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Fantasy A World Undone - A God RP [CLOSED]


Roleplay Availability
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1724527140464.pngthe beginning is an impossible thing to place. Are we so vain to think that our existence sparked the blaze of the universe? Even you, Gods, fall into the mortal trap of thinking time and space revolve around you. Or perhaps it is better to say that mortals inherit the trait from their creators. You may have birthed this world and the cosmos around them, but who created you? How did so much life and power flow into the universe in an instant? Can the gods really claim to have existed for all of time?

But, of course, you have long since questioned your origins and that of mine. We offered only silence to your wonders and anxieties for so long. Even when we broke the stillness, the waters only returned to undisturbed again. Back when you first created your own children, ones who could see and love you, you grew arrogant. You thought yourselves to be the true highest power and turned to fools. With your petty conflicts and unsupported confidence.

We needed to humble you then, to destroy the seeds of destruction you had each sown into yourself. To separate creator from creation, so that you had to earn your worship. And so you all fell and then adapted again, no longer able to touch your peoples as you once had. The sickness of forbidden knoweldge. At that time we sent you a message, just as we do now. Another blow to your poisonous pride. And so here we write again, of another event to fall your comfort.

We have no doubt you have all felt it. The death of a God. The shake of the fabric of the universe as you know it. The death of not only a God but a domain itself. Your kin's very being shattered beyond repair. We know you all are concerned. Intrigued. Scared even. You no doubt wonder how and who of you gods managed the impossible.

We write to you to answer these ignited questions. A mortal. Creator slain by creation. A tale fresh and unexplored by you, my children. But we do not expect you to take the words from us, someone you have never seen. Someone you do not know if they even exist. So we have planned a gathering of you and your kin, a first in many moons to see eachother all at once. We suggest you converse quickly, godkin, for who knows which of you will fall next to an unknown blade.
Hello, hello! This is my own little version of a God rp. This one will be slightly different, as while there will still be options for world building and roaming, there will also be a plot to follow along with besides the character driven stories!

Some more info about this rp:
○This rp will use discord for an OOC, several lore pages will also be on this server and thus it will be required for all players to be able to join it!
●This rp will not take place at the beginning as most god rps do, but rather many years into the worlds life. You will still be able to create your own lands and races, but they will instead have been around for a while!
○this rp will be casual (2-3 paragraph minimum post length and expectation of a post roughly every week-exceptions and delays are accepted if discussed with me!)
●Rules, domain claims, and other info will be in the discord, but feel free to ask me any questions you have here or in private if you are confused about anything!
Juju Juju Will be my CO-gm, her word and opinion is only vetoed by me. (I know where she lives XOXO)
●thank you so much for your interest thus far, and I hope you consider joining us for the story! ♡
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Right, since the CS thread is up, do we just start making sheets then?
oh? Were you interesteed? I assumed that when you said to keep an eye on this, you meant just watching it. A lot of people say that and mean they arent joining, if you are interested I can send the discord link to you.
Hello, I am completly new to this site, but I have years of rpg roleplaying experience. Was wondering if this is still open and if so, could I join?

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