A Vampiric Lifestyle

Not really. Darkness went berserk again, All of these damn hunters tried to kill us. and right now Darkness is trying to find Emarni and Freyja. Emarni fell and scrapped her knees and Freyja found her.
Name: Antonio Redgrave

Role: Enemy

Species: Human

Age: 24

Weapon: Antonio's weapon is an enchanted crucifix capable of turning into a sword, chain whip, hammer, and halberd. Its very touch burns undead and demons.


Fears: The destruction of Christianity, firey damnation

Hot coffee, Catholicism, and a job well done

Vampires, witches, the gradual decay of society under the weight of its own decadence, Protestants, demons.

Background information:
Antonio is a member of the Catholic church, trained exorcist, and monster hunter. Laid back and kind, he travels from town to town, spreading the good word and eliminating the various demons that no doubt infest it.

During his travels, he has taken an oath of poverty, and has no possessions save his clothes and his crucifix. It was probably a bad decision, considering how big the continent is.
Name: Emily Smith

Role: Enemy

Species: Human

Age: 24

Weapon: Pen throwing


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/2014-04-10-642987.jpeg.a823b8a591669746ddb9431bb4f9dc53.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28567" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/2014-04-10-642987.jpeg.a823b8a591669746ddb9431bb4f9dc53.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fears: Losing her client. Not getting married by age 25.

Money, making money, using money, kids

Nicholas not listening, losing potential gigs, men

Background information:
A young and aspiring agent who was lucky enough to get Nicholas as a client. She hates the whole "fight vampires for free" thing and would rather him NOT put himself in danger. Either way, she will go out of her way to protect her money make- err client.

Has a soft spot for sweets.



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Name: Friedrich Von Schloss (Real name William Cunningham)

Role: Child of the Night (Schoolkid)

Species: A Real Vampire (Isn’t really a vampire)

Age: His physical age is 16, but he believes that he is actually much older and has only recently awoken from his imprisonment in his pitiable Human body.

Weapon: Powerful necrotic blasts of energy (Water balloons) and what might be a real katana all the way from Japan.


Fears: Sunlight, garlic, silver, holy water, crucifixes, peanuts and products which contain peanuts

Vampirism, deep poetry, retro indie games, dubstep, alternative rock, anime, morbid things

Being misunderstood, people who suggest that he isn't really a vampire, stupid people

Background information:
He is the son of an incredibly wealthy family. Unlike most wealthy families you hear of in stories, however, his is quite nice. They honestly don’t mind him playing vampire all the time, and praise his imagination. Friedrich, however, kind of wishes they would get just a little upset. Their son is an undead abomination, after all. Ah, but such is the cursed life of a vampire.

It was only recently that he awoke to his strange, otherworldly powers. He’d started staying indoors more, eating Italian less, and quit going to church with his family. There could be only one explanation- he was a vampire. When he told his parents, they said that that was nice and to wash up for dinner. They didn’t understand. Nobody could understand.

Despite being a misunderstood child of the night, he’s not too bad a guy. He writes poetry to help people understand him, and loves to recite his pieces to anyone who will listen.
CSA said:
Name: Friedrich Von Schloss (Real name William Cunningham)
Role: Child of the Night (Schoolkid)

Species: A Real Vampire (Isn’t really a vampire)

Age: His physical age is 16, but he believes that he is actually much older and has only recently awoken from his imprisonment in his pitiable Human body.

Weapon: Powerful necrotic blasts of energy (Water balloons) and what might be a real katana all the way from Japan.


Fears: Sunlight, garlic, silver, holy water, crucifixes, peanuts and products which contain peanuts

Vampirism, deep poetry, retro indie games, dubstep, alternative rock, anime, morbid things

Being misunderstood, people who suggest that he isn't really a vampire, stupid people

Background information:
He is the son of an incredibly wealthy family. Unlike most wealthy families you hear of in stories, however, his is quite nice. They honestly don’t mind him playing vampire all the time, and praise his imagination. Friedrich, however, kind of wishes they would get just a little upset. Their son is an undead abomination, after all. Ah, but such is the cursed life of a vampire.

It was only recently that he awoke to his strange, otherworldly powers. He’d started staying indoors more, eating Italian less, and quit going to church with his family. There could be only one explanation- he was a vampire. When he told his parents, they said that that was nice and to wash up for dinner. They didn’t understand. Nobody could understand.

Despite being a misunderstood child of the night, he’s not too bad a guy. He writes poetry to help people understand him, and loves to recite his pieces to anyone who will listen.
Byayua Togami! Oh my god, I hate that guy. (Sorry but everyone must know of my hatred for him).
I hate the guy too, but he looked the most how I imagined Friedrich so what're you gonna do?

You'll be happy to know that, personality-wise, they're pretty dang different.

They're both super high school level rich as Hell though.
Fair enough, fair enough. They should have just called him the Super Duper High School Snob because he looks down on everyone. He's just like "Begone, plankton..." Then, he drifts away to count his money.
I hated him because he basically told everyone that he was going to end up killing somebody right from the beginning and then, through like six murders, nobody decided to kill the guy that was actually competent and posed a real threat.

I was pointing at Byakuya the whole time, shouting "Him! Kill him! This guy right here! The one guy who literally spends every day reading up on how to commit the perfect murder! THIS DUDE!"

If anyone at all decided to kill Byakuya and Kirigiri, the remaining cast would be far too stupid and incompetent to ever figure it out even if you left a note saying that you did it. Even Naegi is completely useless without Byakuya and Kirigiri to bounce crap off of. That's how you win in Danganronpa.
Naegi was awful even from the beginning. You could tell who was going to try and kill people! It was so obvious (at least, I thought it was). I would've killed Byakuya straight away. Like "Oh, we have to kill someone to escape?" *subtly strangles Byakuya*
Name: Father Eugene Ardenzio

Role: Frenemy

Species: Human.

Age: 19

Weapon: Blessed weapons sanctioned by the Vatican. A blade shaped like a cross that when thrown always returns, he has several hidden on him and can be combined to various shapes. He also has blessed clothing. He also has vials of holy water, several lighters and a stake.



Fears: Death, but who doesn't?


Dislikes:Scum of the world

Background information:Not much is known about him but it is well established that anyone that the Vatican keeps secret is very dangerous.

Name: Kinsly Bradley

Role: (Family, Friend, Enemy, or just someone random) Enemy

Species: (If family, must be a vampire.) Vampire

Age: (Age is only but a number.) Looks in his 40's

Weapon: (If any. And a picture if you would be so kind.) He typically carries around swords. He actually skilled with any kind or blade. He also keeps two knives in his boots.


Appearance: (Picture please, Anime Preferred)



Living a meaningless life


Killing His enemies



Background information: He's the leader of the Seven Vampires of the Uroboros or for short SVO. He's a psuedo vampirea granted the ability of an eye that sees all around him qnd grants precognition. He also has a good rate of regenration like the other SVO members.

Other: The Seven Vampires of the Urorboros

Gregory- Known for his ability to harden his skin. His limbs are only vulnerable to things like Shinn's sword but his torso and head are vulnerable to the stronger forms of weapons. He has two henchmen of his own. They're ninja that carry a wealth of hidden weapons, one of has a hidden blade in their arm.

Toju: Known for his ability to literally eat anythint and never stops eating, What he eats goes into an infinite dimension within himself.

Violetta- She has the ability use her finger and elongate them to use them as powerful and far reaching spears.

Emma- The shape shifter with one really beastly true for like a cross between a T Rex and a a green wolf.

Rod- A slow minded giant, with unbelievably fast speed. His skin is very solid as well, it all hurts but you'd need a rocket launcher or grenade to scratch him.

Kidd- He can manipulate the shadows and to create horrible beast that do his bidding. 
@KroNicc115 Awaiting acceptance
Name: Gemma Bones

Role: Emarni's best friend

Species: Human

Age: 12

Weapon: None.




- Losing her friends

- Bullies

- Horror movies

- Embarrassment


- Shopping

- Her friends

- Chocolate

- Boy bands


- The dark

- Books

- Name calling

- Scary things

Background information:

Gemma is Emarni's best friend forever. They met when they were around four or five and have been friends ever since. She has no idea that her best friend is a vampire but she knows that something is definitely going on. Whilst she has to been to the Kieran house, she's only been once or twice. She always begging Emarni to invite her round more often but Emarni is very reluctant.

Name: Eve Liligrove

Role: Emarni's other best friend.

Species: Human (spiritual medium)

Age: 10

Weapon: None




- Death

- Possession

- Shopping

- Germs


- Darkness (she has a crush on him but that's not going anywhere....)

- Books

- Movies

- Acting


- Posers

- "Fortune tellers"

- Mean people

- Stupid people

Background information:

Eve is Emarni's other best friend that Emarni only met when they were eight or nine. They've been best friends ever since though. Eve doesn't know that Emarni's a vampire either, she thinks the family is just eccentric. As a medium, Eve can often senses nearby spirits and occasionally communicate with them. But she's not very good at it yet.

As co-creator of this roleplay, I hereby accept my own characters xD

Michael Adam Novak

Role: Johnny Gallant (Enemy)

Species: Human

Age: 55

Weapons: While he has access to a massive variety of weapons of all kinds, he always carries a gun which resembles a larger Webley Fosbery automatic revolver with sandalwood grips, the signature pistol of his famous character Johnny Gallant. Real Webley-Fosberys are old guns chambered for obsolete cartridges with an unreliable if creative semiauto action, appreciated only for their distinctive looks and value as historic pieces. Johnny Gallant's gun is special. It's more reliable than modern revolvers, has just enough recoil and muzzle flash that it looks manly without being bothersome and packs a punch equal to modern high power cartridges such as .454 casull.

Bullets fired from this pistol ignore abilities and conditions that might render regular bullets useless, making them equally deadly against the supernatural and the mundane, and Michael can perform trick shots where the bullets bounce off of surfaces or follow curved paths towards their targets, though his revolver is still a sixshooter that requires reloading. Because the top break action where the empty casings are ejected automatically is really cool to watch. He's also a fairly skilled hand to hand fighter, as befits a proper action hero.

Appearance: He's...probably seen better days. He's definitely seen better days.


-El Chupacabra

-A serious relationship


-Good food and drink in copious amounts

-A balance between blood-pumping action and periods of peace and quiet

-Weapons. He always carries his revolver but has access to the kind of armory that inspires gun control rallies and FPSes


-Being dragged into action when he's looking for some peace and quiet

-Life being boring and uneventful when he's looking for action

-Positively hates being interrupted when he's eating, sleeping, in the shower or in the can

Background information:

Michael Adam Novak came into prominence in his 20s as Johnny Gallant, a leather-clad, athletic monster hunter with an attitude who confronted the things that lurked in the dark with his trusty revolver. The movies were early examples of feature films being shot in shakycam style and the violence in them was so realistic it created a controversy over whether they weren't the work of a crew of violent lunatics. The following investigations cleared Novak and his crew and helped the films attain massive popularity.

For over 20 years Novak released a seemingly endless stream of films where Johnny Gallant faced off against monsters from all over the world, meeting a colorful cast of allies always played by unknown but talented actors which were often hired locally to add credibility to the characters they portrayed and who tended to vanish into complete obscurity after their roles were over. Eventually, however, Novak was deemed old news, a guy with no range who insisted on doing the same kinds of films over and over, and he lost much of his popularity. He retired from the public eye to enjoy the fruits of his previous success, resurfacing every once in a while with self-made shorts posted online or in a few interview shows or documentaries.

One quirk that helped increase Novak's popularity was the complete dedication to staying in character not just himself but everyone involved in making his films has. Even today, they will claim that everything that was filmed were the true adventures of a monster hunter with a special kind of gun and that the people involved were actually being killed on-screen. Only the names were changed to protect the innocent. It was kinda cute in a silly way, like an old pro-wrestler who won't drop a violently racist character long after he's stopped being relevant.

Thing is, though, that they're being completely serious. His movies are actually the filmed exploits of a hunter and his crew as they face off against the things that go bump in the night. The creatures killed were legitimate as were the injuries and the deaths of many a friend and ally. It's an incredibly well kept secret, protected by a general refusal to believe in something so silly-sounding, and even some supernaturals have mistaken the things for harmless entertainment until they were paid a visit by Novak himself.

Other: No really, he has a LOT of weapons. Of all kinds. Everywhere. His house, his cars, all over the place. You were warned.
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Name: Kevin

Cannibal, Murderer, "A doer of God's work"

Species: Human

Age: Unknown

Weapon: Metal claws

Kevin often wears a sweater with a single stripe across it. He wears an outdated pair of glasses and looks relatively harmless. Underneath his sweater is evidence of a plaid under-shirt, which folds over the neck of the sweater. He wears a neutral expression, showing no human emotion.

Fears: Kevin used to feel remorse and sadness when he was younger, there is little evidence of that now. Upon speculation, it seems there are not many things that he fears....

Likes: Cannibalism. Reading (particularly the Bible). Bishop Roark, a Priest who adopted him and treated him like a son. Solitude.

Dislikes: Not having enough "food" to eat. Interruptions. Annoyances.

Background information: Kevin's origin is unknown, but he lives on the outskirts of a crime-filled city called Basin City, or Sin City as most call it. Bishop Roark allows Kevin to stay at an old farmhouse and kidnap people to feed his craving for human flesh. When he was younger, he went to religious consoling after discovering his murdering and cannibalistic tendencies, feeling remorse for the murders he has committed. Bishop Roark was convinced that Kevin was doing "God's work" and soon joined him in the cannibalism. The farmhouse is where Kevin usually spends his time, but now.....he wants a vacation.

Other: None...but of course the picture of the character does not belong to me, nor does the character itself. The metal claws picture is also not mine!
Okay everyone who had a character made from @Mintsong to Right before this post is accepted. Just post intros and implement yourself into the story as such. :)

Name: Aceline Meyers

Role: Neutral, for now.

Species: Ici. These ancient creatures are born with white hair and blue/purple eyes. They have the ability to teleport and have increased endurance. They don't eat, and gain their energy in starlight.

Age: 2000 years, 25 physically

Weapon: Below

Appearance: Wears long red cloak with white shirt and black pants. Her eyes are purple, and her hair is short and white. In Ici tradition, she is always barefoot, but wraps white tapes of bandages around her heels and feet to protect them.

Fears: Drowning (Can't swim), Losing her powers

Likes: Stars, Noble Battles, Books, Organization

Dislikes: Treachery, Arrogance, People Who Joke Around Too Much, Being Manipulated

Background information: Aceline seems to have been in town forever, though no one seems to know when she arrived. She's the local bartender, and enforces the rules of her tavern very strictly.

Other: None of these pictures belong to me.

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