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Fantasy Abandoned by God? Who cares!

Stale Biscuit

The OG Bread Boi
  • Everyone thought the rapture was just some crazy nonsense spouted by evangelist on the radio. After the false predictions in 2005 and 2012, people belief in the second coming of Christ has faded. However, who would have guessed it was actually true. God did come, and took away with him the people with pious souls. Adults, children, the elderly, anyone deemed worthy of saving was taken, and in their disappearance destruction. Airplanes crash into cities, unmanned cars smashing into building, and the most damning is the swarms of unidentified creatures swirling around. With the absence of God, a path connecting Hell and Earth has formed allowing for demons to reek havoc on an already distraught society. However, the demons do not come with havoc in their mind, but instead peace. Lucifer Morningstar comes with an offer of peace for both humans and demon to coexist on Earth together. Diplomats agree to this, seeing no other option, and so humans and demon now live together to make a better world.

    A few years after the rapture, humans and demons seem to live harmoniously with one another. War has ceased, the economy of every country that has welcomed demons have grown exponentially, and citizen enjoyment level have gone up as well. Despite this, it's not wise to assume that this peace wouldn't be met with some form of opposition from either demon or human, and to combat this Lucifer has invested his time and effort into creating a specialize police force to handle these threats directly. Welcome to Division 666 The Devil Control Unit who ultimate goal is to make sure demons do not overstep their boundaries in this new world.

1x1 between Stale Biscuit and Just Lemons Just Lemons
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The air was warm as spring washed in like the tide, advancing confidently with warmth and white sunshine one day and retreating the next. On some days the new vibrant hues of the pansies and daffodils were bathed in tepid air that encouraged them gently, on others the wintry wind gusted fiercely; demanding a return to the bitterness of the months before. Like the tide, the spring would not be stopped. Sometimes the rain would fall gently, and other-times lash at the windows of homes and buildings alike. Casual warmth was the preference for most people and animals alike. It was a big difference to hell. The temperature constantly changed and seasons came and went. In hell, there was one constant high temperature and no seasons. There was nothing but pain. It was clear that was the same here but it wasn’t all pain and heat. There were kindness and love as well. It was a mix of heaven and hell combined together.

When a god abandoned the world, both Earth and hell became one. The devil himself was free to come down to Earth and mingle with humans. With him doing so it opened the gates for demons to go between the realms and co-exist with the humans. Gwaine didn’t mind them, he found them interesting and even sort out to protect them. They were in their world and to see other demons killing humans was upsetting to this caring man. Which is why he sort out a career in a force where he could help to the best of his ability. Not all demons chose to live out an at least semi-normal life with the humans. Gwaine himself wanted to act as human as possible. He got a job and even thought of having a family but that seemed less likely.

Training had gone great and Gwaine took to a few of the things naturally. Despite the band that took away his powers he was still stronger than many humans. At first, the band was painful but being used to any sort of pain he found it easy to surpass and push down. The written side of it all was found tedious. He had to learn so many stupid things like all the state laws. It was frustrating but he pulled through. What was the point in having laws if they were going to be broken anyway? If he could have skipped all the memorising information parts of training he would have and he was sure the others at the training centre would have to. None of them said anything though. It seemed, much like himself they were dedicated to keeping the town safe.

Now it was all over, the demon was completely equipped to go to work and protect the town. From things as tedious as cars passing a red light to more serious situations. It may be his brothers, other demons causing the dangerous havoc but he wasn’t going to have any of it. No, not at all. These humans had no say for his species to come into their lives and he believed they would have the upper hand. Gwaine truly wasn’t like other demons. He had a kind heart and a warmth about him instead of hatred and fire.

As the sun began its ascent through the sky, it began to send out its rays, beautiful messengers that could be the bane or light of someone’s life. They crept through the streets, nosing through the cracks in the curtains to sing a song of life. Many ignored their calls, a brilliant day didn’t motivate many to rise at their summons. Some, however, were different. The call of the new day tugged at their beings, up they would hop with a smile at the sight of the new day being promising. Very few were awake before the messengers were sent out, very few waited for the birds to begin to chirp before rising instead of the sun which would rise a few hours after the birds. Gwaine didn’t have to sleep, yet enjoyed feeling refreshed in the morning.

Without the power he used to hold, he found his body growing tired and the only way to relieve that was to lay still for a few hours. So what better thing to than close your eyes and let your mind consume you. He lived in a small little apartment in the town he stayed situated in. It was the town he would be under oath to protect and today was his first day. Nerves and excitement flourished within him. Emotions had become an erratic thing for him. Before living in a human world he was ruthless and didn’t care much about anything but from observation, he had seen all the emotions humans portray and they had dwelled into him. Every day he became more human within himself. Or felt that way. He was still very much a demon. Sometimes he wished he was human, they lived a happy life and it seemed better than the life of a demon.

Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, Gwaine stretched, a soft chuckle rumbling in his chest as he stood. “Let’s do this,” he hummed and pulled out the uniform he had been issued once he finished training. He knew it was a little early but from what he heard, the humans had a saying. ‘The early bird gets the worm’. It was a little confusing but he just guessed that it would be good to be early. Gwaine made sure to clean himself, he didn’t like the feel of water on his skin but did it anyway. Wanting to smell and look good before heading out to work. He was going to do this right. He wondered what today would bring him. Who was he going to meet? What was actually working in the police force like? Today will tell.​
Lennox "Lee" Yamamoto
There was no such thing as a peaceful day. What began as a relaxing morning in bed was quickly ruined by aggressive knocking at the door. Lennox stirred beneath his blue linen, pulling the cover up over his head to quiet the noise from outside. Maybe if he were quiet, they would think he was out and decide to leave. However, that was wishful thinking on his part as he could hear the distinct yelling of his father from beyond the door. Of course it was him, and were that the case then his father knew his son well enough to know that Lennox was not a morning person. If not for his father, who else would attempt to break down his door? Tossing and turning, Lennox wondered if there was any out to his current predicament. Maybe he’d call his mother and ask her to call father back home, but then again, she was completely loyal to the man so that would do more harm than good. His brother Thomas then? No, he was just as spineless as Lennox was when it came to their spartan of a dad. Running out of any viable option, the redhead begrudgingly tossed the cover off himself and slid out of bed.

The knocking continued, the yelling increasing in volume with each passing second. Lennox stared blankly out his window, the warmth of the sunlight comforting his exposed chest though did not extend far enough to reach his legs. Were he to stand up and answer the door, surely this momentary peace of his would be broken. Like a baseball hitting a window, his morning would be shattered before it even had a chance to begin. Though, by the foul language seeping into his apartment home, there was potential that he himself wouldn’t make it out in one piece. Scratching the back of his head, he made the decision to answer the door, greeting the hunkering beast that awaited him behind it.

Stepping over scattered pieces of clothing and shoes that were a stain on his otherwise clean room, he somehow made it through without tripping over them. Lennox peeked through the small peephole situated in the middle of his door, and what he saw was absolutely terrifying. Had he not known any better, he’d assume that it was a demon at his door instead of his father. His grey hair stood spiked up by pure rage, his uniform normally a light blue burned with the flames of his anger. Even his wrinkles on his olive skin increased exponentially when he was in this state. Was it truly necessary for Lennox to answer? A fist from the otherside nearly shook the door off its hinges, providing him with the answer that he had already figured out. A deep breath was all he had time to do to prep himself before he finally opened the door.

“Hello d-”

“Where have you been? Don’t you know what time it is? Your mother and I have been calling you all day cause we knew you would sleep in like you usually do! Now look at you? Where is your uniform? You were supposed to be dressed already!” his father badgered, a visible vein popping onto his forehead.

Well good morning to you too dad. Lennox could do nothing against his father’s onslaught of complaints and blatant insults since he knew they were all based in truth. He looked down at the stout police chief with a smile while his eyes were closed as to not reveal his true feelings to him. His father was a perceptive old coot and any hint of annoyance would only set him off more. After a solid three minutes, his dad finally spoke in an indoor voice though the damage to his son’s ears was already done.

“As I said, you need to take this seriously. It’s your first day after graduating from the academy and you need to at least act like an adult.” he stated, brown eyes staring deep into Lennox’ own. “Now if you understand, go put some clothes on, you look like a toothpick standing out here in your briefs!” he nagged.

Now the last comment was completely unnecessary, but Lennox simply nodded as his father darted back to his car. Were he to say anything, he was sure he’d be hit with another barrage of unintentional insults and no one wanted that. Closing the door behind him, he took another deep breath to release some of the earlier tension. Internally, Lennox knew his father was right, but at the same time if not for him he wouldn’t have gone to the academy in the first place. Sadly, he had let the old man rope him into going against his personal interest, and now here he was. Trudging to his closet, he peered into the back and pulled out a standard police uniform nestled between two hoodies. Tossing it onto his bed, he walked into the bathroom, brushed his teeth and took a quick shower before putting on his uniform. Dressed and decently groomed, he had set off out of his apartment and off to work.

The air was stifling. Maybe it was because it was spring, or maybe it was all psychological stemming from his attitude about wearing this police outfit. He didn’t know, but from what he could discern, it was hot. Standing at what appeared to be a bus stop, he waited with his hand on his hip. Next to him was a large blob-like creature donning four pairs of eyes that covered the circumference of its body. Normally, this would be something to fear, a monster straight from a horror flick and in fact it was. Standing beside him was indeed what humans used to call a monster or a demon, but now they weren’t entities to be feared but an active member of their fledgling society. Lennox, like many others, had a terribly tough time dealing with the appearance of these beings after the events of the rapture, but after a while, he grew accustomed to them in his everyday life. While lost in thought, a sudden gust of wind from above pulled him back into reality. Sharp brown eyes stared up at the large carrier with the words “Devi-air” written on the side of it. Above was a larged winged demon with bulging red eyes with the body shaped like a giant chicken covered in a thick black fur. Upon landing, the chicken demon crowed, which released a small lever that held the door in place during flight.

Men, women, and demons spilled from the confines of the steel transporter. Nearly emptied, it was time for him and his companion to enter, but neither of them moved. The blob demon jiggled slightly, a tendril forming from it’s blue nearly translucent body to let Lennox know to enter first.

“Oh thank you.” he thanked, the blob’s 8 eyes smiling at him as he walked in, slowly following behind him leaving a clear trail of slime in its wake.

A few more people joined them in the carrier before the chicken demon crowed twice, the doors slamming shut in response. Soon, he was soaring through the sky, a feat that wouldn’t have been possible within the city in the years prior to the rapture. Yep, this was their world now, a place where both humans and demons learned to coexist. Then there was Lennox and the others who wore this blue suit, sworn to protect them both. Peering down at the people below, it still was a little shocking at how peaceful things became even after God had abandoned them. He could remember the panic that spread when planes began descending into towns, cars without drivers crashing into buildings, and a slew of other tragic events that happened. Now look at them. With the help of demons, global warming became a problem of the past and pollution has been mostly extinguished. Were it not for the demons, a future like this would be a fool’s dream.

A couple of minutes of flying and he had finally landed at his destination, the chicken once again crowing to open the door, not before requiring a small payment at the exit. Out and about, he made his way towards the police station, the doors sliding open at his approach. At the counter were a human and demon duo, a young woman with long blonde hair and tanned skin filing paperwork. The other was a human-like demon who’s demonic attributes only showed in the scales that decorated most of her body, giving her a somewhat chameleon-like feel. They greeted him, already aware of who he was and what division he’d belong to. Very few words were spoken between him and the front-desk women, just a slip of paper with his name, police identification number, and his division number. With that, he quickly went about searching for his department within the rather large police station and entered a spacious room where he was met with another demon, this time appearing to him as a child-sized goblin.

“Yo, you one of the new recruits?” he asked, tilting his head in question.

“Yes. I’m Lennox Yamamoto, I was assigned here today.” he answered, bending his neck somewhat to see the goblin.

“Yamamoto huh. So you must be that no-good son Akira is always fussing about.” the gobin chuckled, much to Lennox’ dismay. “Well, welcome to the team. I’m Ⱨł₴₣Ɇ, but you humans can call me Dave.” he stated, his original name sounding like gibberish to Lennox who remained silent while following behind him. The goblin walked him into a small meeting room with a long table in the middle, numerous wheeled chairs placed at each side of it. Dave offered him a seat anywhere as they were the only two people in the room, and briefly explained what was going to happen.

“Lennox was it? If you don’t mind waiting in here for a minute. We have another recruit on the way, and I’d like to get this all done in one shot if you catch my drift.” Lennox, caught his drift and nodded. “Okay, good. He shouldn’t be long, and you may know him. You guys were in the same police academy or so I’ve heard.” he noted before exiting the room, leaving the redhead alone.

Someone from his academy? Lennox wasn’t the most social of his peers, so the people he knew closely were countable on one hand. Whoever the other recruit was could have been anyone’s guess. Sitting in complete silence, Lennox had nothing better to do than to stare at the second hand as time slowly ticked by. Regret slowly seeped into his mind as he thought back to the academy, his father, and now this room. How would all of this play out, he wondered.

Just Lemons Just Lemons
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Gwaine was quick to get his uniform. The blue was a big difference to his naturally pale skin. No matter how much time he spent outside in the sun, his skin kept its pale touch. He wondered how humans got their skin so dark. Most demons were stuck with pale and almost white skin. Afterall the only sun in hell was a red ball of pain and torment from the souls of those who fell. He used to love watching the pain flood in, he would accept it and got a thrill out of feeling it. Now, he was going to work in helping keep life easy for his fellow demons and humans. As he buttoned up the shirt he was to wear under the blue, a knock echoed through his apartment, which then turned to the slamming of a door against its frame. Who could that be? He didn’t normally have any visitors but he could tell whoever it was, was not human. Gwaine was always prepared to be attack and wouldn’t go down without a fight. With that in mind and with light and quiet footsteps; he pressed his body up against the wall. His breathing shallow and his body stiff.

Eyes. His eyes matched the way his anger made him feel towards the world: dark and cold. The whites of his eyes contrasted sharply with the pitch-black iris that sunk deep into his head. Its depth resembled that of a black hole in space, an air of eeriness and unsettling coldness emanating from his gaze. This wasn’t the normal colour of his eyes and were much different from his bright blue. Anger was a difficult emotion for Gwaine to control and it brought the worst out of him. It brought a man with little control, it brought a true demon. Territory was also a big thing in hell and Gwaine had claimed this little place as his. Uninvited trespassers would not be tolerated. With stealth, he made his way through his flat and his now sharp eyes found the intruder.

If it wasn’t for the anger, he would have been calm and civil but that was not the case in this moment. He lunged forward and tackled whoever it was to the ground. A grunt echoed from them as the air got knocked out of them. A hiss left Gwaine and he held the other demon by the throat. If he had stopped to look, he would see there was no threat. All he could see was red and he wanted to kill them. No one was to break into his house.

“G-Gwaine,” a familiar voice choked out, his voice strained as he struggled to breathe in oxygen. If Gwaine continued to hold his throat, it would surely kill the man.

No response. All he could do was breathe heavily and hold the man there, his calmer side and the anger fighting over control. If his anger won, this man would die and there would be blood on not only his hands but his uniform too. It was down to the other to take it into his own hands. Little did Gwaine know, this was one of his only friends and knew how to handle his anger. Dmetrik was a demon, he looked fairly human other than the tail that protruded from the lowest point of his back. It was a sleek grey that matched the colour of his skin and ran all the way down to his feet, the end of it covered in black feathers. He had a profound amount of strength so quickly managed to overrule Gwaine. They were both now standing with Gwaine pressed up against the wall. His chest was against it and his arms behind his back. Dmetrik knew how to protect himself even if his friend had training. He struggled and fought against the other, screaming for him to let go.

“Gwaine, It’s just me Dmetrik. You gotta calm down, you have work, remember?” Dmetrik spoke calmly but loudly. He was struggling a little to keep him in place but knew once Gwaine realised it was just his friend he would calm down.

Upon hearing the words leave the man's voice, Gwaine froze and his eyes were filled with colour once again. This was no intruder. It was his friend and he almost lost him. His whole body relaxed and he let out a shaky breath. Neither of them had to struggle anymore, however, Dmetrik didn’t let go just yet. He could tell Gwaine was still a bit on edge and one little thing could have the demon within him attack Dmetrik. His tail flicked and curled around his legs as he focused on listening to Gwaine’s breathing. It was shallow and shaky. Gwaine could think better now and his thoughts weren’t kill kill kill, Instead he wondered why his friend was here in the first place. His mind went to normal as if nothing ever happened and he didn’t even think about how he just attacked his friend. It was all kind of blown over his head. He knew it was dangerous to work in the police force with his issue with anger but kept that a secret.

“I’m calm now, let go Dmetrik.” Gwaine tried to pull out of his friend's grip; his back pushing against Dmetrik’s chest to get away from the wall.

“Are you sure?” He asked cautiously, “You aren’t going to kill me if I do?”

“I’m going to be late, I’m not going to kill you,” he replied, rolling his eyes and ripping his arms out of Dmetrik’s grip. He would be nicer usually but this was important to him and he was already late as it was and that was not the first impression he wanted to give. Dmetrik crossed his arms over his chest and huffed at his friend's unusual behaviour. They used to just have a laugh and Gwaine would be nicer than anyone he had ever met but right now he was being a typical grouchy demon. He knew it wouldn’t last so let it fly over his shoulder. Instead, muttering something about the others' anger getting worse again. Gwaine must have not heard it because quicker than anything he was leaving.

“Make sure you lock up, I don’t want anyone else in my house!” Gwaine exclaimed as he ran out the door; leaving Dmetrik to leave himself instead of showing him out. It was hard. Getting used to the human manners and such. He already had their emotions of empathy and grew increasingly human in that regard. Most beings on Earth got some sort of transportation and normally, Gwaine would do too. Then again, desperate times call for desperate measures. If he didn’t get to the station quick enough he would be slandered and quite possibly fired on the spot. He ran down the stairs and out of the building. His eyes scanned his surroundings as he saw everyone pretty much rushing to work. He was glad to see many demons seeming to fit in and to this day it still shocked him. Shaking his head, Gwaine crouched a little before starting to run, he needed to gain some speed before taking his own version of transport. After a few moments of running, black seemed to pour out of his back through slits in his uniform that were made specially to suit his needs. As the black poured out into strips, they instantly dried and fluffed out. Black feathers laid flat as wings now came from him. He didn’t get them out much or tell many humans he had wings. He knew the more inhuman you were seen as the more they feared him. He wanted to be liked. He wanted humans to see him as equal. He was yet to make a human friend and it was his goal in everything he did.

Gwaine was the fastest when he was flying and it didn’t take much to come into the air. He flapped his wings and soared through the sky. He did it with ease and soon made his way to the police station. Not wanting to be seen, he came down to the ground a few meters away from the door. His hands came down onto the ground and he was on one knee as he landed. With only a little concentration he managed to pull his wings back in. The evidence disappeared and allowed him to finally get to work. His feet carried him from there over to the doors; heading inside. Two at the front desk greeted him, already aware of who he was and what division he’d belong to. They mentioned another newbie had arrived a little while before him from the same academy. Gwaine wondered if he would recognise him and if they were human or demon. Other than that only a few words were spoken, just a slip of paper with his name, police identification number, and his division number being handed to him and a few directions.

With that, he went about in searching for his department within the police station and entered a spacious room where he saw a demon. The demon was a small one, he was shorter than many but Gwaine looked at him as he would look at anyone else. He didn’t look down at him like a lot of people would do. He looked around a little before glancing at a clock that sat on a wall. He cringed a little at the fact he was definitely late. However, before he could speak, the goblin sized demon beat him to it.

“Oh! You must be the other recruit right? We were waiting for you,” he spoke, looking at a list with a hum.

“Yes sir, my name is Gwaine Evergreen.” He took a human name and legally changed it, having pretty much forgotten his old name that others called him in hell. It had been many years since he used that name. So it was no wonder he had forgotten.

He was welcomed and taken to another room. Another man sat at a table in a meeting room. He figured he was the other one from the academy and even recognised him a little. Not too much but he could tell he was definitely human. Gwaine was one of the most confident people he met so after nodding to Dave, he walked over to where the other male was sat with a grin.

“Hello! My name is Gwaine, yours?” he asked with a grin, holding his hand out for the human to shake. He radiated confidence so much he almost stank of it.

Stale Biscuit Stale Biscuit
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Lennox "Lee" Yamamoto
Seconds slowly turned into minutes as he waited for the arrival of his new co-worker. Being alone in this room gave him a small opportunity to reflect on the actions that led him here. Lennox considered himself to be a rational thinker. Every action he performed, every word he spoke, all of this was based in some form of logic. If that were the case, then what would have been the reason he sat in this room, in this building now? Lennox raised a hand to his face, taking note of the barely visible calluses developing on his palm before flipping over to see his knuckles. Shifting attention to his arm, he couldn’t help, but think how thin they were compared to someone like his father who, despite his age, donned a heavy build that made him at least look right for the job. What of Lennox? Nothing on him screamed police officer, nor did he ever see himself following in his father’s footsteps. That’s right. There could be no logic since he didn’t have a choice in the matter. Instead he was just … the sound of the door opening broke his train of thought.

Entering the room was the goblin, Dave, who left him there accompanied by what was obviously another demon. He looked to be a young man, though a demon’s outward appearance didn’t really help in determining their age. He stood a little taller than Lennox, his build slightly bulkier and had a bit more meat on his bone. With blonde hair and a set of pale blue eyes, Lennox couldn’t help but notice how his skin radiated a pale glow which amplified his other features. Was he handsome, the young man wasn’t sure, but he definitely did not look like the blob or the chicken from earlier. Done with his initial analysis of the newcomer, his crisp new uniform hinted to him being the other recruit. Preparing to stand up, Lennox heard a loud thump from the right, the demon taking the seat next to him. Well, guess there was no point in standing then. The other fellow immediately introduced himself as Gwaine while asking for his name, hovering a hand in front of Lennox for a handshake.

“Oh, nice to meet you Gwaine. I’m Lennox, but most people call me Lee. Glad to be working with you.” he responded, an artificial smile showing on his face before grabbing Gwaine's hand into his own for a proper handshake. So they went to the same academy? That was news to Lennox, but then again, he never really took notice of others outside of the few who made an effort to talk to him. Once the pleasantries were finished, Dave called the duo’s attention to the front as he took to standing on a small stepping stool in front of a podium. Lennox had to hold in a chuckle at the sight of the goblin, maintaining an attentive face as to not give away his thoughts.

“Since you’re both here, I think I can go ahead and start.” he announced. In his hand was a small remote that controlled the projector that hid at the top of the room on a wooden platform close to the ceiling. At a click of a button, a presentation popped up behind Dave with the words “Division 666, Devil Control Unit” written in bold.

“I don’t think I need to go into details of how we demons and humans came to co-exist together, so I’ll spare you the history lesson.” He joked before continuing. “We are Division 666, the Devil Control Unit. As the name suggests, our main focus is to maintain the peace between humans and demons.” he continued on to the next slide, depicting a scene of Lucifer and few foreign diplomats shaking hands before moving to one that showed a hulking demon standing in front of a fiery background.

“You may be wondering why we focus on Devils. See, the thing is, though most devils have learned to live with humans, some don't really approve of it. Before we leave hell, all demons are required to wear these bands called the Band of Solomon.” Dave paused to show his own band on his wrist, a golden band that with small runes etched onto them.

“These greatly diminishes our powers while we live on the surface, however, we aren’t completely powerless. With that in mind, some demons like to take advantage of this and cause mischief, and those are the ones we’re looking for. In our division, we employ the most demons out of any other unit since our job requires us to deal with stronger criminals than normal. With that being said, since you guys are rookies just starting off, your job will be to maintain the general peace. When you gain some more experience then you’ll be given harder tasks, but until then, you’ll be on patrol.” Finishing the slide show, Dave let out a breath before speaking once more.

“I know I just dumped a lot of on ya’ll, so if you have any questions feel free to ask them now. If not then I’ll have someone show you around the station and afterwards send you out on patrol.” he announced. With that, the room was left open for questions. Lennox sat in his seat, a hand under his chin as he felt a nagging question in the back of his head. Raising his hand, Dave took notice and called on him.

“Lennox, lay it on me?”

“Well, there’s something I don’t quite understand. If the unit is specifically to keep demons from acting out, then why hire humans? It seems demons will be more than enough to handle this issue, and as you’ve already stated, the criminals here are more dangerous to deal with.” he asked, wondering where he and other fellow human officers fit in all of this.

“Oh right. Good question! Well, the reason we make an effort to employ both humans and demons is because of contracts.” Dave answered.


“Yes. Contracts are agreements that can only be formed between a demon and a human. I know you’ve read stories about demon’s making contracts with humans before. Well, they’re true. However, unlike the ones you hear in fairytales, the contracts we perform here are regulated agreements where both parties must agree on it for it to take effect. By agreeing to them, demons are allowed access to more of their power by utilizing their partner’s energy. This works both ways as if a demon is injured, they can empower the physical capabilities of their contracted human. Does that answer your question?” Dave inquired.

“Uhm... Yes. Thank you.” Lennox thanked, still a little confused. He felt like there was a lot missing from his explanation, but he didn't want to ask about them now. Glancing over to the other recruit, would him and Gwaine be forced into a contracted partnership? It was too soon to tell, and they were still new to force, so he doubted anything would come from him over speculating. All Lennox could do now was take a breather and wait to see how this all played out.

“Hm, well got anything you liked to ask Gwaine?” Dave turned his attention on the young demon beside him.

Just Lemons Just Lemons

It was clear, Gwaine had the confidence of a god. Yet to him, God was a coward and nothing other than that. He grew scared and ran away from his responsibilities. It angered Gwaine to even think about it. His eyes flickered from black to back to blue so he closed them. Taking a deep breath in through his nose and letting it expel through his mouth. His anger had already gotten the best of him today, he didn’t want to ruin the rest of it. His anger became a point of frustration for the demon and everything he did was in order to keep himself under control. Once he had himself under control, his eyes opened to their normal blue, a grin across his face as he looked at the man that introduced himself as Lennax. He couldn’t help but raise a brow at the name, it was strange. Not by demon measures but by human measures it was definitely the strangest name he had heard of. Not that he would let it determine what he thought of the man, he was just curious as to if it had any particular meaning behind it. He shrugged to himself and glanced over to the front before looking back at Lee.

“It’s nice to meet you, Lee, I’m glad we are on the team together,” his tone was chipper and overly happy to an almost annoying degree. That was just him though. His grip was firm on Lennax’s hand as they shook hands. He had heard that was how you greeted others. He was used to being quite chummy off the bat with any demon he met. Humans were just weird in general to him but that didn’t matter, they did what made them happy so who was he to judge

As Dave entered the room, Gwaine’s attention turned away from the human and on the goblin. He sat in the chair beside Lee, one leg resting upon the other with his back straight. He looked like he was ready for anything they were going to throw at him and seemed like he genuinely wanted the job. Thus, being glad they didn’t say anything about him being ever so slightly late. From here on out he was going to work the best he could work. No matter the cost, if it be his life then so be it. However, it would take a lot for another to kill any demon. Which was why they were so dangerous to humans. His eyes were locked on the presentation as he focused on the information in front of him. This was the division he wanted and was ecstatic to have gotten into it. He was all for keeping the peace and wanted to protect the humans more than anything. He couldn’t help but wonder why they had a human in this division, surely it was dangerous for them. He glanced at Lee with a concerned look before resuming to a normal stance. Gwaine had to remind himself that everything was laid out for a reason. No matter if the reason was big or small, it would be necessary to follow it through.

As David mentioned the bands, Gwaine looked down to his own. He pulled his sleeve back a little and traced the ruins that ran its way around the gold bracelet of sorts. The band held some fear into Gwaine for he knew that those who tried to take them off got extreme punishments. His anger had been responsible for him receiving such punishment. It was worse than anyone could imagine, it had rendered Gwaine motionless and if he was human, it would have killed him. He remembered the pain like it was yesterday and couldn’t help but flinch at the thought. He couldn’t believe humans could experience pain like that. For a demon, pain wasn’t much to anything. You were desensitized to pain but when Gwaine tried to rip his band off he felt an unimaginable pain, the skin around the band had bubbled and boiled, leaving a gastly set of scars around it. He was taken out of his memories by the mention of what they would be working on while new. He knew it was to keep them safe but he prefered to get dug straight into the hard and dangerous bits. Anyhow, he would abide by Dave's rules.

He had soon finished speaking and asked them both if they had any questions. Off the top of his head he had no questions so glanced over to Lennax instead. He watched as the male lifted his hand and pondered his question. The mention of contracts had him confused. He thought they were illegal and how had they come to Earth. He thought they were bound to hell but clearly not. At least it was being used for good in this instance. Although he figured demons could get the kind of contract he knew about. The kind that could be the end of humans altogether. The fact Dave didn’t mention that at all was unsettling. Gwaine sighed softly to himself, making a mental note to talk to Lennax about that. He felt it was an important thing for Lee to know, after all, he was human and it put him at risk. He also hoped by doing so he would install some kind of trust and that they could possibly become friends. After all, that was all that he wanted in life.

“Oh, no. Not right now but if a question arises I won't hold back on it.” Gwaine looked up to look at Dave, holding a level of respect for the goblin, even with his height. It didn’t bother him. He was well adjusted to the different looks demons obtained, even if he was rather glad that he looked rather human. The only thing that made him look like a demon was the fact his eyes changed colour, the slits in his uniform on his back as well as the band that wrapped around his wrist. With other demons, they could look entirely different. They could appear as blobs or weird looking animals. Which Gwaine refused to ever laugh at or look down on. He was equal to everyone he met. Unless he met those demons who despised humans and killed them for the heck of it. Those, he couldn’t wait to bring justice upon.
“Okay, If you are sure then I think we should move on to the tour. This station is pretty big and can be difficult to get your head around. Someone else from the team will be doing the tour.” David spoke, looking between the two as he stepped down from the stand and pressed another button on the small clicker in his hand; turning the projector off. Once he did, the door swung open and another demon came waltzing through. He seemed to have much more confidence and looked just as strange as the next demon. His legs were the first thing Gwaine noticed, they resembled that of an ostrich, making him much taller in comparison to the goblin sized demon. His hands were covered in feathers and his hair also replaced with said feathers. They were a mix of white and black and it seemed that both an ostrich and a human got mashed together. He held himself high and looked around to them all, nodding in greeting to Dave.

“Hello boys, you are the new recruits huh? My name is Xannax, you guys can call me Xan. I think a tour is scheduled so if you may, follow me and I shall show you guys around,” the demon spoke up, glancing between the pair of them.

Gwaine nodded to Xannax and stood from the seat he was in, glancing down to Lee and offering a kind smile. He motioned his head for him to follow and walked around the table to stand with the other Demon’s. He was curious as to how many divisions there were in this station and if it was run by mainly demons, as it clearly seemed to be that way right now. Once they were both read to go, Xan nodded to them both and told them to follow him, guiding them out of the room they were in. His legs moved the same way the large bird would and for a human it must have been weird to watch. For Gwaine though, he paid no mind to it and walked just slightly behind the demon, beside Lennax.

“So there are a few teams within this station that handle this district mainly but there are other stations around that help with bigger crimes and keep the peace in the other areas. I’m sure David explained to you the district you both will be working within. In this station there are another three. We all handle different situations that are all important.” He started speaking, making sure his voice was clear and loud as they walked through the building. He came up to one, smaller styled room where different demons and humans alike sat. Each demon was clearly different from the other. “This is the main meeting room where a lot of the officers come and have a coffee break or whatever they like to drink.”

He then continued to introduce both Gwaine and Lennax to some of the officers before moving on to the other rooms. Xannax told them both what each room was for and explained each district briefly. He knew they would learn more and better with working there so wasn’t too worried about being the most detailed in the information he gave them both. Every so often he turned back to look at them both to make sure they were following along. If there was something he hated most it was slackers. He was not going to allow it. These two were in one of the most important districts and needed to be on full alert. Sure they were going to first start on patrol but even then, there were dangers. Demons should never be underestimated. The tour wasn’t too dragged out, it moved by pretty quickly and he wanted to get them both situated within the whole team. Today for them both wasn’t going to be considered fun and for them, he was sure they would find it tedious.

“And finally, is our district. You know the name. Before we continue, do either of you either have any questions to ask.” He turned around to face the pair, his brow raised in curiosity.

Gwaine glanced over to Lee before shrugging. He wasn’t the kind of guy to ask questions, he rathered to listen and soak up information like a sponge. He told Xan that he was fine and would ask if he wasn’t sure on anything but looked to Lennax to see if he wasn’t so sure on anything.

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