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Fantasy A World of Fire & Steel

Just putting this here so that I can come back to this RP when I have time~
Quick question: I'm working on my character now, are females thought lesser of than males in this society or can both hold equal positions? I'm not sure what position I'm making (or what gender they'll eventually be) but it'd be good to know for roleplaying.

Also, am I allowed to make up a family name and insignia?
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@Nerdork They are thought of as equals in terms of political/social roles. Militarily it is rather mixed and typically depends on differing factors. For example Women cannot enlist in the Grey Cloaks (The Kaesars troops) or the King's Men (The one who holds the title of King of Vergania). But I leave it up to individual lords and ladies to decide how their own Household and Levy troops are made up of or regulated by.
Wow, this is new. Well thought out and detailed

plot my friend. I am definitely interested in joining this

wonderful RP you have here.

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