, strange beasts graze in azure fields, and terrible battles are fought between feuding wizards.

    Wonders abound, from the Necromancer-artistes of Muse and their endless bacchanal, to the solemn statuary of Glory's Field where fallen heroes are remembered through the Guardian's art. From the reverent silences of Solace to the jubilant bustle of Seven Pillars, this is quite a time to be alive.

    But it's not all perfect. Reckless Communers unleash monsters on the world. Shadow assassins offer their services to bitter magelords. Ambitious Chronomancers distort time and leave scars upon space as markers of their fatal hubris. As if that were not enough, why should mere mortals be anything but second-class citizens? Magi might vote, or rule through aristocracy, the world broken into a hundred squabbling city-states, but what is there for the mortal who cannot wield magic? Some are fashioned into tools by unscrupulous masters, others tormented for sadistic amusement, or sold as slaves. For some, death is not the end, their ghosts cruelly tortured to fuel the mad experiments of their rulers.

    In all of this... who are you?
I really like the concept, can easily lead to some very interesting characters. Any particular system in mind? or even no system if its more about the consequences of power?
I'll be using Crucible, because I like using system for reasons of tone and drama. Also it's a historical point in the setting I haven't much gotten to explore. Furthermore, some people may wish to avoid become reliant on their magic (I see that as an interesting character choice) or combine their magic with other skills.

In Crucible, unlike a few other games, using Magic doesn't require you to be a weedy genius in robes. It's about willpower, so you canbe a strong-willed but illiterate Magus-warlord in heavy armour and wielding a flaming sword he enchanted himself.
You have definitely have my interest good sir. So many interesting directions to take characters.
Excellent. I hope to see more piqued before I'm done with the heavy work on my current games.
What kind of power levels would be in play here?

If this game would allow me to construct a tower of bone, and many gribbly things to guard it, then I would definitely be interested.
Alexandra said:
What kind of power levels would be in play here?
If this game would allow me to construct a tower of bone, and many gribbly things to guard it, then I would definitely be interested.
Well, you'd be starting as Logos 2 or 3 Magi and it only goes up from there...
Right here

I wrote it myself, so if there are any queries ask away.

I also tend to provide a more complete file for people playing in these games, but I give the QS first so they can see how they feel about it.
I like. There were only a couple/few Patterns in there though unless I missed something. I assume you have the rest of them in the full file?
Yes, there are 12 in total.

Have some copy/pasta summaries.

Pattern of the Silver Tree

Magi whose Etheric Weave takes the Pattern of the Silver Tree are vital, primal individuals able to manipulate flesh and flora. Those of sufficient puissance may create new creatures or plants.

Pattern of the Golden Flame

Conflagrants are passionate, individualist Magi who can manipulate flame and heat, courage and rage.

Pattern of the Bronze Mountain

Stoic, uncompromising, steadfast Guardians have power over stone and steel, shaping it with their bare hands into fine sculptures or excellent weapons.

Pattern of the Emerald Sea

Cryolytes of the Emerald Sea wield power over ice and water. They are cruel, tempestuous, impulsive Magi.

Pattern of the Leaden Skull

Necromancers have a fearsome power to raise the dead, steal souls, or tear the ghost clear out of a body. They are known, however, for a fierce joie-de-vivre, pragmatism, and dark sense of humour. Necromancers love life because they are poignantly aware of what awaits us all. Necromancers cannot truly call a soul back from death and they refuse to discuss the conseqences of doing so. Further more, they almost universally view the soul as sacrosanct, and manipulation of sentient ghosts is a grave taboo.

Pattern of the Sapphire Storm

The Stormlords possess a mighty power over the air and weather, lightning and magnetism. They are known for being mercurial, but blunt in their honesty.

Pattern of the Ruby Heart

Heartwrights have a frightening ability to manipulate the minds and emotions of others. They are, however, compassionate and necessarily empathetic individuals.

Pattern of the Ebon Night

Shadows of the Ebon Night have a mysterious and little understood power over the darkness, willing it into terrible, physical form. They are secretive, quiet, and watchful.

Pattern of the Ivory Sun

Torchbearers are the opposite of the Shadows, with powerful spells of light and insight.

They are inquisitive, magnetic people.

Pattern of the Glass Desert

Chronomancers have the power to twist time and space. They are circumspect, impartial, and wise.

Pattern of the Amber Eye

The Seers are privy to the tangled skeins of fate. Consummate manipulators and liars, though supposedly for the greater good.

Pattern of the Diamond Soul

The Conduits are the rarest and some of the most powerful Magi. They are impossible to guess from personality, but they always have the common trait of an indomitable will, and iron determination. They are able to manipulate the raw energy of magic, pulling it from the world around them to emulate the powers of other schools, able to nullify and absorb the spells of other Magi.
Jumping around, jumping around... If this is still recruiting, I'd love to join! I'm kind of liking the looks of the Amber Eye pattern.

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