a world on fire Sign-Up


Four Thousand Club

the info





Dark/Light magic (Light magic includes Healing and Illusions, Dark magic includes summoning and powers like creating black holes. both can use basic spells like fireballs and using the elements

Special abilities: (you can have 2 abilities, this could be a special summon, or some sort of extremely powerful ability, like the ability to walk through walls/let attacks pass through, turning into a dragon ect...)

Appearance: (REQUIRED: you have been enslaved by the church, everyone is bony and physically weak, Templars cant let you get strong enough to run, now can they? you can put on weight later in the RP.)



History: (no-one knows their history, but that dosen't mean you can't have one to discover later)
Name: Avan

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Light Magic: She has the power to heal, but in order to do so it sucks her energy out of her.

Special Powers: She can read other’s thoughts and has telekinesis.

Personality: Avan has trust issues. If you ever give her a reason not to trust you, she will turn on you in a heartbeat. She won’t make herself noticeable at first she likes to observe the person/creature before making a move, whether it would be to talk or to approach. She has total control of her abilities. She tends to be violent, considering she doesn’t trust anyone.

Appearance: Avan has pitched black chin length hair. She has golden colored eyes and fair skin. She has small beauty mark on the right side of her face above her upper lip. She always wears a black leather jacket with black shorts and a black cape with a hood, which she rarely wears (hood). She also wore stocking up to her thighs and black shoes.

History: Avan was originally suppose to be a Templar that is until they realized she had powers. All her family is dead they were killed when she was just a kid. She was founded by a Templar family, they were excited to have her that is, until they realized she was nothing to be excited about. When she turned 6 they started realizing she was just another slave.

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Name: jay van hut

Age: 15

Gender: male

Dark Magic: He can use dragons breath but for 10 seconds he'll be vulnerable he can turn into a phoenix but it takes him a minute to transform and if he dies in phoenix he can reborn from his ashes

Special abilities: 1. Turning into a phoenix 2. Flame Shock

Appearance: A boy with a flame type hair a mask over his mouth flame colored cloths with the sleeves are black and he has chains around his body

Quirks/Misc: hidden blades and a fire sword looks likes this http://www.algadon.com/images/items/hades_fire_sword.png

Personality: jay van hut is a quite boy who wants to become stronger

History: doesn't know
Name: Adrian

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Dark magic: She can control lightning, but it has to be storming outside. She can create lightning on her own, but it sucks away her energy and leaves her vulnerable.

Special abilities: Phantom Lightning- Unlike regular lightning, it makes no sound, and has a blackish tint to it. Storm Gazer- Direct "beam" of lightning, only works if the target is stuck in one place.


Quirks/Misc: Like in the picture, her Key Rod helps direct Storm Gazer.

Personality: She likes to have fun, even if she's trapped. She's smart and a quick thinker. She doesn't like being told what to do, or being held back. She believes it takes away her freedom.

History: Born to a lower class family. Her parents worked like dogs to support their children. Out of four kids, Adrian, was the only one who could use magic. Her parents abandoned her when they found out. At age 7 she was already homeless, making her an easy catch.
Avan: remember the rules on the Info thread, she can wear those clothes after she gets free, but until then we all wear the same robes.

keep that in mind, and you are APPROVED

Slasher - Approved

Neon - Approved

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Damien Seeker

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Dark/Light magic: Dark magic.

Special abilities: attacks can pass through him, and he can travel through walls, but this makes it impossible for him to attack as well.

Appearance: http://theelectricgeneration.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Andersedited2.png

Quirks/Misc: using magic gives him the insatiable urge to scratch, normal spells make him itch like a mosquito bite, heavy spells make him scratch till he bleeds

Personality: Timid and submissive, friendly but wary of all around him, he has never had a friend, because friends lead to unions, unions, when grown big enough can lead to uprisings

History: the son of a rich lord in southern Scotland, after a maid saw him, as a baby, making a small ball of water float above him, she ran to the church, soon the castle of his parents was under siege, but of course the papal elite came to support the troops and the castle was sacked.

he was to be killed right there, but the Templar assigned to that couldn't kill a crying baby, so he killed the priest who was demanding the baby be thrown into a nearby flame and he took the baby to the Vatican, from there he has been raised. many kids there have a vague memory of their families, but not Damien, all he has ever know was the vatican.


Name: Gloria Volenté

Age: 19

Gender: female

Dark/Light: Gloria has most of her strengths in light magic. While she is stronger with healing magic it takes a lot out of her and she doesn't like to use it unless it is necessary. Her illusion spells are much easier for her to use, though she also doesn't like to use them much.

Special abilities:


  • Mind reading: This is more involuntary and she usually hears several voices at once, leaving her constantly with a headache.

  • Fortune telling: She is able to read the future in tea leaves, as well as palm and aura reading. More of a gypsy trait, though she is deadly accurate. She occasionally suffers from visions, though these are less clear.

Appearance: She was a traditional beauty with long, shining black air and fair skin like snow. After being taken to the Vatican her skin became sallow and sickeningly taut over her bones. There are three long scars along her backside from when her father attacked her after learning of her powers.

Quirks/Misc: Gloria is blind, a result of the shock she went through after realizing her powers and witnessing both the murder of her mother and her father's descent into insanity that followed.

Personality: Gloria was initially a headstrong and intelligent girl with different ideas. She was looked upon for speaking out of place several times and there were many who deemed her as unmarriable. After realizing her magical abilities she went through a dramatic personality change, becoming more quiet and withdrawn. After witnessing her mother's murder and her father's downward spiral from grief she blames herself for most of the burdens of the world. She still struggles with her powers and is hates using them, even when ordered to.

History: Gloria was the only child of a cobbler and a seamstress. Her father was originally from another country and brought with him several books of poetry and literature. He used to read to Gloria at night which lead to her desire for knowledge and tendency to share new and different ideas with the people around her who necessarily didn't want to hear such flowery thoughts. Her powers were realized one day when her mother was working in her shop and cut herself on her sewing needle. Without thinking Gloria took her hand and healed her, nearly passing out in the process at the shock of using her powers for the first time. Things moved quickly after one of the people in the village saw this through the window and reported the family to the Vatican. The disintegration of Gloria's family was quick after her mother was murdered and her father drank himself to death out of grief.
Name: Alistair Ulm

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Dark/Light: Dark => Blood Magic

- Once he takes in the blood of someone, no matter how small the amount, he can control that person or creature for a short period of time, after which the possessed dies. This power is required to be used very rarely because if he uses it too much he'll lose control over who he is and transform into the creature/person that he tried using it on for the last time.

- He can control his blood freely, but regenerate or anything like that, it just means that he can make his blood cloth much faster than normal and control the bloodflow to a degree. Not a fancy skill but it came with the magic.

Special abilities:

- He can take in the memories, thoughts, secrets from someone by mixing his own blood with theirs. Again it ony has to be a small amount.

- He is able to create a relatively bulky and large bloodgolem who's primary function is to take the damage and/or wounds given to Alistair and transfer it to himself, the blood golem. Any attack that would kill Alistair will kill the bloodgolem, if for instance an arm is cut off from Alistair, it's transferred to the bloodgolem and he will receive significant damage and will die in a short period of time aswell. 'Cause let's face it, having an arm cut off = Not a fleshwound. Only works for physical attacks and not poison nor magic.

( I hope I clarified enough that whatever would kill Alistair, be it fast or slow ( multiple attacks ) will kill the bloodgolem, if Alistair would have lost a limb, the blood golem would survive for a short period of time but then die of " bloodloss ". Makes sense? )



Without the clothes since we are captured and all wear the same outfit, but I used this picture to indicate he has a wellbuild body and is capable of putting up a melee fight because franky, he's more of a melee-mage than anything else considering his specialty isn't really offensive.

Quirks/Misc: Usually carries a very slender, curved snakedagger to cut incisions in himself and his target for specific bloodspells, mentioned above. Ignore the staff in the picture since he usually

has one or two one-handed weapons on him. He isn't skilled with twohanded weaponry nor ranged weaponry, but he has his bloodmagic / one-handed melee skills / elemental magic. He isn't particularly skilled at elemental magic either, he relies heavily on his melee prowess and only uses elemental magic when forced to attack from a distance and such.

He likes to wear red clothing and the color red in general.

Personality: He is a rather timid person when not in a battle or shouting in rage as he slashes down on his adversaries. He wasn't born this way, he was a very cheerful and happy person and raised in a happy family too, but once he and others learned about his specific affiliation to blood magic...he became shunned, dispised and mistrusted eventhough it isn't such a dark magic or anything, but was labeled as one and as such the ignorant 'normals' mistrusted him and he lost everything that was dear to him. He became outcasted and eventually captured.


Everything was great in Alistair's life, until the day came he made a bloodpact with his best friend, unaware of what would happen if they mixed blood, the foolish boys did so and the results were catastrophic for Alistair. At first he felt weird for seeing these things and knowing these things in his mind that didn't seem to be his, then he made another mistake...confide in his best friend. His best friend quickly became aware that Alistair knew his deepest secrets and memories without even being in them. Scared and shocked the boy quickly ran away and informed his family and that snowballed into everyone knowing...That was the beginning of his outcast.

He didn't became an angry nor spiteful one, he just became a sorrowful, timid one.

Carl, you are approved with conditions.

that weapons are a definite NO-GO.. you can get it later in the RP, but not at the start. do you think the templars would allow the mages to carry weapons around? no matter what reason, the Templars would never trust mages with weapons.

"Scared and shocked the boy quickly ran away and informed his family and that snowballed into everyone knowing...That was the beginning of his outcast." and where does it say about him being captured by the church as a child? please edit this bit. "outcasts" with magic are hunted down and burned, not just shunned and turned away, in those days where this RP is based, your character would be hunted down and butchered, not outcast and shunned, BUTCHERED.

so please edit that last bit and remember you can't start off with the weapons
Name: James Johnson

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Dark/Light magic: Light magic. Looks like he uses black magic.

Special abilities: The ability to delve into black magic. Using magic, he placed elemental incantations upon his body. These allow him to use the elements with a simple wave of his hand or the single breath. He can generate 2 elements at any one given moment.

Appearance: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs33/f/2008/306/0/4/04497e9b4560b5cc3d4e19b9e0a23945.jpg

Quirks/Misc: Hates his parents for they are black magic users. He tends to lean away from the trust of anyone whom uses black magic.

Personality: Highly addictive in the solving and recreation of magic. Uses his skills in magic, he tends to try and find a way to counter other magic. Maybe not completely counter it, but counter enough to where it won’t hurt him.

History: (no-one knows their history, but that dosen't mean you can't have one to discover later)
Name: Charlotte Blake

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Dark/Light magic: Minor light magic

Special abilities: Her 'blind eye' can can be used to hypnotize whoever looks into it. This is why she's forced to wear an eye patch over it at all times. If she removes it, severe punishment will ensue.

She can also use her healing abilities to heal the wounds of others, but at the cost of her own health. Whenever she heals someone, the wound doesn't disappear completely. It instead reappears on her own body. This is partly due to the hex that was put on her in an effort to mess up her magical abilities.

Appearance: Charlotte was once a very pretty woman. But the same hex that messed up her healing abilities messed up her fair beauty as well. Her skin is grey, and covered with darker grey markings. Her once long and silky red hair has been chopped off and let go to hell. Her one visible eye is yellow and squinted, making her wear a perpetual scowl. She's about 5'3'', and far too thin. She wears an eyepatch over her left eye.

Quirks/Misc: She has a young baby, Lily, only about a month old. She is hexed as well, although more in appearance than magic.

Personality: Charlotte is a very kind woman. She likes to look after the younger mages, to make sure they know that someone cares for them. Her sweet disposition counters her hideous appearance. She's always willing to help whoever needs it. Charlotte has gained popularity among the mages because of this, but in turn, hatred from the guards. She's constantly teased about her 'demon' baby, and mocked for her hexed appearance.


She doesn't like to talk about it much, mainly because it still upsets her. She lived most of her life in hiding, alone. When she was 23, she met a man about her age whom she began to travel with. After a while, she'd grown fond of him. And she believed he loved her back. Charlotte unofficially married the man, and only a month ago had a baby with him. But over the time of her pregnancy, he began to change. He showed a meaner side than she'd ever seen. He revealed to her that he was a part of a mage cult. The cult would protect them forever if she would join, but to do so, she would have to give them the baby.

Charlotte refused, of course. This pissed her husband off. He called her ungrateful, selfish, and uncaring. He put a hex on her and the child as a way to seek vengeance. He knew that she would be captured because she stuck out like a sore thumb. The way he figured, by the time she'd spent more than a week inside one of the camps, she'd have wished she'd taken his offer. But Charlotte has yet to regret her decision.



Her creepy baby:

Name: Rika

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Dark magic or Light magic: Dark magic

Special abilities: She can control blizzards and other snow storms, but the weather can't be too warm, if it is then her magic won't be very powerful. She can also heal.




Personality: Even though she has snow-like magic, Rika has a very 'fiery' personality. Because of always hanging out with her brothers, she tends to be very loud-spoken and active, being more of a "tomboy". She is, though considered rude, very caring and usually offers to help a person in need.

History: Her family weren't very wealthy, so her father and mother didn't spend much time with her, instead working to try and get money. Instead she would use most of her spare time hanging out with her four older brothers. One day, when she was 10, her brothers were forced to join the army, and her parents were moved to another country without her, leaving her alone. She left her little home then after and joined a rather small village, where she was put in an orphanage.
Ami: the Templars will be merciless to you, please put in how you were captured and then you are approved
Got it:

After she was old enough to leave, Rika was left homeless. The village got ambushed by the time she was 14, and she was easily captured.
Name:Joshua (no last name)



Dark/Light magic: Dark magic

Special abilities: After training himself for years, he can summon small black holes, and can, to a limited extent, control people's thoughts.

Appearance: (REQUIRED: you have been enslaved by the church, everyone is bony and physically weak, Templars cant let you get strong enough to run, now can they? you can put on weight later in the RP.)

Quirks/Misc:After exibiting random flashes of powerful Dark magic (black holes and such) he was chained up and placed in a solitary cell for most of his life, having little to no human contact.

Personality:Due to his imprisonment he has more or less gone insane, suffering from hallucinations and extreme mood swings.

History: Even the Templars do not have records of him or his family, and he was taken as a newborn.

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