A well rounded Circle

Eh, our mortal group that includes a Djala...as far as I can tell their motivation is 'annoy the other players with my kleptomania until they turn me in to the law' or possibly 'hide really good so no one kills me'. Of course the entire lot has psychological problems...so miss klepto Djala is in good company...

The group includes:

Grendel the Bear, male mildly Wyld tainted mortal military engineer with a passionate hatred of the Fair Folk and a love of artillery as the answer to any problem

Shiko, female mortal terrestrial martial artist with a set of powerful combat artifacts, trying to prove herself, she has some issues of her own, and a dark past she barely remembers, as well as a nasty enemy

The klepto Djala ninja girl, also a terrestrial martial artist, who is supposed to be working as a scout for the group, and does occasionally come back with useful information...though occasionally comes back with a fair bit of hidden loot taken from others...which may cause trouble when those others are encountered

Mina, female mortal scavenger lord and thaumaturge, obsessed with making a big find, and frequently trying to hire or drag off the others so she can explore dangerous places with a bit of protection. Seems to be uncomfortable in Shadowlands, but perfectly willing to go in them if she'll get a chance at an ancient site.

We're possibly going to be adding a 100 gods monk if the fifth player become available on a more regular basis.

Of course the game is currently on hold until Grendel's player is available again.

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