A War to Shake Humanity


The rising moon
Character Skeleton:


Species: (please be specific I want to know what kind of demon or monster)

Age: (You have the life span of a human deal with it)

Power: (If monster/demon NA if human)


Appearance: (pictures are much obliged don't care what style)

Weaponry: (Most people in this world at least have a gun for self defense in this world)



Other info:

(As a note to everyone, I like to see peoples bios expand as the expand the character it makes me very happy to see people editing their character bios to be longer as they work.)

Name: Lucius Ringer

Species: Crystalline Demon

Age: 28

Power: Being a crystalline demon Lucius has the ability to reform his body into an obsidian like crystalline substance. This transformation can add to his current shape allowing him to extend his arms and legs out or even add new ones and the substance is very strong withstanding the same amount of force steel would.

Skills: Lucius is well skilled with his own powers but mostly boasts an ability to hold down a large amount of Alcohol and keep his cool in most situations. He doesn’t have any real combat training but his abilities make up for it.


Weaponry: He keeps a set of trench knives that he had when he still thought he was human as a decorative piece but found to be pretty effective once taken out of their display.

History: Lucius grew up like all the demons believing he was just another human being living his life. He was never one to be what society thought was normal though but managed to make a lot of friends. When he was young he was known to wander off into the neighborhood to greet all his neighbors and meet new people much to the dismay of his parents. He was also known to spend most of his time at school climbing around on things that weren’t exactly there for that purpose. Whenever asked by an adult why he was climbing a particular object he would simply say that the whole world is a playground and that he wanted to play on it. He kept this attitude all the way to middle school where he quickly found a love for performing arts and began to study acting over summers. He made friends with a lot of the other student actors he met and shared his philosophy of the playground of life with them. By the time he had reached high school this philosophy was still with him but he was slightly more reserved. He continued to act in his high schools theatre department and was known for being a very good comedic and dramatic actor but preferred to do comedic pieces as he liked to make the world seem lighter. Once he graduated he began working summers as a camp counselor for a kid’s drama camp using the money he made to pay his way through college to get a teaching credential in order to teach high school drama. When the war hit Lucius was easily able to hide the fact he had become a demon as his true nature only showed when he used his powers his species naturally appearing human aside from their obsidian chests. He used his favorite hoodie to hide this fact until he came upon a small shanty town. He learned that the people there were a mix between monsters and humans and quickly formed the Brothers in Light with them becoming their leader in order to help them organize. He never assumed he would stay their leader forever but he has taken the role happily.

Personality: Lucius has always been a happy person and gets along with others easily. He has kept his role of leader of the Brothers for so long because he is a natural leader and loves to meet new people. He is a heavy drinker but keeps it down well.

Other info: He is the leader of the Brothers in Light
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Name: Julia Starnight

Species: A halfbreed, half Dark Angel, Half Human, the Dark Angel part in her is Pain, but the human part in her covers it up

Age: 19

Power: Is telekinetic and has power to invade mind and cause pain, hates using her second power.

Skills: Has got good aim with a gun

Can cook, not the tastiest meal but... Also strong and fast, a good climber

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.96de2b03ae0739555b09ce18f21cfa28.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15255" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.96de2b03ae0739555b09ce18f21cfa28.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weaponry: a hunting knife and a shotgun, also has a pistol

History: Dad was a Dark Angel and Mom was human. They both were killed when others found out they made a halfbreed. Her mom was a Pure and her dad was a Possesed. Julia lived in her own for 10 years then joined The Fire of Hell. Was never accepted as one of them so was chased out. Julia now lives on her own and steals from the Pure to


Personality: Brave, Bold, Protective, Smart, and Curious. Julia is hated by mostly everyone just for being a halfbreed. Julia just wants to live her own life.

Other Info: Julia kinda wants to join the brothers in light, but is not that desperate.



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Framelilac said:
Name: Julia Starnight
Species: A halfbreed, half Dark Angel, Half Human, the Dark Angel part in her is Pain, but the human part in her covers it up

Age: 19

Power: Is telekinetic and has power to invade mind and cause pain, hates using her second power.

Skills: Has got good aim with a gun

Can cook, not the tastiest meal but... Also strong and fast, a good climber

Appearance: View attachment 45084

Weaponry: a hunting knife and a shotgun, also has a pistol

History: Dad was a Dark Angel and Mom was human. They both were killed when others found out they made a halfbreed. Her mom was a Pure and her dad was a Possesed. Julia lived in her own for 10 years then joined The Fire of Hell. Was never accepted as one of them so was chased out. Julia now lives on her own and steals from the Pure to


Personality: Brave, Bold, Protective, Smart, and Curious. Julia is hated by mostly everyone just for being a halfbreed. Julia just wants to live her own life.

Other Info: Julia kinda wants to join the brothers in light, but is not that desperate.
I like most of it but the idea that her parents died because she was a half breed may need to change, nobody knew anybody was a monster until this happened and we are assuming this takes place pretty soon after so she was born when everybody thought they were human.
DarkAncient said:
I like most of it but the idea that her parents died because she was a half breed may need to change, nobody knew anybody was a monster until this happened and we are assuming this takes place pretty soon after so she was born when everybody thought they were human.
Ok, I'll change it to that she grew up normally, but when war came she was discovered that she was a halfbreed so her parents were killed because halfbreeds were considered twisted and disgusting creatures
Framelilac said:
Ok, I'll change it to that she grew up normally, but when war came she was discovered that she was a halfbreed so her parents were killed because halfbreeds were considered twisted and disgusting creatures
fair enough thank you! One the change is made you are accepted but I would like to wait for at least three people to begin.
Name: Lenaus Heartweather

Species: Ignis Demon

Age: 22

Power: Lenaus uses lighting by shooting it out of his hands and can become lightning itself by moving at the speed of lightning.

However, Lenaus does not have an infinite source so he has to absorb forms of lightning.

Skills: Lenaus skills are mostly untapped but he does have some training in forging.


Weapon: Iron Gauntlets he's father forged and gave to him on his 18th birthday.

History: Lenaus was a very cheerful kid and mischievous. He would always play tricks in his neighborhood. His father was a blacksmith that forged mostly for movies. He was raised by his father alone. He would always hang around his dad's forge and sometimes help him out when he needed it. When he wasn't doing that he was either sleeping or causing chaos. He favorite trick was to set up fake blood on peoples front door's and lye there acting as if he was hurt. Lenaus would then spook them by uttering random phrases looking like he was on the edge of death. Then Lenaus would leap up and scream. He ended his habits coming to high school. He then joined a club that focused on finding monsters or ghosts. He decided that he didn't want to go to college and went on to join his father in the forge. Lenaus held close a picture of his mother holding him when he was born. When he finished high school he then went on with his life. His father forged a gauntlet that he gave to him on his birthday that he always wore. On the day the war began his features changed he gained blue eyes other than brown and his hair changed to a dark blue.He secluded himself from others and realizing that his father was human and his mother was actually an Ignis Demon. He decided that he couldn't stay with his father so he ran away to find a faction.

Personality: At first Lenaus was a very cheerful person but learning that he was a demon turned him to a cold person who didn't talk to anyone unless needed. Hes still holding on to hope to find a new family.

Other info: He took some supplies and is looking for the Fire of Hell
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Name: Lenina Knight, preferring Nina to the upset of her mother.

Species: Unbeknownst to her, she shares the genes of a powerful deity by the name of Gaia.

Age: Twenty-Four

Power: Knight displays a form of Terrakinesis, the ability to control the earth, most evidently in the form of a concrete/rock, type substance. She is able to create short concrete lances that she uses for torture purposes, these lances or 'shards' are impossible to remove from the victim once they have pierced the skin-apparently fusing to the victim's skeleton and leading to eventual death if not removed from her own whim. The young woman is also capable of covering entire bodies in concrete as well; using this ability as a transportation method by standing on a rock and lifting it, this method being held during combat by literally 'surfing' on top of the moving concrete underneath her, occasionally even willing herself to move underground in an attempt to evade enemies. Lenina is also able to create giant constructs made of stone, shifting structures in accordance to her need at the time, going so far as to occasionally create suits of armor. Her constructs resemble anything from buildings to giant golem-like creatures that can crush others underneath, gathering hard substances and firing multiple blasts toward foes.

Skills: A few more pronounced capabilities that Lenina possesses are a high stamina and quickness of feet, honed by years of running track.

Weaponry: Adept at using her granted abilities and inherent survival skills, Nina fares quite well in times of crisis, the knife that she keeps solely used to access basic needs.

History: Born as the daughter of a large banking conglomerate by the name of 'Knight Industries,' she'd never had to work a day in her life, the empty expanse of time being used to both train athletically and keep a constant eye on her grades. Mild-mannered and friendly, Lenina was not of the stereotypical noble-class persona, but much more down to earth, soaking up the relaxed traits of her now-deceased father, from which she assumes her powers originate from. Suddenly whisking him away by a twist of fate, Lenina had been thrown into the icy-grasp of her very own mother. Inheriting the company from her husband and turning it into billions, Claudia Knight became unstoppable, touching the shares of many worldwide businesses including her own. As the world caved in, those of the mundane turned toward their leaders, Claudia being included, forming a legion only known as The Pure. At the helm of it all, Claudia stands firmly placed as a cool and inhumane ruler, with a paradoxical daughter once at her side. Fearful of a wrath that awaited her, Lenina ran into the shadows and away from the steel walls that promised constant protection, knowing that in the eyes of her mother and those around, she would only be considered a monster.

Personality: Intelligent with a humanity that many lack within the new earth, Lenina is an even rarer species of her own. Though she has grown more protective of the self and less trusting, there is a deep hope etched into her very veins, only wishing for peace.

Other info: Through looking for a place to call her own, Nina feels almost torn between the sudden sides fighting for her soul, as both The Fires of Hell and Brothers of Light call to the lost lamb that she is.
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Name: Caelen

Species: demon

Age: 32

Power: able to manipulate shadows and darkness into many shapes.

skills: is a skilled assassin using his control over darkness to hide himself. is skilled in the use of the halberd(using darkness to form the weapon.

(minus the metal collar)

Weaponry:despite his ability to form weapons he always keeps a collection of daggers in either sleeve of his coat. 5 per sleeve.

History: Caelen was raised by a wealthy family until the age of 17 where he set out on his own to explore the world. when the change hit he decided to hide out until he was ready to emerge believing himself strong enough.

Personality: Caelen is a cold uncaring individual with a sadistic streak towards enemy's. he also is overconfident about his abilities which causes him to underestimate his opponents.

Other info: Caelen does not lean towards any particular faction preferring to travel alone than in groups.

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