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Fantasy A Whole New World

Haruhi Suzumiya

An Adorable Entity

Nothing. Absolutely nothing... Except for the three boys and two girls floating close together in space.

Three boys...

Aaron, Luke and Jack.

Two girls...

Emma and Evelyn.

These five would become pioneers like those not seen since Adam and Eve, though they would not create a world in the same way. The five would create their world as the Gods and Goddesses of their Universe. Never could they return to their old world. Nothing personal from their former lives, save for their artifacts, could be brought from the old world to the new world.

With everything except what they left behind... Would they survive?

Emma Fray

Emma's eyes fluttered open - She rubbed her eyes and looked around. Her arms and legs were floating limply in the empty space around her, which was odd, since she had fallen asleep in her bed the night before... Or was it the night before, even? Emma looked around again and saw her aviators within arm's reach in front of her, which she grabbed and clipped to her scarf.

Hey, maybe this is one of those... What are they called again... Lucid dreams, I think? Maybe if I just go to sleep again-

As the thought crossed Emma's mind, a king-sized bed appeared below Emma, complete with its own gravity, causing Emma to fall down onto the bed. Emma gasped, as she hadn't expected a fall, nor had she braced for one... But the mattress cushioned the blow, or lack thereof. "This isn't a dream... What's happening?" Emma stood up and looked down from her bed - She noticed four other people floating nearby, one girl and three boys. Nothing but the bed, the five people (Including her) and some very distant lights could be seen, which Emma assumed were stars. "How do I get these people to me?"

Emma shrugged. Maybe I'll just stay on my own. Besides, they don't seem to be moving. Then a thought passed Emma's mind - If I made this bed appear by thinking about going to sleep... Maybe I could make a little planet appear by-

Suddenly a small planet appeared below Emma, one that appeared to be a large cube about the size of a football field in length, width and height. "Well, isn't that convenient," Emma thought aloud. The bed disappeared as the thought of sleeping became less appealing, leaving Emma to fall to the surface of the small planet she had created. She screamed as she hurtled toward the surface and landed flat on her back in a forest clearing... But oddly enough, she didn't feel any different from a few moments ago, save for the fact that she wasn't quite as scared. Emma picked herself up and dusted herself off, then looked around at the forest around her. It was dark and a bit ominous, though it seemed almost devoid of life, which she expected somewhat, since she only wanted a piece of land to stand on rather than a bed to sit on or some empty space to flail around in. "So what now?"

(This post in a nutshell: Emma woke up, made a bed, discovered she could make objects by thinking about certain things but still doesn't understand her power deeply enough, made a small forest planet and landed in a clearing.)

*NOTE: You don't have to make ^these^, I only made the little 'post in a nutshell' thing because I kind of rambled with my post, and everyone can just make their way down to the planet if they want or they can make their own. However, you may want to stick to Emma's planet for now so people aren't split apart!*​
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I watched helplessly as the girl floating a ways from me created feats I knew I couldn't do. The darkness was warm...inviting even. Why move? Why think?

A yell snapped me out of the drowsy reverie. Someone was waving down from the new cube in front of me. I flailed my arms and legs trying to move. I screamed but nothing moved through the void. Am I gonna die out here?!

(Note: It's not as long as yours but I did it off a phone.)​
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Emma Fray

Emma's Planetoid

Emma looked around the clearing - Her curiosity got the better of her, so she proceeded along through the forest. Under her boots leaves crackled and twigs snapped, as if the forest-coated planet had existed for more than a minute or two. Emma continued along with an odd feeling of satisfaction in her heart. If I made this, Emma thought, I could do amazing things... She continued along until she found an incredibly beautiful clearing, where a tall mountain could be seen across a shallow river. "This seems like the perfect place to call home," Emma chimed, and thought about the various choices of homes she could make. She could have anything, from a little shed to a mansion... But wouldn't a cabin look perfect here? Emma decided on making a cabin, which appeared nestled into a little gap between some trees.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c01fc21db_forestcabin.jpg.765cfc45fda1c0006ffa5013bef1e540.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27026" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c01fc21db_forestcabin.jpg.765cfc45fda1c0006ffa5013bef1e540.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Emma's jaw dropped from shock - Purely from thought, she had started to forge a world. Emma walked toward the cabin with a smile on her face, though she felt a bit guilty for leaving behind the other four people that she had seen in what must have been space. Out of guilt, Emma created an elevator in space which would come to the surface of the planet Emma created near her cabin if it was entered. Emma looked up and spotted the elevator, though it was barely visible at that distance from her, then she walked toward the cabin's door. She put her hand on the doorknob and opened the door, then walked inside the cabin and shut the door behind her...

"It's perfect," Emma whispered to herself. She ran to the bed and laid down on it. "Now I want some sleep..." She laid face-up on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "Now to wait for the others to come... But will they use the elevator?" Emma took off her scarf and boots, then she put the scarf and boots on the ground beside her bed.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c01fc89f3_forestcabininterior.jpg.38630d8374c9b002c3725a3a2acec1ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27028" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c01fc89f3_forestcabininterior.jpg.38630d8374c9b002c3725a3a2acec1ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Easy access to Emma's cabin. Now, if ye feel like it, you can go to Emma's cabin and have a person to roleplay with!)



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Aaron continued to flop around like a dead fish. He could feel the tears of frustration starting to well up in his eyes. "Come on Jaeger you can do this!" He thought aloud. " How did superheroes do this crap?!"​


Aaron saw that other person make stuff. Could I do that? Worth a try. Jetpack. Jetpaaaaack. "Come on, jetpack!" He exclaimed in surprise when a sudden weight began to burden my back. "A jetpack!" Aaron grabbed the controls with earnest and fired it up.​

The pack began to shudder as it warmed up. I grinned wildly. "Hold on!" I said to no one. It sputtered a puff before going out. "Aw, come on!" "Plan B?" I said to the same imaginary person.

I peered out into the void and saw something towering off of the cube below me. But so far! How would I ever get over there? I rubbed my chin. Did I even check the gas on this thing?
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Beep…Beep… The sound traveled and dragged down the hall.

Beep… Beep… The sound filled the room.

Beep… Beep… The sound whispered into the man’s ear.

The electronic machine watching his pulse sang its song. It had been singing for two years. Sometimes the song was steady and smooth, others it was fast and chaotic, and like it was on this day, it was slow, so very slow.

Luke stared at his hand, studying its features. The skin was loose and every bone was visible. The blue veins looked like worms. There was also a slight quiver to the skeleton’s hand. He tested his strength. He found he could no longer make a fist even unable to close his fingers. The hospital tags fell to his elbows from his wrists.

It’s finally here. I’m ready, he thought. Luke’s hand fell limp from the bed.



Luke's eyes opened to the brilliance of space; stars expanded in every direction. Am I dead? Luke thought. He noticed his bed was gone and he was floating, something that would normally startle but those final days in the hospital took any ounce of surprise left from Luke.

Where am I? Looking around, Luke noticed the planet in the distance. He started drifting towards the green orb, as if by thought. When he landed, there was only one other person, a woman, a little shorter than himself and roughly the same age. Looking at her made Luke wonder at his appearance. Suddenly, a large mirror appeared before him. Where did this come from?

More startling than the magic mirror was his ghastly shape. The gown covered his body but it could not hide his skeletal figure. His cheeks were hollow and bags dominated below his eyes. He knew his hands had lost their shape, but this sight was beyond imagination. The mirror disappeared at the shock.

The girl had also vanished and a cabin appeared in its place. Luke’s feet moved toward the structure, as if by nature. This is so bizarre. If I’m dead, why do I feel so alive? But these things that are happening… It’s not normal.

Luke arrived at the wooden door and knocked.
"It's out of gas?!" Aaron exclaimed before letting a string of curses fly into the murk. He grunted while imagining a pack with gas. The pack began to hum again with new life. A smile dawned on his face before he pressed the throttle button. A roar emanated from the pack and fire dripped from the bottom like a dragon's mouth. Aaron took off into the endless space ahead of him.

He watched the cube pass him. There would be time to go there later. He arrived at what he deemed a good spot to work with. But what to build? The first thing that popped into his head was his target dream. Aaron rubbed his temples. What did it look like again? Aaron covered his eyes as something flashed into existence in front of him. A book?

He grabbed its worn leather cover warily and leafed through the first few pages. This was his dream journal. But how? His dream journal was a pathetic composition notebook resting on his headboard at home! Aaron pondered for a bit before shrugging his shoulders. Here is his target dream. It's time to get to work.

He took only 10 minutes before moving back to admire his work. It was so easy. The memories came pouring back as he read and it all just fell together! Like this power was natural. Aaron rubbed his hands in anticipation to get down there and explore. What was he waiting for?

Emma Fray

Emma's Planetoid

Emma sighed and got off of the bed. Her eyes widened with surprise as she heard knocking on the door - Cautiously she walked toward the door and put her hand on the doorknob. She opened the door slowly and peeked her head out - She saw a man, one that was taller than her, as usual, that looked somewhat intimidating but also seemed warm and welcoming, though Emma should be the one welcoming, shouldn't she? "H-Hello," Emma stammered. She felt a bit shy, as usual, but at the same time it wasn't prominent enough to think about seriously. "Do you want to come in?" Emma opened the door and gestured for the man to come in. "I think... Did I see you up there? You know, with the other three people?" Emma felt like she was crazy while she was talking like this. She felt as if she was talking about a dream, and she was treating that dream like reality...

"Or did I? I can't quite remember," Emma added hastily. The last thing Emma wanted was to seem stupid. She hated looking stupid, but she always managed to look stupid when she was making first impressions... "Well, if you were one of the people I saw up there, you're more than welcome here. It's not much, but it's home now, I guess."

(@Circus )

(I kind of have to sleep now... So I'll be back tomorrow. Or later today. Whatever works with your timezones.)​
Evelyn was extremely temoted to rub her eyes as she watched the others do their things. They created with thoughts and moved freely in the void, almost as gods would. Several objects kept appearing as they lingered and soon, several of them drifted away, or sped towards whatever planet the girl made.

Evelyn smiled, the thought of the planet made her remember one of the classics, about two men who took overcompensation to the next level, one with length and the other girth, as they fought for the fate of the planet. She only noticed the large construct, massive shards of earth held together by sickly green energy hurthing towards the planetoid when the glare of green almost blinded her. On instinct she thought of the one spell strong enough to destroy it, the flash blinding all who looked upon it with evil.

"Well, never do that again." She looked at the new bracelet on her arm, almost sure that without it, she would have just made a meteor and not have it speeding towards whatever life form still around. The defencive light was also its work then, and light did not behave like a solid sheild , ever. She shrugged, knowing that it would be dealt with after she joined the others.

What looked like blue armour appeared on her as she willed herself towards the planetoid, a jet pack comming to life and setting her on her course. Blue energy coated her form as she entered its atmosphere, protecting her from the friction as she touched down with a heavy crash just in front of a strange cabin. She knocked a few times and waited for the answer, dispelling her armour with a thought.

No use scaring off the locals after all.
Jack was working yet another late-night shift at the Office; his boss was rather insistent that he was the one to be doing these for some reason; maybe just because he dealt with it better than his co-workers. Jack didn't mind; he got paid more to do this. Still...he could feel the tiredness begin to set in; fortunately, it was already 5:47am; he would be finishing in 13 minutes.

That time came; and Jack left work with the usual feeling; pure delight to be out of that particular dreary melancholy. After half an hour he was on the train from King's Cross and going home; he did his best to stay awake; but to no avail; his thoughts drifted as sleep overtook him...

...and he awoke. Slowly his eyes pulled their lids apart; Jack's vision remaining cloudy and undiscernable until he rubbed vigorously at his eyes. He was...somewhere; floating in what he could only describe as an empty space; devoid of anything except for...the other four individuals he had just spotted. Every instinct he possessed was telling him he was in unimaginable danger; he supposed floating in a non-gravitational space would do that to you; he did however, seem safe enough; he wasn't sure how he knew that; he just did.

He remained stationary and unmoving; watching the others; this was his usual pattern when he found himself in new situations and scenarios; observe and collect information; knowledge was power after all; or so they said, and in Jack's experience, whoever was more knowledgeable held the initiative, and whoever held the initiative performed better.

He took a closer look at the others and their activities; scrutinising their actions; before long; one of them, a woman who seemed to be roughly his own age, perhaps older (it was difficult to tell from this distance) had managed to generate a seemingly H-congruous planetoid beneath her. Impressive, to say the least; the remaining others beside himself also appeared to be generating objects; he noted that nothing they were generating had any offensive capability of any kind; he, for whatever reason, had been placed here with his Webley VMX Air Rifle; currently attached to a strap and being carried over his right shoulder. So; he had fighting capability, but the others did not. He mused at the thought; deducing that it was his job to play bodyguard then; though he had never shot at anything besides targets and vermin; so he wasn't sure as to how effective he would be; despite being a very good shot overall.

Before long; he was the last of them up floating above the planet still. Seeing this, he decided to head down to the surface of the planetoid; but how? Maybe it was exerting some kind of gravity that he could utilise? He thought of a character from an anime he had once seen; Mikoto Misaka; she could manipulate electromagnetism; if he could too; he would have been able to attract himself to the gravity and pull himself in. Even as he thought so; he felt it; he was being pulled; so the gravity was there. Or; if the others had summoned objects; presumably from their experiences; had he summoned that force? He did not know; but was heading towards the surface at running speed. For that matter; if thoughts summoned things; why had Misaka not appeared before him when he thought of her? Perhaps certain things were disallowed; well no matter, at least he wasn't wholly alone.

He arrived on the surface; running a good twenty metres to a halt as he landed; he was on the edge of the forest; about fifty metres from a Cabin which the others had gathered around. He did not immediately head over to them; he was unsure of how to interact with them just yet. He was reminded of his friends and family then; upon thinking of social interaction. They'd recently taken a trip to the Lake District in Cumbria together; ah what he would give to be there and see that again...

A faint rumbling could be heard, followed by small tremors; the land in front of where Jack had been standing; which had stopped not ten metres away and dropped off into the void; began to buckle and then...expand; within the space of a few minutes an entire range of large hills and sub-mountains, as well as some lowland areas almost blanketed by forest and an expansive lake had appeared. Without even meaning to, Jack had created here the view of the Lake District he had once known. He was frankly; a bit flabbergasted. He decided to be more careful about what he thought. But still marvelled at his creation all the same.

“Hello,” Luke said hesitantly, responding to the greeting. Everything was so strange and only getting stranger. She gestured for him to enter the cabin, his bare feet slapping against the wood floor as he followed her sign. The interior was quaint and peaceful, but foreign. He stood by the counter that was not far from the door.

The woman asked questions Luke had no answer to. “I don’t know,” was his response. “I don’t remember anything. I was in the hospital and now I’m here, in a cabin, with you.” Luke looked at the woman inquisitively. “Am I dead?” Luke ran a hand through his hair only to remember he had none, lost it all to the medication. Another hurt. “I must be dead. I-I remember it, I remember dying.” Luke fell to the ground, knees to chest and buried his head, weeping. “I thought I was ready. I was so sure,” he trailed off.

The hospital tag around his wrist fell back down to his elbow, Luke looked at it in disgust. Anger welled inside him, an emotion thought long lost in that hospital room. He tried to rip it off, but was too weak to even come close. Another hurt. Frustrated, he sat back against the counter and let the tears fall.

Emma Fray

Good, I was afraid I was seeing things for a second. “I don’t remember anything. I was in the hospital and now I’m here, in a cabin, with you.” This man, whoever he was, seemed to be on the verge of frustration, but he almost seemed... Shocked? Was that it? “Am I dead?” Emma flinched. "Dead? I don't know," Emma answered, "But if you're dead, then I must be too... But I don't remember dying." Was I killed in my sleep? “I must be dead. I-I remember it, I remember dying.” The man fell to the ground - Emma ran to his side almost instantly. “I thought I was ready. I was so sure.” Emma bit her lip. She didn't know how to handle anything like this... She had never needed to soothe anyone, since she had never had children or friends that needed such help...

And then Emma heard a knock at the door. "Coming," Emma chimed and ran for the door. She felt terrible for leaving the man behind, but at the same time, there wasn't two of her. She couldn't do two different things at the same time... Emma looked around hastily, making sure she didn't make a clone of herself accidentally. Good. Emma continued to the door and opened it. A redheaded girl stood just outside the door, one just barely taller than her. "Hi-" Emma stopped. "Did I see you up there, too? I think I did... Well, anyways, come in if you want to." Emma gestured for the girl to come in, then walked back over to the man. "Are you all right? If you need anything, I'll try to help, OK?" Emma turned her head over to the girl. "The same to you. Make yourself at home, please."​
"Thanks." Evelyn replied evenly as she jumped on the the couch with a slight smile. The place was cozy, and quite comfortable for her, yet there were a bit of things missing, like giant screens, maybe a few computers here and there, but this was not her place to change so she kept those thoughts in check. "I'm Evelyn by the way, and I think I saw the both of you... 'up there' too." She said hesitantly. Of course she remembered them perfectly, but she still wondered why they were here, and how they could do what they could do.

She studied the patient, the other person in the room first though. He looked like he needed more attention at the moment, both physically and emotionally. He was laying on the floor for goodness' sake. "Hey, we're all in the same boat here." She tried to reason with him for afar. "At least take comfort that you're not alone anymore. If you're dead, then so are we, and we're not really that bad that you have to break down just because you're stuck with us." She scratched her head. She didn't think what she said made sense, or much sense, but it should be enough for the moment. "Just stop crying your heart out." She sang in the voice not hers, a final attempt to soothe the crying boy.
Jack stood silent for a while after the extended landmass had appeared. It was all so...unusual. From what he could tell; he, or any other individual who happened to be here at the present time; possessed the ability to shift the fabric of their current reality. What he was concerned with however, was whether or not the ability to do so resided within them as individuals, or whether it resided within the reality itself; if the latter was true, than any creature would be able to alter reality with just a thought, if the former were true, then only the five of them here could. Which made them...godlike. Jack had never held any religious beliefs or thought too highly of any deities that had supposedly existed; it wasn't that he thought such things impossible; it was simply that by all accounts religion and Gods had brought such strife and calamity into the world he inhabited that he found their principles to be wanting. Whether it was meant to cause harm or not; the fact remained that religion had caused the deaths of several million lives; perhaps even hundreds of millions, throughout history. As such Jack disapproved of it; and had been non-religious his entire life.

As for being a God himself however; the concept honestly scared him. Having such power was amazing; but even one little mistake could cause immeasurable problems. Like Haruhi he thought, only I get to create first; much more deadly.

He noticed that all of the others were entering the cabin, so he also made his way over and knocked on the door. He crossed his arms and yawned while waiting for someone to open it.
They don’t remember dying, Luke thought. No, that’s not right. They didn’t die. To them, this is just a dream. A happy dream. Luke stood and brushed the tears aside with his frail arm. He addressed the woman calling herself Evelyn, “ ‘Take comfort’, ‘stop crying,’ what do you know? I don’t know you and I don’t have to be ‘stuck’ anyone. Least of all, I don’t have to listen to your gibberish.” He looked angrily at Evelyn before making for the door. Luke gave an apologetic look to the other girl, the first girl he met since coming here, to this world or dream or reality or dimension. It was all so confusing but he gave her a pathetic attempt at a smile and exited through the door, wishing he knew her name at least.

On the other side was a brown haired man with a similar age. Luke bumped into him on his way out of the cabin. “Sorry,” he said and walked away. There were too many questions running through his mind and too many people to confuse him. He needed to get away, to be alone, but being alone was something he didn’t want as well. Luke entered the forest, the trees appearing to thicken and condense around him as he went.

Circus said:
They don’t remember dying, Luke thought. No, that’s not right. They didn’t die. To them, this is just a dream. A happy dream. Luke stood and brushed the tears aside with his frail arm. He addressed the woman calling herself Evelyn, “ ‘Take comfort’, ‘stop crying,’ what do you know? I don’t know you and I don’t have to be ‘stuck’ anyone. Least of all, I don’t have to listen to your gibberish.” He looked angrily at Evelyn before making for the door. Luke gave an apologetic look to the other girl, the first girl he met since coming here, to this world or dream or reality or dimension. It was all so confusing but he gave her a pathetic attempt at a smile and exited through the door, wishing he knew her name at least.
On the other side was a brown haired man with a similar age. Luke bumped into him on his way out of the cabin. “Sorry,” he said and walked away. There were too many questions running through his mind and too many people to confuse him. He needed to get away, to be alone, but being alone was something he didn’t want as well. Luke entered the forest, the trees appearing to thicken and condense around him as he went.

"No problem." Jack didn't think the man heard him.

Jack stared after the man who looked like he'd just been hospitalised; going by his physical condition; he looked like he'd been left to waste away; whatever he had been suffering from; it had rendered him almost unable to eat it seemed. Jack was no Doctor, but he guessed that it was either some kind of cancer or else; maybe hepatitis or something similar; he'd come across individuals with those particular conditions before who had displayed similar symptoms. He didn't chase the man down; he understood the need to be alone at times; the man would collect his thoughts and himself in due course. For now Jack himself patiently waited outside the cabin; the door was ajar still; but he hadn't been invited in yet. That thought amused him; it reminded him of an old rule that vampires could only enter someone's abode after being invited in. He quickly banished the thought however; vampires were not something he wanted to think into this place.

Emma Fray

Emma's Planetoid

Emma's eyes followed the man as he left the cabin - She reached out to him, as if she could stop him, but she let her arm fall beside her after a moment. She debated following after the man, but she wouldn't have any idea how to get back to the cabin... And the man was clearly troubled. He needed someone, didn't he? He's all alone. I can't believe I'm going to let that happen. Then Emma noticed another man standing outside the door of the cabin. "Oh, sorry," Emma blushed and stepped aside from the door. "Come in if you'd like." She thought about mentioning what had happened up there, but it didn't seem worthwhile enough... Since the other two people she had met thus far hadn't reacted strangely when she mentioned that, she didn't consider it anything worth mentioning.

Emma's stomach grumbled - She considered eating, but food was the least of her worries. Being a starving artist, she could survive for a few days without food... But then again, she could make any food she wanted now, couldn't she? I never have to eat instant noodles ever again, Emma thought, But I probably will. Emma walked over to the bed and laid down on it. She started to feel curious about what time it was... But then she realized there was no Sun. How could there be time without a Sun?

Suddenly Emma felt warmth and light through the window as a massive ball of burning gas appeared millions upon millions of miles away. The sunset could be seen outside the window, which Emma gazed at with awe. "Incredible," Emma muttered. "I did that, didn't I?" Emma gasped as the planetoid started to orbit the new Sun slowly. "Amazing!"

(Sorry about the slow replies... ;.;

Well, at least there's a Sun now! Hooray!)​
[QUOTE="Haruhi Suzumiya]

Emma Fray

Emma's Planetoid

Emma's eyes followed the man as he left the cabin - She reached out to him, as if she could stop him, but she let her arm fall beside her after a moment. She debated following after the man, but she wouldn't have any idea how to get back to the cabin... And the man was clearly troubled. He needed someone, didn't he? He's all alone. I can't believe I'm going to let that happen. Then Emma noticed another man standing outside the door of the cabin. "Oh, sorry," Emma blushed and stepped aside from the door. "Come in if you'd like." She thought about mentioning what had happened up there, but it didn't seem worthwhile enough... Since the other two people she had met thus far hadn't reacted strangely when she mentioned that, she didn't consider it anything worth mentioning.

Emma's stomach grumbled - She considered eating, but food was the least of her worries. Being a starving artist, she could survive for a few days without food... But then again, she could make any food she wanted now, couldn't she? I never have to eat instant noodles ever again, Emma thought, But I probably will. Emma walked over to the bed and laid down on it. She started to feel curious about what time it was... But then she realized there was no Sun. How could there be time without a Sun?

Suddenly Emma felt warmth and light through the window as a massive ball of burning gas appeared millions upon millions of miles away. The sunset could be seen outside the window, which Emma gazed at with awe. "Incredible," Emma muttered. "I did that, didn't I?" Emma gasped as the planetoid started to orbit the new Sun slowly. "Amazing!"

(Sorry about the slow replies... ;.;

Well, at least there's a Sun now! Hooray!)​

Jack nods "Thanks."

He enters the cabin and looks about for somewhere to sit down; he chooses the sofa and sits on the edge, leaning forward a little. Quietly observing the woman as she bustled about; he smiled a little when he heard her stomach. He probably ought to think about that as well soon; although he was still unsure on what the premises involving summoning food were in this place.

He too noticed the fresh warmth and light; how was it possible for him to miss it? He chuckled; and he thought what he'd done outside was impressive. He turned to the woman after she had stopped talking to herself.

"You did. Or so it seems. Fancy that eh? Quite the impressive place we're in."
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"We're something like in this game I once played, with creating and powers and worshipers, we must be gods then." She concluded sagely as she followed to two to where they were. The other was obviously unstable, she could probably do something about that, there was one game where this character could convince anyone to sleep with him, so that power of persuation, no not the end goal, could come in handy. Still she would wait. "The star is impressive though, but I think this place needs to look a bit more like home."

With a thought she remembered earth, it's size and its mass while the moon still hung in the sky. She remembered worlds where ,moons were abundant and the forests were vast, where canyons were towering and the valleys stretched deep down into the earth, where the oceans were magestic yet mysterious, housing marvel and monster in its embrace.

And it was so, even if the effects were too far away to be seen.
Aaron landed on his planetoid with a clack, sending rocks skittering into the misty cliffs below. He swung his legs over the edge and admired the view in front of him. He kicked his legs back and forth. He was missing something, he was sure of it.

Aaron snapped his fingers. Of course! He was lonely. He peered at the cube hovering out in the void in front of him. It seemed almost close enough to touch. He vaguely recalled seeing others floating with him back in the beginning. Was that really only an hour ago? He rested his head on the palm of his hand glumly. Perhaps he should go say hi?

He rested his hand on his discarded jetpack. It won't do the trick. He needrd something bigger, something more...permanent. He chuckled. Like a spaceship. How rediculous would that be? Paranoid, he turned his head. It'd be better with flames. 

Unnamed Planetoid

Aaron watched with an agape jaw as a great ball of fire appeared above his head. He smiled calmly. It felt so good to feel warmth again! He never knew how cold space could really be. He knew from books space was too cold for a human to sustain without a decent spacesuit but it seemed to him that he just blew through it on a jetpack. And he doesn't even have a slight chill. What is wrong with him? Or...what isn't?

He looked back at his new craft. What better to jetty people through an endless freezing void with? He climbed the ramp up into it and dragged his fingers along the sleek chrome walls. He tapped the button to the pilot's chambers and sat down in the seat. He inhaled and sighed. That new car smell. He inhaled through his teeth as he gazed at all the buttons nestled around him. Probably should have summoned an instruction manual. Summoned? Seems like a good name for his newfound power.

Aaron flipped a few switches and the control panels lit up and hummed to life. He grabbed the yoke and yanked up. The craft scraped and sparked behind him as he could see on one of the several camera displays. He forgot to lift the landing gear and ramp! Of course! He slapped his forehead. Which button did that?

Landing gear safely tucked away he set off for the square planet. But before he left his planet behind, he left a little wooden sign where he first landed. Aaron's Landing.

(Sorry if it was unclear, but if a bold quote is in my posts, it's a quote that was said by someone else - By posting the quote in bold near the reaction to said quote, I can specify what's being responded to. Emma hasn't been repeating what people have been saying to her!~)

Emma Fray

Emma's Planetoid

"You did. Or so it seems. Fancy that eh? Quite the impressive place we're in."
Emma nodded and sat down on the bed again. "Yeah," Emma answered, "But it's strange... How did we get here, and how can we do stuff like this?" She had a feeling she wouldn't get any answers to her questions. Maybe I just shouldn't think about it that much. Besides, if this is real... We can do whatever we want, have whatever we want... What could be bad about that? I don't see anything that could make this bad... But I'm sure something will come up. There has to be a string attached to this.


Maybe there was, and Emma just couldn't see it... I'll find it, whatever it is... Hopefully it doesn't find me first. Emma laid down on her bed and looked out the window. The newly-made Sun was beginning to set, and darkness was falling over the lone Planetoid - With the darkness came an eerie omen, as if something bad would soon come...

[QUOTE="Haruhi Suzumiya]

(Sorry if it was unclear, but if a bold quote is in my posts, it's a quote that was said by someone else - By posting the quote in bold near the reaction to said quote, I can specify what's being responded to. Emma hasn't been repeating what people have been saying to her!~)

Emma Fray

Emma's Planetoid

"You did. Or so it seems. Fancy that eh? Quite the impressive place we're in."
Emma nodded and sat down on the bed again. "Yeah," Emma answered, "But it's strange... How did we get here, and how can we do stuff like this?" She had a feeling she wouldn't get any answers to her questions. Maybe I just shouldn't think about it that much. Besides, if this is real... We can do whatever we want, have whatever we want... What could be bad about that? I don't see anything that could make this bad... But I'm sure something will come up. There has to be a string attached to this.


Maybe there was, and Emma just couldn't see it... I'll find it, whatever it is... Hopefully it doesn't find me first. Emma laid down on her bed and looked out the window. The newly-made Sun was beginning to set, and darkness was falling over the lone Planetoid - With the darkness came an eerie omen, as if something bad would soon come...


"How did we get here, and how can we do stuff like this?"

Jack thought about it. There didn't seem to be any kind of rational explanation; but where was there ever one but in science? In his experience most things didn't require explaining; they just were. Trying to explain them away didn't grant any kind of special access to them or indeed change the fabric of their existence; so it was pointless.

"I don't think the how or even the why of it is important. Fact of the matter is we're here now; and what is here is either some quality that has been generated by us or is being generated by this reality, and this allows us to have these seemingly godlike powers; it's like playing with Lego I suppose, only real instead. What's important now is how we choose to go from here; and if we really are Godlike as the other young woman over there thought, then we need to be careful not to repeat the same mistakes our old Earth Deities were supposed to have made. I think that just about sums it up."

He had no idea whether or not anyone would understand fully what he had said; it was tendency of his to overly complicate things and stop people from getting the point he was trying to make; among his friends it wasn't an issue; they all knew him and understood most of what he talked about. But among strangers; it was less likely. Oh well. He wouldn't be the one changing that; he thought that people should simply accept one another as they were; if they couldn't accept him; that was their problem for being intolerant. He hoped it wouldn't happen though; being alone in this reality would be troublesome and well...lonely.

The scene outside was changing; the premature sky shifting from orange to purple; night was falling; Jack gazed out of the window at it; it was different to back home somehow; he'd think about changing that later.
Luke walked and walked and walked. He moved through the trees that contended to knock him over and the wild grass that scratched his knees. He walked. His desire to be alone almost seemed to alter reality around him. Desire could literally change the world. Luke arrived at a lake, seemingly created before. He sat on a hill that overlooked the body of water, blue and crisp, the trees blowing in the wind. It was peaceful, Luke finally felt alone.

He looked at his hand, the stranger’s hand, wondering where his former self had gone. I was so much… stronger before. I had muscle, I could run and swim and climb. I had hair, too. Shit, I wish I had hair. Luke went to run his hand over his head expecting to feel cold, hard skin instead he found a thick mop. He ran to the water to see his reflection. He found a thick black mop on the top of his head and his face, he had color and life. Luke stared at his hands and saw strength. Muscle covered his arms and chest. I ran over here!

The smile on his face turned from a smile, to a grin, to a laugh, to a roar. Life surged through him. It was too perfect. I am alive. I create reality. I am God. Luke looked at his attire: a gown and no shoes. That would not do. He put on boots, jeans, a white button up shirt and a black tie. Luke slicked back his black hair; it was a look that felt like the new him.

As he straightened up, he saw dark clouds brewing. The sky was turning dark. Did the other people have this same ability as well? That would be a problem, Luke thought.
The new Sun was setting when Aaron touched down on the other planet. As he entered its atmosphere his cameras had spotted a cabin in a peaceful clearing so he knew exactly where to go. But he wasn't aware of what was waiting for him in the woods. Or who made it.

He stumbled into the clearing grasping the large, gushing gash on his arm. It took all his strength to rasp on the door faintly. He prayed someone would open the door. Spots appeared in his eyes as footsteps approached the door. A lady clearly older than him opened the door with a cheery expression on her face that instantly changed to worry when she saw his condition. "What hap-" she began.

"Help...me." he gasped. "Something...out...there." he said before collapsing on the front stoop.

She checked his pulse. "He's...dead." she announced to the residents of the cabin. The others either teared up or shook their heads. "So young." the man said.

"Help me bring him in!" the door greeter said.

"But he's dead."

"I won't leave him on the stoop!"

OOC- That's your cue Haruhi

Edit 8-15-2014: Patiently twiddling my thumbs here.
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(Quite sorry, the alert system is still a bit iffy)

She nodded. This Jack had a point, but they seemed to early in the game to actually do anything of note, unless it was just to supply themselves with knowledge and get a feel of their powers. There had to be something missing, something she could not really see at the moment. But then again, if they were gods here, then what power should they fear?

Each other of course.

That line of thought was broken when someone suddenly came into view, someone they didn't know about, and most likely someone like them. She didn't even care to give him a second glance, if he was someone like them then he should have known to produce something that could heal his wounds, maybe a green orb or some medical foam or something. She thought as she yawned.

She would take the couch as it turned out the owner of the house took the bed. She would only act if the other girl did, so she simply watched.

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