Idea A world building and character creation work in process

Core concept


New Member
In role play, I love world building and character creation. The actual writing part - specifically with forum based rp - I'm not particularly strong with. I would love to create (and co-create) a world that attracts the attention of stronger writers who are interested in playing in it so that all of the brainstorming, notes, and lore can really come to life.

This world is centered around the influence of seasons as dictated by the strength of energy types, evolution of creature characters, and world exploration/gathering resources while protecting yourself from hostile creatures.

Combat Style
Character Creation
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There are 18 energies that act as deified forces, playing a part in the cosmology of the world.

Dragon - is self created and created the four elements: water, fire, grass, electric
Water - consumes fire and feeds grass
Fire - consumes grass and feeds water
Grass - consumes water and feeds fire

Water, Fire, and Grass move in a cycle that makes up the elemental plane. There are four other planes that are similar and have different governances. This turning creates the centripetal force that generates gravity.

Grass, Ground, and Poison energy govern life and death

Fire, Steel, and Rock govern structure, architecture, and blacksmithing

Rock, Flying, Fighting govern superpowers and the ideas of defense, evasion, and strength

Fighting, Dark, and Psychic govern the balance of light and dark and emotions

Ice energy was created by Water and Fire energy and marks the start of Winter when Dragon energy hibernates

Ghost like Dragon is a self created energy

Poison and Bug energy were created by Ghost energy

Bug consumes grass and feeds flying

Bug and Fighting inspire the knights/heroes/paladins of the world and submit to Fairy

Fairy energy inspires dragon hunts

Those with psychic sensitivity are more affected by bugs, spirits, and the dark

Normal energy lives in the middle plane, sheltered by Rock and Steel
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In this world, evolution is determined by how well you're fed and cleaned, how much you train, and good quality sleep. The alignment of the planets and stars, each associated with a deified force, will determine the challenges you face. You determine how well you overcome the challenges with your mindset.

During a New Moon an egg hatches. Each egg carries a set of DNA that reincarnates. Below are the sets of races that share a DNA family. Each is unique though some are more similar than others.

Early Spring
Mid Spring
Late Spring
Early Summer
Mid Summer
Late Summer
Early Autumn
Mid Autumn
Late Autumn
Early Winter
Mid Winter
Late Winter
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There are seven tribes:

acacia wood is the top resource, water and soil available
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higher chance of finding gold, limited wood available, water and soil may be available
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exotic food/dye sources cocoa and melon, abundant resources
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low resources, water and soil for farming is more available
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abundant resources, water and soil available
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low resources, water and soil not readily available
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wood and clay readily available, not ideal for mining stone and ores
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There are two categories of professions that exist across every tribe: Villager Professions and Adventurer Professions

Villager Professions (which serve as more mercantile role and quest givers):
Armorer - buys coal, sells enchanted armor
Butcher - buys raw meat, sells cooked meat
Cartographer - buys paper, sells maps
Cleric - buys zombie flesh, sells rare minerals
Farmer - buys crops, sells baked goods
Fisher - buys spider silk and raw fish, sells cooked fish and enchanted fishing rod
Fletcher - buys sticks, flint, and other parts to sell arrows
Leatherworker - buys hide, sells leather armor
Librarian - buys paper, enchants books
Mason - buys clay and raw stone, sells polished stone and terracotta
Shepherd - buys wool and dye to sell dyed wool and beds
Tool Smith - buys coal, flint, and iron, sells enchanted tools
Weapon Smith - buys coal, flint, and iron, sells enchanted weapons

Emeralds are the main currency

Adventurer Professions:
Animal Handler/Breeder - breeds sheep for wool, cows for leather, rabbits for hide and feet, chickens for feathers and eggs
Architect - builds structures
Bee Keeper - works with bees to get honey
Dyer - collects flowers and other materials for dye to make banners, beds, dyed leather, etc.
Electrician - works with Redstone
Explorer - makes maps, looks for new villages, finds other landmarks and possible treasures
Fighter - defends against zombies, skeletons, creepers, etc.
Gatherer/Planter - gathers sugarcane for sugar and paper and other crops, mostly works with the Farmer Villager profession
Hunter - hunts wild cows, pigs, sheep, chicken, rabbits
Miner - mines for coal, iron, gold, red stone, diamond, lapis
Nether Wanderer - goes to the nether to collect otherworldly materials for potions
Potion Maker - makes potions
Rail Worker - uses sticks, iron, gold, and Redstone to make a rail system
Wood Cutter - collects wood and sticks

Your type will determine your aptitude for your profession

  • resists Fire, Water, Grass, and Electric type attacks
  • weak to Ice, Fairy, and Dragon type attacks
Professions: Dyer, Electrician, Explorer, Gatherer, Nether Wanderer, Wood Cutter

  • resists Fire, Grass, Ice, Bug, Steel, and Fairy type attacks
  • weak to Water, Ground, and Rock type attacks
Professions: Bee Keeper, Blacksmithing, Dyer, Fighter, Gatherer, Hunter, Nether Wanderer, Rail Worker, Wood Cutter

  • resists Steel, Fire, Water, and Ice type attacks
  • weak to Grass or Electric type attacks
Professions: Architect, Explorer (sea or tundra), Fisher, Mason, Miner, Nether Wanderer, Potion Maker

  • resists Ground, Water, Grass, and Electric type attacks
  • weak to Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, and Ice type attacks
Professions: Dyer, Electrician, Farmer, Gatherer, Potion Maker, Wood Cutter

  • resists, Flying, Electric and Steel type attacks
  • weak to Ground type attacks
Professions: Electrician, Enchanter, Fighter, Hunter

  • resists Rock and Poison type attacks
  • immune to Electric type attacks
  • weak to Water, Grass, and Ice type attacks
Professions: Architect, Bee Keeper, Electrician, Miner, Nether Explorer

  • resists Ice type attacks
  • weak to Fire, Rock, Steel, and Fighting type attacks
Professions: Architect (igloos), Enchanter

  • resists Normal, Flying, Poison, Fire type attacks
  • weak to Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, Grass type attacks
Professions: Architect, Bee Keeper, Cleric, Chicken Handler, Enchanter, Nether Explorer

  • resists Poison, Fighting, Grass, Fairy, and Bug type attacks
  • weak to Ground and Psychic type attacks
Professions: Animal Handler, Bee Keeper, Dyer, Gatherer, Hunter, Potion Maker, Wood Cutter

  • resists Bug and Poison type attacks
  • immune to Normal and Fighting type Attacks
  • weak to Ghost and Dark type attacks
Professions: Animal Handler, Bee Keeper, Explorer, Fighter, Hunter

  • resists Ghost and Dark type attacks
  • immune to Psychic type attacks
  • weak to Fighting, Fairy, and Bug type attacks
Professions: Nether Wanderer

  • resists Fighting and Psychic type attacks
  • weak to Bug, Dark, and Ghost type attacks
Professions: Animal Handler, Hunter

  • resists Rock, Bug, and Dark type attacks
  • weak to Flying, Psychic, and Fairy type attacks
Professions: Architect, Bee Keeper, Fighter, Miner, Nether Wanderer

  • resists Fighting, Ground, and Grass type attacks
  • weak to Flying, Rock, and Fire type attacks
  • not suited for mining or the Nether
Professions: Dyer, Gatherer, Wood Cutter

  • resists Fighting, Bug, and Grass type attacks
  • immune to Ground type attacks
  • weak to Rock, Electric, and Ice type attacks
Professions: Animal Handler, Bee Keeper, Dyer, Explorer, Fighter, Gatherer, Hunter, Wood Cutter

  • resists Fighting, Bug, and Dark type attacks
  • immune to Dragon type attacks
  • weak to Steel and Poison type attacks
Professions: Animal Handler, Explorer, Fighter, Hunter, Nether Wanderer

  • resists all type attacks except Fire, Water, Electric, Ground, Ghost, Dark, Fighting
  • immune to poison
  • weak to Fire, Fighting, and Ground type attacks
Professions: Architect, Miner, Rail Worker

  • immune to Ghost type attacks
  • weak to Fighting type attacks
Professions: Dyer, Enchanter, Explorer, Potion Maker
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Combat Style
As you explore the world, you are likely to encounter monsters who are hostile towards you. You get to chose your combat style:

Artificer - specializing in gear
Barbarian - channeling emotion into physical attacks
Bard - art is magic
Cleric - see domains*
Druid - communes with nature
Fighter - choose from a variety of fighting styles
Monk - unarmored fighter
Paladin - armored spellcaster
Ranger - uses the environment to their advantage
Rouge - sneak attack
Sorcerer - bends magic
Warlock - strong magic from a pact
Wizard - unlimited potential through study and time

Arcana Domain - Psychic
Death Domain - Poison, Bug, and Dark
Forge Domain - Fire, Steel, and Rock
Grave Domain - Ground
Knowledge Domain - Psychic
Life Domain - Grass and Ground
Light Domain - Fire and Dragon
Nature Domain - Bug, Flying, and Grass
Order Domain - Psychic and Bug
Peace Domain - Fighting and Bug
Tempest Domain - Dragon, Water, Electric, Ice, and Flying
Trickery Domain - Normal and Psychic
Twilight Domain - Fairy

Leprechaun week - just before spring begins, Leprechauns run around or fly on the backs of magpies and ravens to collect gold and other shiny, valuable objects.

Early Spring (warrior season)

During this season, the spirit of fire would strengthen and thaw the ice of winter and recover the hibernating spirit of the dragon.

At the beginning of spring, people gather together for a day of partying before going back to the fields to begin tilling the soil, preparing for the next harvest or otherwise beginning training in their craft.

Calcination is the honored process of this season. Burning metals at high temperatures purifies them making them much more valuable.

On the full moon of early spring, rabbit spirits emerge to hide their eggs which hold blessings of abundance and/or candies.

Mid Spring (abundance season)

During this season, the spirit of water would be drawn to heat of fire and cool the world with rain. The spirit of the ground would also bring balance to the heat of fire so the spirit of the grass can flourish

Fool’s Day - a day to take a break from work to share stories, tell jokes, and pull pranks. Some subcultures take this day very seriously and call their pranking an art.

Late spring (intellectual season)

After the spirit of the Grass reaches the climax of its power, the spirits of bug and flying are drawn to the vegetation.

During this season trainees are tested in their knowledge and skilled workers often present new inventions and literature.


Early Summer (family season)

Summer begins with the spirit of fire chasing the bugs and consuming the remaining vegetation and the spirit of water is drawn again to the heat of the fire.

Not only is this a time for marriages and childbirth, it’s also an opportunity for various practitioners to form groups for different projects. The host of these events is named Mother Summer.

Mid Summer (celebration season)

In this season, the spirits of electricity and rock chase away the flyers with storms and meteor showers.

During this season we are at the peak of progress and everyone goes out in bright colors to celebrate.

This season is also used to enchant items with absorption magic.

Late Summer (organizing season)

In this season, the spirit of the ground is recovered and repels electricity and the spirit of the fighter pulverizes stone.

A time to take stock of your produce and begin making plans for the cold months. In preparation for the cold months, there are a couple of processes done to extend the use of flowers and food. One process is making preserves and canning fruits. The other process is distilling oils and alcohol. The oils can be used in perfumes and hygienic liniments.


Early Autumn (peace season)

The spirit of the grass strengthens and fills the air with sweet smells of harvest. The spirit of the flying is drawn to the smells and chases away the fighters. This is also the season the spirit of the fairy sends fairy knights on dragon hunts.

At this time it is discouraged to start any fights as we remember those who have fought bravely to maintain the peace.

Mid Autumn (rebirth season)

This season comes with the storms of electricity and the spirit of poisons. The spirit of the rock causes volcanoes to erupt. The spirit of poisons sends reapers to chase away the fairy knights.

This is the season when some choose to commune with those that have passed because the veil between this world and the next is thinnest.

Late Autumn (adventure season)

During this season, the spirit of the ground sends Tillers to clean the earth from poison, ash, and stone. Then the spirit of the ice comes to initiate the hibernation of the dragons.

This is a popular season for making ceramics, candles, and wax figures as well as going out into the world to explore new places.


Early Winter (providence season)

The Winter Solstice is a time that honors industry and resolve. The spirit of steel emerges and the spirit of normal finds residency in rock and steel.

Now we honor the abundance we have and share with those around us. This is also the time of year in which we bring out aged cheeses, wines, and beer. The host of many feasts during this season is called Father Winter.

Mid Winter (cultural season)

This season honors the progress of sentience as well as rebellion and our return to nature. During this season the spirit of the fighter is strongest.

This is a time for honoring different cultures and sharing in knowledge and abundance for the sake of the planet’s evolution.

Late Winter (spirit season)

This is the season of nature and the unconscious. At this time the spirits of psychics, ghosts, and darkness battle for power.

A groundhog spirit is summoned to forecast an early spring or late winter.

Love is celebrated most during this spiritually heightened season as it is said to be the strongest force known in the universe.
A spirit is an entity of pure energy.


A spirit can fuse with matter to give itself a physical shape. Without matter, a spirit may still favor some shape and express it through pure light/color, it may otherwise shapeshift or take an amorphous form.

There are people that rely on dark magic to hunt spirits. In this context dark magic refers to accessing a deep rage that fills the body with energy also referred to as “releasing your inner beast”.

Spirits do not necessarily have a will (motive, plan, or goal), emotion, or logic so at times they can seem a nuisance if they are smaller and quite dangerous if they are larger.

By communing with the all-spirit you can prevent any danger from a spirit.

Some people have a strong spiritual connection from birth. This can be a blessing and a curse because, for these people, their own spirit can become a danger, particularly in their youth if they are not disciplined in their thoughts and emotions.

Spirits can be moved by deep rage or by any intense emotion: profound pleasure, grief, nauseating disgust, or paralyzing fear.

Spirits are closely related to energy but are only perceived as energy once it manifests on the physical plane.

Spirits do not have a will and so those perceived as trickster spirits are often given that purpose by someone else, sometimes it is simply the belief in trickster spirits that manifests them into being.
Energy is all around us at an atomic level and some are gifted to be able to control that energy.

These gifted people usually focus on one specific way to manipulate the energy around them. Some of these disciplines are listed here:

  • supplementing physical speed and strength
  • supplementing the senses to pick up information beyond the normal scope, even into other people’s perceptive experience
  • manipulate memories
  • hypnosis or generating a state of mind i.e. rest, focus, rage, etc
  • projecting the mind through time and space (astral-projection, transference)
  • inhibiting other people’s abilities
  • copying other people’s abilities
  • Moving and manipulating objects in the physical plane (with this specific discipline users will lean towards one element or class of elements that operate physically similarly for example someone who learns how to form the combustion of oxygen in the air might quickly learn how to manipulate oxygen and hydrogen atoms to form H2O however this is very different from visualizing an image in stone to then carve with your mind.)
  • focusing energy into strong walls, shields, weapons, etc.
  • generating heat, light, or vibrations
  • physical teleportation/time travel
  • creating space, room magic, pocket dimensions

Learning these abilities takes practice and discipline. Fear is the psychic’s greatest weakness. Generally psychic’s are known for having a natural fear of bugs, spirits, and darkness however like all fears these can be overcome.

It is more difficult for a psychic/psion to control energy that is actually a spirit. This is a common test for discerning if a destructive energy force is natural or a spirit.

Psychically controlling spirits is another form of dark magic.

Transdimensional phenomenon - occasionally a creature on any plane of existence will intentionally or unintentionally access an energy state that allows them to be in multiple planes at once. If the transition is incomplete only a part is experienced in the other plane such as a vision of your being or the force of your presence. This is often mistaken for seeing a ghost or poltergeist.
Dark creatures live in the shadows and the void, moving around at night. Fairies and superhumans use their light to hunt these creatures to collect their pelts for magic.

Dark creatures feed on psychic and spiritual energy. They are like spirits in that they can shift forms and sometimes maintain one form but they are anti-energy.

Some dark creatures form pack which they are loyal to while others are loners.

Seeing a dark creature is considered an omen of disaster.
There are a variety of fey creatures: fairies, gnomes, sprites, pixies, elves, brownies to name a few.

These creatures resonate with a fairy energy, a unique type of spiritual energy that belongs to fey folk. This energy is useful for weakening dark, superhuman, and dragon energy.

Anything imbued with fairy energy has immunity to draconic energy. Fairy energy can be weakened by poisons and metals.

Psychics have studied fairy immunity and practice copying and manipulating that energy to create immunities to other forces and elements.
Some are blessed with extraordinary strength and stamina, they are called superhumans. Groups of superhumans practice a unique fighting style. One group that may be considered superhuman yet are of their own category are the Bug People. They practice a fighting style with armor and weapons based on bugs.

Superhumans can break through ice, stone, and metal. Stone in particular they have an affinity for, some have become notable sculptors and builders.

It is generally true that psychics, fairies, and celestials have the upper hand against superhumans, some creatures take pride in this and look down on the superhumans.
Dragons are attributed with the creation of the four elements. After many generations, some dragons have lost touch with all four elements and focus on one of the four or they have adapted to other forces of power, psychic, physical, or digital.

Most dragons are cold-blooded and weakened by ice. Some legends describe the death of the first dragon, once he finished creating the universe he was so far from the Sun that he froze into a comet that will return him to the Sun to be reanimated.
Mid Autumn Evolution Tree
Scorpio Pendulum 3.0/3.5 - Nightmare Soldiers


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