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Fantasy A World of Fire & Steel (Accepting)

Verse Zero

Senior Member
The Throne is only Law, The Crown is only a Symbol, The Man is Lord.-Valyrian Proverb

With Fire & Steel

Summer, 309 VC

49th Year of Brandyn V Targaryen's reign

The Palori (Former Appalachian) Mountains

Kingdom of Vergania Western Border

A memory of Dragon's Fire

The day was warm, a chill breeze blew over the mountains and gentle slopes of The Palori mountains and the chirping of birds echoed throughout the forests and gentle fields. All was serene if one looked from those mountain tops down upon the boundless wilderness. A panorama only disturbed by smoke wafting in from the West. There was something occurring in the valley. The shouts of men, jingling of armor, sharpening of arms, and the march of many feet. The whining of horses as rank upon rank of cavalry left a vast encampment surrounded by a palisade. Rows of tents stretched across a clearing.

Cresting a hillock the cavalry gazed down on two armies squaring off. Across the valley floor a fast approaching mass of men and women surged. Blaring terrible war horns that assaulted the senses and wielding all manner of weaponry. Their chiefs were mounted and urged their tribes warriors on wards. Hollering in their harsh language.

The imperial army before the cavalry stood awaiting them, save for the left flank made up of Grey Cloaks under Sir Gawthorne a Commander in the Kaesar's soldiery and this ordered block of polished armor shining in the sun trailed by fluttering grey cloaks moved forward in marching steps. The cavalry began to move forward, trotting behind a leading figure in blood red armor decorated with black dragons.

The red armor betrayed who he was, Brandyn V Targaryen "The Dragon Lord", and beside him was a young man no older than 16. Marcus Havel, squire to the Kaesar and bearing the imperial banner for his liege. The Kaesar was still strong and formidable for his age. Marcus the youth riding beside him was nervous as he bit his lip. This was Marcus first battle and he was determined not to let down his mentor.

As the Kaesar approached the cavalry broke off heading to the left flank and led by Crown Prince Valendyn. The Kaesar moved to the rear of the levies with his squire and dismounted. His steel clad feet hit the ground, and the Verganian levies made way for their liege. The levies were peasants raised from the Kaesar's Verganian territories. Many wore mail while some donned armored brigantine. Dismounted Knights and Household troops wearing the red and black of House Targaryen were also mingled in and kneeling to their liege. The Kaesar raised his visor as he walked by too look at his men. As if knowing each and every one of them. They would follow "The Dragon Lord" to whatever hell awaited them and back without question. The looks on their faces was that of grim determination.

Moving to the front rank Brandyn gazed back at them all and unsheathed his sword Starflame, for the blade much like the Kaesar's eyes shone in hues of yellow, orange, and red. Like dragon fire made steel but shining like a falling star.

"Men. Those barbarians only seek one thing. To pillage! Rape! And Kill your loved ones!"

The levies all stared with anger in their eyes. The tone of the Kaesars voice was hypnotic, instilling a righteous fire in their bellies, and all listened intently.

"But not today! Today, we're going to send them to meet whatever demons they worship too in the afterlife!" The Kaesar lowered his visor and raising his sword began to march towards the enemy. Beside him Marcus unfurled the imperial standard. A golden dragon under three silver starts. The levies followed in barely contained fury.

The Kaesar glanced to the left and could see the clash of the ordered ranks of the Grey Cloaks with a horde of Wildmen. Grey Cloak archers delivered disciplined fire into the rear ranks of the Wildmen while spear men shielded them. Sir Gawthorne pressed forward with Grey Cloak soldiers that had drawn their swords into a savage melee. Spears impaled torso's, arrows punctured flesh, and swords bashed in skulls. The Kaesar swore he saw Sir Gawthorne gore a Wildmen woman swinging a falx. Her dying cries as she fought to recover the loops of her intestines spilling out from her ruined abdomen. Sir Gawthorne by then had moved on and disappeared once more into the savage fight.

The Kaesar looked on and saw his young son forming the cavalry into a solid block between the left flank of the levies and the rear of the Grey Cloaks. Swinging his head to the right Brandyn saw his levies keeping good order. The banners of Verganian nobles fluttered in the breeze. The Targaryen Household contingent that had accompanied the Kaesar formed the ranks immediately behind Marcus and his monarch. Two Knights of the Kaesarguard followed a step behind the Kaesar as the Wildmen surged towards them. Marcus looked up and thought he saw a dark shape moving in the clouds, but the sound of war horns before him snapped his head back to looking forward.

The Kaesar looked forward and lowered his visor as the first arrows of the Verganian levies struck the mass of advancing wild men. The Kaesar readied his sword into a high guard and broke into a run. The imperials behind him surged forth as both sides smashed into one another in a great thunderclap. The Kaesar swung Starflame

down in a savage arc. Cleaving a Wildman skull into two halves. Blood squirted and spattered across Marcus face. The young boy flinched as he deflected a wild swing from a tribesman before him. Sir Quinton of the Kaesarguard beside him stepped forward and sank his blade into the neck of the attacker. Shoving the squire back. Marcus now not directly engaged simply raised the imperial standard. All around him the cries of the dying rolled across the battlefield. Blood swirled on the growing mire of the battlefield as the imperials pushed the Wildmen back across the brook. Marcus nearly lost his footing as he stepped onto the rocky brook bed. Keeping the banner raised a savage shout to his left drew the boy's attention. A giant of a man wielding a battle ax crashed through the ranks of the Verganian levies. Each swing slew a man and a savage roar followed by the decapitation of a levy man right in front of Marcus caused the boy to trip and fall. Marcus yelled in fear as he back peddled on his hands and feat. Trying to keep his sword raised before him. A fierce swing came at him and the boy rolled. The ax struck stone and sparks flew. The Wildman roared in anger and delivered a quick back hand blow with his ax. Knocking Marcus sword away the boy drew his dagger and screamed. Rolling the boy barely escaped from having the ax embedded in his neck. Rolling to his knees Marcus stabbed the wild man in the knee cap. Crunching through bone and severing tendons. The Wildman yelled in pain. Slamming down to his knees and punching the boy in the face. A meaty fist slammed into the boys helmet. Knocking him back into the brook and on top of the fallen banner. Grasping it in his hands Marcus pointed it like a lance and sprinted forward. Crying in anger the boy shoved the bottom point of the banner into the Wildman's eye socket. Bursting his orbital and mulching the mans brain. A firm hand gripped Marcus shoulder and the boy swung around. The Kaesar was looking at him, looked at the Wildman, and smiled. Turning around the Kaesar stormed back into the fray. Marcus hurrying after him with a face of determination and trauma.

Looking out across the fighting Crown Prince Valendyn saw the battlefield with a birds eye view. The Kaesar was pushing the Wildmen in the general direction of Sir Gawthorne's Grey Cloaks. Intentionally making a gap the Wildmen would fall into and be exposed.

"Sound the charge!" said the Prince as he lowered his own visor and drew Lightbringer. The ancestral sword of House Targaryen as it shown with pale light. The blade was pure white like snow and the prince pointed it forward while nudging his steed into a trot, then a full charge. The cavalry, made of armored Knights and Grey Cloak horsemen, slammed into the exposed Wildmen like a sledge hammer. Bodies were thrown into the air as armored horses slammed through bodies. Bones broke, flesh tore, and more cries erupted. Valendyn hewed his way forward with the rest of the Kaesarguard around him. The Wildmen broke and began a retreat to the forests.

A roar from above drew everyone's head up to the sky. Plummeting down was a massive beast with a roar so piercing it hurt. Unfurling its great wings Nightflame, The Drakar of Brandyn V Targaryen, and the mightiest since Aenarion The White swooped over the battlefield. A jet of flame erupted from its mouth, bathing a swathe of retreating Wildmen in fire, and their screams continued as they died the slowest agonizing death of all. Armor and flesh melted as the Drakar tore a fiery path through the Wildmen. They could not flee, stuck between the advancing Valyrians and the Drakar, within the hour all would die. But the memories for all those who lived through this battle would live on forever.

Valyrian Empire

Valyria City, Throne Room

May 1st, 328 VC

Mine is the Fury-Motto of Kaesar Brandyn V Targaryen

The Kaesar, Valendyn III, awoke startled. He was half slouched on the Diamond Throne. The memories of past battles receded in his mind, but the trauma and horror of it all remained the same, he was not like his father who could easily stomach bashing someone's head in. Every face of every person hes ever killed now lives on in his head. The passing of years may have lessened the frequency for these nightmares, but the horror they brought back to Valendyn had never diminished.

Glancing to the right the statue of his father stood. Looking down the Kaesar felt the smooth stone surface of the Diamond Throne. Forged by Brandyn I Targaryen as a symbol of the Empire. All the diamonds of the Quintarchs had been taken and melted into the shape of a throne by Aenarion The White. Its surface was glossy and shone with absolute brilliance.

The realm weighed down upon Valendyn as he drifted back to sleep, back to dreams of battle and dragon's fire. At least he would have if not for the pressing concern to review the state of the realm. So with an effort Valendyn rose from the throne and walked down the steps. Moving from the shadows a pair of Kaesarguard came into view and fell into step behind their monarch.

The exact reason for this was due to information that troops from the Kingdom of Savan had been seen massing on the border. An invasion might be on the horizon.


Crown Prince Vaenarion looked out at the Atlantis Sea. Its deep blue waves striking the white beach surrounding the island Dragonstone was built upon. The Crown Prince held Dragonstone as a sign of him being heir to the Throne. Behind him a feminine voice fluttered onto the balcony. "My dragon come back to bed?" A young woman, nude with plump breasts and a full ass, leaned against the stonework of the door frame. Her hair was long and blonde with light green eyes. Angela was her name, the daughter of a Noble in Vergania. Though Vaenarion could not seem to remember her last name. 'D'Marci? Demarci? Demaersi?' One of those Vaenarion thought.

His father, the Kaesar, frowned on Vaenarions womanizing behavior. Fathering bastards could lead to complications in the future and the anger of fathers who felt their daughters had been wrongly deflowered. But Vaenarion had ignored his fathers advice on that account. If a woman was to fling herself upon him, then she'd have to deal with the possible consequences. After all he was Crown Prince, its not like a woman of lower nobility could gainsay him.

"My Lord?" Her voice was sweet and kind. Vaenarion slowly turned away from the Sea and smiled. Picking up her nude form and carrying her back into the bedroom. Her giggling voice trailing away.
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Allegheny was a rich province of the empire, perhaps even the richest, thanks to the mines and quarry’s that were widespread in the province. The careful management of the lands by the Silverthorn family had seen it prosper and grow. The regions vast wealth meant that it could easily afford a great deal of infrastructure. Just about every street and road was paved with stone, those in cities and towns and those roads that stretched across the province, making transportation far easier. These roads were fairly well guarded, though the occasional bandit managed to ply their trade on unsuspecting families and merchants, though most outlaws had long since moved to other provinces, the payoff of a raid was offset by the rarity that one could take place, as the roads were patrolled by the forces of Allegheny, well armed and armored infantry, and highly skilled archers. And that was not counting the Allegheny Rangers that hunted the wilds.

Its cities and towns were orderly and pleasant too look at, and live in, and tended to have a higher degree of sanitation then most in the empire. The most impressive city was the capital, of course. The city itself was not one continues sprawl, in fact it was more like two cities that were settled into a spectacular valley. The first half of the city was the more suburban and industrious section, and larger then the second. It had high walls stretching from one section of the valley opening to the other. After the urban sprawl there was a vast amount of open country and fields, which was the largest open area in the province, as it was otherwise rather hilly. And nestled into the back of the valley was the 'second' section of the capital. This had its own walls, as it was far to important a place to not have them. It housed the vital organs of the province, the High Magistrate, the headquarters of the Allegheny Army, the Hall of the Provincial Council, and many other little officers, barracks, and of course the usual homes and markets one might expect. But the most important thing this section of the city held was the main entrance to the Silverthorn Estate, the sprawling, decadent home, as if such a paltry title could truly describe the sprawling estate, of High Lady Asilis Silverthorn, her family, and hundreds of others.

The Silverthorn Estate was composed of a few large mines that had mostly been mined out, and then turned into an underground town all its own. Streets, homes, and buildings carved into stone, some built from wood that had been carried in. These small smattering of homes and buildings were well lit, thanks to both lanterns, and also small holes bored into the ceiling far above, though that only allowed natural light in at certain times. Winding upwards through the mountain one got to the more defended and private areas. Barracks and defenses were common, and then past those, yet further up, was the heart of the estate, the family and close servant quarters, the Honor Guard barracks, and the gardens. This level, the closest to the top of the mountain, opened out into a small valley near the top of the mountain, a pristine place with a small, thick forest, a crisp lake, and the large and assorted gardens. The valley had only one way into it, through the estate, though Asilis had ordered the mining out of an escape tunnel on the far side, just in case. It was still under construction. She realized what her ancestors had when they established the estate here. The mountain was a great defense against an attack, and the valley, if maintained properly, could provide a mostly renewable food and water supply in the event of siege. In such an event, Asilis had no intention of remaining trapped until old age or sickness took her.

Of course there were levels that were higher then being ground level to this valley, though they were just rooms. Asilis was seated on the open faced patio of one of those rooms, her office, looking over a few ledgers. Being the Mistress of Scales was a full time job, but she refused to move to the capital like some other holders of the Realm Officers did, to be closer to the Kaesar, of course. That was not something she desired, nor did she desire to leave the safety of her estate to buy some second rate, ramshackle 'Great Home' in the capital. Of course she already owned such a home, but it was far less grand then the Silverthorn Grand Estate. She would even dare to say that her estate, and it was hers, was greater then any holding the Kaesar possessed. It all came with the wealth of being a Silverthorn.

Asilis sat, scribbling things in a small leather bound book. Her dark hair was pulled up into a bun, though a few locks were allowed to fall around her face. She was finely dressed, though not nearly as finely as she could have been, but she was not to have any company that day, so she saw little reason to dress up. She was writing a letter on a thin strip of fine cloth, which would be sent via messenger bird to the Kaesar. It was rather blunt, but then she did not have the room to be more subtle and polite, nor did she generally desire too, hence why she had a long list of enemies.

'The project you proposed to your council cannot proceed. The realms coffers, while healthy, are being held in reserve. Do not try to charm your way out of this, my scouts tell me the same thing yours tell you. Had you gone through with the tax reforms I proposed not two years ago our coffers would be over flowing with enough coin that even your son could afford the army of bastards he will no doubt spawn unto this world. And I shall not agree to another loan from my own coffers to those of the realm.

-Asilis Silverthorn'

She rolled the message up and slid it into a small silver tube, which she then attached the lid too. Standing from her desk she walked over to a large post on the wall, where waited a hawk. She patted it on it's head and slipped it a piece of dried rabbit as she attached the message tube to it's leg. “Off you go.” She said, and it took flight.
Valyria City

Princess Erimina has only just arrived in the Valyrian Court, but she will likely make her move on the king soon. Our sources tell us that she has been planning her trip her for several years, and will likely stop at nothing less than a full alliance and treaty. We cannot risk the Empire growing stronger with the navy of the Labradorians. Your mission is to meet the princess, discover her weaknesses, and keep her away from the Kaesar.

Luca recounted this conversation with his rebel compatriots as he walked quickly through the halls. He was already failing, it appears, for he had lost the woman in question. Their 'sources' had said that she was in the West wing of the palace, and spent most of her time either in her rooms or in the library. She was in neither of those places.

The only halls he hadn't checked so far were the ones in the servant's quarters, and the ones by the throne room. Luca realized slowly that he probably should have checked the latter first. Her scheduled appointment with the Kaesar was not for another week, but she was not a patient woman. He got there in time to see her sitting quietly on a bench outside the throne room, reading a book, but before he could do anything, his father -adopted father, he corrected himself- blocked his view.

"Luca! I have been looking everywhere for you. The Kaesar is going to review the state of the realm, which includes a meeting with his advisers. I want to bring you along so that you can learn what it is like to be Marshal of the Realm." The tone of his father's voice left no room for questions, and he grabbed his son by the shoulder to lead him toward the council chambers. All that Luca could do was glance over his shoulder as the doors to the throne room opened and the princess rose from her seat.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Mina quickly stood up as the doors to the throne room opened, and dipped into a deep curtsy at the sight of the Kaesar. "Your Majesty, I was hoping to run into you." Her Labrador accent was noticeable but did not impede understanding of her words. "I have an offer for you."
Valyria City

Valyria, city of an empire, capital of a realm stretching from former Western Maine all the way to former Northern Carolina. A shining light in the darkness of the world. Valyria sat upon the ruins of Eastern Long Island. It's landscape drastically different from what it had once been hundreds of years ago. Upon it sat a city of over a million souls, the largest city in the known world, and it's beating heart. Valyria had more people than any Imperial city by far, and by a great margin, with Talos following as second and yet only possessing a fraction of its people.

The city comprised the upper and lower city. The older upper city sat upon a plateau enclosed by double walls and a moat that gave way to waterfalls along the Northern and Eastern sections. The Upper city housed many of the oldest and grandest structures in the city. The Temple of Divine Wills comprised of Red Granite and towered over the North-East quarter. The Great Palace of Blaechyrai (Black-er-eye) straddled the Southern Sea Walls and overlooked the Lower city and the Seaward Harbor. Many other locales, such as the Forum Quintarchia and the Kastra Grerorum situated in the central and Western districts respectively, while the lush Botanical gardens ranged along the Upper city sea walls like a forested enclosure of green Eden.

Moving into the Lower City, constructed after the Targaryen assumption of power and enlarged through several reigns. Was impressive, as much as if not more so than the Upper city. The Great Gate Canal provided the only easy entrance into the Lower city as one had to pass through the Ophaedian Gates.

As such Valyria was both a practical and beautifying mix of aesthetics. Highly defensible as it can be only reached by Sea or if one was on the neighboring small islands connecting to the main-island via a bridge.


(Lower City as seen from approaching the Ophaedian Gates)

The city was bustling was a bustling metropolis in a world where humanity has fallen so far. It's streets patrolled by the Bluejackets the cities dedicated constabulary. Known for their blue plumes, hats, and uniforms under their breast plates. They where not dedicated soldiers, and at most only armed to deal with violent mobs or rioters. As such the unwavering constables of Valyria only where armed with short crossbows/shortbows, short swords, wooden truncheons, and halberds.

However, present upon the walls, gates, towers, and in patrols where the Kaesar's imperial soldiery. The Grey Cloaks that operated out of the Kastra Grerorum.


(Grey Cloaks)

The Great Palace

The Imperial Palace was a vast complex of buildings both open to the public and kept secluded. The Gardens of Beruthia flocked with Valyrian citizens picnicking on the kept lawns and children played in the fountains. But moving towards the throne room it was increasingly guarded and off limits to the public. The various guards formed their own system of jurisdiction and separate duties. The Kaesarin's personal guards, that also guarded the Imperial Bathhouse, the Noumyroi with their distinguishing red plumed helmets and capes, golden scale mail, and slightly curved swords. The King's Men stationed about the grounds along with the Grey Cloaks that also manned the Seaward walls near the palace. The Palace Guard and their white seabird feather plumed helmets, deep blue capes and gilded spears patrolled the inner complexes and central fountain carved in the images of the Valyrian Faith's pantheon. Rhahaen wielding fire and the globe, Parhaen with a set of scales and a hand raised in whisper, Ulhaen wielding a trident and crowned in sea coral, finally Qaehaen blowing a horn and armed with a scepter embroidered in diamonds symbolizing eternity.

The Throne Room was a large vaulted space with a raised dias up to the Diamond Throne. Large enough for a Drakar to move well enough in and even boasting large double doors off to the side from which the great beasts may enter and exit.

Within the throne room, walking to leave, eyes cast down at the pristine marble flooring. Was Kaesar Valendyn III. It was time for a state of the realm meeting and it would only commence with his arrival. That was when a woman's voice wafted over to his ears. Turning, and a pair of Kaesarguard silently moving to intercept, only backing off at a subtle gesture of the Kaesar's hands. The Princess had been allowed to roam the Palace except for certain off limits areas. Typical and expected. It would have been rude to keep the Princess locked up in some tower after all. Valendyn lifted up his head to the Princess and smiled in reply, "Princess Erimina of Labrador, indeed, I however must attend this meeting with my advisors. Yet, if you are quick in speech, I will hear your offer; though, do not expect a definitive answer to be forthcoming now."

Valendyn's speech was easily discerned as a man well learned in the arts of language. He was articulate, possessing an older man's fatherly charm, and gentile to look at. For despite nearing fifty years of age he looked ten to fifteen years younger. Subtle grey hair only about his ears and combed to be fashionable.

As Valendyn waited for the Princess to begin a short man in servants robed rushed up. Bowed to the Kaesar and the Princess. Then handed his monarch a small piece of rolled up parchment. It was Asilis letter; which, Valendyn read briefly before signing.

Asilis was needless to say a blunt person. Even perhaps a bit on the arrogant side but she also spoke the truth. Needless to say the Targaryen's private coffers could cover the expense. But it would be wise to wait for another time, a later date, when the funds would be more readily available. Now, Asilis reference to his son spoke another truth, one he had known for a while but abstained from dealing with on the wishes of his wife Kaja. Her nurturing efforts where failing to curb Vaenarion's excesses. He will deal with it his way then.
Valyria City

Mina saw, out of the corner of her eye, the Kaesar's guards move towards her and for a moment a flash of panic welled in her, but the men drifted back, probably by unspoken order on the Kaesar's part. While her features did not shift, she internally let out a sigh of relief. She had promised her brother that she'd try to come back in one piece.

She nodded upon hearing the Kaesar's order, a slight smile upon her face. "Of course. I will skip the pleasantries then." She paused to let him read the message delivered by the servant. It did not seem to alter his mood dramatically, so she went on and stated simply, "An alliance between your country and mine."

"I have heard about the... disturbance to the south, and I believe that Labrador could be useful to you. Their capitol is too far for you to reach by land, but it is on the ocean and easily accessible to the Labrador navy. A show of force might be all that is needed to dissuade them from making a foolish mistake." She continued after a moment, carefully watching his reaction. She wasn't sure how he might react to her having the information about the Savans. The Kaesar was not known for his temper but the blood of conquerors did run in his veins. "And in return... You could help us by putting a little more pressure on the Maane Raiders, turn their attention away from our ports."

Two other port cities had been taken or destroyed by the Raiders since Mina had first asked her father to let her go to Valyria. They were not really territorial holdings, but rather strategic places to keep ships safe on the mainland during the brutal winters. If they lost all of them, and there were only 4 left, it would be a significant economic loss. As the ports had begun to fall to the Maane Raiders, her father had begun to fear what she had after the first was lost, and had given her permission to do whatever within reason to try and protect them.
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Outskirts of Valyria City, Silverthorn Estate

Malleous Aquilinus Tiberius Silverthorn looked out on the lake that sat on the Silverthorn Valyria estate. It was a wonderful piece of land, with a large and wonderful house built on it. It was a well tended estate, but not nearly as grand as the main estate, or even the other estates here near or in Valyria. But then the original buys, Asilis's great grandparents, had been far more humble then she was, though the estate still spoke well enough about the wealth of the Silverthorns. Asilis herself disliked the house. 'Humility in view of the seat of power is often seen as a gesture of submission.' She would say. Quite the woman his wife was.

Malleous walked around the lake rather lazily, just wishing to pass the time and be outside. Were he at his families Valyria estate, the Tiberius House, he would have plenty to do. He knew Asilis would not mind if he went there, but he did. He was here on her behalf, speaking for her. It was a matter of honor. As he walked around the lake he spotted another person and smiled slightly. Lady Sir Jane Silverthorn was Asilis's older sister, and many said she should have inherited the family, but she had declined it.

“Jane! It is good to see you.” Malleous said as he approached. She was a woman graced with beauty, just like Asilis, but Jane's seemed more...bright. Asilis had the beauty that attracted one with the more darker desires, thoughts of things done behind closed doors. A dark temptress, just like all those children stories told of. Jane was more...angelic, he supposed. A woman who brightened any room or even any life she was a part of. Being a well respected knight was certainly a plus.

Jane turned, smiling in greeting. “Malleous.” She said with a curt nod. She could be charming when she wanted to be, Malleous knew, but when around those she knew she tended to be more direct and blunt rather then play with politeness and formalities. Malleous walked up to her and then the pair continued on with their walks. They stood a respectful distance away. Malleous knew that Asilis was not really a jealous woman, and at most she would sneer at his taste of a lover if he and Jane were to come together, but neither of them wanted that. They were each others confidants, a raft for each other when they found themselves caught in middle of the hurricane that was the clash between Asilis and her supporters and the Kaesar and his loyal subjects. Asilis wasn't a traitor, but she was ambitious, perhaps too ambitious for her own good.

“So, what brings you to the capital estate?” Jane asked, looking out over the lake. She was tall and proud, just like Asilis, and her clothes were of just as fine as make as anyone in the empire could boast. Her hair was a dark red, though it was cut short. She had the gait of a knight, and the confidence of one as well. It obviously suited her.

“I will be speaking with the Kaesar on Asilis's behalf. I had to come to the capital anyway, and Asilis, well. Asilis does not like coming to the capital.” Malleous said. She often spoke, in amused tones, of the dozens of plots and schemes against her, and the capital was where any one of them could take place, she always said. She didn't trust the Kaesar as far as she could throw him. 'And I wouldn't be able to lay a hand on him without being cut down.' She always said.

“She's right not to. It is a fine place, if one does not get involved in the politics. Or make as many enemies as my dear sister has. Why do you think she always comes with a no more then two dozen knights every time she comes?” Jane asked. She didn't sound amused, but there was a small, slightly sad, smile on her lips.

“Don't think your Tiberius name makes you safe, Malleous. It might not seem like it, but your death would hurt Asilis, much more then she would ever allow herself to admit. And there are many a 'noble' House that would have you torn limb from limb just to hurt her.” Jane added before Malleous could respond.

He sighed and nodded. “I know, but thank you. I have my own guards and contacts, as well as my training.” Malleous reassured himself. Jane stopped and looked directly at him.

“Do not think your training could save you from a desperate mob that's being played, or hold your ground until the city guard can come to your aid. If you face such a situation, run.” She said. Malleous frowned. It was good logic, but it sounded wrong. A soldier should hold his ground, not run.

“I know. It would be difficult to make myself though. I'm sure you understand?” He asked. Jane replied with a nod. Of course she did, she was a knight.

“So Jane, what brings you to the estate? Last I heard you were off scouting to the south, south-west?” Malleous asked. He had done some minor campaigns against organized bandit gangs just beyond the borders in a few areas, in the 'no-mans land' between the empire and its neighbors.

Jane nodded and turned, resuming her walk. “I was, with a few others. But something felt wrong. There was no sign of bandits, at all. I have a fear that the empire will be tested, harshly. And soon. I am going to present myself before the Kaeser to express these fears. I know things are always odd to the south, but never more towards the west.” She explained.

They continued walking around the lake until they came back to the path leading to the house. They agreed to go into the city together, and both went off to get ready and gather their guards. It was a short trip, no more then two hours on horse back. Jane was in her armor, as finely crafted as they came, while Malleous had settled for a large toga, traditional dress for his House and its lands, with a large purple sash looped over his left shoulder.

They reached the palace quickly, Malleous' guards waiting outside except for two, who did have to wait outside the meeting chambers. Jane left and went to wait for an audience with two other knights she had brought back with her.

Malleous had a surprisingly decent relation with the advisers. They had, quite openly, told him that they preferred his more straightforward, if sometimes brash, speaking to Asilis' 'snake of a tongue' as one adviser had put it.
Throne Room

The Labradorian Princess spoke with the enthusiasm of youth. But also the stunted sight of naivety. True, the capital of the Savanni was located far to the South, well over two hundred miles by land. A months march over unfamiliar terrain with several Savann armies no doubt in the way. By sea the Valyrians and the Labradorians would have a decisive edge. The Savanni had no real Navy to speak of, just coastal and waterway craft to protect their ports and shipping from buccaneers. Aye, Valendyn could dispatch the Valyrian Navy itself as a show of force but that could be seen as a declaration of war on his part. The Savanni know they can fight defensively for a long time and stretch any Imperial supply line to the breaking point. But if a joint Valyrian and Labradorian fleet made ready it could show that the Savanni would not only be fighting their Northern neighbor. This could be an opening to be exploited. The Princess was certainly not an imbecile nor a sycophant seeking to placate him. Good.

"A seemingly fair offer." The classic I scratch your back and you scratch mine. Not without it's merits of course. Valendyn paused pretending to be deep in thought, in reality he was weighing the Princess demeanor. She was confident, yet hasty, born of determination or...more accurately--that of desperation. The Maane Raiders had been dealt a series of catastrophic blows by Valendyn's own father, Brandyn V, and annexed half of Maane as a direct result. Subjugating tribes, displacing others, and exacting a hefty tribute until his death. But the Maane Raiders, a collection of clans and tribes inhabiting total wilderness, where survivalists. They where also quite numerous and fully capable of picking on the more politically fractured, economically poorer, far Northern realms. The Kingdom of Labrador was the only real realm worthy of the title, 'Kingdom,' to be located North of the Imperial boundaries. Qubec was little known and population wise scarce; The Kanadian realms where always either fighting among themselves or someone else, only on occasion uniting to attack the Empire or a neighbor; while the Iroqois typically acted defensively and stayed to themselves. Only once in Imperial history have they ever invaded in large numbers.

"In exchange for a Fleet from Labrador you ask my aid in staving the Maaners; while I usually excite at the chance of mounting more of their heads on pikes I must confess that this all demands greater thought. Would you by chance, attend dinner this evening with my wife and daughter? We will retire after to a more private room to discuss this matter further. Excuse me Princess."

Valendyn bowed like the gentleman he was and departed through the arched exit to attend the State of the Realm Council. The Large Black varnished doors swung open as the Kaesar entered. Two Palace guards having opened the doors with heads bowed. The only guards ever allowed in the room during a session where members of the Kaesarguard. One of which, Sir Zaherus Oakheart, stood in the room near the Kaesars seat. Another would no doubt be nearby, possibly hidden out of plain site, vigilant. The Kaesars arrival would signal the beginning of the Council.
Valyria City

A small smile graced Mina's face as she nodded once in reply to the Kaesar. "Of course, Your Majesty." She dipped into a small curtsy as he departed, and then strode down the hall in the opposite direction so that none of the king's entourage would see her face break out into a giant grin.

After rounding the next corner, she took some time to compose herself. Mina, she scolded herself, he has only agreed to meet with you, you have not secured anything worth celebrating. Still, a small smile persisted as she made her way out of the labyrinthine castle corridors and into the surrounding gardens.

She could hear the rush of the ocean in the distance, which made her feel slightly at home in this strange land, though it was about 10 degrees too warm to be mistaken for Labrador. If she were at home, her dress would likely still be covered with a coat, even in the beginning of May. It was often joked that Labrador only had 4 months of summer, though unaccustomed visitors complained that it had none.

As soon as the other people in her area of the garden left, a couple of tittering noble ladies, Mina began playing with her hair and pacing, something she found helped her to think. She usually kept her dark hair away from her face in a braid or a bun, but there were usually a couple of strand left for her to play with, curling them around her fingers as she paced. Her dark hair was typical of her country, as well as her slender build and pale skin. However, unlike most of her countrymen, who had pale blue or green eyes, hers had more of a golden hazel hue, which people attributed to her mother's connection to The Dust Lands.

While she paced, Mina practiced what she would say in the meeting with the king, like the reasons that an alliance would be advantageous, the strategies against countries that might threaten, and her information on the Maane Raiders. While a bit hasty, Mina did not go into things unprepared.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Luca's father, Sir Reagon Bargaris, tried to make him look presentable after they rushed into the meeting room. Luca's hair, which was usually messy, was even worse from his sprint through the castle, and Sir Reagon tried to pat down a particularly stubborn patch of hair as Luca squirmed. Luckily, Luca was saved from his father's mother-hen instincts by the arrival of the Kaesar. Luca's father immediately stopped his preening to stand behind his chair and bow, while Luca stood sharply at attention behind him. After bowing, Sir Reagon took his seat and organized his notes for the meeting.

Luca felt strange being in the same room as the Kaesar. Theoretically he plotted against this man the third Monday of every month, though it was not like any of these plans could actually come true, even with his help. They were far fetched plans with good intentions, but it would take a miracle for it to actually work instead of landing them in jail.

He managed to keep himself collected instead of letting these thoughts show on his face, and he stared off into space as he waited for the meeting to finish. He did not enjoy shadowing his father, for he found the duties boring. Stuffy people talking to even stuffier people about stuffy things. But Sir Reagon apparently wanted him to be ready to take over the job at a moment's notice. Luca disagreed, seeing as his father looked as healthy as a horse and acted like it, too.
Council Room

The Kaesar moved to his seat at the head of the table. A rather unadorned chair, a spat of modesty in a place of opulence, it was almost completely out of place in the palace. The palace having been added too, refurbished, and changed up internally throughout the 328 years of imperial rule. Some Kaesars preferred modesty and as such the public area's often featured less adornment. Others preferred opulence and this can be seen in the Hall of Glass. The entire area forged out of molten glass, marble, gold edging, and gemstones to create a galleria of mirrors.

Valendyn unceremoniously took his seat. Like his father before him Valendyn did not care for the rigid court life. His paternal grandmother, Kaesarin Ophaedia, was much beloved but a strict adherent to court protocol. You could say that adherence caused it to be irritating for her son that would succeed her.

"Let us begin, the topic on everyone's mind, the matter of the Savanni mustering on our Southern frontier." said the Kaesar as he situated himself in his chair. Raising his left hand at Sir Reagan he inclined him to speak, to begin the council, and the formalities of running an Empire. The Savanni where not barbarians like the Palori. No, the Savanni had a well developed social structure and could field armies equal to those of the Southern Highlordships. Capable of fielding heavily armored cavalry, knights, missile troops, and all manner of light infantry skirmishers. They where a feudalistic realm, so no doubt any lord worth their position had a dedicated group of men-at-arms to draw from as well, this was no matter of raiders. A war between these two realms could be devastating for the Southern territories of the Empire just as much as the Savanni. Further, the nearest Grey Cloaks where at Dragonstone and Talos. The Dragonstone garrison did not have enough men to field a force in the open but had a squadron of the Valyrian Navy present which could be helpful. Talos however had several thousand Grey Cloaks garrisoned within and could field a force to bolster the levies of the nobility.


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