A Year of Sun, Beaches and Complications [Inactive]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/f22e1cc106dfb26e8f72c51d45fdabf2.jpg.a2fadb6532b98e45f1d2dc0b0fc006bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15114" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/f22e1cc106dfb26e8f72c51d45fdabf2.jpg.a2fadb6532b98e45f1d2dc0b0fc006bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Natalie Leigh Spears



  • f22e1cc106dfb26e8f72c51d45fdabf2.jpg
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James Alderson
The hum that buzzed in her Natalie’s head wasn’t from the low roar of the jet engine, but from the nervous excitement that ran through her body. Her almond gaze set its sight on the endless blue out the window. She was practically bouncing in her seat. This was going to be her last bit of freedom before she was swamped with lectures, exams, and uppity professors. Since her graduation in May she had traveled the States with her girlfriends, but this was going to be an entirely new adventure. Natalie was going farther from home than she had ever been, Australia. However, she wasn’t going alone, her parents had volunteered her older brother, Jared, as babysitter. The idea that she would need a babysitter made her role her eyes. But, it wouldn’t be bad to hang out with her brother, after all a friend of his was letting them stay at their house. The fasten seat belt sign came on, Natalie took a deep breath swallowing her nerves, they were about to land.
James sat on the veranda of his beach house property in Glenelg, staring out into the endless oceans. His house was right on the waterfront and gave him the most perfect view out of the ocean that anyone beach lover could ever dream of. He loved to spend his evenings this way, watching the tide come in and out, feeling the pulse of the ocean, it was the most calming feeling he had ever known, especially once you managed to zone out to the sounds of the other young people his age who seemed to be partying down on the beach, playing volleyball or sunbathing almost every night. He didn't blame them though, the ocean had always brought people together, even if they experienced and enjoyed it in different ways. It was during these times that he thought most about his future, what he wanted to do with his life...where he was going... but nothing came to mind. James had graduated from high school just before the summer, not quite top of his class but with competent enough grades to allow him to do almost anything he wanted, if he could only figure that one tiny detail out. For now he was enjoying just working as a bartender at the cocktail bar and club that was located at the end of the jetty, not 5 minutes walk from his house. He loved meeting people, but one on one, and on his own terms and bar-tending provided him with the confidence to interact people more easily, it wasn't some awkward social situation, it was his job and he was like an entirely different person when he had a foot of hard oak bar top between him and his 'friends'. His parents were away for the summer, further allowing him to live the kind of free, young adult lifestyle most dream of coming out of high school and he was determined to make the most of it. He figured that as long as he came out of the summer with some new friends, some money and a whole lot of memories, he could face the decision of his future more easily.
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