[Absolute Power] Seven Pillars - The Silver City


Dialectical Hermeticist
Thread locked while I make some arrangements.

  • The Park

    Seven Pillars is a fine place, in its way. But sometimes a man just has to get into the wild.

    Not that you had any such luck; no leaving the city without more study, they said. But there's a park, the great green park enclosed by a glass dome, taking up a sizeable chunk of the inner city. Once off the beaten path, there are animals here. A hunting ground.

    And now you hunt something like a wolf, but larger, smarter, and with too many legs, at least until your mentor calls you back...

"I... I think it's a house." Kenric isn't sure if he's only seeing things because he wants to or if he's actually picturing his own mind. "It reminds me of the house I lived in... before. It's hard to tell, but I think it's the same one. It's definitely a building with rooms and furniture, and each room is different. I'm pretty sure it's mine."
Frowning at the heat of the body before him, Ruse glanced over at Arcas before moving closer and rolling up his sleeves. As though I need reminding. But he had to admit to himself that he might have very well attempted to begin healing without the joking admonishment. It was bothersome to be reminded of his present limitations in regards to magic. He slowly reached out to place his hands on the fevered flesh, closing his eyes to focus on the sensations at hand. Slowly he tried to extend feeling towards the body in an attempt to discover what he could.

"Feels like I can sense the disease, a wrongness in the body." He mumbled with slight uncertainty. "Perhaps a pneumonia?"
Octavia; the Diamondsoul

Octavia squirms uncomfortably in her seat, acutely aware of the passage of time.

Five more minutes, she thought, then I will have to look for her and tell her I need to go.

Being on time for classes was up to each individual student; though some of the more...eccentric behaviour of a number of the tutors could make this difficult.
It was so refreshing to finally get out, well so to speak. Leif crouched once again examining the tracks and a smirk appeared as it was apparent that he was closing in . The beast had lead him on quite a chase and he would almost be sad to see it end, of course the trophy he claimed would make up for it.

Getting a head of yourself again, got to actually gut the thing first He berated himself as he continued to creep through the trees. He tightened his grip on his axe, his arrogance had once again made him chose the cruder weapon over a much more logical longbow, after all a kill wasn't a kill if it was from a distance.

  • "Good. Very good. That is correct. Do not look too closely yet, for the shape and nature of that place can tell you truths about yourself for which you may not be ready. Try to imagine that the door is locked and barred, the windows shut tight. Raise a wall around it all. Focus. Try to keep it harmonius."


Taking the book, Octavia looks at it for a long moment, in interest.

Suddenly remembering her next class she looks up;

"Mistress Kira, I have to meet Master Montgolfier for a lesson now....when do you need me to bring this back to you?"

Octavia will totally see if she can read the cover when it's handed to her, if indeed there's something there for her to read. Other than that, she needs to get to her next lesson...
Kenric takes several moments envisioning his home being protected, no longer open to invaders like the ones that murdered his family. Walls of stone, enchanted fences, metal shutters on the windows with heavy locks. A handful of armed guards - looking suspiciously like the guards Kenric met at the platforms when he first entered the city - make a last touch before he speaks. "Ok, it's as safe as I think I can make it, Master."

  • You see movement out of the corner of your eye, to the left, but you hear something to your right, too. Hm, perhaps it and its mate are circling you...


Scrunching up her mouth a little, she opens the book, suspecting the pages are blank.

She frowns; concentrating.

Octavia begins to try and see if something written is hidden somehow....initially suspecting Heartwright magic; they have a talent for making things...not invisible...but making them repel sight....

You have mah roll in the other thread. Weird dice. If it's not a Heartwright, then she's going to have to wrack her brain as to what other kind of Pattern could make things invisible. Beyond that...well, she'll get to the weirder notions in time.
Now this was interesting, if he got caught between two of them it could be problematic. Deciding that his ears were less likely to to fool him he charged off to the right directly towards the sound with his weapon ready. If he could take out one before the other had a chance to join in he should still be able to keep control of the situation.

Rather late response sorry.

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