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Fandom A very picky partner search - Oc x Oc, MxF, Fandom or Original


New member
Roleplay Type(s)
Welcome! You can call me Kyle. I identify as male, he/him, 18+ (who remembers their age beyond that point really), EST. I like to think I'm very literate but I'm sure there will be a couple of spelling mistakes in this post that will make that seem like a lie 👀. Let's get into the nittiest of the gritties.

Here are some of my basic rp rules before we get too deep into things:

- preferably my partner would be 18+, like myself. I dont mind if our characters are underage (talking like 15-18, not 10-12)
- i have no issues with mature themes such as drugs, alcohol, death, sexual themes, etc. but I'm not a fan of super edgy stuff like excessive violence, blood, dismemberment, addiction, or any of that
- as mentioned in the thread name, OC x OC, no canon characters here please
- descriptive writing style, no two word or two line responses. Im not going to be a stickler for exact reply length but I do ask for at least two paragraphs. I will be holding myself to that as well, but the longer the reply the better.
- no pressure on replying instantly, i know people get busy and I myself may not reply much more than once a day / a couple of times a week depending on my irl stuff. But if you do have something going on that will take you away for a few days, please let me know beforehand so I don't panic, because the anxiety is sadly very real.
- Ideally I'd be looking for someone to play a female character, as I live for the romantic subplot. I only do MxF pairings for our focus OC's, but I'm perfectly fine if you have LGTBQ side characters. I will probably end up having a few scattered around here and there as well.
- Having said that, romance is not a requirement if it would make you uncomfortable. Just fair warning, romance stories tend to hold my interest a lot longer than platonic ones.
- please no mary/gary sue. I live for the drama. I breathe the drama. Let me have my drama. Dont solve big problems in a single reply.
- i have no real triggers, but please tell me up front if you have any that i should be aware of. Im not afraid to go dark with my characters backstories and i need to know what to avoid.
- i usually play 1 main character and a countless number of side characters as they are needed. I ask you do the same.
- If you start losing interest in the rp, please let me know! No hard feelings at all, and I'd rather be told than just never hear from you again. Once again, the anxiety is real.
- I enjoy making friends so OORP talk is appreciated, but of course only as far as you are comfortable with.
- Help me make a plot! I can usually come up with a basic plot structure on my own, but I'd like my potential partners to contribute ideas to the rp as well. Let's build a story together.
- please no doom and gloom all the time. I want our stories to have up and downs, just as many happy times as there are sad times. Too much sad stuff is just depressing and boring.
- I'm looking for someone to rp with for a long time, not just for a few months. Please be in it for the long haul.

Have I scared you off yet? No? Good! I'm sure everyone is still here and interested! I am so sorry I know I'm being super picky.

Now for my fandoms:
- Sword Art Online
- Genshin Impact
- Pokemon
- Digimon
- My Hero Academia
- One Piece
- Most Magical School anime
- others I'm sure

If you have a series you're craving, feel free to ask if I know it! If we come up with an interesting plot and some fun characters, then I'd likely be willing to give anything a shot. You can also pitch your original rp ideas to me if you'd like and we can see where we end up!

Writing samples can be sent upon request.

Thanks for reading to the end if you made it this far. Send me a PM if you're interested, I'm looking forward to making some new friends!

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