A World Bathed in Blood.


Raikov swallowed hard as he spotted the guards ahead. They had been so close, and now they were faced with her. The witch...the shadowwalker... His teammates charged ahead into battle, and he was left there standing fearful and weak next to the goddess who seemed to be fiddling around for something in her pockets. He sensed her apprehension as well as confusion. Momentarily, he closed his eyes, searching for the strength he knew was somewhere within him after so many years of hardships.

His mind momentarily wandered as he thought of all the people laying scattered, dead, frozen, or starved on the moist city grounds. All of the people in the slums struggling just to survive, and all of the brave soldiers who had already died to protect them and carry out their quest for salvation. Every last one of them braver than he was.

Rai was so close to something so divine and pure, she would be their savior and here he was, cowering like a guilty animal over a few shadows. Since when was he afraid of the dark? Opening his eyes, he didn't give himself time to think before he hurled himself to a position that would be a bit easier to defend. A ledge slightly higher in the tunnels. He didn't have a plan yet, nor did he have any sort of defenses but for his crossbow. He just knew he had to do something.

He took his first arrow, crouching and aiming at his target. He released it, watching it fly before it plunged into the back of one of the guards heads.

(Vexare coming shortly. and im gonna make Raikov fire and her darkness as far as elements go) 

"At last," she breathed as she saw the fighting break out. Her soldiers charged the small group ahead, though she had a feeling that sheer numbers would not win them the battle. No, these were highly skilled Hikari. Her shadows moved forward to meet them, dark and faceless. Vexare spotted the goddess, the young girl they called Haku further down the tunnel. A young man with a cross bow near her for close range protection. Instantly, she made them her target. Eyes on the prize, she smirked.

She felt the black tattoo appear just underneath her eye as it singed her skin. Three dangerous tear drops appeared as she summoned the darkness within her. Within her hands, she constructed two twin sai's and ran head on into the fighting. She loved killing; it was what she lived for.

She ran past a Hikari girl with a kunai who seemed to be distracted by one of her shadows. briefly, Vexare addressed the deadly being, instructing him to attack one more. The thing screamed in recognition and formed long black claws that were almost a foot in length, making himself even larger than before as he moved to envelope the girl in darkness.

Haku closed her eyes listening to the voice. She extended her arm in front of her two fingers out. She listened to the voice and made a T in the air then an X through the T. A ray or light blasted outward as a black flute cloaked in a blue aura appeared. Her flute. She took it in her hand. Blinking, her deep red eyes full of confusion. She breathed in taking the flute in her hands and putting it to her lips she played. Ever so naturally, she played. It amazed her, but she did not stop. The soft melodical tune echoed outward. A flash of light sored across and impaled all the Hikari members. They were unharmed, but a strange power seemed to envelope them.

Don froze as the light impaled her. She felt, strange, at peace, warm as it did. Upon her forehead the japanese kanji for light appeared. Her kunai became coated in the element of light. What was this? She noticed Haku playing and knew then that her power had awoken a power within her. she turned on a dime and slashed the shadow being that came from behind her.

She felt a sharp pain in her side as a strange light filled the tunnel. It's her. It's the damn goddess. The sai she held in her arms seemed to burn white hot and she released her dark elemental energy, losing control of it. It would only hurt her against such powerful light.

The shadow being had managed to cloak the girl in light just as she had unleashed her own power. It was strong too. It scorched the shadow, bathing him in white and he shrieked once more, fading into a black fog...nothing more than a weak mist. No! she thought in a panic. There would be nothing her shadows could do to help them. They would have to rely on their real soldiers
Damian sighed hearing the fighting erupt. "Oh my I must say your to la-" He trailed off as a beam of light hit him, just as he caught the sound of the song. A melody played by a flute. His tongue felt like it was ravaged with a sharp weapon. On his tongue the kanji for lightening graced it. Haku's song hadn't only helped allies, but enemies had power sleeping within them too that were awakened.
Zane paused for a moment. The light, so warm and caring forced a smile onto his usually emotionless face. It amazed him that that little girl possessed such power. His sword, engraved with earth magic, glowed and upon his left eyelid the kanji for earth appeared. He felt the power pulse through him. She slammed his sword onto the ground and it cause a fissure that stretched to some of the guards that piled out of the military base taking some into a massive grave.

Rai could not believe his eyes at the events occurring around him. Haku was playing some sort of flute that had unleashed a crazy power among them. Something stranger and unnatural, though completely soothing. He saw Zane with some kind of earth thing. The witch, Vexare's powers were killed where they stood for she was darkness against the light. It was as though something had become awakened in all of them.

He felt warmth within him, as though something within him was growing too. He dropped his crossbow as the next arrow he knotched and released erupted into a radiant flame the cut through the light and buried itself in the head of a military man. That had come from him! him! He would have never thought... the others maybe, but him? little Raikov, the gutter rat? He grinned wildly at himself, a newfound courage sparked within him. "Everybody move! Now!" he hollered amongst the chaos. Their enemy was equally distracted, and now was their best chance because he bet that their enemies had received the same courteous powers.
Zane nodded and took off. He slipped through the hole that Hikari had busted in the wall. It had taken years, but this hole represented so much. The freedom they received from battle, and future freedom that could come.
Don followed Zane. She thought the same thing he did.

Haku's flute vanished in a blue flame. She blinked a few times. How did she do that? She took a few steps and was directly behind Rai. She fell forward into his back. She had not learned of her powers yet and had not learned to control them yet. The stress was tough on her small body, and she lost consciousness. "Rai of Flames." She said. "Suitable to someone with your past." Then the darkness took her.

Raikov heard the sweet voice of the goddess somewhere close until he realized she was right behind. "Rai of Flames," she had said. He liked the sound of that, especially when she said it. His eyes widened in a minor panic thoughas he felt her slump against his back.

Carefully, he twisted around, catching her in his arms. She had passed out. It must have been from her powers; it was pure exhaustion. He cradled her there for a moment, whisping a strand of her hair gently behind her ear. A brief mental image flashed in his mind of him bending down to kiss her forehead and guide her to safety, but he figured that would be rather inappropriate. Not to mention, what would she want with him anyway. Even if he was Rai of Flames now, he was still nobody important.

Still cradling her in his arms, he rose, preparing to run toward the hole in the wall Zane had just slipped through. 

Vexare was essentially stuck, beaten, burned, and helpless as the light drowned out a majority of her powers and burned her body. Before, she had been one of the few who had already possessed powers, and now, the goddess had awakened the same thing in so many others. Because Vexare's had already been so powerful, the darkness had embodied her, consumed her even and hardened her heart to black wickedness. That was why the light was affecting her so harshly now.

The black that had entered her eyes left to reveal the electric purple of her regular eyes and she lay there paralyzed on the floor as her quarry escaped through a damn whole in the wall. Her battle was lost.
The Darkleer pulled her dark hair away from her forehead, revealing an intricate blue sign carved into the flesh there. Fire. Her heavy garb protected her from the scorching power of the light. The warrior held her ground as a fissure shook the ground, putting her gun in its holster again. Rushing forward, she grabbed Damian by the collar and cut off the flow of oxygen to his lungs. "Where is the girl, you bastard?! What have you done to her?!"

She roared, her voice going up an octave. Her masculine facade threatened to crumble. "I could burn your body beyond recognition. I am an Aries. A Geomancer. Now tell me, where is the girl?!" The warrior shook him, growling like an animal. Time was running out and chaos was erupting. Her only chance was to quell it at the chaos that was threatening to break them all.
Damian barley responded to the Darkerlee's violent attributes. He was still stunned by the electricity, literally, that seemed to flow in his veins, like a searing flame yet a soothing water. He pointed toward the northern exit. "From what I've gathered the sweet little flower has been safely taken from Gaia." He said. He regained his composure and pushed Darkerlee away. :To bad. I wanted that flower all to myself." He sighed. "Lets go men. We'll have to find out our orders." He turned, walking off motioning for his men to follow.

Haku felt as if she were floating. She was being held in strong arms that were yet so gentle. They cradled her like she was something important as well as precious and fragile. She felt a flame burn in the core of her protector. A soft wave wafted over her. She felt that her protector cared for her but felt insignificant. She felt a rush of his true feelings of despair. She reached out a hand in her sleep and touched his cheek. "Don't cry." She said softly.
The Darkleer kicked the Lieutenant's back, sure to make his steps stutter. "You'll never have her. Flowers only bloom in the light, you bastard." The Darkleer growled, turning her pistol and bashing it across a general's face. The crack of his nose and right cheekbone was satisfying to say the least. Taking a deep breath, she turned on her heal and ran towards the gutters. She needed inconspicuous transportation to Gaia, and she could find that easily underground. The route was never traveled, even by civilians-- it was perfect to keep herself concealed.

The smell hit her as soon as she stepped into the catacombs. It smelled like decaying human remains and rats. Starting to sprint, the Darkleer turned corners expertly, having the entire system of catacombs mapped out in her mind. Apologizing quietly when she kicked a skull (human or animal, she didn't know), she raced towards Gaia. When she saw the ladder than led up to the surface, relief flushed through her body. Stopping a few steps short of it, she walked slowly and began to climb. She could sense Haku; she was close. The power was still radiating from her, making her easy to find. Vulnerable.

Shivers shook Rai at the touch of her gentle hands on his cheek and her soft voice. A natural spark of purity seemed to electrify him, pulsing with every step he took. "I wont," he whispered to her, though she appeared to still be asleep. "I will stay strong for you my angel."

There had been nobody around to hear him speak so freely of her, for he couldn't help himself. Still, he effortlessly breached the surface and rejoined the others.


(still paralyzed and blacking out)
Don waved as Rai appeared. "Hey! Over here!" she called out, then gasped noticing the fragile looking doll in his arms. "Rai is she ok?"

Haku's eyes fluttered open. She looked around. She could see the rising sun in the deep azure sky, a field with flowers, then past that, what appeared to be a place of mourning. It was trashed, smoke graced only a few chimneys and candle light was all that was there. Her eyes were glazed with sympathy for the people who were forced to live her. Gaia had seemed so fair and she had only assumed much of nothing lay past its walls, but one glance showed the injustice. She glanced over at the Gaian wall. A light burned within her telling her to do all she could to tear down that wall and liberate the Slumians. She looked at Rai. "Now I understand why." She looked at every other member in turn. "I see why pain glazes your pasts." She wiggled out of Rai's arms and steadied herself against Rai's chest so she could stand. "I don't understand it, but I know I must do something." She bowed in a polite manner, her white hair falling forward and touching the ground due to its length. "I asked that you help me."

Don kept her eyes wide. She was unable to reply. This girl, the one suppose to be the Goddess was so humble. "I- I will." Was all she managed.
Zane felt almost guilty. This girl, no this goddess, acted so humbly. He stood frozen a moment, then replied, "I will most definitely assist you."
The Darkleer followed the energy trail, muscles tight as she stalked in the shadows. Staying concealed would help her avoid marching troops. Her scarf kept her from breathing the lingering scent of death that trailed Gaia. Though death could be smelled for miles in the Slums, it was worse within the walls of the city. The city officials had tried to fumigate and cover the scent of death with perfumes. It was utterly disgusting.

Finding the Goddess, she spotted the group around her. Carefully emerging from the shadows, she held her hands away from her weapons belt to prove that she didn't come to harm them. Falling to one knee, she bowed her head respectfully before standing again. "I come not to harm you. I come to let you know that something must be done. My Geomancers have been telling me of the Aristocracy's plan to fumigate the Slums like they might a rat's nest. They plan on a mass slaughter. And I am but one man. Goddess, I need your help. I need help from any place I can afford to ask for it."
(sorry all for the wait, I just took my plane back home and now im packing to go off to college tomorrow so been a little occupied)


Rai didn't have to answer Don as the goddess awoke of her own accord and managed to steady herself against him. Of course, he didn't mind it, and he listened and observed as she took everything in and spoke. He saw her eyes running over the large Gaian wall and then down to the natural beauty it had locked out. He picked up on the waves of hurt and shock coming off of her, and the overpowering need she felt to help the world around her.

He continued to watch and observe as Don and Zane both promised her their aid. Proud and confident his newly discovered gift could be of service to her cause, he was about to pledge himself to her as well until a new figure appeared not far off. Protectively, he stepped in front of Haku, though he sensed she could have handled herself. He just couldn't help it.

However, soon after if became clear that she posed as no threat, only yet another alliance. She brought grave news indeed. What could the five of them do against the entire aristocracy? They had to devise a plan and soon. Silently, he began to work through the details.

"What if we gave the aristocracy a more immediate threat than the people of the slums... a problem they had to take care of before they could fumigate the city?" he offered.


Vexare's eyes flashed in and out of purple and black as darkness pulsed once again within her now that she had recovered. She glared at Damian in fury. "You should have seen how the light just erupted through her! and now she's gone. I knew we should have harnessed her powers while we had the chance, but nobody wanted to listen to me." she ranted, pausing briefly to look toward her fellow lieutenant for his own input. She had to at least pretend to care that she valued his opinion. it was once in a blue moon he came up with any good ideas.
Damian smirked. "Oh well I believe there is something much more valuable. That girl, I swear I will make her mine. My father would have no objections considering." He waved his hand in a effort to finish his sentence without words. "Oh come little Vexy all is well. We now have an excuse to head out into the slums and cleanse the area."

Haku nodded at Darkerlee. One word in particular confused her. It was man. Despite the attempt, Haku felt something come from the person before her that screamed women. Not wanting to offend the Darkerlee if her hunch was incorrect Haku dismissed it. "I plan to." She replied. She thought hard at what Rai's plan. She stepped forward into the center of the group. "I very much believe their top priority is my capture. And for me to remain as unharmed as possible. " She looked down sadly a moment. "I have no memory of anything before todays events, and cant quite understand why I'm so important" She lifted her head determinedly. "But I will no tolerate the destruction of everyone nor will I tolerate the ones within the walls living pampered lives paying no heed to the injustice outside their comfy homes."
The Darkleer nodded, removing her goggles for a brief moment to wipe the dirt off of them with the hem of her coat. Her bright blue eyes met the other woman's for a moment as she continued dusting and began speaking. "The plan to run the citizens out of house and home will be a hard one to thwart. I'll be damned if I let them all die in such a horrible way, though. I had the chance to kill Damian. I had the chance to end it all and stop the fumigation act at its very core. I didn't, however, because I needed to assure your safety. My Geomancers say they, the Authorities, have troops searching on foot and by air for you. I couldn't let them get you, so I had to let go of Donicas. I'll be damned, though, if he wriggles me off a second time."

The Darkleer took a deep breath through her scarf and put her goggles back onto her head. Managing to get her ponytail over the strap, she almost lurched at how filthy her hair was. She hadn't had the chance to bathe in three days. She had, however, made exceptionally good time from Edinburg to Gaia. It wasn't like anyone was going to offer the aloof, powerful, legendary Darkleer, hero of lore, feminine acclaim. A man. Right now, she was a man for the good of the Slums. The binder that manipulated everyone and her body so constricted her chest. She'd need to stop and readjust it to even breathe. None of that mattered, though. What mattered was saving innocent lives.

"The fastest way to travel from the Aristocracy to the Slums is through the catacomb systems. Do you trust me?"
Haku was still confused at the Darkerlee's claim to be male, but again pushed it aside. She knew that despite the fact Darkerlee could be lying about gender, that the truth emitted from her words. "Damian. Yes that man is a strange one indeed, but I doubt his death would bring anything but more trouble." She rubbed her chin as she spoke. She stopped the gesture and turned to Darkerlee. "While I was captive Damian came and spoke to me. Well more so harassed. Any -who, he said he was a Lieutenant and in command of only a portion of the army. It could cause disorder." She finished.

The words echoed in her head, 'do you trust me?' Haku reached forward and took the Darkerlee's hand in hers. "I do." She turned and grabbed Rai by the hand. She felt she could trust the people before her, but trusted Rai the most even felt a connection to him. "Let follow he....er.... him."

He listened acutely to their discussion, agreeing and disagreeing here or there before the goddess gently grabbed his hand and nudged him in the Darkleer's direction. "I trust you. We will follow you into the catacombs to get into the city, but I think we need a more strategic plan. I say we offer ourselves as an alternate distraction that attracts so many soldiers-- especially now that we have new gifts of power to make things even more interesting-- that the Authorities have no other option but to postpone their planned destruction of the slums. With two or three of us keeping them busy, we'll attack where they are vulnerable, eliminating the authorities themselves." Brief flashes of consequential anarchy flashed through Rai's mind so he added on, "And we put Haku to rule in their place."


She scowled at Damian's little pet names, resisting the urge to attack him. That would get them no where. "Whether you make her yours or not, we need her back before they use her against us. They're getting stronger; it no longer stands that our sheer numbers and the few of us who already had powers are enough to compete with their highly trained soldiers."

Vexare then scoffed at the mentioning of the slums. "Like that's sposed to help. The little b**** is already gone and in the care of the damn Hikari. I don't give two F***** about the city ans the little gutter rats inside of it. I want that girl found. "Now," she added icily.
The Darkleer gripped Haku's hand, treasuring the contact. Not many people dared to reach out and touch her, fearing that she would strike out or that she would disappear like a dream. The longer Haku held her hand, the wider the smile beneath her scarf got. Wheezing desperately with the inability to breathe, she tried to speak past it. "With an army of Geomancers and an entire class of people ready to start revolution and in the morning find a new sunrise... we can save this damned black hole. Thank you. Thank you, for your trust in me," she breathed. "Exactly, sir. I didn't catch your name, young warrior."

Leading the two of them back to the entrance of the catacombs, she coughed and tried desperately to breathe. Taking off her long scarf, she handed it to Haku. "Here. It's hard to breathe in the catacombs, and there's an awful stench. You two can share this and keep yourself from choking on that air." Pushing her hair out of her face to reveal the blue imprint on her forehead, they watched as it glowed crimson and she touched the stone wall with a gloved hand. An old Geomancer's trick. A small stream of blood red light appeared at the seal of the catacombs' opening before the stone shifted, revealing long, twisting caverns beneath a rickety ladder. "Stay close to me."
Haku followed Darkerlee. As she did she still held onto Rai. "Do you really think I could rule?" She said in a soft, innocent tone. "I really don't know about ruling......." She trailed off. How could she get cold feet now. Before it had been like a dream, the words she spoke, and now she believed maybe it was. 
She accepted the scarf. She stretched it out unsure how to share it with Rai who was much taller than she was.
(soooo dreadfully sorry for the delay. college and everything has been distracting and my first day of classes is tomorrow. response form damian for vexare?)


"Raikov, but most just call me Rai," he answered the darkleer who proceeded to take haku's hand. Later on as they moved along, Haku struck up a conversation with him.

"Of course I do. You're so kind and thoughtful," he started before seeming to go on and on. "And it's as though you were born to do it. Somehow, we just all knew you were to bed our savior, our goddess. It's in your blood, and we all have the utmost faith in you. It will take time for you to understand how to handle every situation, but in time you will learn from both your mistakes and your successes. All will be well once more, you will see," he assured her, placing a friendly hand on her back.

Damian snorted. "Oh Vexy your so cruel sometimes." He said putting a finger under her chin. "And vicious." 
Haku smiled at Rai. "Well thank you. I just hope it all works out." She looked up at the sky. "I hear a voice speak to me, but I don't know how to let it in." She turned her gaze to Rai. "And for some reason when I look at you the voice becomes louder." she clutched the scarf. "I just want the earth to stop crying." She said as they rounded a corner. she pushed open a hatch that led into a Slumian city a fair distance from Gaia.

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