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Fantasy A vampire's masquerade ball (Allows accepting and OPEN)

Should the characters go on an adventure?


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Draken nodded at Jack's request. "Of course," he told him. Only Jack could hear. He looked forward, and stared at Kathrina. His eyes took her in. God, was she pleasing to look upon. He licked his lips at her. At the same time, he asked a question only she could hear. "Shall I come to your room later?" He was aware of growing tension. He would have to move fast.

@ArcticVoid @DarknessSpirit
Kathrina showed no emotion as he licked his lips. He played a game. That was it. Nothing else but a part of it. Yet she did want to know what it was. Why he did it. That guy who was unto him earlier would have to go, this Jack guy was of particular intreast as well. "To talk." She said simply to Drakens question. She stood politely. "I'll be in my rooms." She said simply, a sudden loss in her appetite. She gave Draken a look that said hurry up.

Kathrina stood and in a nice stature walked out of the room, they needed to talk.
Vasilisa smiled at Amara before getting up to stop Cane. "What are you doing?" She looked at his tools and grimaced. "Cane we don't know why he's here nor who he is. Don't rush into things. We need to discuss before we take action. She would place a soft hand on his to stop him and to get his attention.

@Hartley @sprouhtt
Cane already had his harness and knives in place. He shook her hand off and grab one pair of silver knuckles and put them inside his jacket. "That man is planning something, and I'd like to be prepared. Plus I have people to protect." He thought of Amara and he would never forgive himself if she got hurt. @sprouhtt @Aio
"Yes he is but we don't know what. Best we do is leave him be and if he tries something they we will engage." She was slightly hurt by him but kept a small smile on her face, her tone calm trying to keep it together as she spoke. Truth was she wanted Cane to kill the man right on the spot but she knew the consequences and knew it was irrational for her to think that.

Amara had already poured herself a glass a wine, wine is her favorite drink and she could drink it all night and day. As she took a sip she saw that Vasilisa had left the room and she left as well and followed her. Amara came to Cane's door and hear chatter, a mans voice and a women's voice. She had her suspicions but she trusted that Cane wouldn't do that. She knocked on the door before opening it, she found Vasilisa and Cane. He was heavily armed for some apparently reason and she was about to find out why, "Cane what's the meaning of this? I didn't know you were going to war," She told him as she put her one free hand on her hip as she took a sip of her wine. @Hartley @Aio
Cane closed his coat and nodded. "Fine, ok. We will wait, but if he hurts anyone of us ill kill him without hesitation." He hugged her hoping she would know he wanted to protect her and everyone else. @Aio
Cane looked at Vasilisa. "Care to explain to Amara the situation? She deserves to know and help her be safe." @Aio
"Help me be safe?" She told Cane as she took a huge sip of the rest of her drink; gulping it down. She looked around and saw the crate and knew it wouldn't be good. Amara hoped that it wasn't anything terrible that they tell her but she knew what she had thought would be a lie since Cane is so prepared for whatever comes his way. She looked at Vasilisa and waited for her to explain. @Hartley @Aio
She grew tense at the hug, never really used to such close contact before she sighed and pushed away. Turning to Amara and smiling sadly as she walked towards her and took her hands in hers. "Amara...you know the man that Cane and Ciro were speaking to at dinner? He is very dangerous and very unpredictable. I know you can take care of yourself but you need to stay away from him. He has plan and we aren't quite sure what it is yet." She didn't really know what else to say and wasn't sure if Amara would even listen to her. Dropping her hands from hers as she sighed and dropped back to let Cane speak in case she missed something.

@Hartley @sprouhtt
Amara saw the hug that Cane gave Vasilisa and she let it slide knowing that Vasilisa has no intentions on behind her back. When Vasilisa had told of her of what was happening she thought this was wildly crazy that someone would try and do that. She walked over to the small coffee table and put her glass down. "I am capable of taking care of myself, but if I do need help I will come to you both as soon as possible. I don't think I would get into any trouble with him," She said. @Aio @Hartley
Cane approached Amara and closed the door, sealing it for a moment with the wind. "Just be very cautious around him, and don't underestimate him. That man is very dangerous, I can tell even when compared to me and Vasilisa combined." @sprouhtt @Aio
"I've fought him earlier today and his strength is something not to be tested. Though he is younger by standards he is definitely not a newborn. I wouldn't have been able to control him so easily." She knew her age had been a factor in her winning but she relied on it more than ever when she fought him. "He's sunk his claws into that poor girl." She muttered as she sat getting lost in thought as she tapped her fingers on the table beside her.

@Hartley @sprouhtt
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As Kathrina went up to her rooms, she paused just outside of her own room, with her vampire heading she started to intently listen in, she walked into her room, then sat down and listens intently to the conversation that was going on between some people, talking about Draken from the sound of it.
Amara watched as he closed the door," I will, no need to worry." She told him seeing how worried they both looked. Amara heard that Visilisa had said quietly, "What girl?" She asked and walked over to where she was sitting. She sat down right next to him and put her hand on Vasilisa's back. @Hartley @Aio
She flinched slightly at her touch before relaxing as she spoke. "The girl that was with him at dinner. She was the one who helped him in the castle and nursed him back to health. Poor thing can't tell it's all a ruse." Vasilisa sounded genuinely sad, though she was mostly genuine about any emotions she showed. She became dizzy as she realized she left her filled cup of blood back in the dining hall and sighed deciding to stick it out.

@sprouhtt @Hartley
Cane saw Vasilisa looked a little hungry and reached into his cabinet, pulling out a personal bottle of blood. "Vasilisa, here. I keep this around just in case." Cane turned towards Amara and sighed. "I could feel his power when he walked into the dining hall. It would be difficult taking him down but it could be done if played right. Dracula is probably the only one who could easily take him on...." Cane trailed off, remembering how vast and powerful the Host had been just standing in front of him. He shivered and shook the fear off for a moment. @Aio @sprouhtt
She graciously took the bottle as she sipped it quietly regaining her strength quickly before she spoke. "I'm going to go have a chat with him before the night is over." She stated, she didn't want anyone to tell her otherwise. She needed to speak with him, to understand him. There was hope in the back of her mind that he was genuine but knew he probably was not. After a few minutes she finished the bottle and placed it on the table quietly. Looking at the two, making a promise in her head that made her smile slightly.

@Hartley @sprouhtt
Amara still had her hand on Vasilisa's back comforting her and rubbing her back gently," We could ask Dracula to have a word with him but we aren't certain for sure that this man means harm." She told him not really know what had really happened in the dinning hall. She heard what he had said to the both of them, "Please be careful when speaking to him, would you like Cane and I to assist you?" Amara asked offering her help and support. @Hartley @Aio
"No." She said feeling as though she said it rather too quickly as she tried to justify herself. "I feel as though it might overwhelm him and cause him to become hostile. If that happens it will become harder to gain his trust." She wasn't about to let her chance to understand him slip through her fingers. She thought it important to understand those even if you didn't agree. "Thank you for the offer though, I really do appreciate you wanting to help."

@sprouhtt @Hartley
Cane nodded at the question of Dracula, having just thought of the man himself. "Just informing our host would be a good idea honestly. He's a reasonable man and might be able to help, and he is the most powerful person in this castle." Cane unsealed the door when Vasilisa had said she was gonna go talk to the man. Did she believe he could be reasoned with? Maybe, but most likely not. "If you are gonna go talk to him, please be careful." @sprouhtt @Aio
"Good luck," She told Vasilisa and watched as she headed out, she had forgotten the blood that was in the glass. Amara took the glass and held it in front of her but just below her nose she took in a sniff. It smelled metallic and raw but she thought that it possibly smelled really delicious to the other vampires, like Vasilisa and Cane. She put the glass cup back on the table. @Hartley @Aio
Vasilisa smiled as she headed out in search of the man who attacked her. As she walked she began to second guess herself, wondering i she could actually gain this man's trust or if she could even speak to him for the matter. She wondered if he was still sore about what had happened earlier, hoping he knew that was the only thing she could do to stop him from hurting others. She sniffed the air trying to follow his scent wich was surprisingly rather strong.

@Hartley @sprouhtt @DaManofWar

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