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Fantasy A World of Fire & Steel

Verse Zero

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Physical Appearence/Image:



Unique Items/Family Heirlooms:


Family (Secondary Characters do not need Apps. POV Characters do):

Family/House History:
Note: Mark your territorial possessions on the map or detail them in the Titles portion of the app. Everything is a first come first serve basis.

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House: Targaryen

Sigil: White Dragon on Black Field with Golden Fire Wreath.

Name: Valendyn III Targaryen

Age: 44

Physical Appearence/Image: Golden haired slowly giving to silver. Green eyes and tall at 6ft 1 inches in height.

Rank: Kaesar

Titles: Kaesar of Realm, King of Vergania; Lord of Valyria, Eagle's Crown, and Talos; Lord Protector of the Realm.

Unique Items/Family Heirlooms: Lightbringer, Sword of Brandyn I Targaryen. Seven Drakar Eggs. Several suits of armor worn by past Kaesars. Sceptre of the Valyrian Faith. Bronze crown of Vergania.

Biography: Valendyn was born on February 10th, 284 VC too Kaesar Brandyn V as his first son. In his youth Valendyn spent most of his life in Talos within the Kingdom of Vergania until the age of 12 when he was taken back to Valyria to be tutored in the was of Court. Learning to play music, dance, and courtly intrigue before going into the field as an observer for the Army. Witnessing numerous victories accomplished by his father as they subjugated more territory to the North-East.

Valendyn's Drakar is known as Snowfire, which hatched when Valendyn was two years old, and travels frequently with his female Drakar at his side. Ascending the throne on November 5th, 311 VC after the death of his father. Inheriting a realm at peace, but not without turmoil, for the bickering of the peerage never ceased.

Valendyn was once a very arrogant, headstrong, and ignorant young man. But the years have wizened his mind and mellowed his soul. Learning that a calm mind makes better long term decisions than a brash one. Through that knowledge, the tutelage of his father, and the love from his wife Valendyn has managed to keep the realm together peacefully.

Family (Secondary characters do not need apps. POV characters do): Kaesarin Kaja Stormcrown, Crown Prince Vaenarion (aged 20), Princess Saera (aged 17), Princess Ophaedia (aged 12)

Family/House History: See above sections of the post detailing Targaryen History
House: Targaryen

Sigil: White Dragon on Black Field with Golden Fire Wreath.

Name: Vaenarion Targaryen

Age: 20

Physical Appearence/Image: Golden hair with deep blue eyes like the ocean. Tall like his father at 6ft and athletic. Possesses a slight scar on his noble features along his right cheek from a blade when he was wrestling with friends in the courtyard of Dragonstone.

Rank: Crown Prince

Titles: Lord of Dragonstone

Unique Items/Family Heirlooms: Frostfang, forged by the master smiths of Valyria using his fathers Drakar. A Drakar Egg gifted to him by his father that has not yet hatched. The Circlet of Dragonstone, a ruby and sapphire inlaid circlet.

Biography: Born in 308 VC as the eldest child of Valendyn Targaryen. He was a Prince for three years until the succession of his father and thus become Crown Prince. On his 15th birthday he was given the Lordship of Dragonstone by his father in the hopes it would give him experience to rule.

Vaenarion, like his father during his own youth, is rather brash and adventurous. Fancying himself like a knight of old Vaenarion is chivalrous and honorable. But quick to anger and unyielding in defiance. Some worry that Vaenarion will be hard to tame in time for rule and will make poor decisions. Namely Vaenarion's mother Kaja.

Family (Secondary Characters do not need Apps. POV Characters do): See above information on Targaryen history.
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House: Silverthorn

Sigil: A twisted rose bush on a shield with silver thorns and a single black rose

Name: Asilis Silverthorn

Age: 24

Physical Appearence/Image: https://www.dragonage.com/media/cache/full/content/dam/ea/DragonAgeInquisition/Characters/morrigan/morrigan-bg1.jpg



Rank: High Lady

Titles: High Lady of Allegheny, Mistress of Scales

Unique Items/Family Heirlooms: A set of heavy armor engraved with the visage of a thorn bush, along with a sword much the same.

Biography: Born into the exceptionally wealthy and very powerful and influential Silverthorn family, Asilis had a life of luxury very few could imagine. She had the best teachers in the Empire, she never wanted for anything, and she was beyond safe, a permanent guard of a dozen highly trained soldiers with her at all times. When she was three her father and mother died, her father of illness and her mother took her own life. Her aunt and uncle then took over as heads of the Silverthorn family.

Asilis grew to resent the suffocating protectiveness of her aunt and uncle. They never let her fail anything, even when she clearly did fail at something, they would simply twist things to make sure their 'precious niece' was never seen as any sort of failure. Asilis developed a burning hatred for her guardians in her early teens, which everyone dismissed as simple teen age troubles. But as she matured, her hatred went from burning to ice-cold. At the age of 17 she was given control over some of the minor business dealings of the expansive network the Silverthorn's managed.

Even before of debut before the Kaesar and Kaesarin at the age of twenty, Asilis was known for having a ruthless personality, even so far as to drive another family of nobility into poverty while collecting on old debts owed, and which traditionally uncollected as a sign of respect. There were also plenty of rumors surrounding the young woman, but one thing was certainly clear, she would be a force to be reckoned with when she became the full head of the House. Most people were thankful then, that her aunt and uncle were in good health and a good age.

That is until they died. Officially it was a raid by bandits as the two, along with a few servants and guards, though most (Rightly) guess that it was all planned by Asilis. She then took rule of the Silverthorn family and began her real work, and has ruled the House and its lands for the past four years, greatly expanding its wealth, power, and influence.

Family (Secondary Characters do not need Apps. POV Characters do): Sir Alerick Silverthorn the Fourth (42) Asilis's uncle, the two are often at odds as Alerick is not supportive of her 'antics' and suspects Asilis of facilitating the murder of her his brother (Asilis's guardian uncle) and his wife.

Lady Elizabeth Silverthorn (45) Asilis' only living aunt, Elizabeth is not a woman to be trifled with. Asilis learned much of her mannerisms from Elizabeth, including the throat-cutting, cold hearted tendencies of conduct to advance herself and the family. Elizabeth holds rule over the fertile farm lands in eastern Allegheny, though spends much of her time in the capital, being close friends with the Kaesarin.

Family/House History: The Silverthorn family has always been wealthy. It is said even in the Old Times that the family was one of respectable wealth and position. Since then they have remained that way through dedication to their ancestors. Their positions of leadership in Allegheny have always been secure, both through their wealth, influence, and general decent treatment of servants and serfs. It was through their leadership that the old mines were reopened and put to use once more, which made not only the Silverthorn family wealthy, but made Allegheny one of the wealthiest regions in the empire. Their wealth and access directly to the mos productive mines has also resulted in them having some of, if not the, finest infantry in the empire.

The family wasn't always part of the Empire of course, and when the original attempts were made to conquer the region it was savagely repulsed under the leadership of John Silverthorn the Elder. It wouldn't be until John the Elder's grandson ruled when the region would willingly join the empire. Many generations have passed since then, though the successful repulsion of the early empire is still a point of pride for many in Allegheny. Since then the Silverthorn's have done as they always have, increase their wealth and influence. It is even said, though hotly debated, that it was the Silverthorn's who helped establish a standard currency and the agencies that even now enact it, but one thing that isn't debated is that the Silverthorn family is always quite influential over those agencies, and more often then not a Silverthorn has been the Master of Scales for the empire.

During the Wars of Faith the Silverthorn's remained neutral, but Silverthorn mercenaries were to be found on both sides, the Silverthorn's saying that there are many reasons to get into a fight, but religion was always the messiest and useless of them all.

RP Samples (At least two):
House: Born to family Tiberius, married into House Silverthorn

Sigil: A sword and hammer crossed in front of a shield

Name: Malleous Aquilinus Tiberius Silverthorn

Age: 26

Physical Appearence/Image:


Rank: High Lord

Titles: Third son of House Tiberius, High Lord of Allegheny, Legatus of Allegheny

Unique Items/Family Heirlooms:

Biography: Born as the third son to Lord Tiberius, and fifth child all together, Malleous was never really in a position to become head of the House, though he didn't seem to mind to much. Like in generations past, Malleous and his siblings were all raised to be ardent defenders of the Empire, their homes, and their House. From a young age Malleous was raised in the art of combat, leadership, and a healthy dose of statesmanship. He became a respected public speaker, known for his fiery passion, though he coupled that passion with logic. He was soon almost an attraction of the Kaesar's court, though his scathing speeches and bluntness earned him enemies.

Eventually his father sent him west, to get him away from the court, hoping a few years of chasing bandits and other enemies might settle him slightly. While it had the desired effect to some degree, Malleous proved a rather capable commander and leader of men. When he returned to proper civilization he was all the more confident in himself, though he never strayed into egotism or arrogance. It was after his return that he meet the High Lady Silverthorn, at least for the first time out of minor meetings at court. He had heard the rumors, he was sure everyone in the empire had, but he was soon infatuated with the High Lady, and not a year later they were married, Malleous marrying into the high ranking Silverthorn House, of course.

For the past three years Malleous has been happily married, and happily serving his new House, and the empire.

Family (Secondary Characters do not need Apps. POV Characters do):

Family/House History: House Tiberius is a long standing House, though it lacks the wealth or power of other Houses, though it is rather highly respected. The Tiberius family has always been loyal to the empire, though it does not necessarily owe its allegiance to House Targaryen. So far the empire has done well under Targaryen rule, so House Tiberius has no reason to stand against them.

RP Samples (At least two):
House: Rathborne

Sigil: A white bear rearing up in front of a blue background

Name: Erimina Verde Rathborne

Age: 21 years old

Physical Appearance/Image:

Rank: Diplomat

Titles: Princess of Labrador, Ambassador of Labrador

Unique Items/Family Heirlooms: A carved wooden bear in the shape of the statue, hangs on a leather cord that is usually around her neck; An all-white bow and arrow set

Biography: Mina's arrival to this world was not conspicious. She was born in a medium sized back bedroom of the palace, and cared for by a nursemaid in training. Her birth was not announced to the populous, for she was not a princess. She was a bastard child, the product of the King and his mistress, her mother. She was their second child, she had an older brother, Camern. It was the palace's worst kept secret, everyone knew their parentage. Camern was the King's only son and the King did not hide that. He personally taught the boy how to fight, how to lead. The Queen, of course disapproved, but all she had were four daughters, lovely of face and heart but not able to rule the kingdom according to the laws.

Everyone in the castle treated Camern as a prince, but they were a little more confused when it came to Mina. She had the king's hair, the King's eyes, the King's smile, but she was not a prince, necessary to the survival of the crown. Was she untouchable, like the royalty? Could the reprimand her for stealing cookies? Or was she closer to the common folk, and therefore allowed to run and play with their children? Before they could decide, she was usually off to her next misadventure.

In this way, she befriended everyone in the palace, except for the Queen and most of her half-siblings. She learned how to ride horses from the stableboys in trade for pastries from the kitchen, she learned how to fight with her fists from the common children, how to fight with a sword and bow from practicing with Camern, and how to fight with her words by eavesdropping on the etiquette and rhetoric lessons that the noble children attended.

The Queen died when Mina was 15, and it was not a shock to anyone when the King gave their mother lands and a title and married her. Camern, then 17, was sworn in as Crown Prince, and the country celebrated, but once again Mina had no position. She couldn't be the lovable ruffian with a crown on her head, but the nobles didn't accept her as one of their own. Mina spent most of the time in the library, reading. One book, The History of the World, particularly interested her. It had been imported from the Valyrian Empire, and only mentioned Labrador once. She was not pleased at all with that, and immediately went to her father, who explained that Labrador didn't interact with the other countries much, as they were a self-sufficient nation.

Mina doubted this, especially when attacks by the Maine Raiders cost them possession of one of their small port cities on the mainland. She argued with her father about their need for allies, but he refused, saying that she didn't know enough about politics to get involved. When she complained to her mother, her mother cited her age as an excuse.

A year and a half ago, Mina's mother died of sickness, one that Mina had heard fro Valyrian merchants was easily curable with Valyrian medicines. Once again, Mina took up her case with her father, and, finally, he agreed to send her as an emissary to the Valyrian Empire. It took until recently to make arrangements and make sure that Mina wouldn't change her mind. She arrived in the Valyrian Empire a week ago, and has since traveled to Valyria City to meet the king.

Family: Her father, King of Labrador, Alecor Rathborne, her mother, Jaena Rathborne, deceased, her older half-sister, Kiera, older brother, Camern, older half-sister, Leleah, younger half-sister, Odella, and younger half-sister, Faena.

Family/House History: The Rathbornes have ruled the Kingdom of Labrador for 500 years. In that time the island has gone from a cold wasteland to a bustling seafaring country. Only in the last 20 years have they gotten involved in world affairs, so most other houses and countries often do not recognize them.

RP Samples: WIP

House: Bargaris

Sigil: Swords crossed over a grey background

Name: Sir Lucaemion Bargaris

Age: 27

Physical Appearence/Image: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e6/ff/49/e6ff49db363a3a69e79e59f758d15a4f.jpg

Rank: Captain of the Grey Cloaks

Titles: Sir, Knight

Unique Items/Family Heirlooms: His armor, inherited from his grandfather, which is a little large on him. The insignia on the breastplate is that of the Targaryens, the dragon.

Biography: Reagon Bargaris was walking home from the palace one day when he heard a fight in a nearby alleyway. He ran to investigate, and found a woman being robbed of her purse. Before he could even shout "Stop!", the thief had pulled a knife and stabbed the woman. For some reason, he did not chase the thief/murderer, but instead knelt down by the dying woman. She begged him to take care of her child, for the father, a man by the name of Garaeron, had abandoned them before the child was born.

Reagon found the child in the house the woman had described, located in the poorer sections of the city, and took it home. He hadn't thought ahead so far as planning what to do with the child, but as soon as she saw it, Nessa, his wife, insisted that they take it as their own, for all efforts to have a child had failed. Luca was only a couple months old at the time, and doesn't remember his birth mother.

So Luca was raised by the Bargaris family. His father taught him how to hold a swing a sword from the time his hands could reach around the handle. Despite this, when, starting at age 10, he began serving as a pageboy for some of the Grey Cloak regiments, he wasn't treated with any favoritism. He was expected to earn his way in the world, and he did. At age 16, he was one of the youngest Grey Cloaks ever, and has been steadily working his way up the ranks since, through patience, courage, and perseverance.

However, it was only recently, a couple years ago, that his parents informed him that he was, in fact, adopted. It was quite a shock to Luca, especially when they told him the names of his parents, and gave him the the bible (for his parents were of the Khrist faith) in which was written some kind of code. Hoping to break it, Luca spent a lot of time in the poorer sections of the city, where he learned that his father had died 5 years before.

While there, he also met some men his own age, who slowly grew to trust him. They offered to try to find the key to the code if he would simply tell them how his day went in the army, the different things that he saw and did. Thinking they were just interested in his life, Luca agreed. Every week, they would try out one of their codes on the list, and he would recount the movements of his regiments and his discussions with the other military leaders.

One day when he arrived at their regular tavern, he found it being raided by the state police force, and his friends carted away. He was informed that they were rebels, plotting an coup based on insider information. Luckily for him, they had had the foresight to toss all of his letters and diagrams into the fireplace as soon as the police knocked on the door. When he visited them in prison, he told them that he wished they had told him their real agenda, but that he would still try to find a way to get them out. He slipped them rope, small knives, changes of clothes, and finally a pair of lockpicks. They were gone that night. Luca felt strangely betrayed when they left, though he himself had helped them to. But he had thought them his friends, and he missed them, for they understood him better than his fellow soldiers who wanted to cuddle up to him so he'd help them get a promotion from his father.

A week later, he found them waiting for him in the alleyway near his house. They stated their terms. If he truly wanted to join them, then he needed to give them more detailed information, as well as warning whenever the police were planning a raid. He could help them plan, but never breathe a word of it to anyone outside their group. Luca, believing in his friends and their dream of a world where every citizen gets a vote, and no emperor decides their fates, agreed.

It has been a year since then, and little traction has been gained in the rebel's favor, but Luca remains optimisitc, although torn between duty to his country and family, and duty to his cause.

Family: Adopted Father, Sir Reagon Bargaris, adopted mother, Nessa Bargaris, and younger adopted twin brother and sister, Taenor and Saerehnae. His real family is a mystery.

Family/House History: The Bargaris family have always been loyal supporters of the Targaryens since Queen Ophaedia, usually involved in the high-ranking positions of the army. Luca's father and grandfather have both been Masters of the Realm, and it is clear that he is expected to take the position one day as well.

RP Samples:

I was wondering if he could be descended from Baelion's line, the ones who went into hiding when Kaelerys took over. He wouldn't find out until later in the RP, when he discovers the code to the book.
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