A world changed. [Inactive]

Kyant Shawdo

New Member
Kyant Shawdo submitted a new role play:

A world changed. - Heavens gates open up, The underworld storms in, and earth is caught in the middle.

Years after the war when the wold is left to nothing but rubble where will you stand? Fed up and tired of going unheard the Mortals decided to stand up against the Gods. Where will you stand?
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Kyant stood for a moment thinking about what he had just done. The smell of iron was thick as he wiped the blood from his blade sheathing it again on his side. Smiling the demon stood looking out over the battle field pleased with the outcome. After a few moments of personal victory Kyant started walking making his way down an empty street to the middle of town.

Kyant entered through a large gated entrance on the north end of town that looked out over a massive court yard. The city of Harm was massive in size. Some would say it was suppose to be the true capitol of Argornia. But these of course are just stories. After what seemed like forever to Kyant he found himself at the foot of a large stair case that led up to a large white palace that over mirrored the gate he had entered before. 'Why the fuck does everything have to be so big!' Kyant thought to himself pissed off as he started the long walk up the steps.

Pushing open the large oak doors Kyant stepped into what had to be one of the largest mead halls ever constructed. 'All this for beer?' Kyant would always think to himself as he entered the palace. "You people and your beer halls my friend." Kyant said aloud as he came across his friend Terk. "If you cared as much in battle as you did for your booze you would never loose a battle!" They both through back there heads in laughter as Kyant sat down aside his friend. "Only you could take bad about your own people and get away with it Kyant." Terk finally answered after a large drink from his pint. "You wish I would be more like you?" He said again only this time sporting a smart ass smirk. "Be careful what you wish for Terk." Kyant shot back face half gone in a pint of his own. "But then again you could never be as good looking as me!" The demon whispered in Terks ear after receiving a smack in the back of the head.

After a few pints and some hearty words the two boys where both still sitting at a table when a strange man entered the tavern that gave Kyant a deathly chill....
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