A World Bathed in Blood.

Haku looked out of the bared window of her cell at the full moon. It was bright and at the time red. She sighed. The military base was where she awoke, no memory of anything else. She knew it was not the right place for her, something inside her assured her of this. The military told her she was an important aspect of the war and it was in her best interest to comply with all military demands. A soft knock on the door of her cell jerked her back into awareness. Without waiting for a reply a new face appeared.

"Hello there." Said Damian, brushing his hair from his face. "And how are we."

Haku looked at him with a nervous yet prideful gleam. "Fine. And who, may I ask, are you exactly?" She asked rather curtly.

Damian let out a short laugh from his throat. "I am Damian Donicas, a Lieutenant of this here military."

Haku turned her head to look out the window. "Interesting. Now unless you have business with me leave."

Damian sprung forward grabbing Haku's face and tilting her chin up. "My quite a feisty one aren't we?" He placed a hand on the small of her back. "If I wouldn't be immediately court marshaled I would teach you to mind your tongue." He released her and stepped away. "See ya' sweetie." He said leaving.

Don sat in a room full of Hikari members. "So we will be heading out to save the Goddess? I wonder what she is like." She pondered.
Zane listened intently. They were to go in teams. His team Consisted of Don, Rai, and himself. They were the team being sent directly to the location of the Goddess and in charge of her protection. After being given instructions Zane stepped outside and waited for his team to join him.
Don dashed over to Zane. "Alright! Now we just need Rai and we can go!" She declared optimistic of the approaching dangers.

Rai stood there looking in the mirror at his solemn reflection and the dismal features that seemed to create nothing more than a mask--a silhouette of depth flashing in the depths of his brown eyes, and then returning to the hidden façade and forgotten hope. If only there was someone who could see... The others all regarded him as disturbingly happy and easy going, yet sometimes he felt as though the battle had already been lost. Still, he pushed the thoughts into the back of his mind and reassumed his charming character. He suspected the others would be waiting for him to go on assignment.

He splashed water over his face real quick, took on last look, and then turned to leave. Today's mission was important; he needed to focus. Approaching the others near the base entrance, he offered them what he hoped to be a convincing smile. "Hey guys, sorry if I kept you long."


Vexare's purple eyes illuminated the mist, giving off a lethal glow through the murk. Her fist clenched as a black being seeped out of it, its tendrils sifting through the murky night that was already bathed in red from the blood of the moon. A sneer played onto her face. Idiots! she raged. She couldn't even trust the men with the simplest of tasks. She closed her mind, concentrating on her surroundings until she sought out what she had been searching for.

She could feel the energy pulsating through her as she shared the bond with the shadow being as she searched for her culprit. A man with a funny looking hat crouched I a dark corned of the city, blending in with the look and smell of filth. He was the leak. Somehow, he had managed to obtain important documents from the military base in one of the Gaian towers.

"You think you can hide?" her voice erupted from the fog, cool and accusing.

"What...you...where are you Miss?"

"Fool!" Vexare howled. "I know what you stole from me, and I mean to make you pay dearly for it."

"No, please...I--" She cut him off before he could manage to choke out the words. With a brief movement of her arms, her shadow being advanced toward the old man, picking him up by the shoulders and slamming him against the wall.

As the creature squeezed harder, the man's skull began to cave in on itself. Blood bubbled up from within his throat, spilling on to the city street with a sick gurgling. Still, the shadow used all of its force to crush the poor man's head into nothing more than a bloody pulp.

Vexare smiled at her success and eminent control. Next, the shadow gently dipped two of its somber hands in the red liquid, smearing words onto the wall of the city street. "If you dare to defy..." they read before the shadow being was gone, retracted back into her own form that stood watch in a tower of her own.

Now it was time to check on the goddess. With so much important information gone, it could have easily fallen into the wrong hands. Those damn Hikari will be coming, she hissed to herself. And when they do, they better bring me a good fight.
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Don nodded. "Alright then lets go!" She lead them through the spot in the wall they had managed to bust. She came close to the dungeon. "Rai you go in there and get the Goddess no matter what. If someone comes we will fight you go to the Goddess and get her out of here. That will be the meaning for us to escape." She prepared her kunai.
Zane nodded in response. "Go" He said in monotone. His lack of speech was made up with how even his hard emotionless face spoke everything.

Raikov nodded, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Leave it to me to save a damsel in distress," he said with a wink, heading fearlessly into the darkened dungeon. He could hear a water leak somewhere, dripping down the walls, but other than that, everything seemed still. He was surprised they had managed to get this far unnoticed. The witch...known to others as Vexare...must have been busy handling something else or her deadly shadow beings would have already been on them. He creeped closer down the halls, squinting as a shallow glare of light flickered not far off. He wondered if it was the goddess or someone coming his way; he prepared himself for either.


On her way to the chambers, a soldier stepped in front of her. "Lieutenant, sir."

"Out of my way I'm busy!" she snapped.

"I've been sent by the general. There are whispers that someone has broken through the walls and invaded the keep unawares."

Uncontrollably, her hand lashed out, smacking him across the face. He cried out briefly and she could see a red welt beginning to form on his cheek. "Can nobody get anything done right around here?" she cursed. Stupid general. he cant even keep his men in control. There's no way someone should have magically been able to breach security! "I want security doubled on that b**** and stat." Silently, she set about releasing her shadows.
Levia sat along a busy side street in the Slums. It wasn't so busy that she had to worry about being seen by someone that would recognize her, but was just busy enough that she could expect some business. A dark purple scarf was carefully wrapped around her head, shielding most of her face from sight, just in case. She sat on the ground, surrounded by the tools of her craft. She had a handful of crystals that picked up the light and scattered it at odd angles, a small pouch filled with animal bones, into which many intricate symbols had been carved, some cards, a shallow bowl of water sitting in front of her and a single dim candle. It was all useless, of course, but people trusted these objects. They expected them in a fortune telling and were more likely to believe what they read than what a lone woman, sitting on the side of a busy road, would tell them. Levia had grown accustomed to the ritual these days. Most of the time she even found it calming. It distanced her from what she saw.

Levia had spent the better part of the last four or five years in this very same situation. During the day she sat alongside a road and read peoples fortunes. At night, she went to a local tavern and continued her fortune telling for a few hours before returning to her small home to sleep. She shared the home with a couple of others. Friends, she would suppose, though they didn't even know her real name. She had known them since she bought the house six years ago after she left the city. Levia had agreed to rent the rooms to them, calling herself Tenila and claiming to be a traveling fortune teller settling down in the Slums. They did not question her, perhaps sensing her desire to leave the past behind. To look only towards the future.

Looking up at moon, Levia realized that she had let her mind wander and was out far later than usual. She grabbed her plain leather bag from its position behind her and began collecting her tools. She dumped the water on the ground and blew out her small candle before stowing them and rising to her feet. The night was cold and the moon had a red tinge to it. It made her uncomfortable and she decided to forgo her usual work at a tavern and return home for the night. The wind was too quiet. She could nearly feel the silence caressing her, whispering of the blood still to be spilt this night. After a moment, she turned on her heel and began on her way home a bit too quickly, perhaps.
Haku's eyes became overwhelmed with power and she lost consciousness, but her body acted of its own accord and she used her powers to demolish the door that held her to her confinement. Stepping out she turned to see Rai coming nearer. "Yes hello?" She said walking toward him. A rush of feeling wafted over her. Something told her this man was safe to go with, and would inevitably giver her freedom. She stopped directly in front of him. Her deep crimson eyes soft with worry, she held a hand close to her chest as her long white hair danced in the passing breeze and tickled he ankles. Her pale blue dress danced with her hair. "My name is Haku. Are you the wind my dream foretold would come to release me from this prison?" She asked recalling a strange dream she had in which a man shrouded in light came and released her from her captivation.
Zane kicked one of the guards in the gut, sending him flying into another. These where simple henchman sent to stop them, It was futile. Zane hadn't even needed to draw his weapon or use his defense powers. That was a good thing. They could get in and get out faster.

The moment she spoke, there was no doubt in Rai's mind who the figure might be. Her voice was sweet, warm hearted, yet laced in wisdom and knowledge. He felt naturally drawn to her purity, and the brightness of her being enchanted him. It was as though she wore a cloak of silver light fashioned from the moon itself. "Yes, Goddess; I am devoted to your well being. Let me lead you out of the dark and into the light."

As corny as it may have sounded after, Raikov couldn't help himself. He felt enlightened by her presence, and in taking her hand to lead her through the somber tunnel to safety, he felt a spark gently pulsate through him. Something he'd never experienced--some newfound sense of purpose. He would forever serve his lady, for without her, he knew there would be nothing worth living for.

"Hurry, the others are fighting off the military to buy us time for an escape." Without waiting for her to respond, he was already set in motion to find Zane and Don. He wasn't the strongest fighter, his talents primarily laying in charm and intellect then anything else. Sure he could handle himself, but not against very many.


She heard the clamor coming from the opposite direction of the dungeon keeping the Goddess locked. Vex knew she needed to move fast or all would be lost. Silently, she wondered where Damian--her fellow lieutenant was-- and how so many could have already been defeated and so much already lost.

With a sickening crunch, her bones seemed to shatter as her body took on an imposing darkness--a plume of smoke in the dark until she was a shadow of her own. She had embodied her favorite form: that of a large black jaguar. The speed with which she moved was stunning, and it was difficult to see her agile body prowling through miserable military base. It only took her a few moments before she was down the hall at the heart of all he commotion. In seconds, she was lunging, claws and teeth outstretched to catch the invader. (Zane) 
(just fyi, im gonna be in Arizona for the weekend starting tomorrow evening so I wont be able to reply until we r at the hotel at night but I will try to reply each day still)
(ok thats fine)

Haku took Rails hand. As soft and humourus as his face seemed she felt something pulsate from him. A deep darkness of pain and sorrow hat engulfed her taking her breath. She tightened her grip on his hand slightly blushing as she caught bits and pieces of Rails thoughts such as "i willl proect you." Th one word sh never cagh ws Goddes, which was best so she would not become confused. "These others are the like you?" Haku asked timidly still slightly flusterd. 
(ok thats fine)

Haku took Rails hand. As soft and humourus as his face seemed she felt something pulsate from him. A deep darkness of pain and sorrow hat engulfed her taking her breath. She tightened her grip on his hand slightly blushing as she caught bits and pieces of Rai's thoughts such as "I willl proect you." The one word she never caught was Goddess, which was best so she would not become confused. "These others are they like you?" Haku asked timidly, still slightly flusterd.
Zane dodged but still received a small scratch to his arm. Without a second thought he drew his blade and swung it in the direction of the strange shadow. He sent out a pulse of Earth power through the blade so as long as it came near the shadow it would sustain damage.
The Darkleer growled, a guttural sound tearing from beneath a worn brown scarf. Walking out of the shadows, the boots that adorned her feet clicked against the ground as she seemingly materialized. Nothing of her face was visible, eyes hidden behind smoked goggles and the lower half draped with the scarf. It dehumanized her, making her seem even more legendary. The Darkleer was a legend; a hero that the Slumians made up to have hope in this damned world, some said. Little boys wanted to be the Darkleer and little girls dreamed of being saved by him. Having the Darkleer make an appearance made military men, trained to stay stone faced as they slaughtered children and women and quelled riots, stop and stare.

Mouths agape at the black military jacketed hero, they watched the figure come closer, dangerously lithe and terrifying. The breeze made the prim edges of the jacket float away, revealing the weapons hidden beneath it. One gloved hand reached for that gun belt on her hip, a threat to the military that surrounded her. Surveying the scene with eyes, she noted a white-haired woman trying to escape unseen.

Pulling a bronze coloured pistol from the sling on her hip, she grinned beneath her sheath. Wiping the weapon over the breast pocket of her coat, she knew that she had no breasts. Not now. They were bound to keep her identity genderless. Dropping her voice down an octave, she spoke with a mild alto to sound more masculine. "Which one of you bastards in Lieutenant Damian Donicas? Because I've got a goddamned bone to pick with you."

He paused momentarily as he thought he glimpsed a flash of metal passing by the hall he had entered through up ahead, but as the shadow moved on, so did he. "There are others working to free you like me, but no one is like me per say. I'm too smart for that," he told her with a friendly wink. Hearing the sounds of fighting, he pinpointed his team's location and in a matter of moments analyzed his next move.

If he entered the hallways where his team members were, it gave him the extra protection, but also posed the risk of coming in to contact with the enemy and placing the gentle star at his side in close-range danger. However, if he chose the opposite direction on his own and ran in to more trouble than he could handle, he was doomed. He thought he could manage, but he needed a way to let his team know that he had accomplished the task assigned to him. The only question was how?

Concentrating, he imagined what he must look like next to the pristine beauty of the goddess, Haku, and tried to project them on to his team members. It was all part of his gifts of intellect and clairvoyance. Patiently, he waited to receive the slightest mindful response from either Don or Zane. If at least one knew, they were good and they could all work on making a quick exit.


Vex was shocked as she felt the blade tear through the form of her shadow cat. He must have some sort of additional power! she realized, taking a mental note to be a little less cocky and a little more careful. She had managed to deliver a light scratch to his arm, but it was nothing threatening. His knife tore through the hinge in her shoulder, tearing slightly up through her armpit. However, she was stubborn and fought through the pain. She couldn't stop now even though the pain was unimaginable and continuously nagging at her thoughts.

She tumbled down to the floor as she struck the blow, claws scrabbling slightly on the concrete, but she quickly regained balance using her long tail and spun around to launch her next attack. She didn't want to give him time to react. The second she was able, she sprang at him once more, this time aiming a little lower. The force of her full body weight slamming into him should be enough to knock him down long enough to get a blow or two in. Even if he dodged, she was bound to catch him off balance.

Haku nodded in response. There was obviously a group or at least small team who had entered this place. Haku began to scan the perimeter. Something, best described as the wisdom of her past that she yet knew or understood, beckoned her to go left. She pulled Rai's hand forcing him to follow. After about 800 feet she bent down pushing on a loose tile in the stone floor. Almost immediately the floor reacted, opening a small but passable tunnel to the outside. "I don't know why," She stammered, full of confusion, "But something told me I must go this way." She looked at Rai with soft eyes like that of a child hoping to escape scolding.


Damina stepped out from around the shocked guards. "Yes. That'd be me." He snickered. arrogance harsh in his tone and very appearance. "What would Slumian filth want with me anyway?"
Zane took a chance and stabbed his sword into the ground using it to thrust himself into the air to avoid the ferocity of Vexare's attack. He then turned mid air, dislodging his sword from the ground and swung to stop her next move. Suddenly he heard Rai in his mind. The message was clear. "Don lets go." was all he had to say to get the entire meaning of it across. He threw a smoke bomb to hinder Vexare's vision and aid in the daring escape. He sprinted down the hall, Don by his side and out of the base.
The Darkleer roared, pistol a constant reminder of weight in her hand. In this moment, she was endless and invincible. Raising the weapon and aiming between his eyes, she stared him down from behind smoked goggles. With a single movement of her finger, she could end the reign of the Donicus empire. Darkleer found guns impersonal, though-- she'd much rather make his death long and torturous. He'd tortured an entire class of people, and karma was bound to find him in the form of justice. In the form of the Darkleer.

"Give me one good goddamned reason I shouldn't put this bullet right between your eyes, old boy?" While the eyes of the crowd remained on her, she motioned to the white-haired girl with her other hand. It was a simple gesticulation: get behind me. Under the hero's protection, it was possible for the target to escape. Her attention was brought back to more important matters, teeth bared beneath her scarf.

"Damian Donicas: you have ruled with terror and Aristocrat blood that you were born into. Your blood won't be half as royal when it's splattered on the ground. You've lived your life avoiding karma by riding your father's coattails. Do not think that I haven't seen you and your deeds. Do not think for one single moment that I haven't seen you slaughter innocent children. Do not think for a goddamned second that I haven't seen you command your men to attack and burn the homes of innocent people trying to live their lives! I am not some innocent you can control. I am not some riot you can quell. I am the shadow that has haunted you since your bitter youth. I am karma in the form of a single man that will take down all of yours. Bring me your army. I will slaughter them all."

Rai took in the girl's kind features and the genuity of her gaze. He picked up on her senses as well, nodding in agreement so as not to make too much noise so close to the fight. For a moment, he had been surprised at her discovery, but it was quickly staunched as he remembered her abilities as a goddess. And the look she gave him sent his senses soaring. It was so curious and daring, yet full of a strange innocence. He offered her a hand to brace herself as he helped her lower herself down in to the tunnel. As he did so, he allowed himself a small smile as Zane's words hit him head on.


Damn him! she cursed as the enemy attacker thrusted himself up over her. She had committed to her attack to early, and she missed again, this time entirely. Her only counter attack was follied, for he was certainly a lot stronger than he looked, and she found herself quickly jerking backward to avoid the swipe of his sword.

To her surprise, it shouted commands at his partner and then seemed to be heading for the nearest escape route a s a plume of smoke invaded the air, momentarily clouding her own vision. Transforming herself back into a human, she stayed low to the ground and concentrated on the essence of her shadow fighting through the fog. They were less materialized that way and wouldn't have much trouble fighting through the dark fumes.
Don ran, heart beating fast as adrenaline pulsed through her veins. Of all her missions before, none had been this dangerous. She slid across the floor on her hid and down into the tunnel with Rai and Haku. She froze, gaze on the goddess before her. Despite her youthful appearance her aura radiated with a power not of this world. She gathered her composure and spoke. "Hi! Im Don Franiscia. A member of Hikari the group here to save ya'"

Haku took Rai's hand happy for such courtesy. After a moment of being in the tunnel another body came down into the tunnels. Haku was slightly on edge and jumped, fearing the enemy had come, but to her surprise, and her pleasantry, it was one of Rai's fellow comrades. She said that their group was called Hikari. She smiled softly at Don, and the new figure that appeared after and bowed to her calling himself Zane.

Rai looked up at the sound of Don coming down the tunnel behind them. When the three of them had found their footing, she introduced herself, Zane following not far behind. He caught glimpses of excitement and happiness coming from the Goddess as she became acquainted with his comrades. He smiled in assurance at all of them before leading the way through the tunnel. "Any major wounds?" he questioned Don and Zane, though they both seemed fine.


Raikov was pleased when he saw a feint glint of sunlight above them. It looked a little bit like a sewer grate on the ceiling. They had already been walking for what seemed like hours, though nobody had followed them so he assumed Zane had shut the passage door behind him. Though he had to wonder how the military couldn't have been aware of their own secret tunnel. Still, he wasn't going to complain when nobody was following them.


Her shadow being stretched out, spanning the dark tunnels. She headed straight to block all of the exits, hoping others would be smart enough to spread out and do the same. If she could just beat them to the exits, she would have another chance at stopping them. When she reached them, she was stationed between five different exits spanning across their Gaian city base. She had noted others standing guard and watching the exits. It had been over and hour now and no one had showed any signs of escape. She was certainly stumped, though still patiently waiting. Momentarily, she wondered how Damian had fared against the Darkleer.
((Hey everyone I was thinking that each character in Hikari and ones like Damian and Vexare and Darkerlee could possess an element or attribute power. They would have some kind of mark on there body that showed at some point and was the symbol for the element power. So just put were you would want the tattoo appear on your character and what element. ex. light, dark, ice, wind, earth, fire etc only if you would like to do that. If ya'll don't want to then that fine. Just an idea.)))

Damian smirked then sighed. He had to do this as non violently as possible. "Now look her." he began, throwing up his arms in a shrug of almost submission. "My father's name the Donicas name is at stake so I must do what I must do. Just as you do as you must. Sir I do believe it best to avoid confrontation today. I would much rather you worry about the safety of that little flower. Vexare isn't gentle with anyone, even if she's suppose to be." He looked at Darkerlee smugly.

Haku halted seeing the entrance was blocked by men as well as a strange shadowy figure.

Don drew her kunai. The strange figures as well as the men ahead posed a threat. She had no clue how to handle shadows. Purification or light would be best, but she hadn't brought any talismens with her. She dashed at the guard and took care of him rather quickly, then she headed towards the shadow, kunai bared ready to fight to win.

Haku didn't know what to do. Something told her 'the flute will help them' but she didn't know what it meant. She searched desperately looking for a flute. Nothing. 'within you. your powers.' the voice spoke again. Haku covered her ears. Why was this voice in her head, why did she somehow sense and know things. Why?
Zane kept his usual harsh appearance, but was truly full of concern. Fighting a shadow monster, not something of everyday life. He followed Do and attacked one of the figures. His large engraved blade that weighted him down still seeming light in his hands.
The Darkleer frowned behind her mask, her hand clenching the worn pistol idly. She didn't want to bring bloodshed with her, but there was no choice. It was her duty to end his reign, even if it was in a splatter of blood on the dirt. "Who says that wishes would be heard and answered when wished on the mirthful tune? With all these miracles, they thing they're satirical. Have you been half asleep and have you heard voices? I've heard them calling my name. Is this the sweet sound they call subjuggulation? I've heard it too many times to ignore it. It's something I'm supposed to be."

She lowered her weapon, posture still stiff with threat. She would have to take care of Vexare, definitely. She had business with him first and foremost, however. It was her duty to make sure people like him didn't walk the Earth-- alive, at least. He could almost see her eyes darken behind her goggles. "I said bring me your strongest men. Make haste! Or are you afraid, Donicas? Only then will I slaughter your Vexare."

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